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Dice OOC and Join thread - Servants of Dawn 5e

Quick question, everyone is saying they have a badge marking them as a Servant of Dawn. Does that mean Nakoa would have one as well?
Quick question, everyone is saying they have a badge marking them as a Servant of Dawn. Does that mean Nakoa would have one as well?
I'm assuming that's a yes. Also, just so I have setting right, it's morning now yes??
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I'm assuming that's a yes. Also, just so I have setting right, it's morning now yes??
As far as I understand all members of the Dawn have a badge.
Yes it's morning.
I would also point out that the current members are outside
Oh ok. I'm ok. I just want sure what we were waiting on.
Thanks for jinxing it for everyone. Now we will be dealing with goblins the size of storm giants with magic armor and weapons, getting ready to give us a TPK. lol
Thanks for giving our Storyteller some good ideas, Sherwood. Now we will be facing off against Mind Flayers riding Beholders as a mount.

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