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One True Love


Irl king of Hell
First Meeting

Dalia was a quiet girl, a little florist. She'd just gotten out of college, she finally got her own apartment, and she had a job she loved. All in all, she was happy. There was just one problem though.

Dalia was stuck in a world with no color.

The young woman, only 23, had been patient all her life, but the waiting wasn't paying off. For years, her mother and father had told her how amazing it was to see color, how beautiful they all were. Her mother always said that the flowers she was so infatuated with would be even more lovely once she could see the colors they held.

Now though, Dalia was starting to lose hope. The idea of never finding her soulmate weighed down on her mind, kept her from being able to focus. She wanted nothing more than to find the being who would allow her to see all the colors that could only be described to her as lovely, and she wanted nothing more than to allow someone else, someone who would love her, someone she was destined to find, to see those colors too.

The evening air was cold while the frail woman walked through the streets of New York, her seemingly silver eyes shimmering in the pale white street lights. Another day gone by, and there was no sign of color starting to seep into her world. She let out a soft sigh, looking down at her feet. Dalia wished something would happen, hoped for nothing more than someone to come and make her see color. With another soft sigh, she ran a hand gently through her long, dark hair, and began to sing along with the music playing in her ears.

"Have you lost your way? Livin' in the shadow of the messes that you made..." Came her soft voice, clear in the cold night. She barely realized she was singing, but either way, she wouldn't have stopped. She needed this now more than she ever would have.

"And so it goes, everything inside your circle starts to overflow. Take a step before you leap into the colors that you seek...You get back what you give away, so don't look back on yesterday.." She found herself smiling a bit at those words that filled her head, spilled from her pale lips. The song (Aftermath by Adam Lambert) never failed to make her feel better. Still, she longed to see the colors all around her, to feel the warm embrace of a lover, of her soulmate. She doubted she would ever experience such things.

"Wanna scream out, no more hiding. Don't be afraid of what's inside...Gonna tell ya you'll be alright in the aftermath...Anytime anybody pulls you down, anytime anybody says you're not allowed, just remember you are not alone in the aftermath..." She took in a deep breath, looking around. She was alone on a side street now, and she shook her head. It was probably time she stop wandering through the night and to the main road.

She turned back, walking in the direction of the main road. What she hadn't expected was to run into another person.
((*throws in Carlisle because why not*))

The tall boy stopped in his tracks, royal blue hair blowing around a little in the windy weather as he felt the small girl run into him. He had heard the voice, and was listening happily to her singing, not realising how close she had gotten to him. He put his large, pale hands on her shoulders, trying to keep her drum stumbling and falling from the impact. He looked down at her and smiled. 'Pretty~' he thought, and she genuinely was. Her long, brown hair was pulled out if her face and into a long braid, showing more of her soft features. Icy blue eyes (the most gorgeous feature of all, in Carlisle's opinion) against a beautiful, pale face, her cheeks were tinted pink from the cold air, and he was sure his were the same.
Wide eyed, she looked up at the man, the hands on her thin shoulders a jarring reminder that if she didn't pay attention, something bad could happen. Still, she found herself unafraid. Tiny hands fell against his torso without her realizing, just another unconscious manner of stabilizing herself. "I-I'm sorry!" she squeaked, backing carefully away from him. She didn't know who he was, so of course she would apologize in the way she was. Ice colored eyes reflected the moon, anxiety clear within them. She couldn't help the fear residing in her chest though. After all, she didn't know this man.

Still, she found herself drawn to him, wanting nothing more than to get to know him better. No, that would be stupid, wouldn't it? But..maybe it would be fine? At least find out his name first... She thought, shaking her head and pushing her long braid back over her shoulder. She was trembling with cold, realizing she'd left her coat back at the shop. Great.
Carlisle was quiet for a moment, biting on his lip, before he slowly murmured, "Are you alright? " HR noted her hands moving to his waist with a tiny smile but saidbnothing about it, deciding flirting probably was not the smartest thing to do withba girl when Inna dark alley. He noticed her shivering and frowned...her coat was missing. He sighed a little, and after a few moments he slipped his off if him, gently handing it to her. He had his hoodie in so he wasn't unprotected against the wind. He tried to smile at her but his face was mostly hidden by darkness do it was difficult to see from where he stood.
She nodded, looking down and moving her hands away from him with another quiet apology. "I'm alright..." she murmured, then looked around. Dalia was terrified. Suddenly, there was a coat being dropped around her shoulders. Quickly, she moved to clutch the zippered opening of the jacket. She was practically drowning in the thing, being as she was very, very tiny. She thanked him, then looked around once more.

