OOC Chat

Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Sometimes its hard to find a community to stick with, but this place is good because it has so many people. Surely some of them have the same tastes as you, right?

I will admit, though, that sometimes my posts are a little slow in coming because of life. I'm not entirely sure that's indicative of my higher age, changed priorities, or just coincidence.
@The One Llama to Rule All @Quark

Okay I finally caught up and and read the Broken X Bread thread as well. Which is pretty fun by the way. 

I definitely agree that you guys wrap up your current scene and take an airship to another city before then we make a new thread. 

I'd like to make it since I'd like to be able to set the scene for us. I'm thinking of opening on Eliot turning up in this city that is supposedly on the way to the exam location and buying some food. Because the city is full of potential hunters the local vendors have all jammed up their prices to take advantage of the crowds and it takes all the money she has left just buy a meal. Meanwhile she overhears some other would be hunters complaining about being unable to find the exam location and realises she could sell them fake information to get herself some cash and weed out some rivals at the same time. She'll probably just be on a street corner or something at this point and you guys can just walk past having your own conversation that reveals those two are also looking for the exam location.

At that point Eliot will decide Geist and Loki seem like good marks and approach them, offering info on the exam for money. It's up to you guys if one of you wants to use their money to just pay for this but if not she'll suggest a wager for something valuable, Geist's knife seems like a good candidate since Eliot also likes knives and will recognise its decent quality and probably figure with all the hunters in town there'll be someone who wants a good hunting knife. 

So the wager (if you go that way) will look a bit like Goto's coin game from the Zoldyck mansion except Eliot will be cheating right form the start. Once it's over the conversation can go something like "Listen I feel kind of bad so wha tI'm gonna do is hold onto this knife for while and tell you the exam location anyway. If you make it there you can find some way to do me a favour and I'll give it back." (This seems like a nice gesture but it'd be more like something about Geist and Loki's behaviour during the game will suggest to Eliot that taking on the two of them might actually be trouble) And with that they'll part ways, Geist and Loki following the fake directions until they meet another victim of Eliot who complains about her cheating them. 

At this point the logical thing to do would be to double back and demand back their money or the knife and head back to where they met Eliot.

Meanwhile An angry crowd of scam victims have cornered Eliot and are demanding their money back until a particularly pissed off guy riles up the corwd to the point where they are going to beat the crap out of her at which point Geist and Loki arrive on the scene and either feel sorry for her or just decide that if they don't help someone in the crowd will probably take Geist's knife and they'll have a much harder time tracking it down.

Cue Unlikely team up.

Does all of that sound okay so far?

Makes me happy to hear that Broken x Bread is amusing to people. (The name sounds weird when I read it out loud xDD)

That sounds like a solid idea! I'll leave up to Llama to say about Geist's knife. If it's money, then probably it's likely to be Loki to pay? (Since Llama mentioned before that Geist might not have much on him). Well, this is assuming that Loki is fine to cover the costs of both of them, but I think she'll be alright with paying a reasonable amount to find the location. 

This seems like a nice gesture but it'd be more like something about Geist and Loki's behaviour during the game will suggest to Eliot that taking on the two of them might actually be trouble

Sorry not too sure what you mean here? :'D

I think it would make sense that they want to go back for the money. Let's just say that they haven't found the site yet. If they are, Loki would probably shrug it off more easily? (Well, she's easy to tweak in these moments right now =D )

I think that sounds good so far. I think the most possible case that happens is perhaps the latter. or the crowd also misunderstands Eliot and the two kids are a group? 
Sorry not too sure what you mean here? :'D

I meant that something subtle in the way they move or react might clue her in that they are more formidable then they appear so she'd try to avoid a situation where they decide to take her on by seeming to offer a consolation prize and steering them away from her, at least in the short term.

I think that sounds good so far. I think the most possible case that happens is perhaps the latter. or the crowd also misunderstands Eliot and the two kids are a group? 

Yeah that works pretty well.
I meant that something subtle in the way they move or react might clue her in that they are more formidable then they appear so she'd try to avoid a situation where they decide to take her on by seeming to offer a consolation prize and steering them away from her, at least in the short term.

Yeah that works pretty well.

Ohhh right, I think I understand! Then let's just wait to hear what Llama says then!
@AtlannianSpy Feel free to start your thread whenever. We're just finishing up broken x bread, so don't feel like you need to wait on us.

I'm fine with your plot, but I might forget it, or make my character move off from the path. I'll stick with it generally were we're cheated, and we double back, but other stuff may occur (who knows, since it's spontaneous RP). Unless, you want something really specific for your character, of course. If you do, please copy/paste the specifics into the thread, once you start it so we've a reference.

So, yeah. It sounds good. Good work!
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I hadn't realized how many characters still had some work to be done (but haven't been touched in awhile). Hope those people are still interested/around.
@AtlannianSpy Feel free to start your thread whenever. We're just finishing up broken x bread, so don't feel like you need to wait on us.

I'm fine with your plot, but I might forget it, or make my character move off from the path. I'll stick with it generally were we're cheated, and we double back, but other stuff may occur (who knows, since it's spontaneous RP). Unless, you want something really specific for your character, of course. If you do, please copy/paste the specifics into the thread, once you start it so we've a reference.

So, yeah. It sounds good. Good work!

I only really wanna hit the beats I mentioned so anything else can be flexible.
@AtlannianSpy Alright, that's cool. Just make sure to reference/quote them in the thread you make. Quark and I are ready to RP with you whenever you're set/developed the thread.
Just realised that Llama isn't in the RP anymore. Unsure if that's a sign that he's left the RP... Hm... @AtlannianSpy what would you like to do? 


Sorry, please ignore. 

I might have been coming to conclusions too quickly there. 

I think I might wait another few days. I know he said that he might be starting college this week or something (I might be wrong)
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That stinks, he seemed like he was really into this. And he had a cool character. I mean, life happens, but still stinks for us and him.
There's so many characters that've been posted. I really hope we see more of people once we get started. I'm kind of worried that we've lost some people already.

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