One Thousand Birds

Eh it can be good but also bad :/ so many replies. People get left behind and don't want to post. But another reason wh it's bad, isit can cause a bunch of one liners x.x one liners are never good.
i know but if the space was large my post still doesnt work but if its a smaller space it wont be a problem idk yo 
like if they were way elevated or just a little elevated idk the lecture halls in my school it would def b possible but i

( @ m @ )
I don't think the role play will progress THAT much.

In any case, there's a lot of characters and a lot of different interactions, so people can spare to hold off on progressing one thing while still happily role playing something else.

When the role play gets broken into squads, things may be less chaotic.

Well, I have rules that hopefully discourage that.

I believe that posts are valid so long as they give enough for others to reply to and can keep things interesting.

Quality > quantity.

If we get a bunch of one-liners, that sort of breaks my 'short and incoherent' rule, which I will enforce.

I mean, sometimes you just don't really have that much to say without getting into a bunch of purple prose, which is, quite frankly, obnoxious to read.

We'll say the space is small, since it was never really established to begin with. C8

Maybe sliiiiiiight elevation.
hee *twirls* alright

my dads gon b here literally anny momento and were leaving to eat right away so i better log off and stOP DISTRacting myself
Bye Ghost!

Whoever has Kotone mentioned me when they shouldn't have. I just realized that. Asuka walked away from everyone else to stare out a window in the front of the room.
Oh okay. x3 lol I was reading over stuff and I was like...Wait a minute...x3 lol
x3 Just posted Chinatsu's lol

Ahh Hikage....I think I'm going to enjoy him.... lol
Renshii's 'F-k you attitude' and Hikage's idea of annoying his sister. I'm sure he'll annoy Renshii to the point where he just wants to light him on fire or feed him to one of his summons. Yes. Things will be very interesting.
Hikage's personality right now is fairly blunt, not understanding a human's mind. Like I said in my post, he didn't understand Chinatsu's hesitance. He'll grow later, and eventually cause Renshii plenty of annoyance. x3 Can't wait!
OK I'm alive again!! Sorry guys I had practice till 9 tonight so I couldn't get back on till now ;_;

After reading through everything, I kinda understand where Kiro's coming from with the posting. I'm probably going to be in the same boat with my afternoon practices taking up my whole afternoon, and then coming back to pages of text. Now, I don't mind reading through all of them, since I'm loving how it's going so far, but I do feel bad if my character's in the middle of something and the story can't progress without her. That's my only concern.
Well for the genin's what we're mainly waiting for are the exams to be finished, anything else that happens is just us waiting, but I get what you're saying.

That's another reason why I make more than one character if something like this happens, while waiting I have another character to role play with. I have 4 characters here. =3
That makes sense, though I don't think I'd be able handle 4 characters at once hehe xP I was thinking about making one more character from a different village, but I'm not sure how he'd fit in with the story until the chunin exams ._.
im only on for a second, and this is kind of random, but i have an idea for another character if we ever need a character for anything ever. I created her for another universe but im sure i can find a way to tweak her to make her fit.
lol I haven't mentioned my other two in the real roleplay

I have:

Asuka Byakko-Academy student/Genin

Chinatsu Arikawa-Chuunin

Yuzuki Hanabe-Jonin Teacher

Ryoichi Hanabe-Jonin Teacher 
That's cool Ghost!
Well, I have 3 currently, if I wanted to then I could make another 2 and do 5 at once xD Massive post sizes. Also no matter how many characters you have. If you're only able to get on in the evening and you get to the rp to see them 3 pages ahead because you were at work and couldn't get on then it's an issue
lol later depending on, I MIGHT make another character but it would have to be a guy cause I don't like to have almost all of the sa,e gender. Three females and one guy. If I do make another character it'll be a guy. lol
Honestly, I think we were just hyper today. xD

I see where you guys are coming from, but long run, I don't think it will be an issue.

If it DOES become a bigger problem, then we'll do something about it.

Post orders are pretty good at slowing things down. xP

I'm sure there's a way any of those characters will be able to fit in eventually. cx

I have a two-tail jinchuuriki oc that I wouldn't mind throwing in here, but I'd want to collaborate with someone.

He's supposed to be in an arranged marriage, after all. cx

That's just a character interaction that I think would be so fun.
That sounds interesting Pine. I kind of want to know more. x3 lol
Well, he's the accidental product of a prostitute, and his life sucks because they have no money, his hero died...

Tear jerking things of that nature. xD

Do you want to see his profile? lol

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