One Thousand Birds


That's really good and equally disturbing. LOL

I think you have great potential in scaring children on Halloween. 8D
ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ isnt my face beautiful

i do, i should do that next halloween 
also, now you know how nice green hair can look
Haha, incredible.

I always make plans to scare children, but I have too many guilt feelings. ewe


It looks more blue to me. xD

And like it's not entirely green??

idk ~

yes i suppose it isnt 100% green

Definitely don't respond immediately.

Unless someone has been in the same situation before, I say give yourself a lot of time to think over what you feel you want to say/would be the best thing to say before replying.

It should be what you decide, not us, I mean, because you're the best person to know how you feel about this.

I imagine it would be hard for him to have sent that, too, but not knowing him, I could be totally wrong.
but if I leave it for too long, then my mother will call him. :< My mother has a deep seated hatred for the man.

Thanks though, that really does help.
I'm guessing she knows about the e-mail?

If she does, just explain that you want to handle it on your own, and maybe pull a 'let me be responsible because I can't have you coddling me' sort of business if need be.

Here to help in whatever way I can ~ nwn

Well, I mean, don't be sassy about it, but y'know... lol

I personally believe that she should just let you handle it on your own if that's what you want.

Your own relationship, not hers, even as closely connected as it may be.
Haha, I think I'm going to take a nap.

I have tomorrow off, but I have a dentist appointment at eight in the morning sob.

*jakunen suddenly appears, from thin air* 
oh alright pie, have a nice nap
._. every time I get off of work. I come to RPN and see a total of freaking 5 pages xD God people D: 
D: Why? @~@ Everyone said they liked Night and Midnight but their characters all despise them xD
ahaha I like them but my character is a completely diff person 
which reminds me...

i gotta post....................

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