OOC Chat

Oh that's so cute. I do agree that with a trio they could pool resources together if the Hunter exam gets really challenging, like how Gon, Kurapika and Leorio worked together in some phases. 

Love it, Kurapika definitely influenced Eliot's creation, he is such a badass, especially in the latest arc although she would more be the Leorio of that this trio interestingly, being older and more streetwise and also more cynically motivated.
Love it, Kurapika definitely influenced Eliot's creation, he is such a badass, especially in the latest arc although she would more be the Leorio of that this trio interestingly, being older and more streetwise and also more cynically motivated.

Kurapika (hnnnnnng).~~

I can imagine that if they don't pick up Eliot is a girl, when she reveals it, it'll be like the moment when Leorio reveals his age. xDD

The other thing is I think Eliot is much less reliant on her luck stat compared to Leorio (I love him but his luck stat was so ridiculous hahaha)

Loki was influenced from a variety of stuff: Killua, Norse mythology, war literature, some recent article I read about a pen, and then family-related novels. 
Kurapika (hnnnnnng).~~

I can imagine that if they don't pick up Eliot is a girl, when she reveals it, it'll be like the moment when Leorio reveals his age. xDD

The other thing is I think Eliot is much less reliant on her luck stat compared to Leorio (I love him but his luck stat was so ridiculous hahaha)

Loki was influenced from a variety of stuff: Killua, Norse mythology, war literature, some recent article I read about a pen, and then family-related novels. 

Yeah, can I take this moment to ask everyone not to pick up that Eliot is a girl so that that moment can happen at the right time for maximum hilarity and awkwardness?

Eliot was originally very different, although I settled on her current form before starting the old rp she was originally going to be the spoiled but isolated daughter of a mafia don who one day realised what her Father did for a living and ran away. She would have felt guilty about profiting off of the exploitation of others by the mafia and so have kind of a vendetta against them, planning to eventually become a black list hunter and shut them down, even her Father. I was trying to figure out some way to tie her nen abilities into telling the truth, and was thinking of something to do with vines that latched on and drained nen whenever someone lied or like, feinted in combat. 

I went in a different direction mostly because I couldn't figure out how to make the nen thing not gimmicky, it seemed more suited to a npc that would only be fought once and she was also starting to feel a bit too much like Kurapika as she evolved so I changed things around. 

Loki is cool, got that whole kuudere things which I love. She reminds me a bit of a character I'm playing in another RP at the moment https://www.rpnation.com/topic/254253-emilie-de-cortagne/ Both silver haired, serious body guards with brutal training and multiple weapon proficiencies although EMilie is a bit more focused in some ways.
@AtlannianSpy I'm fine with having more people in our team. I can definitely see funny things occurring, since in the 1x1 RP Geist still thinks Loki is a guy, so it would be even funnier, if two of his companions who he assumes are guys reveal themselves as girls, lol.

We can also do another 1x1 thread, where it's Loki/Geist/Elliot in one particular town, as they travel to the hunter's exam. You could scam them, or we could try other ideas. It's up @Quark, you, and I. Geist is ignorant of the outside world, so he assumes everyone's friendly; therefore, I can see you scamming him.

Geist is pretty friendly, so he'll accept anyone, but his blunt/blatant nature may have Elliot feel somewhat awkward around the kid.

Although, I think it would be difficult to scam Geist out of money, since he barely knows anything about currency. His parents bought him his boat ticket, but he typically barters. He may have money though by the time he meets up with Elliot.

I think we should have the roleplay move along to what we want to happen (the set endings/beginnings). We can discuss details and the like, but we won't know for sure if they'll be implemented unless we're all adamant/remember those details in the roleplay.

I think it's cool to compare our characters. Although, I would find Geist a mix of leorio/killua/gon, because Geist has a big family system/complex like Killua, Geist can go through rage like Leorio, and Geist's friendly nature reminds me of Gon/Octopus/Knuckles. I guess Geist is a mix of characters. I can see the trio now: Elliot, Geist, and Loki. Elliot would probably be the brains like kurapika, so maybe the leader?

