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Fandom One Piece: New Age of Pirates


Nerd of All Trades







Devil Fruit/Special ability:(Optional)


Character description:(Appearance, strengths,weaknesses, background)

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Name: Reyals Latrommi

Nickname: Rey

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Dream: To become the Best Engineer and Build mighty weapons to destroy the Marines!

Occupation: Pirate

Crew: Shipwright of The Golden Pirates

Devil Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi (Lightning Lightning fruit )

Weapon: Golden Gloves (by running electricity through them that can liquefy and change into other things) I don't have the gold for them for now in RP

Character description: One of my strengths is my intelligence, I can craft ingenious tools and weapons. One of my biggest weaknesses is that i'm too naive, I believe in lies too much and have poor social skills. I also get very aggressive towards anything to do with The Marines.

Background: I grew up in the West blue on a small land, there wasn't anything special about the island, but the Marines occupied it anyways. I lived with my Family in a shack a little ways outside of the village. It was me, my mother, and my two little sisters. My father was a fisherman and died at sea one day while trying to fish while it was storming....or at least that's what my mother told me. I usually stayed near the house because father told me to never go far from home, but since he died I started to explore more. Mother never really recovered from Fathers death and got sick, so she is always in bed and my two sisters took care of her. I found this really big tree while exploring one time, but Marines were always around so I couldn't get close. Then it happened....my chance, a fight broke out between some sailors and Marines and while they were busy fighting I went to the tree. It was a lot bigger up close, but a branch was low enough for me to climb up from. I started to climb my way up the tree, when i was almost to the top I heard a loud ruckus coming from the villages direction. I looked to see several Marine ships docked at the harbor and I could barely make out what was happening down there. What I saw was a bunch of Marines moving around, then I heard gun shots. I started to see villagers fall left and right, one by one. I panicked and lost my footing, but as I was falling I reached out to grab a branch and barely did. The branch was more squishy then a normal branch and when I looked to see what I have grabbed, I saw a fruit in my hand. I reached out with my other hand and grabbed an actual branch and pulled myself up. I examine the strange fruit which was now in both of my hands as I sat on the branch. I completely forgot about the village during that moment, and for some reason I slowly moved the fruit to my mouth and ate a bite, at that moment I felt like a surge of electricity coursed through my body, then I threw up...I heard more gun fire, but this time it wasn't coming from the village. I turned and looked in the direction of the shots to see my home in the distance, I yelled out "nooo!" and leaped from the branch. Climbing down as fast as I could, and when my feet touched the ground I bolted towards my home as fast as I could. Strangely it felt like I was moving faster and faster, but I tried to ignore the fact that I was moving at a very fast pace. I came into the clearing and I can see my home, I ran up to the house and was about to go in but I caught a glimpse of something in the window. I looked through the window to see my Mother, who appears to be shot in the leg, and my sisters sitting on the floor. There was a Marine beside each of my family members and one Marine in front of all of them. He raised his hand into the air and the Marines pointed there guns at the back of my family's heads. I realized what was about to happen and then ran for the door and as I grabbed the knob of the door, I heard three shots and then followed by three thuds. I stood there at the door with my hand on the knob, tears flowing down my face. I started to feel more anger by the second and soon I was overcome by hate. I push the door open but it just shattered into pieces instead, I rushed into the room and punched the closest Marine. He went down with that punch and started to spasm on the floor as if being shocked. One of the Marines took aim and fired at me, I thought I would feel pain but felt nothing. I then proceeded to beat up the three remaining Marines one by one. After it was over I fell to my knees and started to cry, after another hour or so I got up and buried my Mother and sisters out behind the house next to my fathers grave. I soon found out that the whole village is dead along with my family, and Marines are now everywhere. I sneaked onto a boat and left the island and my old life behind. I now have a deep hatred for the Marines and made up my mind, I'm going to destroy the Marines! After making it to another island, I found a like minded guy and after a while he made a crew. I joined his crew because it seemed like a good place to start my journey, that day I became the shipwright of The Golden Pirates.

