One Piece: The New Age [RP]

Kayla followed close behind Myko, hearing the other girl cry out. She scanned the dark room as her eyes adjusted to the lighting. She then assessed the other two women, the she hadn't been introduced to yet was trapped beneath the fridge. She knelt beside her, "You alright?" she asked the injured female.


So-do sat on a flight of stairs watching the whole scene play out with an amused stare. From the initial start of the chase, to the two collisions, to the foiled escape attempt to the flight to the kitchen. He puffed on his cigarette,
These girls are pretty feisty. He strummed a bit on his guitar until Myko called him into action. Damn. With a sigh he set his instrument safely back in its case and strolled over to the kitchen where the others were hurriedly gathering.

((OOC: Oka gave us permission to NPC his character until he gets back from the beach and gets his computer fixed.))

So-do walked in to the kitchen as he was being called by Myko. As he walked in he quickly scanned the room, his eye somewhat twitching. "Ummm what's going on in here?" He asked with a questioned look on his face. He then flicked the butt of his cigarette out the way he came in. He then reached for another one but this time just put it in his mouth.
Myko helped Lillith up, then looked toward So-do who finally joined them.

"We're dealing with the thief. She injured my cook... We'll find her and torture her!", Myko exclaimed. He then crouched down beside Vero and tilted the refrigerator over so it was no longer lying on her leg.

"You alright, Vero?", Myko asked. "This won't affect your cooking skills... will it?"
As one of the new women spoke to her, Vero just shrugged, "I'm fine." As far as I know... She muttered. Then as Myko tilted the fridge off her leg, she pulled her leg close to her, and started rubbing it with a wince. "I'm just peachy Cappy." Her eyebrow twitched as he worried about her cooking skills. "It's not like my hand got cut off." She replied with a sour tone, before standing up slowly, putting most of her weight on the non-numb leg.

"Put I do agree with you on torturing that little Fox. How about we shank her then strap her to the back of the ship to drown?" An evil yet playful glint came to Vero's eyes behind her sunglasses. She was really starting to hate that thief, one for even coming into her kitchen, two for upsetting her fridge, and three getting her hurt. In all honesty, Vero wanted to do so much more painful things to that girl.
Kaito yelled back at the young girl.

"Ya better hurry up or yer gonna get left behind."

Even as a 7 year old, he still had pretty good strength. He grabbed a rope off the side of the ship and chucked one end at the girl before tying off the other end to the railing.

"And ya it's me, I'll explain later!"
Ker Tela hesitated not and grabbed the rope jumping, climbing and swinging towards the ship. She knew she would get nothing in a place like this. "Ai nade sopplays!!" She finally reached the railing and looked at everyone again. She let out a sigh What have I gotten myself into this time she let out a sigh of relief next.

(I need supplies!!)


Tah Zaya continued sailing forward, she knew her sister was over her... she had that... that sense and wouldn't let her get away.
Eva pouted as she sat on the counter, watching the somewhat cute scene of the crew helping the wounded cook. Quickly, leaning back she grabbed a heavy bag of flour and hefted it over her shoulder. "Weeelll... Seeing as how I'm not exactly wanted... I'll just be going~!" She squeaked before rushing out the door and slamming it behind her.
Kayla was about to demand the woman let her examine the injured leg when the thief made an appearance. The girl grabbed a bag of flour and bolted for the door. Kayla rushed at her in almost the same instant and touched the bag of flour just as the door slammed in her face. Kayla stumbled backwards step or two rubbing her forehead and glaring through the door. She let her anger show which was very unlike her usual patient and composed demeanor. She let out a low growl through her, now pointed, clenched teeth. "She is REALLY starting to get under my skin," she said, not intending for it to be out loud. She threw the door open with her now clawed hands and flew out the door like a cat charging in for the kill.
Eva dared one fateful look behind her as the door was thrown open. She saw the evil look on Kayla's face. "AHHH!!! DEMONIC HAAAG! SOMEONE SAVE ME!" She screamed, as she turned and ran like she was about to die. Since she probably was anyway... Especially after the hag comment. But seriously! What are people supposed to think with the wrinkles on her forehead!? They were like canyons!
Myko ran out of the door after Kayla and 'Juicy Lips' Eva, knowing his cook should be fine. He then had to frown after hearing Eva scream about a demonic hag, apparently in the form of Kayla.

