One Thousand Birds

I don't have a official place of residence sadly. Gosh darn job. Y U so hush hush.
Psh, I'm 19 and still live with mommy and daddy. xD And make 1,000 every two weeks. So amazing ain't it? :P . Don't even plan on moving out any time soon.
Herro peoples! Sorry I haven't been on lately. Things have been getting hectic in RL with my Regional Meet this weekend. I'm gonna try to get on tomorrow night, but no promises.
yo i got my friends old laptop but my mom knows an therefore will take it every night
O.o Ghost, are you like 14 or something? o: It seems as if you get taken rather early.

None the less.... Just realizing this.

Pine, Infinity, Ghost, and Memories are the people I'm waiting for posts......Mem is rather busy, Ghost...You're well yea O.o unable to get on much. Pine, pine is just being pine. Infinity is MIA currently. No reply to texts or messages recently O_o
no im old enought o drIVE my mom is just a loser

and im going to go for cake cake is great goodbye for now
Kiro. Pugs not thugs.

*Gives Kiro the cutest pug puppy ever* 
Can't wait until Saturday...
-puts the puppy on one of the medieval torcher devices and tries to stretch the dog out to it's original shape. Seeing the pug looks like a puppy squished into a bite size pizza roll.
It's a mod for Skyrim where they are recreating Morrowind. I submitted a peice of music and they said they will probably use it unless someone submits something better but that it was unlikely.
I melted my water cooling system in a g-mod experience. So much for custom PCs.
Kiro! Ya know I think Pinger is a butt, cause I don't have alerts and I keep forgetting to check it until I'm falling asleep. x3 lol
I just think it doesn't send me notifications when I'm not connected to wifi and then doesn't when I do have wifi. Something like that.

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