One Thousand Birds

You know I luv you Pine. Who couldn't love a Pine Cone/Tree.

Or a Pineapple!
or a pie!

apple pie?

pie apple, as in, an apple that is an ingredient in pie

i dont like apple pies tho

i like chocolatey pies
the only pies i like are chocolatey pies and Pie

also pi can go frickle itself
I think the only pie I actively dislike/don't care for is pumpkin pie.

Yeah it can. I have a friend though...She's got so much of pi memorized....It's not even funny. She found a song with someone singing pi for a while before starting over. She found it when bored and listens to it a lot, but she's got it memorized....
Chocolate pies are good, but on pi day, I somewhat contributed to the making of this one apple pie that was mmmmMMMMMmmmmMMm delicious.

Cinnamon-y and delicious and everything. :'D
im gR8 at math but i do not like math

also when i was a little kid and theyd have contests to see who could recite the most digits of pi and have prizes like cand id enter for the candy and would usually almost win but not ever actually win
I like math when I understand it. lol

Like, algebra I is fun for me.

baww that sounds cool

I remember that I really enjoyed being in the spelling bee but I was only able to do it once ughh.
I'm in Honors and advanced stuff. I got IN because of math. I never took 3rd grade math, that's when it started x3

I'm terrible at math. Though somehow I'm going into College Alg II/Trig H

math is an all around boring thing but i enjoy when the teachers are all right at teaching because if they dont suck usually i get it quickly and this year i barely did any homework at home the last semester because i had a teacher that finished teaching early enough for me to get everything done

when i signed up for online school the only math class i could take was precalculus because id completed all the other classes

but im going to be a junior this coming year

so i have no clue what im going to do senior year if i keep going to online school because ill hve finished all the available math classes, but you have to have math senior year???????
Oh golly, I've never skipped a grade or anything fancy like that.

I mean, I skipped eighth grade math and went straight into algebra, but that isn't really a big deal.

Haha, well, last year all of my homework was online, so of course I would wait to start it until the hour of it being due and would only get, like, half of it done if it wasn't a lot.
I liked my last math teacher, he was nice and it was funny when he answered an idiots question because he would give a smart response x3

I just don't like the subject. I just have trouble understanding and doing stuff.

LOL Pine. I didn't skip a grade just 3rd grade math. But at the end of the year I still had to take the third grade math test instead of the fourth grade one, so for like a good ten-fifteen minutes into the test I had no clue what to do. I didn't understand it. x3
ive never skipped a grade but this year i was the youngest person in my class and people complained about me because my scores were better than theirs

my friend whos a year ahead of me, she asked someone in gym who was the one drawing on the board in the one math room since it was characters she recognized, and it was me, so they started talking about me and apparently people started complaining then too like??????


should i be very glad about that or unhappy

glad, lets go with glad

- w - ) huehuehuehuehuehuehe
lol Yeah the math classes I end up taking are for smart people my age or a year above me. In freshman year there were like svene or eight sophomores in my Geometry class. The rest were freshman. x3
That was kinda' like me and chemistry last year, except after we were done laughing at so-and-so, I realized I didn't know the answer to the question, either. xDD


I got that, but that's close enough for me. lol

Haha, well, that's interesting.

Yeahh, our valedictorian was from Panama and skipped a grade somewhere along the lines so...

dont be mad be glad
x3 lol Nice Pine.

I was pretty good at Chemistry! Just not when it came to the Final Exams x3
exactly ghost

Ahaha, I got scores back for the AP test.

I'm actually pretty happy that I got a two, 'cause I seriously thought I was gonna' get a one.

A little sad I only got a four on psych, but that's still good and I do get college credit so w/e.
lol I had to eat my least favorite soup that my mom makes. But then she made me a smoothie! ^.^
No this was liquid. It was tortilla soup. Corn onion pepper chicken kelp(?) and a bunch of other stuff. I don't care all that much for it. I like her lemon rice soup (Creamy) and her Sausage soup. lol She's also made a good potato and bacon liquid soup!

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