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One x one!!

Aubrey sighed as the professor pushes her against the wall and leans in "You will pass this class if you just..give me some attention I should say." Aubrey shakes her head as she turns her head just in time for his kiss to land on her cheek instead of her lips. Aubrey pushes at his chest "I would just leave me alone if you know what's good for you." Aubrey manages as he's hand goes to her shirt "Come on guaranteed A. You should feel special."
Marcellus had finished his sandwich, and Aubrey was still not in sight. He was a bit confused, then he recalled that she had told him where she would be, the history room, 409. Marcellus chuckled, if she needed help she could just ask him. He threw his trash away, pulling his hood lower over his face and walked in through the college building. 409.. that was at the other end of the school. "Time to get going." he muttered.
Aubrey glances to the door as she pushes his hand down and looks at him. He smiles "Your boyfriend don't even have to know. After all it's college and girls that look like you well they get this all the time.." Aubrey feels physically sick as he lands the next kiss on her lips while she turns her head. She hears the top button of her jeans slowly unsnap and closes her eyes pushing again.
Marcellus had wandered through the hallways a bit, but he managed to find the room. 409, history. He opened the door and strode inside, looking around to a practically empty classroom... then his eyes settled on the wall where the professor was kissing Aubrey, his hand practically down her pants. Marcellus was infuriated. He loved Aubrey. And she was kissing the professor. A fucking teacher for gods sakes. He decided to give her the opportunity to explain what was happening, there had to be a reason she told him to come here when she did. Marcellus slammed the door and knocked loudly on the wall. "You two having fun?" he growled.
The professor steps back jumping slightly as he turns to see you "Ah a shame you had to find out this way.." Aubrey looks to you shaking her head "No it's not that...he hasn't stopped bothering me for days now...I didn't want to tell you because ...well you know ..." Aubrey slides away from him and steps toward you but she can tell your already mad and what hurts more is it looks like you think she was actual doing this.. She stops "You think I would..." Her mouth opens slightly as she stares to you a moment "Wow...geez does every guy suck?" She walks pass you and down the hall. The professor sighs "College girls huh? She must have played both of us but come on just look at her...she clearly is used to attention."
"Shut the door on your way out." He growled. Marcellus strode up to the professor and grabbed him by his collar with one hand, lifting him in the air. His hood covered most of his face, but his eyes shone brightly from under it. He cocked his head to the side. "I am going to ask you a question." Marcellus said with a voice like ice, and a tounge like fire. "And you are going to answer it truthfully. And if you are lying, I will know. Don't lie, it is not in your best interests." Marcellus walked with the professor still above the ground over to the windows. They were two stories up. Marcellus reguarded the windows for a bit before snapping his attention back to the professor. "Something you said doesn't make sense. I know, I know, you teach history, not english. SO." Marcellus looked out the window again, then back at the professor. "Was she willingly participating in this... After class activity?"
Aubrey pauses at the end of the hallway glancing back knowing you will more than likely kill the poor guy. She shakes her head and heads outside thinking of going to her dorm but instead a heads through the woods to the lake sitting down. Meanwhile in the classroom the professor tries his best to get you to believe him "I mean she did stay and all but hey no worries won't happen again." He says trying to be calm but clearly afraid of you. He glances to the window "Come on...I didn't mean any harm by it..extra credit in it for her and fun for me..usually the girls go for it."
Marcellus gritted his teeth. "That is a lie." Marcellus threw the teacher across te room, slamming him against a wall. "It probably will happen again. And I'm going to... discourage it." Marcellus picked him back up by the collar and dragged him over to his desk. "You seem to be good at lying. So how about you lie to everyone else about what has happened here today..." Marcellus slammed his hand down on the desk, a few of the drawrs popping open. Marcellus also locked the classroom door, shutting the blinds. "...And next person who asks you why you don't have any reproductive system at all?" He rummaged around in the drawres and his hand came out with a pair of safety scissors. "Lie to them as well." He was glad all the school's cameras were down for a tech matinence. To have all this recorded would be hilarious but it just wouldn't do. Neither would killing the man. He smirked a bit under his hood as the professors eyes widened in fear, and Marcellus clubbed him over the head with a closed fist.