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Name: Finn T. Hiraga

Nickname: none

Age: 17

Gender: male

Race: human

Dream: Find the One Piece

Occupation: Pirate Captain

Devil Fruit/Special ability: Buki Buki no Mi

Weapon: My devil fruit's ability

Character description: (Sorry bad description, I'm very tired.)

Finn was born and raised in the North blue. He lived on a small island known as Rifton. Finn's father was a fisherman, and mother was a typical house wife. Finn was 7 years old when he went with his father on a fishing trip, through the trip, Finn grew fond of the salty waters. But, toward the journey back home, Finn's father caught something in his fishing rod and railed it in. What came up to the surface was no fish, but a fruit. The fruit looked quite abnormal. It looked more like a dis form pineapple. Finn's father didn't liked feeling of it, he knew it was evil. He looked away for a second, and when he turned back the fruit was gone. His eyes bulged out when he discovered Finn eating it, and rushed to stop him. But, it was too late. Finn gain a power on that day. He became a weapon. 3 years has passed since that faithful fishing trip, and life was still pretty normal for Finn. His Father forbidden him to use his devil fruit power, and that he shouldn't go in any bodies of water. Finn's life didn't change much, until the night he will never forget. On a cold winter night, Marines burst into Finn's home, and killed his father and mother. It turns out Finn's father was a pirate back in the day when they were common, but he quit being a pirate the day he met a girl and settled down with her and started a family. The mother was killed because she had relations with him, and even conceived a child. A child that had potential of being a filthy pirate. Finn slipped away that night, and manage to get a small boat. He left the island, and venture into another island, where he trained, and founded his pirate crew. The Golden Pirates.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Scot.jpg.d6d52b4040160c13d513ae4148d6a010.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Scot.jpg.d6d52b4040160c13d513ae4148d6a010.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <---------Character appearance



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Name: Keke

Age: 16

Gender: female

Race: Human

Dream: Just wants to have big adventures

Occupation: Pirate, first mate

Devil Fruit/Special ability: none

Weapon: none

Character description:

Keke was raised in a noble family with her uncle and little brother. Her parents unfortunately were no longer around but their uncle even though strict took good care of them. she also had a aunt who traveled along with a circus. Everytime she was in town she would tell Keke all about the things she saw and people she met. She taught Keke a bunch of acrobatic tricks she knew. Keke so bad wanted to see the world and what was out there. Knowing her uncle would never allow it she had given up hope on ever leaving home. Her aunt though suggested sneaking out and coming with her. Keke knew her uncle would be mad but decided to go ahead and go knowing this would be her only chance. So she left with her aunt at the age of 12 and traveled around with her. Keke enjoyed her time being in the circus she learned new tricks and became very acrobatic. Her aunt even taught combat incase she ever needed to protect herself. After two years of traveling Keke realized how much she loved the sea and the pirates she met on her journey seemed like they were living such a adventurous life. So she left her aunt and went off to find a pirate crew to join.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Rikku.png.f4231160b442dc32dec1e6e2a9a2007b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Rikku.png.f4231160b442dc32dec1e6e2a9a2007b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/HEIGHT]



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Seraletta Julia








Human, Kuja


She wants to bring honor to the Kuja and revive the Kuja pirates but to do this the one piece would be a good start.


Pirate, Navigator

Devil Fruit/Special ability:

Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Smilodon

The main strength of this devil fruit is its ability to allow its consumer to transform into a Smilodon or a Smilodon-Human hybrid form. In both forms, the consumer can use the huge fangs gained from the transformations to bite into a foe and lock down on the foe like a vice lock. With the transformations, the consumer gets a serious strength increase. This is a Ancient zone type devil fruit.


Spear and her devil fruit.

