One Thousand Birds

im a picky eater so the teachers in elementary school didnt like me ahahah

20$? well, i guess i could do quite a bit after they remember to ALSO PAY ME FOR MY GRADES WHICH THEY HAVENT YET

they owe me like 45$

but i should probably start cleaning now :/

i want to do everything but the vacuuming so my brother has to do all of the vacuuming when he gets back
I find it funny now thinking about it that the teachers paid so much attention to little things like that.

I guess they had to look out for problem kids...

Oh nice lol.

That reminds me of my friend who always makes bets, always loses them and then never does anything about it.

The one bet that he did fulfill wasn't one he made with me, but he did end up shaving his legs haha.

He owes me $50+ and a sandwich.

i wrote in his yearbook that he could send it to me by mail lol

Vacuum cleaners used to make me run to my room, hide under the covers and cry because they were so loud and 'scary'. xD
weeelellllllll y dad souddenly changed his mind and wants me to do all the vacuuming on my own so ahahah fuck you dad
ive been working the p much the entire time since he came home last time and apparently that isnt near enough work to get paid anything 
and he basically said my stupid little brother who is like ive said the biggest fucking douche ive ever met doesnt have to do anything except, like, pick up his socks

That doesn't make any sense. lol

I'm so sorry. /snug

Maybe because he would just make things worse?? idk
no it doesnt

/many snug

he makes everything worse

if hes helping clean then things will get done like .2x faster

he should have to do things too just living in the same house is terrible making him clean isnt going to make it worse 
well it sounds like hes harassing my little sister so i have to go stop him the stupid ass
Haha, I know the feels.

That's how I feel every time my parents make me clean up the kitchen.

There will be instances where my sister was supposed to be doing something, then I just end up doing everything to keep Madre from throwing a fit/getting her out of trouble. ewe

aww haha have fun
They don't really pop into the chat too often.

Unless you meant role play wise... in which case I have no clue. owo
wow i hate my family

my laptop is mostly charged so i think ill leave and walk to a park since my friend isnt answering her phone. she might be at sme japanese camp or something but ive no clue

i dont know if ill b able to use internet but im gonna bring te tablet and draw
I'm laughing way too hard at this.

hopefully someone will get it

I think I got it...Not fully sure, I don't know much of Death Note lol
There's like... several jokes going on at once.

I just laugh the more I look at it. lol

N looks like L... but all there's Near later who goes by N.

Then on the Pokemon side of things... xD
it was raining so i couldn't draw, i just played my ds insead ahah

but apparently my mom called my friends since i left before she was home and was like wheres april and she made them go look for me??????? like i was gonna go home when i was hungry

so i went to my friends house and ate macaroni but by then she figured we should probably text my mom or something so she had to bring me home so it seemed like she had just found me :/

ALSO I GET IT AHAHHAHAHahahah that was like my first favorite manga
lol good job x3

Pine! Did Nico invite you to our conversation?! x3
Did you tell anyone (other than your internet friends who care deeply) that you were leaving? Lol


Yes we had the chit chats and I said I might be interested. xD
my ugly little brother knew since he tried to follow me????? 
like NO im leaving because youre a dick WHY CAnt he leave me alone

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