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One x one!!

Aubrey looks over you and shakes her head some "Your to observant....actual I was just thinking I'm never to sure when and where I'm allowed to touch you. I mean human males love to be touched and honestly don't care when or where..but twice you've stopped me or panicked and I don't want to cause you discomfort." Aubrey admits in a whisper
Marcellus went blank. "I... Well..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not exactly a touchy person... usually intamacy is reserved for... you know..." He dropped his hand. "Vampires get kind of... nibbly... when their significant other gets close. And that goes for vampire couples as well. And that's not good because... people don't usualy respond well to being nibbled on." He fiddled with the cuffs of his jacket. "I mean, like, i think i got your ear that one night. When we were kissing. Nibble as in not full on chomp, like, i'm going to eat you chomp, just little nibbles. Not enough to draw blood." Marcellus waved his hand dismissively. "But if we're sitting on the couch, it'll be fine. I can controll myself." He moved a bit closer to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm also one of those romantacism time period kind of guys. I grew up with knights and castles, remember. But we're alone, so its fine if you want to cuddle a bit while we watch the moving picture."
Aubrey glances to you "I guess that makes sense...we may need to work on that. I enjoy touching you.." Aubrey scoots closer and starts the movie as she lets her hand rest on your chest and leans in but she's careful not to allow her legs to drape over yours and careful to keep it a minimum. Aubrey relaxes just a bit as she gets into the silly movie knowing there's hardly any chance you will get the movie.
Marcellus was enjoying the moving picture. He let out a bark of laughter when he saw the aliens. "That is not what aliens look like," he chuckled. He put his arm around Aubrey a bit, resting his cheek on the top of her head. "I like that guy." He said, pointing to the man with red tatoos after he said 'nothing goes over my head. my reflexes are too fast.' "He looks like he could be a professional boxer."
Aubrey laughs as she watches you and shake her head glad your enjoying it. "Actual Groot is my favorite.." She adds she glances to you "Aliens exists? You know some things are better for me not to be aware of." Aubrey closes her eyes "I'm glad you are having fun." She whispers and kisses your cheek.
Marcellus smiled and rubbed her shoulder. "If you told me three hundred years ago that right now I'd be sitting in a building made of wood, plastic, rock, and watching small people run around inside a little glass screen, I would have laughed at you and told you to stop doing drugs." He said. "It's actually quite interesting to see how humans represent things they doubt even exist in their media." Marcellus could tell aubrey was getting tired by the time the movie was ending. But marcellus didn't want the movie to end. He didn't want aubrey to be tired. He wanted nights like these to last forever. But hours of human time didn't even register as seconds in his brain. She was so incredibly young... Yet so incredebly beautiful. Had Marcellus finally found the person he'd been looking for his entire existance? he pondered that awhile, deep in thought.
Aubrey laughs a little and smiles "I love that your so amazed by the littlest thing. I guess it's a big deal for you but I've never not known movies and tv..." Aubrey yawns and settles against you as she closes her eyes "I never would have thought I'd be siting next to you but I am..." She adds as she is half asleep but trying hard to stay awake because nights like this with you are so rare.
Marcellus took off his jacket, laying it across Aubrey. "There are infinite occurrences and infinite possibilites to anything and everything. We use the word infinite because we are too lazy to count all of the different ones. But I didn't have to count the outcomes of my actions to know that I love you now." Marcellus kissed her on the cheek, knowing she'll be unresponsive in a matter of minutes. What he had to say right then needed to be heard. And he hoped Aubrey realized and understood the weight the statement carried for him.
Aubrey barely mutters "Love" before falling asleep. She stays that way for a while waking only a hour before sunrise and lifting her head "You stayed? I feel asleep...I'm so sorry" she bites her lip glancing to you remembering just barely hearing you mention something very important "You love me...Marcellus?" Aubrey whispers not moving as she looks into your eyes.
Marcellus nodded, smiling warmly. "That's the idea." He said. Aubrey made cute little noises in her sleep. Afte she had succumbed to slumber, marcellus had sat and watched the DVD insignia bounce around the television screen. It was very lulling, and because of his class directly after lunch, he now knew how it worked. The sun would rise soon, and it was about time for marcellus to move. "Hey, i'm going to have to get going soon..." His voice trailed off
Aubrey sits up and runs a hand through her hair "Right...I knew that. I'm sorry you should have woke me sooner." Aubrey states as she stands up stretching and laughs "I had class soon as well." She glances over at you "I love you too although sometimes I feel it's to soon...and yet I just know I do." Aubrey leans over to you kissing you lightly.
Marcellus pulled her close and made her kiss deeper. But it was quick, he was pressed for time. "I like to watch you sleep. You're cute." With that he opened the window, kissed her on the back of the hand, and lept out. He fell, the wind whistling in his ears, trailing white smoke. Just before he hit the ground, he twisted and transformed into a white bat, flapping his wings to gain altitude, headed off to his dorm. The first rays of the sun were beginning to pinken the clouds over the horizon as Marcellus transformed back into his usual self, flipping through the window of his dorm and landing nimbly on his feet. A new day dawned, and marcellus was once again clad in black.