After his work was done, Marcellus wiped his hands on the unconscious professors pants, getting a ladder out of the closet and spreading some of the blood around the large fan on the ceiling. He then jammed what was left of the professors... parts... Under the grating. The professor moaned, he was beginning to gain consciousness. Marcellus overturned the ladder to make it look like someone had fallen off of it. "Good afternoon professor." He smirked, "Remember the lie we talked about? Well, this time you caught your dick in the ceiling fan." He jerked his thumb over to the bloodied fan. "You really should take some time off. Or at least exercize abstinance. Well, seeya around." With that, marcellus opened the window and jumped out, landing on one knee and a fist with an audible thud. He was glad Aubrey hadn't stayed for that part. She would not have liked it at all. He had missed his afternoon classes, so he decided to just go home. He would apologise to Aubrey tonight. He couldn't help it, he had that happen to him before. The girl in salem, once in rome, some time during the middle ages... And it made his blood boil. Well, what was left of his blood anyways. He jammed his hands in his pockets and headed home.
Aubrey stayed out for awhile she lost track of time as she finally got up at dark starting back to her dorm. Hopefully the poor professor was still alive. He just really didn't need to die over it. Aubrey couldn't believe you actual thought she had kissed him. That she could so easily do that with anyone else. It was strange all these guys clearly liked Aubrey and everyone mentioned her looks however the one guy she was so certain she loved and he didn't like her to kiss him much less want anything more from her. Aubrey followed the trail and shook her head. She would see you again and she knew you'd be sorry so now came the tonight part. Did she forgive you?
Marcellus had slept, showered, and dressed. He went over his thought process in his head. He would tell Aubrey about his fearof unfaithful people, and why he did not like unfaithful people. He'd tell her that her being raped made him feel horrible, and powerless, and like he wasnt doing his job of protecting her. He looked in the mirror and took off his jacket, shaking his head. White jeans and a tshirt were enough, come to think of it, she had never seen his bare arms before. He flexed a bit, they were moderately defined from his origional job as a blacksmith, but not very wide. Marcellus was never a bulky person. He hated when nsomeone infringed upon his territory and always assumed the worst. Marcellus headed to her apartment and knocked on the door, folding his arms.
Aubrey turned the hallway and paused seeing Marcellus standing at her door. She could backup and avoid him although eventual she would have to see him. She sighed and started down the hall "I hope you didn't kill him." She says leaning against the opposite wall from you as she stares over him. Aubrey couldn't help but think he looked handsome even when she was mad at him.
Marcellus wiped his face. "No, I just cut his junk off with a pair of safety scissors." He dropped his hand. "Probably shouldn't have said that." he stared at the floor. He was going to do something he had never done to anyone, not in sevently years. He was going to apologize. "I've tried to organize in my head what I'm going to say next..." His voice trailed off.
Aubrey's mouth open slightly as she paled alittle "Um that could have been kept to yourself..." She says and shakes her head "Marcellus you don't trust me...and maybe it's because I'm human or female...I don't know" she shrugs looking up "but you can't exactly be together without that. I've respected boundaries and tried to understand but clearly I'm not doing something right." Aubrey says softly.
Marcellus hung his head. "I've been... Used... before. A whole bunch of times. Humans now, they sleep around, for guys it's something thats admirable. And... I know you're not the kind of person to do that... But when I saw you and the professor... I just... lost it." Marcellus still didn't make eye contact, he was ashamed of what he was saying. "Seeing you being abused... It also made me feel... like I wasn't doing my job. As a boyfriend. You've said you're a virgin. That's for someone special. It might not be me, maybe not the next person, but... You shouldn't be treated that way. And me not protecting you made me hate myself." He paused a bit before what he said next. "...I'm sorry..."
Aubrey glances down and leans out touching your arm "You can't always be there...I mean things happen. Besides if you hadn't shown up it would have been a lot worse." Aubrey runs a hand through her hair and sighs "Just seems all the guys want stuff but the one guy I actual want..." She pauses looking over you "I just don't know how to get you to trust me. I haven't ever lied to you and I've kept my word but you seem to look for a reason to not believe me." Aubrey shakes her head "I'm human and believe me i could be hurt or even die tomorrow. Your not always gonna be able to protect me. Maybe we are to different for this to work.." She mutters
Marcellus picked his head up and finally looked her in the eye. Something in his eyes were shimmering. It wasn't tears, Marcellus never cried. He hadn't cried in so long. So long. He embraced her awkwardly. "I do..." He said, his voice barely a whisper, "But the truth is... I'm scared." He cupped her face in his hands, tilting her face up to his. "We aren't too different. We just have problems understanfing eachother. I am a milenium and a half old, remember?" He was quiet a bit, then let go, fiddling with his wrists, even though there were no sleeves there. His bite marks were visible on one of his biceps, and there was a black ring, a tattoo of sorts, around the other arm. "Is this... The last night you want to spend being a human?" He asked hesitantly.
