One Thousand Birds

Posting it as a spoiler so I don't stretch the page. xD

Apologies for the format.

I'm too lazy to fix. ccx

There would be a few things changed, like how I originally wanted him to stay a genin because of his lack of leadership traits... etc.


Satoru Hatakeda

AGE | Nineteen

VILLAGE | Kumogakure

RANK | B, Chuunin

TIER | Journeyman

POSITION | Lightning Vanguard Protector

APPEARANCE | Satoru has a light build, defined subtly by muscles and just enough weight to keep his bones from protruding anywhere. Overall, he is very lightweight, even being around six feet tall. His skin is a light shade of ebony, making his calloused palms and nails stand out and also bring attention to his eyes, though the irises are a very plain brown. Satoru's thick hair is black, though appears to have a very slight navy tint when it gets lighter. He leaves it to simply hang, the length extending down from his chin to his ears. Oftentimes, his hair is carelessly brushed out of his face, leaving him vulnerable to his bangs falling in his face. Satoru's face is very angular, outlining sudden curve in the skull. His eyebrows and lips are thin, in addition to his nose being slight. His face is not very expressive, instead only characterized by very subtle shifts, making him appear bored most of the time.

Casually, Satoru does not deviate much in appearance. More often than not, he simply wears a skimpy, loose-fitting tanktop and white or khaki shorts, typically sporting and excess number of pockets and strings. He has a tendency to go without shoes, though will wear simple black sandals when called for. As far as ninja attire goes, Satoru does not deviate much from the standard issued Kumogakure jacket. Beneath the white, one-strapped flak jacket, he wears a sleeveless, collared black shirt with a zipper down the middle. His pants are similarly black, cut just before the ankle and can be seen wearing the same sandals as he otherwise would. His black headband is tied around the single strap of his flak jacket. On his back is a strap to hold the sheath of his sword. A white pouch wraps around his waist and hangs behind him.

PERSONALITY | Satoru has a rather negative outlook on life, expecting the worst out of situations. This is partly attributed to the unfortunate experiences he has had throughout his life. Though he thinks in such a pessimistic manner, which he is not afraid to share with others, he also very idealistic views. He has many doubts they will come to fruition, but Satoru often thinks about the way things could be better. He is a good mediator for relationships in part because of this, but more so thanks to his serene nature. Satoru can sometimes become flustered and stressed, but otherwise remains calm. The only time he will lose his temper is in the event that someone close to him is hurt or threatened severely enough, even then able to maintain an overall apathetic demeanor sometimes. He is level headed and task oriented, able to prioritize things in accordance with his selfless nature.

Satoru is very at ease with social situations. Though appearing reserved, the boy has an impulse to surround himself with people. His sense of humor is dry, taking cracks at ironic jokes whenever the opportunity presents itself. He is an attentive listener, just as content with listening to someone else's problems as well as conveying his own, though only if inquired. Satoru's attachment to people and drive to fit in with others makes him very susceptible to peer pressure. Somewhat lacking in education, Satoru is ignorant on a lot of topics and treats new information with little suspicion, making him gullible. He is somewhat of a perfectionist. This trait shows with a small impulsiveness to fix and organize certain things, provided it is simple and quick enough to, but this is more relevant to his compulsive need to hide his flaws. Satoru is thoughtful with every action he performs and every word he speaks, trying to do whatever he can to please another person. Consequently, his slow way of going about things can sometimes give the impression of him being sluggish and having absolutely no intention of doing anything, where in reality, Satoru is a hard worker.

Once a very conceited individual, Satoru lost a lot of confidence upon the Nibi being sealed inside of him. He is keen enough to notice people treating him differently, making him all the more desperate to appear perfect and serve others. He is very careful in his appearance, both physically and in the way he conveys himself. He has a lack of security and takes anything resembling an insult to him as a personal foul, causing him to shy away before actually offending him. Satoru is dependent on others to confirm things for him, as even the simplest of decisions seem difficult. Without any guidance, Satoru will often switch between ideas and doubt himself. If the situation becomes dire enough and no one else is around to take on the role of leadership, the boy will either panic or manage to revert back to his old sense of self-assurance.

