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One x one!!

Marcellus stared at her. "Just friends?" He asked. She had told him that she liked him, and he'd tried to make it apparent that he did too. What was this, another human game he had to play? Marcellus hadn't dated anyone in one hundred years, back in the 1920's, and that was full of politics, positions, and gains that could come from the relationship. What was this?
Aubrey glances at you "Well it's not like you have stated or mentioned otherwise. I mean I think you like me but then sometimes I'm not sure what this is. If we date I mean I know it will end...at some point I will get older." Aubrey sighs "I'm not sure your aware but in this era of time usually one person ask the other out to clear up confusion..." She glances down.
I would love to role play with you. I absolutely love wolves and wolf related role plays so your first idea is really interesting.
Marcellus looked at his hoodie, fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves. "Well, I did kiss you." He said, "Doesn't that make it plain?" Girls were strange. And not just the human ones. Draculas wife was a piece of work too. He stood up, pulling his hood lower to sheild himself from the sun. "About you getting older..." Marcellus swallowed. He might regret what he was going to say, "Once I spend some time with you some more... Once we get to know eeachother more... I could fix that."
Aubrey stares quietly at you a moment and bites her lip "Let's just see how this goes I mean I'm not going to let you think that's all I want." Aubrey looks over you and sighs "So we are dating? I mean officially?" She smiles as she leans closer to you "One real kiss and a few cheek kisses mean a lot let nowadays just so you know."
Marcellus nodded. "Yes, that's what I meant." He looked into her eyes, she was a bit shorter than he was. This would be perfect if it wasn't for the damn sun. "I'm not going to turn you if you don't want to be a vampire, or until I'm sure I want to spend eternity with you, however long that may be. Last time I did that was... Eight hundred? No, nine hundred years ago." He moved his hand, cupping it around her cheek. "Anyways, that's not the primary focus here."
Aubrey laughs softly and as she touches your hand and smiles "I don't care about the immortal part I just like you..." She say as she leans up kissing you at first hesitant but the second your lips meet it becomes almost impossible to not deepen it.
Marcellus was sightly embarrassed that they were doing this in the middle of college campus, but he enjoyed the kiss, allbeit hesitantly. His hand was still on Aubrey's face, so he reached up with his other one as well. Marcellus broke the kiss after awhile, her face still cupped in his hands. "That means the world for me to hear." he said.
She smiles slightly "I hope you can learn not every human thinks the same. I get te feeling you had trouble in the past with one but I'm not her and all immortal means to me is longer time spent with you. Plus I never have to worry about you getting hurt" she shrugs laughing as she runs a hand down your shirt "Now Katie will really bug you.."
Marcellus took her wrist gently and moved it away from him. "Not here. There are people. They'll start talking about us." He looked around. "I don't like being the center of attention. Maybe... Later tonight. Ok?" Plus, public displays of affection were not something he was comfortable with. He pulled his hood up some more and stepped back. "The bell's about to ring." He said.
She shook her head "You worry to much but fine...just keep in mind it's college no one cares if your kissing and touching" she sighs and steps back "I'll see you soon." She waves heading off quickly as she licks her lips enjoying your taste but yet wishing you didn't always act so proper.
Marcellus walked into his next class and sat down at his assighned computer. One of his classmates walked over and ponted at the corner of his mouth. "Dude, is that lipstick?" He asked. Marcellus wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand. It was. "It's not mine." he said. His classmate punched him on the shoulder. "Nice breh." Marcellus shook his head, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Then the teacher walked in and class began.
As Aubrey sits down Katie instantly starts in asking so many questions about you and comment on how hot you was. Aubrey rolls her eyes as she try's to focus on her work but gives up and listens to Katie go on. It makes her wonder on how you'll take it when people do start to really talk because without even touching people are going to talk.
Directly afterschool Marcellus did what he usually did. Sleep. He went home and crashed on his bed. It wasn't the most comfortable place he had slept, the myth that vampires slept in coffins was partially true, but they had to be of... Adequate comforts. He slept peacefully, mind devoid of dreams. He would awake as soon as the sun had set.
Aubrey finished working on some papers and went to her dorm as she watched a movie something she hadn't done in forever. She wondered if you would find her and kinda hoped to stay inside. She sighed as thankfully her roommate was gone with her man for a night.
Marcellus awoke. Jack was standing over him with a shaving cream bottle. "Touch me with that and I'll shove it up your ass sideways." he growled. Jack backed off. "C'mon man, you're no fun." Jack whined, putting it away. "You gotta stop crossing your arms across your chest when you sleep man, it makes you look like a mummy." Marcellus launched himself off of his bed with his legs. "Yea, and I'll be sure to let you know next time you look like you're giving someone a blowjob in your sleep." Marcellus changed into his usual white attire, but neglected the coat. Instead he chose a white levi jacket. "Who ya dressin' up for? That redhead?" Marcellus nodded, fixing the button on his collar in front of the mirror. "Where ya guys goin' this time?" Marcellus bobbed his head. "We didn't have plans... I just thought I'd stop by." Jack giggled a bit. Macellus turned to him, arms folded. "If you start Jack, I swear..." "Allright, allright, I get it." Jack waved dismissively, "It's good to see you out and about with somebody. You need to socialize more." Marcellus rolled his eyes and stepped out. He made his way to Aubrey's apartment building nd knocked on her door.
Aubrey was dressed for comfort in a pair of black shorts with a white tank top. She smiles "hey come on in...I'm not really dressed to go out but Katie isn't here tonight so I'm alone." She says letting you in as she sits down on her bed and smiles "So did you sleep well?" Aubrey ask as she pats the bed "come on sit down"
Marcellus smiled. "Thanks for inviting me in. I can't cross into dwellings unless I am." He sat down on the bed next to her. "It's more of an honor code the vampires have, faries get like, really bad headaches and natious and stuff." He explained.
Aubrey lifts a eyebrow "Okay I'll try to remember that...fairies are real?" She shakes her head "is werwolves?" She ask as she pauses the movie and smiles "and here I thought you was a rare thing..." Aubrey crosses her legs and smiles "so get any hell for being with me yet?"
Marcellus nodded. "Yea. We're pretty spread out, I haven't seen one of my kind for 20 years..." He nodded again at her next question. "Heh, you left a bit of lipstick on my face this afternoon." He pointed to his face. "Most of the guys there are nerds, so they like, worshipped me for a bit." Marcellus chuckled. A bit of an exageration, yes, but not too much.
Aubrey laughs and bites her lip "Id say sorry but I get a feeling you enjoyed it. Besides I told you no one here cares about affection. It's normal to kiss and stuff ." She says as she leans against the wall " I was going to watch a movie tonight but I'm not sure if you enjoy that.." She states as she touches your hand.
Marcellus cocked his head. "I'm not that much of an old man," He chuckled. "I apreciate moving pictures just as much as the next person." He took her hand from where she had touched his and kissed it. "What is the moving picture called?" he inquired.
Aubrey laughed "Well we don't call them moving pictures...just a movie or DVD is even better nowadays. The title is "Guardian of the Galaxy it's pretty new." She bites a lip and glances to you "I guess I can teach you a few things after all." She laughs quietly
Marcellus grinned. "Yea, I know, but when they first came out they were called moving pictures. When pictures first came out we called them still paintings. The name just sticks after awhile." Marcellus noticed she was biting her lip alot. "Is something wrong Aubrey? You're biting your lip. Some people do that when they're nervous."

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