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One x one!!

Marcellus pushed her off of him a bit. "Don't... Don't do that." He said. She was reminding him of a girl he'd met in salem. They loved eachother, and she knew he was a vampire, and they were talking over how to spend the rest of their lives together. They had agreed that Marcellus would turn her, but they would postpone it until the next equinox, which was coming up shortly. When was that? the 1200's? sometime around there. But Marcellus discovered the girl was sleeping with someone else, and was using him to gain immortality. It didn't matter in the end, she was hanged on the accusation of being a witch. Marcellus wiped his face. "Can we focus on now? As in time now? Not the future?"
Aubrey lifts a eyebrow but scoots so she's on the rock "Okay..." She says softly not wanting to touch a nerve as she glances up at the sky "It's getting late I should get rest for tomorrow's classes." She says standing up as she confused by you and by her feelings for you. She waits for you as the walk home is quiet. Once outside her dorm building she glances at you "I can make it up from here. My roommate is pretty nosy when it comes to guys."
Marcellus nodded, waving goodbye. "I'll seeya tomorrow. If that's okay. I'll be where I usually am." Marcellus turned to walk away. What did he get himself into? Yet another human had managed to pull at his heartstrings. He stopped, and turned back around. "Oh..." He looked Aubrey in the eyes, "If anyone asks where you were tonight, say we went to my place. The four jocks that are left might not remember our encounter, and i made it look like they got drunk and crashed their car. It wouldn't be good for you to be linked to them since one... seems to be missing. Allright?"
Aubrey glances back over her shoulder as she nods "Your place. Got it no problem." Aubrey starts in as she heads to her dorm room grabbing a shower as she enjoys taking the heels off before stepping under the cool water. As she head to bed after her roommate instantly ask where she's been. Just like you told her to she tells her your place and sighs at the instant line of questions about you and if I'm dating you now. "No...actual I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure we aren't. He acts like he likes me but than he don't. It's confusing." She states before heading to bed.
Marcellus spent the rest of the night walking around town. The lights from shops, stores, streetlights spilled onto the pavement, washing the sidewalks in an eerie glow. This was what Marcellus liked to do. He looked at the sky around 4:00, it was almost time for the sun to come up. Marcellus went home, cleaned himself, tossed the clothes with a bit of blood on them into the washing machine, and donned his usual daytime attire. Black jeans, black t-shirt, black hoodie. He pulled the hood up over his face, and stretched the sleeves down as far as they could go, covering everything up to a little below his wrists. He sat in his chair by the window, looking outside and waiting for morning.
After morning class Aubrey heads out on the campus lot as she listens to her friends beside her half hearted and bites a bottom lip thinking about you. She likes you. Maybe alittle to much and yet your hard to read. It don't help that she's aware she's only a fill in at the moment. Eventually time must to on for her. She sighs breaking away from the crowd and heads to your table.
Marcellus was back at his table, eating his apple. It was a red one, just like always. He noticed Aubrey was headed his way. He pulled his hood down lower, the sun was exceptionally bright today. "Hey, how are you?" he asked, "How did you sleep?" He was amazed that she came to see him again. How humans were attracted to his kind was yet a mystery to his kind, all the movies that were out, etcetera. He didn't even use any magic on Aubrey.
Aubrey sits down next to Marcellus but careful not to touch him since he seem to panic last time. "Hi..I'm fine and slept good how about yourself? Did the rest of your night go good?" She ask as she sits her books down and smiles. "She glances to the sky "The sun is pretty bright today are you sure you don't want to go in?"
Marcellus shook his head. "I don't like the cafeteria. There's alot of people ther I don't like. And this area's reletively shady so it's allright." He threw away the apple core and began eating his sandwich. "I had a nice walk after you left. Through downtown." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, gesturing vaugley as he always did.
Aubrey lifts a eyebrow "So you just eat food to blend in or do you actual like food?" She ask curiously as she rest her head on the books looking at you as she talks "You know just because I ask doesn't mean you har to answer. Only if you don't mind." She comments quietly as she studies your face.