"Smooth abs... Slender legs... Godly-sculpted melons! I see no demonic hag!", Myko yelled out, following closely behind Kayla. "After that juicy-lipped rodent! I have torture ideas for her!"
Eva looked back as she ran. "Oh yeah, I'm sure I can see why you'd never think to see how haggish she looks! You're eyes never reach above her chest!" She replied, laughing as she whirled around in her running. Using the momentum from the movement she had been doing, she chucked the bag of flour at the two of them.

The next moment later could be described as a moment in history... As the bag hit Kayla and Myko, it exploded in a floury mushroom cloud that could be seen in Smuggler's cove... The deck was covered in white flour, that floated to the ground like snowflakes. "Oo, pretty..." Eva commented dryly, she was covered in flour from head to toe. Looking very much like a ghost, with her red eyes being her only stand outish feature.
Kayla coughed as the flour fell around her. She too was covered in the white dust and like the girl, her emerald eyes were all that truly stood out. "At least I have a chest to speak of, runt!" she growled. Kayla saw her opportunity as the girl admired the now flour covered deck and sprung forward with deadly accuracy and speed. The final pounce of a large cat once it's finally ready to catch its prey. She growled deep in her throat as she tackled the girl to the deck and held her there, threatening to go for her jugular if she made another sudden move.....or insulting comment.
Eva glared at Kayla, frostily. "I do too have a chest! And it's a much better one than your saggy jugs!" She bit out, squeaking as Kayla suddenly tackled her. Not caring if the woman was threatening her throat; Eva squirmed and wiggled in Kayla's grip. "Let me go! Freak! Haven't you scarred me for life already!?" She yelled, trying to leverage her legs right to kick out at the woman's stomach.
Limping from the kitchen, Vero leaned there in the doorway, an eyebrow raised and an amused smile playing across her face. "Well this is certainly different." She commented about the white ship...covered in her flour she noted with a twitch, and the fighting damns on the ground. With a loud laugh, she suddenly turned and limped back into the kitchen, quickly grabbing a bright green frying pan and returning to her place. Using her better eye site to help her, she chucked it at the Thief's head, watching it go from the air, to the ground and sliding across full force towards the little noggin of air.
Kayla straddled the girl so she would have no shots at her still aching ribs. With the final insult, Kayla snapped and thrust her hand around the girls throat, squeezing and cutting off her air supply. "You have a big mouth for such a tiny whelp," she growled dangerously, her eyes showing more animal ferocity than Kayla usually liked to show. Kayla was ready to cut off that last tiny flow of air when a frying pan slid across the deck toward the girls head.
Eva's eyes widened as she felt a crushing hand latch onto her throat, small gasps came from her mouth as she struggled to breath. She struggled in the beginning, panic in her gleaming red eyes. But her struggles began to lessen as her air began to run out. There was a painful thump on her head as a hard metal object crashed into it, on instinct her hand shot out to slug Kayla across the jaw. But it was a weak shot compared to her previous hard blows.

The life seemed to start to drain from Eva's eyes as her hand fell limp to the deck of the ship. Was this it? Was she really going to die, by strangulation from this woman?... Eva's vision began to blur slightly.
Myko slowly walked over to where Kayla was choking their juicy-lipped thief and gently set his hands on hers. He took Kayla's hands away from Eva's throat with power, but in a graceful manner.

"Don't kill her, now. I have something in mind for our lovely thief...", Myko said to Kayla. He then got out some rope and tied Eva's hands together and her ankles together, then tied her to the bottom of the mast. He grinned, waiting for the little demon to fully regain consciousness. He then called the rest of the crew to come to the mast, deciding to formulate a torture plan.
Eva let out a large gasp of air as the oppressive hand as removed, her body arched slightly as she sucked in the air greedily. She felt herself being hauled away, but she couldn't gather the strength to struggle. Her limps felt like lead and her head felt even worse. She leaned against the mast, her face twisted in pain as her head pounded. Her chest heaved with the force of her deep breaths of air.

