One Thousand Birds

Well, as long as I don't have to be black like the rest of them I'm ok o-o 
Also, does it have to be Kumo? O_o 3 tailed beasts in Kumo sounds a little...Unavailable. 
Screw it <,< He ran away to Kumo because he was tired of being tortured.
x3 lol 
Oh! Just had a though but not fully sure if it could work. If Satoru and my character are in Kumo and Kiro's character ends up in Kumo and we do something with Chuunin exams then they could be a team for the exams? lol
Nah. xD

Matatabi is a cat that's lit on fire, so naturally he specializes in fire. cx

he has an oversized sword that he uses so

You want the three-tails, right?

I think that jinchuuriki would be from Kiri, yeah?

Yours doesn't have to be from Kumo. LOL

Haha, hell hath no fury like a team with two jinchuurikis.

They would destroy everyone, like, that isn't even fair. LOL
xD Well, he's from Amegakure. Village hidden in the rain. 
Also, chuunin exams is full of teams but individual. So they could still be a team in it and such xP
Yeah exactly! The only real parts as a teams are survival skills and that test. Or at least from what they did. x3
Only team based test was I believe it was test 2, the forest of death. Test 1 was where they had to cheat without getting caught. Test 2 was team based forest of death, test 3 was the fighting. One on one.
Yeah but in test 1 if one failed the whole team failed, so it's kinda team like...x3

I tend to forget about Amegakure. :'D

I'm a little concerned with balance of power there. lol

I still don't know how the chuunin exams will go regarding just taking NPC scrolls and eliminating people during the preliminary rounds or eliminating people in the forest of death.

So I guess it will depend on that a little. cx
This will be fun. Can I give my jinchuriki a summon? Genin level character. I'll let you read my sheet to describe how he has a element jutsu already even for genin level 
Also editing a few things so don't look at it yet o:
We'll see if anyone else wants to make some Kumo/Amegakure peeps. xD

I like how in the role play everyone just wants everyone to shut up. lol

Yeah, that would be fine.

Jinchuurikis have enough chakra. ewe

and i guess i have to be fair since mine will be a little op

but thats just because hes an old fart

He has fire style jutsu, a chakra reactive sword and bear summons, heeee. ewe
OHMIGOD DO IT!!!!!!!!!

x3 lol Thinking of an eagle summons with a small kekkai genkai for her.
xD @Pine Really quick.

You approved this but I didn't think of it until now. Midnight has Water and wind Jutsu to use his jutsu he created. Aside from this. His twin swords Kiba gives him lightning release.

Mix water and wind. Creates a cloud. Add density makes it a storm cloud. Storm clouds generate electricity. <<
I don't think he can ignore that he accepted my god mod jonin and I only just now realized I can use jutsu abilities he has to god mod an attack. 
Although I'm not a douche. I won't make him overly god mod.
x3 Similar to Chinatsu, but not exactly. All Hikage can really do is bite ankles and send messages. I thought it would fit her personality lol

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