"Is there a reason not to?" Marcellus chuckled. "Food's good. I'd rather go through the day with a fixed schedule rather than none at all." He finished his sandwish and tilted his head back a bit so she could see his face from under the hood. "Aubrey, I'll answer any question as long as you don't repeat anything to anyone. And you've allready agreed that you wouldn't, so we're fine."
Aubrey smiles some as glances over you "I'm just saying you don't have to." She adds quietly and bites her lip. "So you have no questions about me? I mean I get it I'm human boring I know" she teases you as she lightly nudges you.
Marcellus smiled back, since he didn't have to feed for another month, his fangs had receeded to look like normal human teeth, and he smiled freely. "Nahh, I just focus on how other people treat me. Like, if I run into another one of..." He glanced around nervously, "...My kind, they could be older than me even, so I tend to not judge people by past events. Everything I need to know about you is in how you act, how you talk, basically you as a person."
Aubrey glances at you "But you can't know what's in my mind. Like obviously you know I like you but other things." She sighs as she looks over you "Oh forget it your more like typical college guy just then..." She teases with a smile. She sighs "I have another class but I'm sure if you want to see me again you'll find me." She says quietly as she stand up and waves slightly heading off as she kinda wonders what it is that keeps her coming back to you. Your confusing and yet wiser than everyone she knows. She tries to focus her next class and can't be more thankful when she hears the bell as she heads to her dorm
Marcellus nodded. "You did kinda tell me where to find you, that isn't the smartest thing to tell almost complete strangers sweetheart." He waved as she walked away. He had a class to get to as well. He tried to loose himself in the complex algorithms, formulas, and matricies that made up what he saw on the computer screen, but one thing always came back to lurk in his mind. Aubrey liked him. How could he deal with that? Moreover, how should he deal with that? Marcellus rubbed his forehead. Girls, especially the human ones, were nothing but trouble.
Determined to not be some mooning girl over Marcellus Aubrey reads a bit and chats with her roommate. She don't plan on making all the effort and looking like a idiot because clearly your still indecisive about her. Aubrey takes up a offer to go to the DSE frat house for a night party. She dresses in a white mini skirt with a low black halter top as her whole back is expose in it.

At the party it's no surprise it's packed as she takes a sip of her drink hoping no repeat of the last party happens tonight she talks and enjoys friends company as several guys flirt but Aubrey keeps comparing them to you and it don't feel right.
Marcellus decided to hang out at a bar that night with his roomate, Jack. Jack could hold alot of liqor, and when he was drunk it was hilariously entertaining. Jack made inuendos and sexual jokes as well, and Marcellus was the main tareget tonight. "So bruhh," Jack babbled, "Yeh get laid by that sexy redhead last night? Yea yea?" Marcellus shook his head. "Aww c'mon maaann," Jack slurred, "you can't tell me you spent five hours with her in the middle of the night and didn't stick it in..." Marcellus flicked him on the back of the head. "You need another shot Jack, you haven't passed out yet." Jack's eyes widened as he gestured to the bartender. "Oh yeaaaa, sure suuree." Jack took the shot and did just that. Marcellus rolled his eyes. "Thanks bartender, he needed that." Marcellus paid Jacks bill, Jack always paid him back later. He threw Jack over one shoulder like a sack of potatoes, much to everyone's astonishment, and began carrying him back to the dorms.
Aubrey walks quietly from the frat house knowing you'd scold her like a kid if you knew it was dark and she was alone but waiting for her roommate might talk all night. Aubrey sips a drink as she cuts across the yard and into her dorm. Awaken the next morning she has a headache from the liquor and is already late to her class. Showering and changing into jeans and a plain white tank top she mutters a curse before grabing her books. Knowing there's no point of trying to make the class she heads to the library working on other papers. Aubrey slides her hair into a pony tail and leans her head down closing her eyes. Having stayed out entirely way to late she feels sleep deprived.
