One Thousand Birds

Kitsune, want to join mine? :D it's kind of slow at the moment, but that because it's a big world with only 3 people in it right now.. I just need people who are interested to make characters, then I'll pretty much open the gates and let you guys run wild :D
I've played X.

Didn't we exchange friend codes? xD


/hair flip
lol xD And no, we didn't. though we should.

*toddles off to find 3DS*

I even have the super special edition pokemon x&y 3ds xl >.>

That's just it, it's not really about anything, or to put it a better way, it's about anything you want.. Open world, as many characters, places, quests and ideas as you want :D it's like a big sand box game, you can create pretty much whatever you want and then just hang out, fight, or work with anyone else that's playing with you :D
;-; that would probably move so unbelievably slooooow 
Oh god, Is my brain fried? I didn't understand a lot of what happened there xD
Not really, because you can set whatever mini-stories in it that you want, heck, I even have plans for kingdoms at war, dragons attacking cities, this is going to pretty much be a while bunch if stories wrapped into one.. But, if that's not your style, I'm not gonna bug, just wanted to see if you're interested :) this goes to anyone here, too, I'm trying to get more RPers so that the speed WILL pick up, it went great at first, Then slowly died down. :/

^ fc fc fc fc. c:

I just have a regular 3DS... because I never wanted one in the first place, but then... pokemon. lol

I guess I'm the 10%, Flubs.

Stick, even if I weren't as busy as I am, I think you would hate how slow I am with replies x2. xD
That sounds problematic. xD

Just let me know.

I'm gonna' work on my post, then I think I might nap. -w-
Haha, Pine :P possibly, but I don't really get mad at people that go slowly, I'm just excited to see why happens next in the story :D
Alright. Hey by the way, as a general poll.

I managed to breed a shiny eevee. I don't know what I want to evolve it into. I NEED HALP!
I think I'm gonna go get a midnight snack, I has a hungry :S if anyone posts anything I need to see @ tag me and I'll be here :)
Yeah, I'm the same way. xD

/stares longingly at one on ones

Personally, I like shiny Flareon, but shiny Umbreon looks pretty cool, too. cx
Depends, is it male or female? And what Gen? /casts vote for female Glaceon, Vaporeon, male Jolteon, Umbreon
Glaceon is just a little lighter than regular glaceon, Vaporeon is pink, Jolteon is GREEN, and Umbreon's rings turn blue and the eyes turn yellow.

Flareon sort of retains the color scheme of Eevee, so... it becomes a big, fluffy Eevee. <3
Well it's X&Y gen, and when I got it it's because I was breeding for a perfect vaporeon (IV's, nature and ability- the whole nine yards)

But I don't really like Vaporeon all that much, and while Glaceon and Leafeon would be my first picks, their shiny versions are nothing more then a slight shade difference :(

Espeon turns green, Flareon turns brown- I like umbreons but it seems a little underwhelming seeing as the yellow bits just turn blue.

And I'm pretty sure it's a guy 
I was thinking Sylveon, simply because its the newest eevee-lution. But sylveon looks really weird as a guy :/

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