Character description:

Seraletta was born on Amazon Lily to the tribe of females warriors known as the Kuja, unlike most she never got along with the animals of the island. Seraletta's childhood was full of training much like most of the children of the Kuja are. She often heard about the stories of a pirate crew that was called the Kuja pirates, however upon the government gaining power they saw no need to keep the Kuja pirates in their service and as such they were attacked and defeated. To Seraletta the Kuja life was a simple one consisting of hunting and training, over time she built up a large amount of strength and took part in man competitions winning quite a few. As Seraletta reached the age of 15 something chanced she grew bored of the Kuja life she just wanted to leave going as far as to adventure around the whole island even to the parts that they weren't meant to. One day while going on her usual walk Seraletta came across a strange fruit, it had multiply colors and strange patterns covering it but it attracted Seraletta so much so that she took it home with her. She then traveled to the elder and showed it to her, since she found it she had the right to it, the elder informed her it was something she shouldn't eat but wouldn't tell her anymore only that it wouldn't kill her, so upon heading home she ate it and it tasted awful. The next day Seraletta while on her usual walk was attacked by a lion however unlike normal her body reacted differently and she transformed into a beast, sinking her teeth into the beasts neck she killed it near instantly. From then on she had her devil fruit. She waited another three years before a marine ship came to Amazon Lily in which she snuck on it and left the island behind. Her plan was to find the one piece and bring glory back to the Kuja and to re-start the Kuja pirates but until she finds the one piece that's a secondary concern.


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Name: Warren Ledden

Appearance: Curly auburn hair withcomplimenting green eyes. He has pale freckled skin. His wardrobe mostly consists of button up shirts

Occupation: student, aspiring medic.

Race: Human

Age: 14

Dream: be find a cure-all medicine to eliminate sickness forever.

Weapons: can use a gun very well, but prefers not to. But can use multiple Melee weapons such as bats and, when absoulotley needed, previously mentioned guns.

Devil fruit: Warren's devil fruit can steal the life of others within close proximity of him. He can also transfer this life to others to heal them. He can sap life from others to use as energy too, and can charge parts of him body to deal more damage. The only way you can be charged is if you aren't hurt, though. Health is top priority.

Personality: Warren is a happy and generally nice kid. He likes to make people have fun and laugh. He is easy to talk to and become friends with. He shows extreme compassion for others and is always trying to help other people out. Doesn't like to fight unless he absolutely HAS to.

Biography: Warren has taken in interest in being a medic since he was young. Probably mostly because his dad was a medic in the marines. Likewise, he's always wanted to be a pirate, but his father never took a liking to that line of work. He would always go scouting the forest around town and look inside the caves. One day, he stumbled upon a devil fruit and ate it, since he forgot to pack a lunch. He later discovered it granted him the power to steal and give life Realizing this power and his passion for helping others he is dead set on becoming a pirate to help others, and make his father proud.

Likes: Jokes, dogs, steak, his friends, coffee, plenty and plenty of terrible puns.

Dislikes: Cherry medicine, decease, having to hurt people, getting in trouble.
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Scrubnoppon said:
Name: Warren Ledden
Appearance: Curly auburn hair withcomplimenting green eyes. He has pale freckled skin. His wardrobe mostly consists of button up shirts

Occupation: student, aspiring medic.

Race: Human

Weapons: can use a gun very well, but prefers not to. But can use multiple Melee weapons such as bats and, when absoulotley needed, previously mentioned guns.

Devil fruit: Warren's devil fruit can steal the life of others within close proximity of him. He can also transfer this life to others to heal them. He can sap life from others to use as energy too, and can charge parts of him body to deal more damage.

Personality: Warren is a happy and generally nice kid. He likes to make people have fun and laugh. He is easy to talk to and become friends with. He shows extreme compassion for others and is always trying to help other people out. Doesn't like to fight unless he absolutely HAS to.