Marcellus didn't get hangovers nor drunk. It was one of the perks of being a vampire, all the alcohol in his bloodstream just lost its potency along with the blood cells that would eventually die. HIs morning classes occupied most of his time, but he managed to catch a glimpse of Aubrey in the hallways. She looked tired. Again, another perk of being a vampire was you never got tired. Marcellus decided to try to seek her out this time, and he found her on his way outside. "Hey," he said, "You feelin' allright?"
Aubrey didn't even hear you come up as she jumps slightly and sighs "I'm just having a long day. My roommate convinced me to go out and liquor don't go well with me. I already missed class and managed to fall asleep in the library. Long night makes for a longer day. Although I thought you already knew everything about me" She mutters as she falls into step beside you cranky from lack of sleep and just not in the mood to handle the confusion you cause her. "How was your day?" She finally ask feeling alittle bad she snapped at you.
Marcellus smiled. "Good enough, good enough." He cocked his head at her, tilting it back a bit so she could see his face from under the usual cowl-like hood. "You always say that I know everything about you." He said, "And it's sarcatically I think. So are you saying you want me to ask you questions? Do you want me to know more about you?"
Aubrey sighs "Honestly I'm not sure and somehow today I'm not thinking to hard." She glances to you as she stops "I don't want you to know anything about me that you don't wish to know. I'm just not sure why you bother to keep talking to me or coming around me. I mean I think you like me but then you seem as if you don't. To be honest I understand you clearly lived longer and have a history I can never understand but I'm just lost by your behavior." Aubrey glances away as she shifts her books and shrugs "I should go...I will see you around." She says having nowhere important to go but having no desire to try and not step on a nerve today.
Marcellus looked around nervously. "Ok. That's very understanding of you. But..." Marcellus rubbed the back of his neck, looking around at the crowd. "Please refrain from talking about... You know..." He made a gesture to himself, nobody else needed to know what he really was. "I'll... Seeya round I guess." Marcellus was somewhat... Dissapointed that Aubrey didn't want to spend time with him. "But ah," he called after her, "if you need help with anything, need someone to talk to, I'm here, allright?"
Aubrey glances back "I know...I said I wouldn't and I'm true to my word." She says as she shakes her head wishing you'd just believe her already. Aubrey glances over and nods "Yeah I'll keep that in mind thanks." She states as she heads off wondering why it is you appear to care one minute and seem so stand off the next. Not in a good mood she heads to her room staying inside most the day. Later after it's dark she can't sleep mainly from sleeping most the evening and another small portion because she was pretty mean to you earlier. She needs a break so she grabs a light jacket and heads for a walk as she slides her hands into the pockets and wanders around campus talking to a few people she passes but mainly overthinking as usual.
Marcellus decided to go out for a walk in the woods again that night. He wore all white. White jeans, white tee, and his favorite white collared jacket. The jacket looked like something straight out of one of the old Dracula stories on him, despite it being normal wear. The jacket's collar was straight and stiff, and it came up and touched his chin, covering his pale face just a tad. It came down to his knees, but it didn't seem to, it billowed and flowed around him as he walked. It was secured with you guessed it, a white chain across the top around his neck. He fiddled with the cuffs of his sleeves a bit, straightening them as he walked. Marcellus smirked, this was how he usually started ghost stories. The Hopkinsville goblin one was when he turned into a bat and scared a farmer shitless, other stories started when he visited the graves of some of his fallen comrades in the American Revolution, the civil war... He sighed a bit, it had been awhile since he had done that. Marcellus may have been born in Scotland, but he fought all wars for America. The revolution, the civil war, Spanish American, both world wars, Vietnam, he'd seen it all. It was unlikely he would die in the wars, but he was determined to live, fight, and die American. Marcellus stayed just behind the tree line around campus, enjoying the light of the stars, the moon glinting off of his attire.

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