One Thousand Birds

/Realizes he probably should eat after having watched too much naruto nonstop.

/Realizes there is never too much.


I got so bored I'm skipping some of the manga. I made it up until Naruto and Sasuke were fighting on the roof of the hospital, but I can never find the manga I need. So I'm skipping to when Naruto comes back with Jiraya. I already know what happens generally x3
Yes. Your The Lord of all spoopy beings. 
I get it. Ghost you just #SHREKT me.
I am so sorry, guys. I was on a highly unexpected vacation that was only supposed to last three days and turned into a month and a half. Dx I really apologize for the inactiveness and for the people waiting to post after me.
Hey hey hey, Fruit!

I'm so happy to hear you didn't die in a ditch somewhere. <3

it's okay things have been a little dead here anyway

/covers the bodies in tarp
trust me, i have eaten tons of cookies as a ghost, and i am feeling no more alive than ever

its a very nice idea though

cookies are delicious

dead/"un"dead like cookies so actually we might be able to attract them

just not unundead them
it is my favoriteu game in the eniter world
It' was originally for the DS but there's an iOS port for it (though they had to change the fighting system which is p sad since that was GR8) and i think theres an android port for it too now?

I dont know how much the ports are but for the DS it should be about 10-20$

Some people think it's impossible to find but like every gamestop ive been to has had it so i dont know what theyre doing

it might be that its harder to find online but i dont know about bcuz tho im sure i searched online at least a little i bought it at gamestop and that was years ago so i cant remember anything about how easy or hard it is to find online

It's about this kid, one Neku Sakuraba who wakes up on the streets of a fictional version of Shibuya with his memory gone (he still has general knowledge about things and still has his personality tho). He discovers that pretty much no one in the area can see him and that he cant interact with the people around him, but with a weird pin he found in his pocket he can 'scan' their minds. He gets attacked by some weird monsters and runs away because by himself he cant fight them. Some random chick runs up to him and starts shouting about becoming partners or something to fight the monsters, and he is just like fine okAY i accept and together they're able to defeat them. On his phone he received some weird undelete-able spam mail saying something about a mission, a time limit, and a warning that whichever players fail will be erased.

It turns out he was somehow dragged into this Game called the Reaper's Game, that spans Seven Days and has one mission per day, with beings called Reapers doing all they can to erase as many Players as possible through the use of monsters called Noise, which require 2 people to defeat, hence the Players being paired with partners. It takes place on an alternate plane of existence than the 'normal' Shibuya, hence no one being able to see or interact with the Players, Reapers, and anyone involved in the game. The entry fee to the game is whatever is most precious to the player. Neku and other players are able to use different powers called psychs when they wear these neato looking pins. I don't really want to say anything else in fear of spoilers.

The characters are all incredibly amazing and i love the story so much like woW

The fighting's really cool too, it's not like any other fighting system in any game I've ever seen or heard of.

It's a little weird at first but you get used to it and its really fun.

The fandom is pretty small but people either seem to really like the music or not so much.

idk im not the best at explaining heres a TWEWY wiki and its wikipedia page 
you cant ask me about my favorite things without a very long, very bad explanation 
if anyone knows about Kingdom Hearts, some of the characters appeared in Dream Drop Distance

Which, tho i like KH, frankly id buy a 3DS and the game just to see the TWEWY characters again
x3 lol Ghost

It actually sounds pretty cool! I'll look at it a bit later and depending, I'll ask my mom if I can walk to the GameStop nearby and see if they have it
Ah, I've heard of people talking about it, though.

Rather, people just saying how desperately they want the game lol.

for all the tl;drs that i have posted in my time here i shall read everything you just said now
DO IT please it will be the best decision of your life

ive played many a game, watched many a show, read many a 7000+ page webcomic, read many a book but i think twewy might be the best work of fiction ever

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