Biography: Warren has taken in interest in being a medic since he was young. Probably mostly because his dad was a medic in the marines. Likewise, he's always wanted to be a pirate, but his father never took a liking to that line of work. He would always go scouting the forest around town and look inside the caves. One day, he stumbled upon a devil fruit and ate it, since he forgot to pack a lunch. He later discovered it granted him the power to steal and give life Realizing this power and his passion for helping others he is dead set on becoming a pirate to help others, and make his father proud.

Likes: Jokes, dogs, steak, his friends, coffee, plenty and plenty of terrible puns.

Dislikes: Cherry medicine, decease, having to hurt people, getting in trouble.
Hello! Your character sheet isn't bad, but it is missing a few things. Age? Dream? Also your devil fruit. Is it made up? I'm just curious because I never seen it in the series, but it does sound interesting.
Probix said:
Hello! Your character sheet isn't bad, but it is missing a few things. Age? Dream? Also your devil fruit. Is it made up? I'm just curious because I never seen it in the series, but it does sound interesting.
Oops! Forgot to add that, my bad!

Also, yeah it's made up, if you want me to make something cannon I can!
@Scrubnoppon No it's fine. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to be close in order to steal life force? If so, then I think you should change it where you have to physically touch them to use your power. Also, how much life does it take? Would it be instant, or would it slowly absorb life?
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Probix said:
@Scrubnoppon No it's fine. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to be close in order to steal life force? If so, then I think you should change it where you have to physically touch them to use your power. Also, how much life does it take? Would it be instant, or would it slowly absorb life?
Well, first off, yeah, he would gradually steal and take life. It's not instant.

But the the factor is how close he is, if he's a good 15 feet away, he's not going to be able to steal anything, but if he were say, 3 feet away from someone, he'd be able to steal/give life really slow, and give more more quickly the closer he is. It's by no means fast. But if he's making direct contact with whoever, it's a lot less slow.
Scrubnoppon said:
Well, first off, yeah, he would gradually steal and take life. It's not instant.
But the the factor is how close he is, if he's a good 15 feet away, he's not going to be able to steal anything, but if he were say, 3 feet away from someone, he'd be able to steal/give life really slow, and give more more quickly the closer he is. It's by no means fast. But if he's making direct contact with whoever, it's a lot less slow.
Okay then. Sounds good!
Name: Phillip Phillip

Nickname: "the red fountain" "red fountain Phillip"

Age: 32

Gender: male

Race: human

Dream: Phillip wants to become the most famous pirate in history so his name will live on forever.

Occupation: pirate

Devil Fruit/Special ability: "squib-squib fruit" (skwib skwib) the devil fruit allows him to control the rate at which blood flows from a wound he creates. He uses a very strange style of fighting, landing glancing blows and making his enemies bleed to death from seemingly superficial attacks.

Weapon: Phillip uses many pistols and a cutlass, he has wrist blasters, a teleporter, grapple hooks, and rocket jets.

Character description:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.23b597e8b0d183e00bbc979bab469a0f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131455" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.23b597e8b0d183e00bbc979bab469a0f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Phillip is very flashy and arrogant, trying to make everything look easy.

strengths,weaknesses: very powerful devil fruit, highly skilled, many gadgets and money. Cocky, headstrong to a fault, fairly killable.



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@akumashioni ok so your character sheet isn't bad, but I have some concerns. 1st- your DF, Its not like you give a paper cut size slash on someone and then they are cut in half...right? 2nd- teleporter....grappling hook...rocket jets, three mobility items seem kinda of redundant. also you say he has pistols and wrist blasters? Can you dim it back a bit plz.
Full Name: Keya Fenris

Nickname: Key

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Physical Description:


Add a large, dark pink fluffy tail, a two inch long pointed nose, and replace the armor for a light pink dress and sandals and you officially have a Keya. She's typically seen wearing some form of pink with her axe strapped to the back(the shield doesn't exsist k). Generally speaking she almost always has her hair did up in twin pigtails with golden triangular hairpins.

Height: Roughly 5 inches at most.

