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One x one!!

Aubrey smiles alittle and nods "Yeah sure sounds fun." She says as she's not sure why she even said yes when partying isn't really her thing however with you she knows she's safe. Aubrey glances at you "My dorm is 409a if you want just come by about 7 I'll be ready." She gives you a small wave before heading off to her next class. Aubrey can't figure out why she feels so drawn to you but not wanting to over think it she just figures it's only a party
Marcellus nodded and headed off to his next class as well. Technology interface and graphics design. He tried to keep up with the latest thing that went on in the world, just recently he had learned how to use a smartphone. The way humans kept improving amused him, it was alot better than writing letters back and forth. He rubbed his jaw, he needed blood soon. He determined he'd get some at the party. But not any of Aubreys. Not hers. Why? His guess was as good as anyone's.
The rest of Aubrey's day is boring and all her excitement is focus on tonight. She grabs a shower and changes into a black dress. It shows off alittle more than Aubrey normally would but for tonight she wants to feel sexy. The chest is cut slightly low and the dress stops about mid thigh. She adds a pair of heels and just prays she don't fall as she touches just eyeliner for makeup and sighs wondering why she cares so much. Her roommate has noticed as she starts bugging Aubrey but finally leaves with her own date.
As Marcellus got ready for the party, he wore what he usually wore at night. His jeans stayed, so did the white t-shirt, but his black hoodie was replaced with a levi jacket with white designs up the sleves and on the back. He checked himself over in the mirror before heading out, running a hand through his hair. "Well, at least it's night," He aid to his reflection. Why did he care about how he looked this particular night? Was it Aubrey? He shook his head and realized with a shock that it was. "Goddammit." He shook his head. Love was for those who lived short lives, not him. Marcellus made his way to her dorm, straightened his jacket, and knocked on the door gently.
The door opens as Aubrey smiles "Hi Marcellus." She says as a flicker of annoyance almost seems to cross his face. She notices but decides not to comment as grabs her key and steps out. "I'm ready if you are." She says softly as she walks along side of him "You look different...ah no hoodie" she smiles "Nighttime suits you" she says playfully. She can't help but wander about you because you put off a air of mystery and she feels excited that you actual showed up tonight.
Marcellus rubbed the back of his neck. "Yea, night's good, I like night. And ah, you look..." He noticed her black dress paired with her red hair and makeup. Red was his favorite color, next to black. Anything that was both red AND black drew his attention. "...Stunning." He said, blinking a bit. It wasn't a lie, she did. The dress complimented her shapely form. "Have you eaten anything yet? I've learned the hard way not to go to a party on an empty stomach."
She turns a deep red and glances at you "Thank you..." She says as she pauses "actual I haven't and food sounds great" she says laughing as she loves to eat and got lucky when it comes to putting on weight it meet shows. She glances over you "What are you in the mood for?" She ask causally making conversation as she moves her hair to one side exposing her neck some. Aubrey's already nervous but only because she's attracted to you and you already seem untouchable so she tries to relax however her heart is racing
Marcellus had to stop himself from staring at Aubrey's neck. Hey, he was a vampire, necks were a source of food. But this particular one was attractive.Marcellus just nodded in reply. "There's a Rockney's down the street from here, they have good soup. They also have chicken, fish, salads, basically everything really." He jerked his head in the direction and smiled a bit, not too much, his fangs were still a bit on the large side. "Unless if you have a place you like otherwise, I'm fine with wherever."
Aubrey shakes her head "No that sounds perfect to me." She smiles alittle at you figuring your not the smiling kind as y'all walk quietly for a bit arriving at the restaurant. Aubrey follows you to a booth and slides in as the waitress smiles to you flirting alittle and I laugh softly when she walks off and glances to you "You must be used to that. You just have that appeal about you" Aubrey says before sipping the water.
Marcellus bobbed his head a bit. "Yea, it happens from time to time." Marcellus rubbed his chin. "Problem is, I don't see how I'm that much of an attractive person, I mean, people think I'm eemo I wear black all the time. I wear white just as much, white's a nicer color." It was true, Marcellus usually wore black during the day so he didn't burn, he loosened up a bit overnight and wore almost all white. He had a white collared jacket he liked to wear, but it was dirty, hence the levi jacket with white prints. The waitress came over and asked for their orders. "Soup of the day," He said.
"Same please." Aubrey states as she looks over you and shrugs "Your attractive in a different way. Plus your a gentleman." She says shrugging some as she eyes you "So you seem private I'm almost worried I may ask the wrong thing." She says laughing as she stirs her water with her straw slowly "but how come your not into the typical crowd? I mean I never see you out on campus until today."
Marcellus nodded. She was right, he tried to treat people nicely, it was how he was raised. She was also right about him being a private person, he didn't like getting close to humans. They complicated things. After her 'where are you, what do you do' question, Marcellus went over his well rehersed answers for that question. "I don't get outside much. I spend alot of time reading, thinking, the like." The waiter came with their food, and Marcellus asked her a bit about herself. "What do you usually do in your spare time?"