It felt so good to breath... Feeling the air rush into her lungs and then exhale, it was the most pleasurable feeling Eva had ever felt. At the moment she couldn't care if these stupid pirates were about to execute her, as long as she could take in that delicious air for a bit longer...
Vero grinned broadly as her pan hit, feeling a bit sorry for it though. As Myko called themm all over, she sighed, pushing away from her door. Stopping to pick up her frying pan first, she brushed it off, and was pretty shocked to not see a dent in it. Weird...I would have thought she would have had a harder head than that. With a shrug to herself, Vero limped over to her Captain's side, almost stumbling once on the way. As she stood there, she took up the absent habit of hitting the pan lightly agaisnt her leg, rhythmically keeping a tempo to a song in her head.
Kayla snapped to her senses when she felt Mykos hands on hers, removing her hands from the girl. His voice was oddly soothing to her. She quickly shoved her anger down and released the girl from the deck as Myko tied her to the mast. She walked over to Mykos side, opposite Vero, and waited with a frown for her to regain consciousness. Why does this girl anger me so much? Usually it's only Myko that annoys me to lose my patience...and even then it's not anger.
Lillith had taken Myko's hand. It had hurt a little bit to walk, but she had moved her legs to the door frame, watching. She watched the little thief, angrily. Having been inside the kitchen when the flour explosion happened, she wasn't completely effected. Having blotches of white across her body. Which made her eyes stand out all the more.

Honey yellow eyes glared at the girl, being pinned down. The scene happened oh so fast. Lillith held her side while walking over to Myko, after her tied the wench up. Lillith never took her eyes of the girl. Annoyance radiated off the woman.

"You friggin' little brat..." Lillith began, walking past everyone else to the girl, readying her foot to kick the wretched little thief. Hesitating, Lillith came up with a better idea. She placed her foot back down on the flour covered deck. Kneeling down, Lillith slapped the girl across the cheek.

"You're lucky I fell on the refrigerator... Or else you'd have a bullet in your head...!"
Eva blinked with wide eyes as a hand slapped across her face. She rolled her head back to stare up at the girl with glazed red eyes. A smirk appeared on her face, despite the red hand print that was beginning to appear on her cheek. "And I should care, why?" She slurred slightly, a sneer pulling at her lips.
As soon as So-do walked through the door he felt as if everyone had just left. Most if not all had ran out of the door chasing the girl that ran off with a sack of flour. After everyone had left to go after the girl So-do looked around the kitchen then walked out the door that he came in.

So-do came out said to see that a lot of stuff may have transpired while he was in the kitchen. The girl was tied up to the mast. 'So I take it that everything is taken care of them? seeing as you caught the girl." So-do reached in his pocket and pulled out his lighter lighting up the cigarette he had placed in his mouth earlier. He then walked back to his guitar and picked it up and found a nice place to sit and strum his guitar. As he messed with the guitar stings, he sat and watched the the event that involded the girl go on.

Lillith screwed her face. Thoughts raced around in her head. Anger boiled up in her... This brat is more annoying than Myko, She thought. The red head sneered. Lillith furiously pulled out her pistol once more. With speed like a cobra, the cool end of the metal barrel met the younger's forehead. Lillith moved her face next to the thief's...

"Because, I can still put one in there right now." She muttered lowly. Zero expression in her voice. The only expression was on Lillith's face. Cool wrath in her yellow eyes. As well as a contemptuous smile across her soft red lips.
Myko slowly dragged Lillith away from Eva, deciding he would torture the girl himself.

"I'll take care of the thief, don't you worry about it. She'll be a star...", Myko said while taking out a camera. He then started snapping pictures of Eva, while messing around with her clothing to make the pictures seem more 'questionable'. He gave Eva a wink and grinned. "Don't worry, I'll get you to the top in no time!"

Myko then turned to his crew again.
"Does anyone have any other torture ideas for the charming young lady?", he asked.

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