OOC Chat

Post from Quarkie will take a while (give me another 12 hours) but Loki will get her plate in the next post.
So, what do you guys think of it so far? Anything that needs improvement?

I feel it's a bit early for me to have conclusive thoughts yet since the exams only started. But I can certainly say that I am having fun, especially in reading about what the other characters do in their posts. 
@Red, do you plan on making a post soon? I can't move this forward until you tell me which room you went into.
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I want to make sure I know how this works. Our characters would attack someone we think is the plant, and then you'll tell us who is and who isn't?

(And just to make sure, would simply attacking a non-plant have the water flow increasing even if they aren't unconscious?)
Yes. I'm okay with your posts being relitivly short, and I'm ok with you writing in the actions of NPCs so long as the go in line with what I've already described them doing. Also, the water flow only increases if a non-plant is unconscious.  

I'm slightly stumped in trying to think of what is a smart way to get through this without knocking everyone out. (Because my character cannot most likely)

Have you thought of what your character would do?

I'm slightly stumped in trying to think of what is a smart way to get through this without knocking everyone out. (Because my character cannot most likely)

Have you thought of what your character would do?

Same prob here. I was gonna have my character appeal to the other people's logical side. On that note, I personally think it's the woman who's the mole. But that's just me..
Same prob here. I was gonna have my character appeal to the other people's logical side. On that note, I personally think it's the woman who's the mole. But that's just me..

Yeah. I think Raymond talking and getting the group to stop the chaotic attacks might be good. Dunno if they'll listen to a small kid. 

I think it could be the woman as well. 
The only problem is that one needs to knock the person out before the water flow increases. I'd say we knock the woman out anyway because she's not restraining herself in her attacks, and that's not helpful for the situation. 

That bugs me too. Cause I don't think it's possible to knock out the mole. For all we know, the mole could already be a Hunter and he/she could wipe the floor with us. I think when we find out the mole and give logical reason why he/she's the mole, he/she'll submit peacefully. xD
@Quark and @Red[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] if your having trouble, think about what the moles might do in order to incite chaos while avoiding the possibility of their own defeat. In this case, the mole doesn't even need to do anything. In fact, simply disappearing would be the best thing for him or her right now.[/COLOR]

Does anyone else want a hint?
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Eh? He was, wasn't he. That or I'll have to reread it. Anyways, I'll post when my internet gets faster. Kinda shitty atm.
I'm sorry guys, I just haven't been in the right frame of mind lately.

I'm going to catch up on reading posts and try to post in the next 12 hours, sorry again.

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