One Thousand Birds

Just because I made it and it looks cool.

Wow it got quiet O.o
I have so many things to do tho. ;w;

Like, I definitely plan to play OFF.

Apparently one of my friends has played that game, too. lol

inspired by that haunter

that i beat savagely ? c*
STill calling bullshit on that thing <,<

Hypnosis 80% chance hitting. I used it 6 times in a row and it missed every time ._.
I wasn't really paying too close of attention, but maybe it's because one of my other pokemon MIGHT have been asleep?

Pokemon showdown abides by the sleep clause, me thinks.

It's cheap to try to put all my pokemon to sleep, anyway. ewe

Yeah, that was probably why it kept missing.

Sleep clause activated.

Sleep clause being a competitive battling courtesy revolving around only being able to put one of your opponent's pokemon to sleep.
It doesn't take much strategy to put all of your opponent's team asleep. ._.

Not really fair, so I support the clause. 
I think actual competitions ban it, too.
Hell, I couldn't put even one of yours to sleep and when it finally hit, your pokemon woke right back up.

I'm still calling bullshit on it
No, because I would have switched it out right then and there know you would use dream eater and I would get a free switch. lol
oh oh i finished the harry potter series last night

sisghsi hUGH i dont think ill ever get over the death of

There was .-. I've explained it numerous time and you keep saying no. None the less, you have a post you still need to get to
didn't read the books

almost just asked who that was lol don't kill me

Okay, so they activated sleep clause on you and you couldn't keep putting my pokemon to sleep.

You still should have at least evolved them.

I owe a looooot.

I'll get to in a while.

I'm getting my SHINY NEW HACKED POKEMON from a friend. c;
See more bullshit <,<

Getting HACKED pokemon rather then actually getting a real pokemon. ._. Screw those shiny pokemon. Some may look cool in shiny form but other then that screw them xP

Also, this rp is more important than those other ones.
Pine hacking is so 2010. How much do 3ds go for. I need to get back I to pokemon. Can't wait for gen thats not letters.
Even if it didn't...

Your haunter wasn't exactly about to be able to take out my chansey.

Not all of them are shiny.

I'm hacking because I don't have enough hours in my life to waste breeding for perfect IVs.

My one on ones have priority over everything and they both just so happened to reply last night. c*

I think I bought mine for... $160?

Something like that?
Just reading the posts the rest of my team posted... I suddenly feel very hated and loved at the same time. Just like my childhood. And… the academy. *looks solemnly off into the distance*

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