One Thousand Birds

Oh Ghost...

lol Pine

So who would your character be the child of?
So, did you get to blow off any steam at all in the park?? :'DD

I need to finish reading the conversation, then I need to pull up a list of Gods/Goddesses. LOL

I've only read four Percy Jackson books back in the dinosaur age of sixth and seventh grade, so I don't remember too much.

The last and only time I've attempted a role play like that, though, I had a son of... Dioneysus?

The wine guy.
I know who he was.

Nico said son Khione

I said daughter of Zeus

I don't remember if Kitty said Hephaestus or Hecate, cause Mecha used to be included and I don't remember who said what

i still wish i was somewhere else

thats like a 24/7 thing
I wasn't sure if I got the name right.

Did I get the name right? LOLOL

Either way, I'm reading over the conversation now +google because idk who these people are.

come with meeee

and you'll seeeee


/flies off on a boat + chocolate river
lol I could possibly give you a God/ddess you might like.

What kind of traits/powers/abilities would you want them to have. 
*snuck onboard the ship on the chocolate river*
swings by a lifts u up

to adventure aND BEYOND


Dood, idk if I'll even join yet.

I need to have a better idea of the plot before I even start thinking about a character. lol

lol I like talking about greek mythology x3

Hecate - goddess of magic and other stuff

Zeus- god of thunder lightning, sky

Khione- snow goddess
Wait, I was totally going to look all of this stuff up. LOL

I'll let you know if I come up with a character, okay? cx
x3 LOL okay. I just really enjoy mythology. Greek, Roman, some Egyptian, some Indian.
only greek and roman

The author though has an Egyptian mythology series

And I found a series based on Indian mythology 
Infinity has to go to church though she's very tired and her feet and in pain. Farewell till about an hour and a half or more
*Me going over all of the OOC I missed* .......I have no idea what the heck any of this is that they are talking about. :3
Okay sorry bout that... Just bought every Nintendo handheld I missed ou on and have beaten... Up to...

/checks spreadsheet



And in ruby/emerald/sapphire am I the only one who went with torchic? 
Time for a coffee break.. Jk. Never gonna drink that again...
Well, I've used a torchic before.

It's just that mudkip was my first and treecko is my favorite. Lol
@Flub ber.

I always went with Treecko :P Although my all time favorite in that gen? Ralts :D

I wanna have a successful pokemon rp @~@

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