Regarding Elliot as a female, I will write her as a female in 3rd person, but during dialogue Geist and others will assume she's male in their speech. Her goal to be a blacklist hunter will definitely include some fun missions, I hope, if Geist/Loki can participate. I think I'll have Geist either be a Climber Hunter (Think world tree/mountains), Magical Beast Hunter, or a temporary Plant Hunter (So he can stalk the hunter that took his eldest sister).
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@The One Llama to Rule All

I'll have Loki maybe picking up signs, but she'll probably not really come to the conclusion about Eliot's gender. xDD

And I know right, at this rate, something must be up with Geist attracting tomboyish females. (I think Loki would like to be referred as "brother" though once she meets Teralyn xDD)

I read Emilie's CS. Love her maid outfit xDD. 

And I can see the similarities now, with the strengths, weaknesses and their personality in being very devoted, and curt. Totally agree that Emilie is more focused. I wanted my Loki to show that she's not completely cold or robotic, though maybe she could be like her within another few years. But yeah, was worried I'd be making her too unrelatable hence made some changes.

Regards to possible trio RP thread: 

I'm fine with being scammed, as long as it's not the medicine or pen. 

As for the two kids making money along the way, I think they're capable. That, or people might just misunderstand and pity them. (Where Loki's scars come in handy)

Loki has her own bank account, and she does carry some money, so you can scam the cash. I think she'll find it weird how Geist had his ticket already bought by his parents. 

And yeah, agreed about the endings/beiginnings. Sometimes details also make it turn into a different direction as well. 

Speaking of that Llama, you wanna have the ending for our current RP thread to be when they board the airship again? (Something tells me Corage isn't going to agree even when the two leave)

So a Blacklist Hunter and a Climber Hunter. I think if Loki doesn't want to become a body-guard, she might just want to be a freelancer for a while and tag along.  
@Quark Who knows what will happen with the Lodict family. Oh, and I posted on broken x bread, so now it should be interesting/funny how the Lodict family operates, since mom and dad aren't nen users (I might make them learn nen in the future, lol). I'll try to have a meet-up with Teralyn and Loki. Who knows? Maybe Teralyn finds Loki attractive, because of her demeanor (lol, too much hilarity)?

@AtlannianSpy I checked out the Emile profile too. I did spot some similarities with Loki. Hopefully, Loki doesn't turn completely cold/stoic in the future, but if that does happen, it would be interesting to have Loki's friends help Loki revert back to her true self. Would be a cool arc.

I'll list some ideas regarding the possible RP thread: Scammed (If you steal Geist's hunting knife, or pot fork, then be prepared to give them back some point. I'll let you swindle him for those items, but I dunno if they'll be useful for you). Unlikely Meetup (Arcade Setting), A random bumpin (While on the streets, Elliot is running away from a crowd of angry people (the scammed people), and she bumps into Geist or Loki. She asks them for help to hide her). I'll think of more, but those are just some on my mind.

Well, I plan to have his parents purchase the ticket while they're in main town (I should prob come up with a name for the town). Would also be interesting to see Loki's expression, lol.

I'll think of a way, or well I have some ways for Corage to agree. You'll see as we progress broken x bread. But yeah, I think the ending should be them boarding the airship (that moment will be so heartwarming).

Geist Lodict will probably travel around, but he may split up with the group unless he finds a true friend in either Elliot/Loki. So he may postpone his goals to help Loki/Elliot. In fact, he can gain clues as he helps them. Maybe the hunter became a blacklist hunter, or was a Hexea/Altea citizen (The hunter is a flexible character).
@The One Llama to Rule All 

Was just posting in that when you had replied here xDD. 

Hue. I actually did semi-preparation of words to say should Loki ever meet a girl her age. (we need the hilarity LOL before things go downhill. Very downhill and dark huehuhehuehue). 

I can imagine that both parents in the Lodict family could be a power couple if they learn nen. 

Thanks, I appreciate the thought of an arc like that, though I'm a little worried about it too focused on one character. Probably having Loki changing more significantly as a result might be better? 

//It's just that I've been in some RPs where it can be a little 'centred' on one or two character, and pulls the fun out of others. 

As for her true self... I wonder how much she'll be like her father...

Yeah, cool. It does seem like that the parents do kind of want Geist to do what he wants since they are going to be buying the ticket for him. Or they just begrudgingly agree? 

I'm cool with that! Splitting up and stuff. Loki is a character that has struggles, but she's not urgent danger, and she's more readily available to help others was what I had in mind. 