Questions flooded her mind, strands of loose hair whipping around her face. "W-Why are you helping me? How am I-I going to get this back to you?" She asked softly, looking back up at him. She felt guilty, but she could see he had a hoodie on.
He smiled, shaking his head, "Don't worry about it, Love.... " he tilted his head at her "May I walk you home? You shouldn't be walking around all in your own in this area...... " his voice and was kind and hi is face genuine. He didtlnt want her to be out in the cold alone.... He was glad he had found her instead of someone else who lived around the area. He held out his hand to her, "May I? "
Hesitantly, she nodded. He seemed nice enough, so perhaps she could trust him. "I suppose that's alright...Thank you, sir.." she murmured, then looked for a street sigh. She nodded to herself, finding that she recognized the name, and without hesitation, she started off. "May I ask your name?" She said as she started walking.
He smiled softly at her, "Carlisle..... And yours? " HR kept his eyes on her face, studying her withba quiet grin, unable to help but be distracted. He carefully moved an arm around her shoulders, almost protectively, as he walked with her.
She leaned into him without realizing it, closing her eyes a moment and opening them a moment later. "It's Dalia.." she replied, watching her feet as she walked, allowing herself to lose her form in the giant coat over her slim shoulders.
He nodded softly, "Beautiful name~" he looked down at her with a huge grin, "For s beautiful girl..... " he kept his arm where it was, frying to make sure she stays warm beside him.
She felt heat coming up to rest at her cheeks, making her face feel warm. "I-I'm not as you say I am, Carlisle..." she murmured, still watching her feet. She had on a pastel pink dress with pastel flowers on the skirt of it. She sighed. "If anything I look like a child..."
He shakes his head, "I disagree...... " he looks down at her, "I think you look absolutely beautiful...... " he tilts his head, "Why do you disagree?" he truly didn't understand why she insisted he was wrong..... He thought she was gorgeous.....
"You clearly can't see me clearly..I'm dressed like a six year old, and with my height, I most certainly look like one..." she replied, looking back up at him once more. "How could you possibly think otherwise? A handsome young man like yourself shouldn't be so kind to a girl who looks as though she is a child."
"You See I don't see you as you see yourself, gorgeous? " he raised a dark eyebrow at her, stopping a bit to step in front if her, looking at her, "I think the colours suit you and the dress fits you perfectly..... " he cant seem to help himself but lean down and cup her cheek in his hand, "And see.... Your face is the most beautiful thing about you.....nevermind what you're wearing...... You'd be beautiful in anything, Love..... "
Dalia could feel her face heating up, her heart beating faster in her chest. She felt...embarrassed. "I-I..." She was struggling to get the words out now, unable to think on what to say. "Y-you don't really...mean that....you could do better than a girl like me...you must be complimenting me this way because you want something..."
He bit his lip, looking at her quietly for a bit, before shaking hisbhead, smiling at her and standing up slightly, "If I wanted something I would ask directly, gorgeous.........the only thing I want from you is you to agree with me.... " he looks down at her with a small smirk-like smile.
She shook her head, get heart pounding in her chest. She wanted to keep walking, but at the same time, she wanted something to happen. The moment that thought got through her head, she felt a sudden pain in her knee. "Ah..h-hey, you mind if I find a place to sit for a moment? I'm supposed to be wearing a brace on my knee..."
Carlisle nodded a little, "There should be a bench or something around this corner..... " hebheld out his hand, "So what are you doing walking around alone around this area? "
She took the offered hand, sighing quietly and looking around for a bench of sorts. The question caught her off guard. "Ah...I work at the flower shop thirty minutes from here...Lilie's..."
He nods a bit, "Ah, I see..... I work pretty close to you actually.... The music store down the street.... " he gives a small smile, leading her to a bench and sitting NH her down, standing bybher.
In response, she nodded, pulling a black knee brace out of her bag and putting it on. "I think I've seen you before...I'm in there every day looking for new CD's..."
He laughs, "I'm surprised I haven't noticed someone as beautiful as you in there before... " ((sorry I had some science stuff to do))
"I'm not very noticeable, you know." She replied, pulling the hair tie from her braid and undoing it, allowing her long brown locks to fall freely as she stood once more. She hated the brace.
"I think you're plenty noticeable....... You have a beautiful voice by the way...... " he gives her a small, cute grin.

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