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Aubrey looks over you as she feels like your a little to formal in your answers however she shrugs it off and take a sip of soup from her spoon. "Hmm honestly I m still figuring that out. I like quiet things and even tho you met me at a party I usually don't go.." She shrugs as she smiles "I'm honesty a boring person." She says laughing again
Marcellus chuckled a bit. "Hey, at least you're honest." He couldn't stop himself from smiling this time. It was a genuine smile, one he hadn't had had in a long time. He decided to spend more time with Aubrey in the future, she was an allright person to be around. "And technically I didn't meet you at a party, I don't usually go to parties. I was just walking around at the time, that's something I like doing." Marcellus did like walking around, that wasn't a lie. He enjoyed the feeling of freedom, and america at night was one of the freest places in the world. "Anyways, I just happened to come across a damsel in distress, and took it upon myself to save you." His smile faded a bit, he noticed he might have accidentially shown her his fangs.
She smiles "I agree with walking. I usually try to do that a few times a week to clear out all the stress from college." Aubrey didn't even really notice if you had shown her fangs as she finishes her food. "Well I'm glad you happen to walk by that night. If you hadn't I'm not sure what would have happened." Aubrey takes a cool drink of water "Now that we have established we both don't care to party lets take a walk and maybe end up at the dreaded party." She laughs
"Sounds good," Marcellus said finishing his soup. The waiter came with the bill, he paid it. "Where do you usually walk, I like the woods. It's very relaxing at night." Marcellus got a faraway look in his eye, the woods at night reminded him of where he lived before he became a vampire. The woods was also the place he was bit, but that wasn't a bad thing. He had managed to kill the vampire that bit him, he still had the scars on his bicep from where the teeth had sunk in. "The crickets play beautiful music, don't you think?" He said, standing up.
Aubrey glances at you a moment but shrugs "I guess I have my protector so woods works for me." She adds as she licks her lips and leans in closer as the woods come up. She smiles "I like it don't get me wrong but still I used to think it was the place danger could be." She says as she quiet but reaches over taking your hand "So I don't get lost" she winks
Marcellus's face flushed, making it appear whiter than it usually was. The human had his hand. But she was human, and she had his hand. Somebody had his hand. Nobody ever had his hand. But the human did. Marcellus realized that she liked him. And that was normal, vampires usually could charm the opposite gender like nobody's buisness, but his was different. Marcellus felt attraction to this person as well. Marcellus decided he liked this person, and just went with it. He lad her by the hand out the door of the restaraunt. "I don't think you realize it Aubrey, but the whole worlds dangerous." He focused on Aubrey's eyes. "The world's full of bad people, bad things. So listen to me, look at a situation from every angle before you dive right in. Okay?" Marcellus was implying about himself, but the same went for everything else. He was sounding like an old man again. Aubrey was going to think he was a strange, strange little man now. He reddened a bit, but not much on his account of not having that much blood in the first place.
Aubrey smiled she like that he seem to genuinely care. " I know it does. But without bad we would never appreciate the good right?" Aubrey squeezes his hand as the night air feels nice. It seems a great night for a walk. "I've met people who think they are bad but aren't. Deep down I kinda feel that may be you but like I said before your private and I won't dig. " She looks at the sky "I figure you will share what you want me to know and maybe eventual you'll trust me more." She adds as they continue out to the woods on the edge of town. She uses her other hand to hold your arm so she don't fall in the heels
Marcellus laughed harshly. "Some people think they're bad people. I know I am." Marcellus noticed the way the moonlight glinted off her eyes. "But being a bad person doesn't mean you're not a nice person." Marcellus rapped his knuckles on a nearby tree. "Like this tree. It's old. And on the outside it's bark is rough and peeling, the tree could be basically falling apart,. But on the inside, the heartwood is some of the strongest wood in the entire tree." He returned his gaze to Aubrey. "Some people are like that." He thought he was. He was also older than the tree. It was strange, being stuck in the body of a teenager, with hormones and other things affecting your judgement, but knowledge of a hundred lifetimes backing you up.
Aubrey listens and smiles nodding "I would find it hard to believe your a college student. You sound much smarter and wiser. " Aubrey shakes her head and smiles to you "I enjoy your company." She says quietly as she looks over the tree. Aubrey leans her head on your shoulder and smiles "Alright so your a bad guy but you save girls like me?"
Marcellus didn't know how to react to that other than say "Yes..." The crickets chirped around them, singing their usual late summers night song. There were fireflies floating about, Marcellus caught one in his hand and let it crawl around on his arm. "I told you the woods were nice..." his voice trailed off
Aubrey smiles "So it is.." She says softly as she looks around at the fireflies and then to you "We could stay here if you would rather avoid the party." She says not aware you need to feed. She glances to you as she probably should be scared in the woods with a guy she knows nothing about but yet she feels save and content. Aubrey hold tightly to your arm not wanting to fall
Marcellus shook his head. "Naww. I only don't go since I don't know anybody there. Now that I have someone to go with, it should be fun." He smiled at Aubrey, not very convincingly though since he didn't want to show his teeth. He was hungry, and some of the color was starting to leave his hands. He needed blood soon, and if he stayed here with Aubrey, there would only be one choice... But that changed when his not-so-human hearing detected footsteps. A couple pairs, about five. He broke away from Aubrey and whirled around, there were the five jocks that he had butted heads with last night.
Aubrey glances to you as she smiles turning to leave right until she hears the voices as she turns around and instantly knows this can't be good. "Well look there's my girl..." The same one from earlier remarks as his friends seems more than willing to keep you busy. I step back as he starts around tree smiling to me "Now if I remember you was going to show me a good time." I look to you although it's dark and I can hear you with his friends although it sounds like you have them handled. He grabs my arm as it causes me to lose my balance and fall scraping my leg drawing just a slight drop of blood. I kick him as I scoot away worried about you.

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