Adding on a couple of ideas as well:

1. Adding onto LLama's for "Scammed" idea, she might find them useful to sell? Perhaps it could be like bazaar kind of place where they meet. 

2. If the two kids are stopping by the town, they could just be asking her for directions and stuff. She can probably easily tell how naive they are and from there scam the kids. 

Also the arcade meeting sounds fun. 

But yeah, I'm happy to go with what you want, since I feel like there's more focus on introducing Eliot's character. 
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@Quark A power couple. Yeah, that'd be kind of cool. Arcs can have multiple focuses, so maybe the friends help you out of your personality, but meanwhile Geist/Elliot learn something about themselves, so they can change. It'd just be a part of an arc, but not the major focus. Think of the chimera ant arc, where both gon/killua change, but the main focus is stopping the ants.

More like, there's a character I haven't introduced who holds more sway over the family.

Yeah, there's missions and stuff, so I assume they'd be separated due to secret exam unless they decide to merge goals during the hunter's exam.

1. Yeah, she could find it useful to sell, but I'll need those things for the hunter exam <_<.

2. I can picture that scenario.

Arcade Meeting. Maybe there's a clue there that will help them, or they're there for other reasons.

Yeah, I think it's best we wait for @AtlannianSpy to reveal their goals/ideas for this plot.
@Quark A power couple. Yeah, that'd be kind of cool. Arcs can have multiple focuses, so maybe the friends help you out of your personality, but meanwhile Geist/Elliot learn something about themselves, so they can change. It'd just be a part of an arc, but not the major focus. Think of the chimera ant arc, where both gon/killua change, but the main focus is stopping the ants.

More like, there's a character I haven't introduced who holds more sway over the family.

Yeah, there's missions and stuff, so I assume they'd be separated due to secret exam unless they decide to merge goals during the hunter's exam.

1. Yeah, she could find it useful to sell, but I'll need those things for the hunter exam <_<.

2. I can picture that scenario.

Arcade Meeting. Maybe there's a clue there that will help them, or they're there for other reasons.

Yeah, I think it's best we wait for @AtlannianSpy to reveal their goals/ideas for this plot.

I am hyped for future power couple, even if it takes a long while. 

Oh right I see what you mean now, I misunderstood. :'D

Is this the hunter or someone else?

Good point, I might have Loki interact with other characters for secretive exam and a few other missions as well. 

1. Oh, sorry, I had meant that Geist would try to stop her from selling them and getting it back. Or Eliot might get it back for him? 

2. :3
It probably will take a while. Maybe once Teralyn dies/leaves the family, they'll get to work on learning nen, etc.

Yeah, it's okay. I wasn't clear anyways, which I do have difficulty, since my mind thinks too fast.

The hunter is the one who took Geist's sister away. I wasn't clear. So yeah, it's the Hunter, the same one.

Yeah, we can be loners for a bit during the secret exam. Let's just have a date to meet up? Sort of like how Kurapika, Leorio, and Gon knew to meet up on September 1st, or something at a particular city.

1. Who knows.

2. I less than three that face.
May i ask if i was accepted or not @Sullivanity all you said was don't count on the zoldyck family being a encounter. also if we are doing hunter exams are we can splitt up into teams of 3 or four (counting killua) and if so are we gonna convene at global missions like how the manga is stuck at the hunters getting ready for the dark continent in the unknown world... although we can't go that far do to the author going on hiatus every five chapters...(why... why haven't i seen gon get his nen back yet...) also is the phantom gonna be one of the main enemies although the chimera ant arc is a no go (nobody would be stupid enough to let that kind of thing happen again due to how over powered they were.) may i suggest a heavenly tower arc and other disasters that would call for hunter association help.
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@Roki R Kankai

Um... hope I'm not being offending, could you use capitals and full stops next time? :'D

I'm not native English speaker, so I'm finding it hard to comprehend all of your post. 

I don't think they were thrown into groups officially until around the 3rd phase in the tower. 

As for the canon arcs, I'm not sure whether Sullivanity prefers to dive towards something leaning less towards that. Since... you'd think that if you're going into those arcs then we'd might interact one way or another with canon characters. 

