One Thousand Birds

Possibly xD

And yes :3 I like it just have to match the awesomeness.

Ugggggghh x.x Curse me and my OCD about writing and shit xD My sister had a paper she asked me to help with, I extended it by 2 paragraphs and 4 extra sentences in the other paragraphs xD

It ended up in me turning her 3/4 page story into a 1 page and a paragraph.
alright idk i just really want to do a hp rp hhhnnngggg

/rolls around

if i cant be a real wizard then i can juST write

if you were my sibling id just have you do all my homework aahahah
*hums a song titled why dont people want to rp har potr its the best 100% *
no, theres no reason, theres no way someone could possibly not want to
im not comfortable with 1x1s anyways ahahah

so if we find someone else we could

i made an interest check thread but no one's replied yet and its got like only 2 views
@Pine sad face xD I was going to do my little secret randomly and under a different account but Ace was like "Boom!" No second account for you. Sad face! @~@ Oh well.
Uuuuhhh, it says closed, which means it's not...

But we were discussing this, and we might need more people later! So...

Yeah! :3 
Oh kiro says it is


Yeah, I'd wait for lovely Pie to say something, she has the final word
Alright so it might be open it might not @Mavros Drakos

I'm so sorry for the confusion

We should have an answer... soonish
@Kiro Akira i'm going to freaking kill you if you don't stop nagging me lol

gonna' kill you dead

@Mavros Drakos

Hello hello !

Are you new to the site?

Welcome to RpN! c8

I'm kinda' on the fence about having people join right now.

I have it set to closed because we have genin teams established with all the spots filled, but some people haven't been around.

One in which I promised would have a spot in this role play once they start getting better with their personal issues.

I would have to check with some people and see if they're still interested and garbage.

If you're interested in something other than our Konoha genin teams, though, you're more than welcome to join!

Let me know if the mechanics of things aren't letting you post on the character sign-up thing, because I have no idea how the mechanics of that works.

If not, I'll let you know when/if a spot opens up.

Feel free to hang out in these ooc parts as well ~

We're all quite friendly except kiro he's a pain in the rear.
pine u interested in a hogwarts rp i mean i know you arent in enough rps

oooooop gotta go sit with my family for supper ill b back
Pine I will eat you! >( I still want my new character idea to be accepted xD Can it please @~@ Add a bit of spice to your RP ;D maybe even make it awesome and better.`
Have fun Ghost ~

& i'm sorry, I never managed to get that into Harry Potter things and, well, you know I'm in way too many role plays. lol 
Kiro my role play is the coolest thing since sliced bread gtfo.
What Pine isn't stating is that She is in enough rps. But doesn't reply to half of them. 
It is thats why I'm trying to get you to post >o After you promised a post last night. 
Also :3



Kiro do good? :3
ahahah its alright pie i thought so i just wanted 2 make suuure

now i have more of an idea of ur sectret plotting, i will figure out the mySTERRY

also yes

i like the recolored version much better

also i snuck downstairs ll probs have to go clean the kitchen soon

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