One Thousand Birds

well i have to go


ill finish the draw tomorrow 4 sure unlike the orion one
I'll look at your stuff tomorrow Ghost once I'm back on a laptop

That sounds irritating.

Sorry, Infinities. xD

Role play pet peeves ready go.

I hate it when people associate their characters with themselves and get all offended when a character in the role play doesn't like them.

This also usually goes hand in hand with the people who want their character(s) to be the absolutely most powerful nothing can stop them... stuff. xD
Yeah. And now half those people have talked about how making a minimum post length is to stifling for them so they might drop. I'm not exactly complaining but meh.

I get that lol
Flubs survived... Coffee counts was topped at 800 dollars. I think it is safe to say... The amount of coffee had OVER 9000 grams of sodium.
it's really not that hard to post what a paragraph minimum?

especially if the role play is just starting

Dude, I don't even drink coffee. xD
Exactly. And the author stated they understand writers block but three strikes their out. They got a warning from the co-gm and ten minutes later TEN minutes later, the author had to post strike one. Like seriously? If you were accepted, you obviously had to look at the rules to find the password, did you not read rule 4? No one-liners?

So like 3-5 people are saying they might drop.

I LOVE COFFEE! I'm drinking some right now!
Like, I'm sure you can block users, but is it possible to ban someone from a role play?

I'll have to look into this.

I wonder if I should start doing that whole password system, since I write way too much for rules and details and things. LOL

I enjoy water, milk (with food), cherry limeades... uh... this thing I sometimes get at Olive Garden...


Juice boxes (the boxes, not usually the actual content because bendy straws)...


i'm sure i drink other things i just can't remember

lol Nico said if it happens one more time their deleting all their posts and kicking them from the role play. The people who have been making short posts have all said they might drop because they feel the if the role play has a good flow and rhythm going, you should moderate your posts with the rhythm. What the Heck? It's a paragraph! It could be about this long, and Nico wouldn't complain!

lol I drink a lot more than that too, but I don't feel the need to list it all x3


she's the one who dragged me here heh

Like, personally, I think quality over quantity, and you shouldn't intentionally go for more content in your posts, but you could still easily add that in if the person who made the role play wants it.

I used to drink a ton of milk and that's it, but marching season has ruined me forever, and now I just drink tons of water. lol

Like, I think that's Roy Royce w/e and I can't remember the ginger chick's name, but Dr. Who??



I'm getting so pumped for this game, but that intro is just silly.

I'm so excited for mega sceptile hnnnnnng. <3

That's one of my favorites and the mega looks amazing.

I don't care how useful it will be or not, I'm going to use the crap out of it. LOL
lol Yeah, Nico, someone else who joined and I are planning on making a small role play

lol I love milk.


Okay, the brown hair guy next to the girl is Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams), the other guy whose kissing them both is Matt Smith (the Doctor), and the girl is Karen Gillan (Amelia 'Amy' Pond/Williams)

Poor Nico, she already has so many role plays going on, she doesn't need some people stirring up drama. cx

I think they could have made mega swampert look better, but like everything, it's growing on me. cx

ohhh that makes more sense WHY DOES MATT SMITH HAVE BLACK HAIR AND??
lol yeah. But we're gonna have fun! :{D

I've never liked Swampert...x3 So I shall have JAKE! THE MEGA MARSHTOMP!!!!!!!!

It's the lighting from his hat x3
Well, do enjoy ~ cx

Haha, I love all of the Hoenn starters so dearly.

You really like marshtomp, though? LOL

it all makes sense
We shall :3

I LOVE MUDKIP! It was my first Pokémon! That's also why I love Hoen so much! Ruby was my first game with Jake the Mudkip. I didn't like what Swampert looked like, so he became Jake! The level 100 Marshtomp!:{D

Yes it does.

I'm about to go out to eat then go to a Planetarium! Later Pine Tree!
I think mudkip was my first, too. LOL

Then I started over the game for the 100th time and finally settled.

I had a Sceptile, Gyarados and Pinsir (then later a Salamence), so those are still some of my favorites pokemon of all time.

nostalgia for the win

Have fun ~ c:
hi everyone!!!

i came back!!!!!!


i dont drink a lot of milk anymore, though i used to drink a TON of chocolate milk, and wonder why i had bad stomach aches all the time....
I only drink chocolate milk at school because the milk comes free with the lunches and the white milk tastes like cardboard...



Actually, our school had some pretty good stuff... if you didn't have D lunch like I did where everything runs out or gets cold.

They used to have these MMMMmm delicious chocolate chocolate cookies that were always warm and mmmmmmMM but they got rid of them. ;_____;

because health

yeah i mean my school used to have nice things but they got rid of them

I remember in middle school, I spent the last year eating nothing but taco salad hehe. ewe
in middle school i basically just ate their icecream * w * ) but thats GONE NOW

my dad came home for like 5 minute to tell me and my little sister (brothers gone somewhere) to clean everything in the entire house before my mom gets home. he says well each get 20 dollar but im pretty sure if i was like nah i guess i just wont be paid he would be really angry

the reason i would just rather not bother is that he is SO PICKY i know im going to miss something insignificant and hell be like no you missed that you have to re-clean it

so i have to clean EVERYTHING now?????

dhgfa;sdgh;s I wanted to finish the draaaawwwiiiinnnggggggggg blUEH
That was me in elementary school.

I one time got the teachers so concerned that I wasn't eating lunches that they bribed me with money to eat a cheeseburger.

i'll never forget how she never paid me back

Haha, been there done that.

Minus the bribing.

think of all the stuff you could get with twenty dollars heee

though your parents might be the lying sort haha

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