HISTORY | Satoru was an accidental product of a one night stand between a womanizer, his father, and a young prostitute, his mother. Naturally, his father left that same night and was never to be found again, completely unaware of the child he had left. In spite of it all, Satoru was treasured by his mother and was brought up with the same love that any child deserved. However, it was a life of poverty with the two of them just barely scrapping by without a real home and two meals a day. They were not up to the standards of living and the only reason why he was not taken in by an orphanage was because he had never been registered into any official documents, and thus did not exist. Satoru rarely complained though, regarding his mother as hard working and beautiful.

Eight years had passed like this until his mother, wrought by guilt of the poor conditions she was putting him through, abandoned her old job and tried to get a better, more stable occupation. This did not bode well with one of her old regulars. She was stalked through the streets one night, and upon arriving at her makeshift home in the alley, he attempted to attack and rape her. A young Satoru, only seeing it as an attack, was paralyzed with fear. It seemed as though the man's attempts were going to be successful, as people walked by the alley and pretended to not see, when another man showed up. Easily overpowered, the man was pried off of her, only managing to give her a few new bruises. This man, introducing himself as a member of the local Lightning Vanguard, immediately won Satoru's idolization and his mother's infatuation. After that, the Lightning Vanguard hung around to help them with their situation regularly. Satoru's mother got a stable job as a waitress, and within a couple of years, they were engaged.

At this age, now able to have a better understanding, Satoru was made aware of the truth of his upbringing. In spite of knowing that his real father was not truly responsible for leaving his mother alone with a child, he could not help but harbor a certain degree of resentment. His mother had told him that he took more after his father than his mom, who did not have the same dark skin and thick hair. Knowing this, Satoru was unsure of whether or not he ever wanted to meet his father, but always kept a lookout for a man with his dark skin and thick hair.

He was able to direct his attention away from this, however, and instead acknowledged the Lightning Vanguard as his father and trying to follow in his hero's footsteps. Satoru found some complications with signing up for the ninja academy, considering he had not existed for the past ten years, but since his living conditions had dramatically improved since the Lightning Vanguard came into his life, he was not forced into custody and was eventually accepted a year later. Satoru was not particularly bright, but his determination hastened his progress. Two years later, he graduated to being a genin on the same day his new father was killed in action. This was deeply upsetting to both him and his mother, and their standard of living quickly began to revert back to the way it once was. Satoru did not allow this stunt his progress, working harder than ever now that he could take a part in their income.

In his efforts, Satoru had managed to slow down their transition back into poverty, but he could not stop it entirely. Still heartsick over her late husband, his mother had trouble staying motivated and was fired from her job. Satoru knew that he could not be separated from her now that she could not take care of herself, but was also aware that he could not shoulder them both financially. The boy had a certain charisma that attracted people to him, so when he began to look into the village's traditions of arranged marriage among the more wealthy estates in hopes are sharing in those riches, he found some interest in him despite his status. Satoru had to skip out on the luxury of three full meals a day once more, but within a year, he had scraped up enough to make himself look presentable for one night and proposed to [Open]. With the engagement, which kept secret from his mother, Satoru was about to improve their lifestyle again. Any time he had to spend with his new fiancé was excused as missions.

In two more years, Satoru was able to pass the chuunin exams. Thanks to this boost in military rank, he was able to bring in more income and rely less on the wealth of his fiancé, though her family insisted that it was no trouble at all. Satoru could focus more on becoming more like his late father, even managing to motivate his mother to work again. Two more years passed, and with the help of his connections and his progress over the years that was difficult to ignore, Satoru achieved his ultimate goal of joining the Lightning Vanguard. Life seemed stable for a while, as Satoru managed to reach the age of nineteen without incident.

The Nibi Jinchuuriki's death was not expected by anyone. Village officials had managed to contain the beast for long enough to make a quick decision on the next vessel. Due to the history Kumogakure has with Two-Tails, they knew how to pick a host that would be able to wield Matatabi's power the most effectively. Being one of the best katon users in the village available at the time, Satoru complied to their selection of him as the Two-Tails' new Jinchuuriki.

