One Thousand Birds


lol literally want to put off this post as long as possible just for youuuu stick <3

Ghost, tell your parents I said you can have a snake.

Problem solved.
*sits in the corner facing the wall and begins to eat a bottle of glue*
That physically hurt. Conclusion: I can only binge the walking dead. And Carl is awesome.
Back to fill chat with random messages disguised with randomly placed order.
Haha, knowing Pine, it's not going to be done tonight, she'll think of a way to put it off until tomorrow, just you watch xD
At first I thought he was joking but????

@Ghost we all know snaked are merely slightly unholy, but not quite as satanic as hedgehogs. Those infernal creatures of skies upon a soft warm body.

Haiku time

Dog goes woof, umm no

The fox doesn't speak at all yvlz

Cat meow root toot toot.
Ok, I'm what you might call "religious" (though I hate that term, it's so stuffy and it's not even accurate xD ) and even I think that that is absolutely ridiculous xD wow, that's one I've never heard before *trying not to die laughing*
I'm very upset. I'm also christian and I know he's being completely ridiculous.

If he doesn't want me to have a snake, at least tell me why and not give me a whole bunch of bs?????
Stick if you make a mission with diplomacy I will make you eat your own undergarments, roll you in squirrel feicies, and let a sloth sleep on you. Buzz feeds good friend test gave me a 76 and said it wanted me as a friend? WTF WORLD 
@Ghost when I was kid and I asked a tarantula my parents said hey where to furry for our household. I love snakes, and feel for you. Feels.
Ok, not sure I understood what any of that was about, besides the sloth, which I personally would be cool with xD
Okay. My character is sort of a brute. Not a large boy but to muscular for his age. He also doesn't talk much.
Awesome, sounds like he likes to make a mess rather than a plan xD
Ghost, if someone said that snakes are satanic... that's probably the real reason why they're against it. xD

Just wait until you're out on your own ~

And guys, I think you may have realized how ADD I am by now. lol

I'm going to take care of this stats first because I really need to pull up my grade, but I promise I'll have a post up today. xD
@Stickdom, he doesn't like making messes he just can punch REALLY hard very quickly 

/error: cannot wake up
Hmmm,so I read. He seems to be pretty impressive for just a Genin. I'll have to keep an eye on him :3
Note his lack of chakra ability, and difference from a normal person. *rolls d20*
Well, @Pine, you win, again XP it's 3AM here, I gotta get some shut-eye.. So, you get another nights reprieve... Gnight, everyone :)




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