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@Danchou Tsubomi

Love the charrie! And that rp seems pretty interesting to! May have to keep an eye on that!

[SIZE= 13px]thank you!
i feel like she'll be more fun than my other characters as she has less restraint, ahaha[/SIZE]

im just teasing ^^ yush cool charrie :>

[SIZE= 13px]ahahaha i know :^)
joking about horrible things is my favorite tbh
which kind of doesn't help me irl because being quiet and dark doesn't give the impression of "good friend that totally won't kill you"[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]what makes you think that?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]all my characters are stolen inspired from all sorts of media[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]but they're still pretty similar...?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i think i have a character preference or something[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]like green-haired anime girls who are kuudere and are actually super kind with that kind of ponytail thing going on
let us talk about Taiyang Xiao Long for a second.

He lost two wives. Had a child with each of those wives. The first up and left because it would make their child stronger, but honestly just made her a bit odd. The second one he couldn't protect, and let die.

Just imagine this.

everytime he looks at yang.
he sees the woman who hated him so much she left
then he looks at ruby
and sees the woman he couldn't protect.

how does he keep it together?
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[SIZE= 13px]idk[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]but from what i've seen[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]he really loves his kids[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]so maybe he doesn't think too much about their mothers[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]instead[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]he thinks more about how strong and wonderful they are[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]or something like that[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]idk[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i have a headache so my brain is dead[/SIZE]
let us talk about Taiyang Xiao Long for a second.

He lost two wives. Had a child with each of those wives. The first up and left because it would make their child stronger, but honestly just made her a bit odd. The second one he couldn't protect, and let die.

Just imagine this.

everytime he looks at yang.
he sees the woman who hated him so much she left
then he looks at ruby
and sees the woman he couldn't protect.

how does he keep it together?

Im about to watch the latest ep of RWBY, so I dont know about what that ep shows atm

but hes based on the cowardly lion, so... he doesnt? not really? he just jokes around?

Also theres that theory that Qrow is actually Rubys dad, right? :P

[SIZE= 13px]what makes you think that?[/SIZE]


ohhhh i know ;)  i know lol
I forgot Tai was a rendition of the lion. Good to be reminded. Also if any of you find any rwby rps let me know, I have been hunting. Other then that we seem to have slowed down again.
I forgot Tai was a rendition of the lion. Good to be reminded. Also if any of you find any rwby rps let me know, I have been hunting. Other then that we seem to have slowed down again.

[SIZE= 13px]ahh i've been working on my own rp so far[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]not sure if it'll get as noticed (i should probably bump the interest check) but it's basically gonna be a rp that takes place in atlas instead of beacon and stuff[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]we're still working on it[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]but if you feel like it you can totally check it out ^^[/SIZE]
I will check it out for sure. And I was busy as well today, went up north and snowmobiled all day, it was nice but painful at the same time because of all the ruts.
[SIZE= 13px]that sounds like fun[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i haven't tried snowmobiling before[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]do you have a lot of experience with that sort of thing?[/SIZE]
Yeah, I have been doing it my whole life, that and ATV riding. I life in the middle of nowhere so sadly it's the only fun thing I could do till I got a car. Guess I could be considered slightly a hillbilly coming from a town of them.
[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]oh wow[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]where i live, we don't get much sun or snow[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]it's just constantly rainy, heh[/COLOR]
I get everything except natural disasters. It's cool to see how diverse places like RPN are. I was once in an rp with a wide array of people where we just spent a night on discord learning about the different places each of us were from. I had only known two foreign people till college so it's a culture shock for me.
[SIZE= 13px]it is cool!
a lot of people i met here are american like i am, though i grew up with a lot of people from other countries[/SIZE]
So I had an amazing D&D session earlier as a Bolt Ace(Crossbow man). It can be compared to something out of assassin's creed to be honest.
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Two separate instances of note happened that were very noteworthy.

The first instance, 3 of the party of 5 fell off of a bridge into a giant spider's web and were caught in the web while the spider advances. Meanwhile I and the other person are looting a chest when we hear the screams of the party for us to help them deal with the spider. Seeing no other alternative, my character grabs his crossbow and leaps off the bridge towards the web. While he's falling, I score a critical hit(double damage) and kill the spider in one hit while falling.

The second instance, we get to a room where one of our party is held captive by our enemies and I'm in complete stealth(can't see or hear me, even my own party can't). I have spider climbing boots(climb on walls) and I climb the walls positioning myself on the ceiling while they distract the enemies. I score another critical hit and bring down the boss to 3/4ths of his original health so that the rest of the party can finish him off.

All in all, great session. 
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