One Thousand Birds

Well, it's been two full days and the person who's suppose to be doing the exam hasn't said anything O_o I sort of wonder if they're going to or not.
See I don't mind the rp moving a little quick only when I'm 2 pages behind in a few hours. But with my rp I had a 2 day limit O.o if you're not posting in 2 days then we'll continue on without you. None the less I don't mind waiting every once in a while. Although I do believe I'm going to post a reply
Yeah, I was wondering if she should move on with the exam, if only because there hasn't been any activity and you can only hold a fight without a teacher noticing for so long....
Hrm...Maybe Yuzuki too. x3 Cause I haven't done anything with either one of my Jonin....
That can't happen. Yuzuki has a fairly bad one too. x3 She can be kind, but when dealing with students she's strict and harsh lol 
Ryoichi would probably have to calm him down. Maybe they'll both be there... lol

Yuzuki would just work them to death and tell them to come back the next day at like 5 in the morning and work them again. Something like that. Or beat them so bad in a training fight them against her till their knocked out. lol

I kinda want her to have a team...x3

Aw man! Ruining the fun so soon~? Haha, I guess the jonin would have heard something eventually.

I was thinking the same thing with going on with the exams. And maybe when Muro comes back they can continue Akira's part of the exams or something like that. Want to keep things moving :3

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Yeah, we don't know where Mura went so we're just trying to do something to keep it moving.
Ryoichi will focus on restraining Yuzuki so she doesn't try to fight the kids in anger. lol
So how many Ame/ Kiri/ I don't know anymore teams are there now?

I kinda read the 20 pages of OOC-ness that I missed, and am slightly confused.

I was thinking of making a character to join the genin train.
Kiro and Pine have a jinchuuriki each and I'm making Pine's jinchuuriki's fiancé and they live in Kumogakure.

Then Kiro and I and someone else have a Chuunin team in Konoha.

And in the rp, Midnight, Kiro's Jonin, and my two Jonin, Ryoichi and Yuzuki are breaking up the fighting thing in the classroom.

Hopefully that clears that up. If you're still confused ell me on what and I can probably better explain.
Aw, someone made a character but then deleted their post. :c

Um... Mura hasn't posted here since Thursday, I think.

I usually like to wait around a week before skipping someone over, and the weekend has JUST started...

But considering she was a little lost last time I checked, I could just message her and ask if she's still interested, I suppose.

Teams haven't really been established yet, except for the chuunin team.

All of the characters from other villages are all somehow winding up to be on a Konoha team, with the exception of Kiro's jinchuuriki and the two characters Infinities and I are working on.

Teams for Konoha will be established after the genin exams ~ nwn

Btw, Kiro, I'm guessing when you say that your jinchuuriki gets all those buffs from having an anxiety attack, that's just the three-tails responding to his stress, right?
Should probably do that.

Oh yeah! Pine, so the girl and your character, are we saying they're already engaged? If so then I can make the Clan's background and post it.

Oh yeah, and if you have a problem with anything just let me know. I tried not to make her extra powerful, only when like her emotions get out of control, which doesn't happen often, her kekkai genkai reacts. That's like the only thing that makes her seem extra powerful I think.
If it's alright with you, I believe I pictured him proposing when he was sixteen. xD

& will do ~

I'm sure she's fine. cx

i'mma do the edits now-ish

Ok so he already did, since he's 19 and she's 17? Got it!

Poor Pine D=
Si !

Not poor me.

Poor laptop. xD

I really need to clean the dust out, but I'm too afraid to do it on my own. ovo
I'm seeing quite a bit of talk about jinkurriki (or however you spell it). Ii don't think we should have too many of them because it would be impractical that there would be a lot in one villiage .-.

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x3 lol Pine

Pine and Kiro's jinchuuriki's aren't from the same village. Kiro's ran away from his village and joined Kumo though

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