One Thousand Birds


I have a girl and her name is Enima. <3

She's the perfect nature, but I have no idea what her IVs look like.

Lolol, I have yet to get Pokebank (do you have to buy the card to get the credits to purchase the game or is there another way?), but when I do, I'm going to be hacking a looooot of pokemon.

I love the satisfaction of getting honest pokemon, but at the same time, that also takes a LOT of time out of my life, so I'll take a few short cuts... xD
You buy it from the nintendo shop channel. Its just a little application you can use to stor pokemon online. :) It's also how you bring pokemon from black and white to X&Y.

I Don't care about hacking one way or another >.> some of the pokemon are just too cool to pass up. But I want to get a legitimate copy of all pokemon catchable in the games.

So I'm probably going to be 'acquiring' things like shaymin, cresselia, darkrai, deoxys etc. some other way xD
I know all that, but the trial is gone.

Now it's a yearly subscription or ~$5.

I was hoping there would be a way for me to purchase it without ever leaving my home. LOL

Yeah, filling a pokedex would be fun. ewe

I'd just be poke genning for competitive ones.

IV breeding is not something I want to spend a lot of time doing. xD
/does not


Later this week. ewe

I'm sort of excited for easter just because of the outfit I'll be able to wear. LOL

But that's not even until the end of the month, is it?

le sigh ~
xD in Canada it's called EBgames. Though technically they are the same company.

Electronic Boutique. Sounds so much more sophisticated then GameStop
Electronic Boutique? xDDDDDD

I never thought of it as a boutique...

Sounds so fancy, that's great.
The only job I've ever had is band and community service, lol. :'D

i know it doesn't count but i'm busy enough


I'm going to ignore everyone for a little while.

Going to cram role play replies, then sleep.

I'll do my homework eventually, tt.
OKAY, Kitsune, I get it. xD

no like i'm almost done with satoru's reply

/rolls around
Lolol, it's chemistry.

Nah, it's okay.

The biggest problem is that I need to get the data from my lab partner WHO IS COMPLETELY IGNORING ME and I need to find the original sheet where the post-lab questions are. xD
Ah. partnered labs, I always hated those. Especially considering I was always too shy to actually talk to people in my class. So I always got stuck with the butt holes.
Aw. xD

I have a go-to friend, so we're good.

even though with said friend

i have no idea how we get along

but we


sort of

EITHER WAY we have to turn in our own individual lab write-ups... which kinda' sucks, considering we only went with one procedure, and she was the only person to record data.

but lol the other lab partner spilled hydrochloric acid on the paper

It was diluted with water, so it wasn't as acidic as it would have otherwise been (I also got a little on my finger lol whoops), but it was really funny.

We had just got done with the reaction and were cleaning up, then she was like 'I'll get a tighter hold on the test tube by squeezing the test tube clamp,' but in all actuality, squeezing the clamp is how you release them. xD
@Stickdom <3s all day long. Feels as well. *Ikomo looks over and give me his Mushrooms found on a old log house, warp from fire look*

wow. just-wow. Was it acidic enough to do any damage to the paper? Probably had to throw it out anyways huh?

Not at all!

I guess they REALLY diluted it or something.

We just let it dry a little and the paper was good to go.

THANKFULLY it was only on the corner of the page. xP

It was like spilling water on it, quite literally.

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