One Thousand Birds


So it shall be done.

74% of your love for me ~

your favorite role play host

Fwee likes cheese, as frequently stated in the heat of a pokemon argument.
"We have been expecting you Fwee. Oh wait. Wrong matrix." Fizzles out in green code.
Okay, okay...

Give a while to think of some new, exciting pronoun.

/sits in thinking chair

/falls asleep in thinking chair

d'aww i thought i was loved
Yayyyyy. <3

You know, I used to think <3 was a smiley face.

Like, < is the mouth and 3 are the eyes.

See it?

So much cuter than a heart.
That's what iI used to think to...

° o ° )
Okay cool, because I wasn't feeling creative anyway. xD

i luv yew 2 c8


Next time, then. 

I better be heading off.

I have a lot of homework to cram in early tomorrow morning, heee. ewe
It's here!

Smells so good,

To a nose,

With an average sense if smell

Scent so sweet,

Like a plant,

In a garden,


Goes up,

And my style goes high high high!

Off the charts,

So super high,

And my swaggers off the charts

But here's one smell that no one knows, HOW DOES OLD SPICE SMELL??

S-s-s-s-s-super good

S-s-s-s-s-super good

S-s-s-s-s-super good

S-s-s-s-s-super good

How does old spice smell?

O-o-o-o-o-Oh My God

O-o-o-o-o-Oh My God

O-o-o-o-o-Oh My God

O-o-o-o-o-Oh My God

How does old spice smell?

Super super super good

Super super super good

Super super super good

Super super super good

How does old spice smell?





How does old spice smell?

So many types,

How to choose,

Swa-a-gger or ocean breeze

Little trace,

Awesome scent,

Suddenly your smelling good,

You canister,

Contains so much,

Like a blessing in disguise,

But if you meet,

A friendly girl,

Will she come running to your;




How will this girl re-a-a-a-a-act?



How does old I'm uncultured smell?

E-e-e-e-extremely good

E-e-e-e-extremely good

E-e-e-e-extremely good

E-e-e-e-extremely good

How does Old spice smell?

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha hahhduty to

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha hahhduty to

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha hahhduty to

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha hahhduty to

How die sold spice smell?

I looooooooooooove you

I looooooooooooove you

How does old spice smell?

The secret of the hipsters,

The upstanding deodorant,

Some won't us you,

I know I always will,

What is you smell?

Some will never know,

Alone with smelly pits,

How do you smell?

You girl magnet,

Hiding in the bathroom,

What is your smell?

Will we ever know?

I want to,

I want to

I want to know 
Leave your comments on it and recommendations for what next! 
This one is for @Pine FYI.
Hahaha, I love it, Flubs! cx

You just randomly come up with these for fun?

That's impressive yo.

aaaand really sleeping now /rolls away
@Pine my creative process is weird. I shower, sing loudly, run screaming lyrics as they pop into my head around k apartment room, and then proof read them with the song. 
Should I do thrift shop next? Or counting stars? Or safe and sound? Or roar? Vote in the comments of the fox! 
The parody anyways.
/Smh at all the things that I miss because I am many time zones away and you guy decide to get chatty at 5 AM my time :'(
My word. So many pages of OOC. I skipped all of them. Nothing important I was supposed to see right?
Haha, not really anything necessary, Noah, just sorting out teams for a while there, but nothing important for your character, man :)

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