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[SIZE= 13px]i-i've been spotted! [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]how could this be[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]je parle français et je suis triste :'(([/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]parce que c'est magnifique[/SIZE]
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[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]je suis désolé :'((

je ne suis pas f[/COLOR][SIZE= 13px]rançaise mais je parle [/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]f[/COLOR][SIZE= 13px]rançais

do you guys know how hard it is to find the right characters and accents for this language lolol[/SIZE]
[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]je suis désolé :'((

je ne suis pas f[/COLOR][SIZE= 13px]rançaise mais je parle [/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)]f[/COLOR][SIZE= 13px]rançais

do you guys know how hard it is to find the right characters and accents for this language lolol[/SIZE]

Uh nope, literally never had that issue! I use a proper language! :D

(is legitimately feeling really bad about how racist im being right now lol)
Uh nope, literally never had that issue! I use a proper language! :D

(is legitimately feeling really bad about how racist im being right now lol)

[SIZE= 13px]ahahaha lol english is super weird tho
it's super germanic yet it has a bunch of latin stuff 
and it has tonnnns of borrowed words
so a lot of it's rules don't really make sense

(not to insult english 
english is super efficient compared to other languages
i mean seriously, there's not as much syllables and stuff
it gets to the point real quick)[/SIZE]

I sadly only know one language, I cannot feel the sadness of finding accents.

[SIZE= 13px]learning languages is super fun
french is a lot like english though getting used to the grammar structure is a bit of a pain at times
though it has a lot of english cognates to help you learn it 
(note: if you ever go to france for whatever reason, a librairie is not a library, it's a bookstore) [/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]Sadly once you start to grow up your brain cannot learn multiple languages, it is better to learn young. I tried to learn Spanish for multiple years but it never stuck.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]it's easier to learn languages at younger ages due to brain plasticity but it's never too late! 
i'm trying to pick up japanese but my french is way better ;v; 
i only know basic stuff hahah[/SIZE]
there was awhile i was obssessed with AVATAR the movie with the Na'vi x3 and i learned some of their language and actually used it in every day speak lol XP people had no idea what i was saying, but ive since mostly forgotten in again xD
[SIZE= 13px]oh wow that's super cool :))
most of the things i can say in french are just really bad jokes or references to stromae songs lol
as for the things i know in japanese...er...mostly weeaboo jokes and anime quotes, honestly
my favorite is thing to say to a bunch of kids at school is 「アニメわ間違いでした」 (the grammar probably sucks because i'm really bad at japanese; i had to look up a bunch of stuff to make sure i was spelling things right
typing japanese is easy if it's hiragana but then kanji shows up and my brain dies)[/SIZE]
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