Though the Nibi is not viewed with hatred, Satoru could easily pick up on people treating him differently. Previously a socialite and utterly full of himself, his confidence began to falter. People observed him with caution, avoiding anything that could possibly set him off. Satoru became self-conscious, attempting to appeal to others in any way that he could, but his efforts were in vain, even his own mother not being able to see past his new status as a weapon of the village. Satoru, originally not bothered by the notion of a beast sealed in him, has developed a degree of resentment towards Matatabi. In return, the Two-Tails views him with distaste and avoids him. Determined to ignore each other, neither Satoru or Matatabi have attempted to exchange a single word.
i dont have the time to read it right now aaagh

this weekend will b busy getting ready for con and going to con and i will not have a lot of time

im only on now bcuz i needed sewing help and my moms just like "ill do it" so

what the ever loving frickle frackle my friend forgot to mention that her mom just kinda wants it to be her and her other friend in the hotel room now im not going with them and my mom didnt get a room??? why


she mention this eARlier


im probs just going to end up being by myself now what the hell what was even the point
Well, I guess if anyone is interested ~ xD

We could do something down the road.

It's okay, Ghost ~ c;

she inquired

i unveiled

i really wish that i could think of a better word than unveiled lol

Ah, that sucks. D:

If I were to go to some convention and a friend did that to me, I would not be a happy camper.

especially if it had been


the day of

i have stranger anxiety haha
Oh, goody goody.

I wasn't sure if you would be since you were so adamant on your next character being a boy. xD

Do you have any particular ideas ? 8D
idk ill prob still go saturday and if i cant find them ill probably make friends with the homestucks and hang out with them all day long

im doing a trickster dave strider cosplay

but no im really upset at her
Making friends is a start. xD

I'm not too familiar with homestuck, heeee. ewe

yeah i would be too

pets ur face
i like homestuck a lot i spent the entire last summer reading it

and last con was fun i made lots of friends

so it shouldnt be too bad

i guess it was just a misunderstanding or miscommunication

but when your friends like "oh my mom got a room!!"

it kind of seems like its okay for you to stay with her
I spent an entire five minute reading it, I believe. xD

Well, in spite of that mess up, I do hope you will enjoy yourself ! owo/
No not off the top of my I don't. I might have some tomorrow after school though :D

I rad some of Homestuck. I think about 2 hours worth of it...? I Sidney completely get it
I've had a few ideas floating in my head, and it partly depends on how you would want the romance (lol) to go.

Either way, the boy is really just in it for the money, so it's mostly dependent on the girl and why she would accept his proposal.

First, he could just be devilishly attractive and well mannered that drives chicks absolutely nuts, and she either (a) is spoiled and get whats she wants (possibly looking to take advantage of) or

(b) is genuinely flattered/oblivious/stuff of that nature and he knew to ask her because she seemed interested and garbage.

Second, she could know his situation (without him knowing her knowing... confusion!) and take pity but never really express it.

If she's nice, which I don't necessarily have a preference for or against, then he might develop feelings over time, but... eh. xD

Something along those lines.
Well I have trouble writing for stuck up or petty girls for a while so shed probably be a nice person lol. I like the idea of her knowing his situation.

We'll have to talk more tomorrow Pine. My glasses are off an my eyes are slowly sliding shut x3 
Good night! Lol
its just u and me pine

and the lurkers
Darn, stuck up characters are the best ~ ;D

Good night !

indeed it is

/eyebrow waggle

I'm finally getting around to my homework. xD

Practicing planning for free response questions in psychology and I have NO idea if I'm doing any of these right. *DD
/eyebrow waggling intensifies

good luck ehe

it seems like everyones leaving and like theres not going to be much more posting, and probs none in actual rp so idk if ill stay tho

i have sulking to do
ohoho ty

This is a ton of major grades, but since it's all just planning, I don't THINK there's really a way to get things wrong??

Unless I'm just completely idiotic about it all.

hopefully im not

Yeah, there probably won't be anything again until tomorrow morning.

I would reply, but I think I should wait for what's-his-face LOL NAMES ARE THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE.

otherwise i'll just be replying with tetty bear telling everyone to shut up

in response to their own shut up


Would some comfort food help?
Meows I'm here for the rest of this class, but today's an early release day so classes are shorter

But that means later I'll have more time to be here!

idk if Im going to con 2day 
My reply was short but there wasn't really much else that was needed


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