One Thousand Birds

I want a new puppy :S *reaches through the screen and pet-pets Kiro's puppy
YO KIRO HI HI WELCOME BACK TO THE LAND OF THE LIVING (with a few pleasant undead occupants not to name names)

Should that have spoiler tags or ?
YES! So they DO tell! x3

I'm on episode 21, so I'm gonna look forward to that! :{D

KIRO! My puppy was attacking me earlier when I was cleaning.
Yes you should! I'll try and get a better picture of my poodle tomorrow. She's just LOOKS like a poodle now it's so funny and cute! x3
so im just going to mostly copy and paste from my skype conversations

[7/18/14 11:23:12 PM] Koolaid Jammers: i didn't fall asleep last night, but i got to lay around and do nothing for awhile

[7/18/14 11:23:34 PM] Koolaid Jammers: i spent the entire air plane ride watching yowapeda

[7/18/14 11:24:16 PM] Koolaid Jammers: and when we got here we drove several hours to this hiking place and ate food and there were ducks but it started to rain so we did 0 hiking


[7/18/14 11:24:32 PM] Koolaid Jammers: then we went to a really small and dumb museum

[7/18/14 11:24:41 PM] Koolaid Jammers: and looked at a really tiny waterfall

[7/18/14 11:25:02 PM] Koolaid Jammers: and we went to a murder mystery thing that was cool but i didn't like their food

[7/18/14 11:25:46 PM] Koolaid Jammers: but the entire day i was tired and i don't know how many times i fell asleep like all day

[7/18/14 11:25:56 PM] Koolaid Jammers: i don't even know if i fell asleep you know


you know how until tomorrow we're staying with my parents friends

well they have gerbils which is 200% kawaii

so basically whenever we're not doing anything and at their house im either staring at or playing with gerbils

this vacation wouldn't be as bad if it was 100% gerbils but its like 10% instead :/


[7/19/14 11:07:51 PM] Nyan: did you do anything super fun today besides play with gerbils

[7/19/14 11:07:59 PM] Nyan: or anything really terrible

[7/19/14 11:10:04 PM] Koolaid Jammers: nnnn nothing super fun

but we went to this outdoor mall sort of thing there was a bunch of artists with stuff set up in the streets surrounded by stores in actual buildings. there was a candy shop and my dads like ONE in expensive thing and i found Bertie Botts so I got that and my brother took the box and threw it on the ground (luckily it wasn't open) so i gave him an earwax one

[7/19/14 11:10:54 PM] Koolaid Jammers: i tried all of the flavors in the box except banana and black pepper, and green apple, watermelon, and tutti fruiti weren't evern in there

[7/19/14 11:11:05 PM] Koolaid Jammers: anyways i had them once and that is enough for me

[7/19/14 11:11:15 PM] Koolaid Jammers: i shared with everyone

[7/19/14 11:11:20 PM] Koolaid Jammers: * w * )

[7/19/14 11:11:26 PM] Koolaid Jammers: but ate all the good ones myself

[7/19/14 11:12:35 PM] Nyan: wow ur bro is dumb good for giving him a gross one

[7/19/14 11:15:44 PM] Koolaid Jammers: yeah, i made sure he was the first one to get any. except he was suspicious and didn't want to eat it so i gave one to the other family's boy and he was like "Oh... no theres... nothing wrong with them" and he had to turn away because the face he was making, so my brother ate it

They kept saying, 'We will be back later' and I was like; IT IS LATER!
Exactly. Plus they're down still lol

All I know is they were merging with another site?
Okay, so I kinda' get what forum role plays are now (not really), but...


you know what




/drags Pine back

If I have to figure this out, you do too!
???? whats going on with rpn

also i thought forum rps and thread rps were the same thing

like, on a forum, you use a thread to rp

so youd think it was just different names for the same thing

but i guess rpn has different ideas
Actually I think I got it now.

Im bad at explaining things but I guess with forum rps you can have your own forum dedicated to one rp/world/story or whatever, and can have multiple IC rp threads within the forum??? I don't really know why you'd want to do that, unless maybe you have a whole bunch of people, or more than one plot/storyline going on at the same time. I guess there could be other ways to use it too
I dunno. I'll try to end up figuring it out tomorrow. Though I'm thinking of going to sleep. It's 11:31 PM and I have to go to work at 8:00.....Blegh.

Good night Ghostie!
Yeah, I get what you're saying, Ghost.

It's basically like having your own forum... but on RpN. lol
Goodnight Infinity!!

Have good dreams V u V)


Which i guess is cool?

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