One Thousand Birds

alriiiiiiiiight ill do my best now ive gotten the project that isnt yet late done

i gootta b sneaksy now
i need about

49 more dollars for a horcrux
i have enough in my bank account but im not allowed to take money out
Lol. I was reading how you guys are super stressed about languages and that shuzzle. When you have two months to learn a random language that barely even exists anymore it really is like a Russian mob boss taking a plunger and sticking it on your anus until he pumps the crap out of you.
....that analogy....

....but now..... makes me wonder.... has flubs had personal experience?
Sorry cant say yes or no. As far as I know a Italian is dressed up as a plant and is watching me right now. That can happen to ghost busters though. Not gonna actually say my profession but just use ghostbuster.
Ahahah that's alright, I didn't expect an answer.

also finally posted aahahah i think my mom suspects me of not doing homework 100% of the time

sighs im bad at explaining things though, so my descriptions dont describe the effect i wanted, perfectly....

/angry sighing
Just search bid obscure words on google and use anything with a V in it to confuse her. Or anything that that starts with a Q. Nothing that ends in a y. I really shouldn't be teaching people how to lie.
K. So first practice on a friend but tell them a the fire trims you see them you will be periodically lying to get better at it. The see if they can after a long series of lie about last night ask how they knew or not. Keep it up and eliminate the tells they identify. You have to keep the lies plausible and just tantalizingly within reach that they person takes it and eats it.
Most people look for eye contact as a sign of lying, but one of the biggest give-aways is more fervent hand gestures and a change in tonality.



psychology is such a fun class everyone should take it

siiiiighhghghghssss idk i might be able to get the tablet but i hiGHly doubt that
Me? Trouble? Nah never xD I'll just laugh at you and tell you the truth in a lying tone then when you give me a strange look I'll turn the truth into a lie making you believe the lie rather then the truth.
Inception... *calls Denzel Washington for his investigation skills. He is 1337 at that* 
Denzel washington's CoD username: xxBlazing_Starxx
Aaaa, guess who's gotten the tablet 
Hums happily, I want to rp even tho tablet

I assed out on the floor for like ten minutes while coloring tho....x3

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