A heaven's arena arc sounds fun though. I'd be up for tournaments. 
May i ask if i was accepted or not @Sullivanity all you said was don't count on the zoldyck family being a encounter. also if we are doing hunter exams are we can splitt up into teams of 3 or four (counting killua) and if so are we gonna convene at global missions like how the manga is stuck at the hunters getting ready for the dark continent in the unknown world... although we can't go that far do to the author going on hiatus every five chapters...(why... why haven't i seen gon get his nen back yet...) also is the phantom gonna be one of the main enemies although the chimera ant arc is a no go (nobody would be stupid enough to let that kind of thing happen again due to how over powered they were.) may i suggest a heavenly tower arc and other disasters that would call for hunter association help.

May i ask if i was accepted or not @Sullivanity all you said was don't count on the zoldyck family being a encounter. also if we are doing hunter exams are we can splitt up into teams of 3 or four (counting killua) and if so are we gonna convene at global missions like how the manga is stuck at the hunters getting ready for the dark continent in the unknown world... although we can't go that far do to the author going on hiatus every five chapters...(why... why haven't i seen gon get his nen back yet...) also is the phantom gonna be one of the main enemies although the chimera ant arc is a no go (nobody would be stupid enough to let that kind of thing happen again due to how over powered they were.) may i suggest a heavenly tower arc and other disasters that would call for hunter association help.

I'll give your sheet one final look over, then tell you if you're excepted.  What you guys do in between main story missions is completely up to you. Since the Hunter exam of this RP will begin about a year after the voyage to the dark continent began, I would like us to avoid interacting with any of the main characters, including the phantom troupe. Also, the next three story arcs are already being made, so don't worry about those.
@Quark Sorry about my punctuation I would improve myself with great purpose If i knew exactly what I am doing wrong

@Sullivanity Thank you Also I just wanted to know who were gonna be my main team members seeing how what ever the main character (gon) did he usally ether did it with kurapika leorio and killua or just killua.

@Quark Sorry about my punctuation I would improve myself with great purpose If i knew exactly what I am doing wrong

@Sullivanity Thank you Also I just wanted to know who were gonna be my main team members seeing how what ever the main character (gon) did he usally ether did it with kurapika leorio and killua or just killua.
Sorry about my punctuation I would improve myself with great purpose If i knew exactly what I am doing wrong

Ah no no, don't be sorry, I make plenty of mistakes myself. Just prefer to avoid miscommunication in general :'D
@Roki R Kankai You can ask people if you'd like to team up with them before the exam. Or when the exam starts, you can ask people, then. Just don't be shy, and ask others. (I doubt most people will make loner characters, since the hxh anime has no loner characters, or well loner characters weren't common).

Also, I think quark wanted you to add periods to your sentence, so he/she could understand your syntax. A good syntax means people can comprehend your ideas a bit better.
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@Roki R KankaiMay i ask if i was accepted or not? All you said was don't count on the zoldyck family being a encounter. Also, if we are doing hunter exams are we can split up into teams of 3 or four people? and if so are we gonna convene at global missions like how the manga is stuck at the hunters getting ready for the dark continent in the unknown world? Although we can't go that far do to the author going on hiatus every five chapters...(why... why haven't i seen gon get his nen back yet...)? also is the phantom gonna be one of the main enemies? Although the chimera ant arc is a no go (nobody would be stupid enough to let that kind of thing happen again due to how over powered they were). may i suggest a heavenly tower arc and other disasters that would call for hunter association help?

I just tried to tidy it a bit up. It's not perfect, since I didn't correct every detail, but it should be readable now.
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@The One Llama to Rule All Now I feel confused... I was good at reading but not writing how bad is that.

I know that there needs to be period i just wish i focused more on my english schoolwork then the other topics i didn't need much help in.
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@Roki R Kankai May I ask your current education? Are you in grade, middle, or high school? And which is your current English class?

If you need help with English, I recommend speaking to your teacher. Show him/her the sentence you sent that confused Quark, and I bet she/he will be glad to help you improve.
@Roki R Kankai 

Or... take a little more time in posts? ._. 

I find myself typing a little slower than most RPers, but they can read my posts if I take the time to check the sentences are punctuated ok. 
@Phineas Forge

How old are you if I may ask? 

I feel kind of happy that not everyone's a teenager around here xDD
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