OOC Chat

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Posted, you all should be able to converse freely now.

[SIZE= 13px]sweet :D [/SIZE]

*waits for curor ;( *

[SIZE= 13px]ahaha rip[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]also someone help me[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]i have a song stuck in my head [/SIZE][SIZE= 13px]and i feel like it fits natsuki [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]but not really [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]what a dilemma [/SIZE]
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[SIZE= 12px]What song is it? Also you can talk to NPCs if you like. You do not have to they are just there if you need them.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]ah, it's this super cutesy upbeat j-pop cover with super mopey lyrics
it's probably not most people's thing but i'll put it here anyways lol
the only reason why i feel like it fits natsuki is because of that tone i mentioned
she acts super polite and happy though she's really confused about the things around her and just ignores her problems by bottling it up

and cool :))
i think i'll wait for someone to reply first tho[/SIZE]
oh this is getting saucy

[SIZE= 13px]did someone say sauce [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]i love condiments[/SIZE]

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