One Thousand Birds

Aww. That's no fun.

I one had a classmate mix together two highly toxic substances accidentally. We had to evacuate the school
Nice. LOL

Our chemistry likes to suggest doing combustion labs...

Our teacher DEFINITELY doesn't trust us that much.

oic, flubs
Yeah... if only you knew the kids in my class. xD

Then you would know precisely how bad of an idea that is.

Kinda' like the pyromaniac in Super 8, but not exactly.

god i love that movie

i want to watch that now
Last time one of my teachers let me do combustion... Let me just say I was detained under suspicion of criminal activity
Once upon a high school chemistry class...

Mr. Dumpy told us to show him what we learned by demonstrating the law of conservation of matter, so I decided to show how blowing up a desk with basically a homemade claymore doesn't affect mass! I got a A in that class.
I in the cell made his name into a acronym which I shall not say in public chat... 
Now I do things for ********. Similar things.
If I don't post again it wasn't a terrorist organization. If post again it was the toilet calling my name.
Quoting GlaDOS: "still alive." 
@Pine if I say then I won't post again because of the a organization
Note a post I made while ago. I would see the death horses in Harry potter. Do ghostbusters see death?
I'm back I'm back! I know you all missed me so much, as I've been gone a few hours maybe. I can already hear the shouts, "Oh ghost, I'm so glad you're here! Ghost is great, were glad to have him. he's such a great roleplayer too, and so nice and funny...."

However this ghost is feeling too lazy to reply with either of his characters . Tablets are annoying. Gomen.
Guess I want to hear your guessss

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