OOC Chat

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Okay, I'll be home in an hour...

I hope Lilla doesn't cry in front of everyone.

By that I hope she does
[SIZE= 13px]hahaha if our ocs met us they'd be so mad at much we make them suffer XD[/SIZE]


just everyone hears crying and lilla broke down at the arena and is sobbing.

what a scene, the stoic, hoodie wearing faunus, crying, and broken.
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"Aw, don't worry about Skye! She may seem a little scary, but she can be really fun! And her wings are super soft! Don't worry, she'll come around." she finished her statement with a wink. Or was it a blink? Kind of hard to tell with somebody that has one eye.


[SIZE= 13px]i'm sorry that's the first thing that came to mind when i was reading[/SIZE]
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