OOC Chat

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[SIZE= 12px]My next Flint post is a timeskip. Thought you wanted to get to know your team XD. Now Olivia is surrounded by guys.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]also feel free to interrupt natsuki's video call she really doesn't want to be doing it lol[/SIZE]
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See's everyone is at different table's

Olivia's reaction: "Welp, fuck that."



Yay Calm's here!!! Are you the A to our OSEA? Dear ol Olivia is swimming in a sea of Testosterone now 

Oh and @Danchou Tsubomi

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.
Is that why she hadn't listened to the rest of her talk. Cause the phone person interrupted her? That wasn't nice. She probably wanted to listen to Olivia talk! She should help her. So she did, by grabbing the phone out of her hand and putting it to her face.

"Hello? Is this the right end of the Scroll? Eh, just wanted to let you know, kinda interrupted Natsuki's and I's talk. Which is a tiiinnny bit rude. Just saying. Know what I mean phone man? Can i call you phone man?" She took a loud bite out of the raw yam, the crunch likely ringing loudly over the phone. Not that Olivia would notice.

[SIZE= 13px]RIP me sides ahahahahahaha

natsuki's going to have a stroke[/SIZE]
I haven't read Olvia's post fulyl but..

she just..

did she push everyone together?


And aw shucks you guys 

Figured after my long silence I should put something up worth reading!

And Lilla Sky interaction=cute, also jelly Olivia
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