OOC Chat

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[SIZE= 12px]You all terrify me more then you can imagine. I will wait for everyone to be around so I can bring Flint, have him explain some things including missions. Then we will timeskip to either an easy mission or a hard one, I am leaning towards hard, like it was supposed to be easy but everything goes downhill sort of thing.[/SIZE]
Oh yea X3 itd be cool, if there was 1 human in our ship, but then it wouldnt be "party animals" i guess lol

Also, im totally down for things going downhill X3
[SIZE= 12px]You all terrify me more then you can imagine. I will wait for everyone to be around so I can bring Flint, have him explain some things including missions. Then we will timeskip to either an easy mission or a hard one, I am leaning towards hard, like it was supposed to be easy but everything goes downhill sort of thing.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 13px]never underestimate the shippers lolol[/SIZE]

I mean we should have more than 2 people posting so....

[SIZE= 13px]is it my turn to post? i just got on kind of recently and i woke up early today, so my brains like ehhhhhhhhhh
if it is then i'll go type something up lol[/SIZE]
[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)] i'll get a post up i think 
sorry i kind of got distracted w/ my art requests 
when i draw i get super focused and forget even eating ahahaha[/COLOR]
Take all the time you guys need, I do not mind the wait. I am still trying to get the plot down to a science seeing how the show recently has been unveiling there plot and it somewhat is the same as what I was going for in a sense so im straying away and still trying to make it unique. But I have a long time till I have to put it fully into action.
[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)] pretty busy o-o
i showed people a drawing i did and then i got a bunch of PMs of people wanting me to draw their characters ahaha[/COLOR]
[SIZE= 12px]Well if it gets too overwhelming don't be afraid to put the foot down. I just laid around all day, but thats most of my days, the area I live in is very boring.[/SIZE]
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