Aubrey glances up "Marcellus...I don't want you doing that..not when your not sure about us and feel like you have to or anything" Aubrey sighs watching you and reaches over touching both of your hands "Stop relax...come on let's just talk inside." Aubrey says opening the door "Katie is away again this weekend. So it's just us." She adds as she drops her keys on a table and looks back at you "What are you scared about? Your not going to hurt me...I can barely get a kiss out of you." she says softly and smiles "Meanwhile other guys try to cram their tongues down my throat." She says taking your hand
Marcellus followed her. "Humans... They're fragile. They're delicate. Especially you, you're a woman." Marcellus wiped his face. "I've seen alot of people get old. I've seen alot of people die. Some of my war brothers I still visit from vietnam, they're in nursing homes. Their attendents think I'm a sweet boy, come to give some old men some worth. They think all the old men have dementia. Well some of them do..." His voice trailed off. "My point is... You're all dust in the wind. And... I dont want to loose you. I'm pressed for time to make a decision, and I hate being pressed for time. I'm used to thinking about my choices for hundreds of years before I make them, because I have time. You don't."
Aubrey looks down and sighs "Maybe you don't have 100 years but a few days won't hurt. Look just take this weekend and figure out if your sure you want to make that commitment and I'll do the same. Either we can take this weekend apart and do it or you can stay here." Aubrey says as she sits down on the couch and sighs "I just don't want one accident with that professor to make you decide something that isn't what you actual want. Maybe right now your scared of the future but I'm the one that will grow old. You'll move on and may meet another girl."
Marcellus shookhis head agitatedly. "But I don't want another girl. I'm tired of searching for love. I need to find someone who I can just..." Marcellus sat down in a chair at the table and held his head in his hands. "I can't die. Well, i can, but id rather not. Life is meaningless without someone you can share it with. I've tried to die honorably. I've been shot nine hundred and sixty seven times. Trust me, I've counted. But the wounds just heal. And fast too. Vampires... We don't get hurt. We do, but we don't stay like that for long." He leaned his head back in the chair and closed his eyes for a bit, then tilted his head towards Aubrey, focusing on her face. "I don't want to hurt anymore. And I want someone who will help me when I am."
Aubrey lifts a eyebrow "Do you love me? And think before you answer that. Love means a lot. It means trusting me. " Aubrey sighs "I trust you and I love you." She runs a hand over her face "I mean you could have killed me and I'm still here..." She says trying to lighten your mood. "I don't want you to change me if you question any of that...and honestly if you question that then you should probably just leave and end this now." She says as she looks into your eyes.
Marcellus sighed. "Yes..." He did trust Aubrey. He didn't trust himself. What if he screwed up? What if he said the wrong thing? What if he made her mad and she left him? So many what if's... The tragety of life. No set schedule. "I... I love you." Marcellus said with a bit of relief. He hadn't said those words to anyone and meant it for a long time. But when he gazed into Aubrey's eyes, he could tell he could trust her to handle his heart with care. He hoped he wouldn't drop it himself.
Aubrey smiles a bit "I love you too..." She says softly as she squeezes your hand and sits down on our lap. She looks into your eyes "You still seems hesitant...you haven't scared me off yet and well let's just say you've been yourself more than once around me.." She smiles as she slides her hands around your face "But we need to work on your not touching thing." She says leaning in kissing you figuring you'll probably panic because she's on your lap.
Marcellus's pulse quickened when she sat down on his lap, but he realized this was because she was completely comfortable with him. That was good. She began kissing him, and that was good too. He put his hand on the back of her neck, the other he wrapped around her waist to keep her there, and returned the kiss. He broke the kiss and gave her one on the nose, one on the cheek, and one on the neck. He kept his head there and breathed deeply. Her hair smelled nice. That was something Marcellus liked about Aubrey more than anything else, her hair.
Aubrey sighed as she run a hand through your hair and closes her eyes. She takes the moment in and smiles "I can't believe your actual letting me sit here." Aubrey smiles touching your bite mark. "How bad did it hurt?" She ask tracing it slowly as she turn looking to you "I'm half scared of it and half calm." She whispers

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