Aubrey watched him out the window and shook her head always being taken by surprise by you. She heads to the shower and then to to get dressed as she starts for class. She knows falling in love with you could only go two ways either her being turned and spending forever with you or the only other thing would be getting heart broken and living the rest of her life.
Marcellus spent his morning classes with his mind adrift. He was thinking about last night with aubrey, and how she was unsure of when to touch him. She had good reason, he was usually a very private person, most of his kind was. The professor had called on him multiple times, but Marcellus didn't hear him. The professor came over and tapped on his desk. "Mind wandering Mr. Heart?" Marcellus leaned back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. "At least mine works." The usual 'OOoo' resonated around the classroom. Seeing as the professor actually had a comeback this time, he asked marcellus a question. "Allright, can you tell me how to say 'I have an attention span issue' In latin then?" Marcellus smirked. "Sure professor, qui non abstulit oles balneum asini mensem me noli molestare canis." The class roared with laughter at his insult. Seeing as the professor didn't have a better comeback, he rolled his eyes and let it go.
Aubrey managed to be quiet during class blending in as she stared out a window thinking of how much she had to learn about you and knowing even forever wouldn't be long enough. After some time the bell rings to which Aubrey don't even hear. Someone nudges her and tells her. She sighs another class she has no idea what happened. The professor stops her as she passes him "You always pay attention anything new going on with you?" Aubrey shrugs "Just tired..I'll try to be better tomorrow." He smiles leaning in as she kinda steps back. "Good because your my favorite girl...such beauty to you." Aubrey glance away and starts for the door "I need to go I'm expected somewhere. "
Marcellus wa at his table again, a couple of guys from his morning classes were still around him, remeniscing about his sass that morning. Marcellus was not enjoying the attention. He stood up and decided to eat his lunch in the library. "I'll seeya guys later." He said, walking off. One of the guys joked around. "C'mon man, stay awhile, enjoy the sun!" He flipped off marcellus's hood. Marcellus hissed in pain as the sun caused his skin to redden almost instantly. He pulled his hood up quickly and clocked the kid in the face, knocking him flat on his ass. Marcellus spit on the downed student and stormed off towards the library, one hand over his face, the other carrying his lunch.
Aubrey was walking through the library to head to where you was but clearly looked mad as she notices you and sits down "Why are you in here?" She ask sitting down as she eyes you and notices you look a little red. "Are you alright? Your red..." Aubrey sits her books to the side and forgets a moment about her professor as she heard something about you causing problems in class.
Marcellus waved dismissively. "Some douchebag took off my hood while I was eating." He said, "It's fine, it'll clear up by tomorrow. I don't think he'll do it again." Marcellus took a bite of his apple and recieved a nasty look from the librarian. He stared at her until she looked away. "So how's your day goin?" he asked.
Aubrey shook her head "If your sure...umm it was okay." She says softly knowing you would probably want to kill the professor if found out and she's not sure she wants that to happen. She runs a hand through her being a terrible liar she smiles "I however have a ton of homework"
Marcellus bobbed his head. "You need help?" He asked. "I don't know the areas that you struggle in, but I'm pretty sure I'll figure it out quickly." Marcellus pulled his hood tighter over his face and picked up one of her books. "What are you working on in history? Mesopotamia? Anchient greece? Rome? Those and the wars that the USA were involved in are my specialty."
Aubrey glances at the book "I have no idea I didn't listen today...I think Rhome although maybe I should drop the class...it's a boring meaningless class anyways." Aubrey states and smiles "I can learn history from you if I need to"
Marcellus stared at her blankly. "Do you realize what you just said?" He asked. "The romans influenced much of our society today. Our educational system, our government, our currency, our military, our architecture, almost everything." Marcellus flipped open the book to a page of Julius Ceaser and tapped it twice. "He was a good man. The ides of march was a sad day. That was when Augustus took the throne, he was pissed at all the other senators. He looked at me that day and told me that what Ceaser had said, what he did, would be remembered for generations to come. He was right, look around you." Marcellus gestured out the window to where large, roman style columns lined the entrance to the library.
Aubrey shake her head and sighs "I didn't live it so it's just a lot less interesting to me." Aubrey glances to the book "plus the professor is a major ass" she bites her lip and shrug "it won't hurt to drop it"
Marcellus shook his head and smiled. "Trust me, you'll regret not learning about history sweetheart." He closed her book back up and handed it to her. "When you've lived as long as I have, you learn every event in time has changed the way everyone lives today." The bell was about to ring soon, so Marcellus stood up. "Keep working hard, you'll do fine." He kissed her on the cheek before leaving for his next class.
Aubrey sighs "I guess but it's just...never mind" she stands up and waves to you as she heads on about her day. As Aubrey is stopped in the hall she notices the professor from earlier and he smiles "I need to see you tomorrow after class.." She hurts pass but feels his eyes on her as she finally gets to her dorm room.

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