One Thousand Birds

I stated his jutsu he made. but never clarified what it was O_o damn I thought I did, guess that was one of the updates I made that got removed ._. stupid thing.
Hey yo, the ones I'M thinking of aren't attached to desks.

and they have these weird grooves all over them hmhm

It's totally fine that you didn't consider plastic, Ghost.

Pine y u come when im out of battery do u do this on purpose
Also Kiro, it is unwise to underestimate a tortoise. /eyebrow waggle

But w/e, I don't care too much about jounin power.

just for the love of everything don't be a madara

I'm sorry Ghost. xD

I had to force myself to concentrate on a one on one (but then I got distracted by Nuzlocke comics wahh).

I'll probably be going to bed soon anyway tho. -w-
Pine you must wait until I finish Midnight xD And be a Madara? Good god no xP Just giving him ideal moves and using the moves to the advantage. Sort of on the Kakashi and Gai level. Gai without the gates <,< And Kakashi without the sharingan. I sort of know the limits but being Ex Anbu and Jonin, eh gives me more play with his power.

I could this would be an appropriate time to ping you. :I

Anyway, I was going to have the chair be like one of those plastic blue ones with the metal legs because that's how I originally pictured it and everything just so happens to be convenient for my characters. 8I 8I

when im not being sadistic to them anyway


sort of
Lada dee~ Lada dumm~

Had to go feed my best friend! =3 She refused to eat dinner earlier but then she told me she was hungry so I got her some microwavable mac n cheese
duh HAIL I do not have to wait for my beauty rest I mean sleep.

But yeah, jounin is a pretty broad category, so idrc too much about regulating them, unless something becomes absolutely obscene.

but i will be picky with the legendary swords because that crap is a limited supply


infities u r a tru friend

what a bro

/napping time initiate

@Pine Nooooo hurry up and go look over the update D: I finished them this time before my computer went stupid on me @~@ 
Night and Midnight now have Jutsu's :3
I know right? I'm so awesome. lol

Pine, can't find a good last name for this stupid girl x3 lol Her first name I got. And her main weapon and chakra nature and an idea for her personality, but nothing for her family. Not yet at least lol
Last name....Hm O_o Tsuisuta?? (Meaning Twister) 
@~@ I think he's gone. Infinity go look at Night And Midnight and tell me what you think please D:
Hm..Possibly. I think I found one too. Torisei. According to google, which sucks at translating, it means beacause of bird. I think it sounds nice.

Kay ill go do that nao 
Sounds cool! :3
Yay o: I'm going to work on updating all of my characters adding a jutsu list to them << And I'm not lazy with them either o:< 
Those two took a lot of research ._. And time to type up xD
@Pine hehe gotcha~ tbh I forgot they had benches in there too xD

I'm probably not going to reply till tomorrow though since I have to get up early in the morning for practice...eww, mornings -_- See yall later~
*goes to try and get more work done on my new character for Pine*

lol I have no personality or fighting style down yet.

Her name is Ren Torisei though
Sorry though Kiro it most likely won't be finished until tomorrow.

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