One Thousand Birds

^ to add on to what Infinities said

There's only going to be three, as of now.

One of them is from Kiri and transferred to Konoha (though that person hasn't posted in a while, I don't think), then I'm making one in Kumo, and Kiro has one now that moved from Amegakure to Kumo.

To be fair, my character will almost never use that power.

He's too calm. .__.

Yay! I'm almost done with this profile! I think it might be my most detailed one... Huh... x3

I never specifically mentioned Satoru, I just said her team mates, but I'm assuming they'd be on the same team so yeah lol
Oh otay .-. I have a hard time keeping track of how many character there are and what they all do .-.

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x3 Yeah lol

I have 5 with this character I'm working on and right now Kiro has 4 characters now and might have a 5th

We just like to have other characters so we always have something to do
Sweet ~

much excite


I like to think of him as not really belonging to a team, but rather making random guest appearances (lol) when the Raikage sees fit or w/e.

But maybe he could be stuck on her team more frequently because of their connection. cx

If you'd just like them to be on the same team to avoid complications, though, that's fine, too.

I'm going to give my laptop a break one more time before I get to editing his stuff.

It's okay Antari, we have a lot of characters as of now. |DD

I'm hardly keeping up with them, myself, and only because I just... love... characters. lol
lol I'm fine with him being put their for convenience and their circumstance lol

Alright Pine! I'm going to figure out their clan history now lol

Don't worry Antari. I mainly only know my characters, Pines, Kiro's, and one of yours off the top of my head. lol
Dang ;-; I only have two and I haven't introduced Mizuka. Only because I'm still trying to think of a way too. ;-;

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lol Don't worry Antari! I only just introduced Yuzuki and Ryoichi
@Pine basically yes (Mentioning the stress thing) But he doesn't get the tail unless he has a severe attack. Other then that he just gets a little buggy and such with a slight increase due to the freak out. And only 4 as of right now. Trying to figure out whether or not I want to have an academy student joining the ones in konoha. Might count them so I know if it'll be an even set of teams or not.
Ok so theres about 15 genin. So if I made another character then he'd be odd one out O.o so I won't make one quite yet 
Yep tailed beast only comes out on the severe attacks rather then the minor ones. :3 
Quick note, I edited Kamei's fighting style, gives a better understanding of his strength
Ah yeah, that clears things up.


By genin train, I meant chunin train more or less, but was confused about things.
So, so far we'll have 5 genin teams?

And we have....four Jonin?
Actually, I'm pretty sure there are five jounin.

Either way, I have a jounin oc that I can bring out if she's needed.

I just want to make sure everyone else gets the characters they want first. xD

I'm really pleased with the characters being like that.

I could have sworn we were going to get some jacked up ratios and I would have to make all these filler characters. lol
My female ninja doesn't have a made squad just yet. Should I nerf her and put her in the acadmy? Or just make two random ninja to put in her team? ;-; or is there other graduated Genin created right now? O_o
I'd help with the fillers xD  
Atari Seeing Night and Midnight are tag teaming a class go ahead O_o I'm sure I can handle more then 3 students.

Kirito's jinchuuriki is supposed to already be a genin, and he's a transfer.

You could always wait to see what other characters show up...

I'm not sure what to tell you, Antari. xD

working on dat character now whee

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