Personality: Keya is typically described as hyperactive, loud, and lacking any semblence of personal space. She is extremely exciteable, which is a bad combination with hyperactive in itself. She is generally kind to everyone she meets, however. Much more preferring to make friends than be mean and make enemies. Seeing as she doesn't understand what personal space is..or shame and embarrassment for that matter..she won't hesitate to get up in your face, hug you randomly, or anything really.

Of course, it has led to several situations...but most of them weren't bad. Bad for her, anyway, embarrassing as hell for others. She is extremely gullible coupled with all of this, making an extremely fun combination for her and those around her.

Dream: To own the worlds supply of candy. Fish too, maybe.


  • Candy
  • Fish
  • Sushi
  • Sashimi
  • Pie
  • Berries


  • Cake
  • Sour food(Unless its candy)
  • Extremely spicy food
  • Having her height made fun of
  • Being tricked

Character Strengths:

  • Strength: Like most dwarves, Keya is far stronger than the average being save for giants. She is, like most dwarves, capable of destroying houses and tossing humans around easily.
  • Speed: Once again like most dwarves she is extremely fast, so much so it's generally impossible for her to be seen unless trapped or she wants you to see her.
  • Kindness: If kindness could be considered a strength, then Keya is one of the strongest there is. She won't hesitate to help people if and when she can, especially allies and friends, to the best of her ability.

Character Flaws:

  • Gullible: Like most dwarves she's extremely gullible, especially if you bribe her with her favorite foods. She'd believe she was on fire if you convinced her well enough.
  • Confidence: Keya is generally overly confident in her abilities in her work. This often leads to complications and can lead to her to getting captured fairly easily.
  • Short temper: Keya has a decently short temper when it comes to people making fun of her height, her in general, or her friends. Which can lead to complications fairly easily.

Potential Position: First Mate/Demolitions

How do you fight? Keya typically uses

Tontatta Combat which she is expertly skilled in, seeing as she was trained in it since she was little like most dwarves for self defense. She also, although rarely, uses her battleaxe to fight if her normal style is ineffective.

Devil Fruit: Baku Baku no Mi

Other Unique Abilities: None(Unless the dwarven fighting style counts?)

Weapons Carried: A small dwarf sized battleaxe for when a little more than natural dwarf strength is needed.


Keya grew up on the island of Tontatta like most dwarves. Her mother died when she was very little, thus leaving her father to raise her. Her father was a nice and caring man who raised her to believe no one was a bad person, only their actions, and if one tried hard enough they could always get a person to change their ways. He taught her such things among other things, generally speaking he taught her to be a nice person no matter what. Growing up she had lots of friends, pretty much everyone in her village. This was due to the fact that she helped out pretty much everyone, even when she was tricked into doing so she didn't mind.

Really, life was peaceful for the girl and couldn't be better. She enjoyed the island and namely her villaged, everything was so beautiful and peaceful and for the most part everyone was nice. Though, she found herself wanting to explore the outside world, see what else it had to offer. Thus, when she was fifteen, her father started training her in the dwarven fighting style of Tontatta to defend herself, knowing he couldn't exactly force her to stay her entire life. She quickly learned the basics and after quickly learned it all together within two years. After that he gave her the axe he used to use back during his time as a village guard. He proceeded to train her how to use it. She quickly learned how after another year.

She wasted no time leaving the island when she was 18, bidding her father goodbye and promising to one day return. She sailed and travelled for about a year before being captured by slavers. Her being a dwarf, she was easily tricked into drinking a sleeping potion and stuffed into a cage. She spent her life as a slave, moving from master to master, for the next full year. About a month into the year she escaped and fled. She ran for nearly a year before things finally calmed down, her master and the group of slavers seemingly giving up. Even if things had seemingly went back to normal for her, she didn't trust it. She needed to start travelling in a group at this point, though finding one she could trust would be problematic.

In the end, she decided to try to join a pirate crew, and thus has been looking for one for two months. There was a distinct difference between slavers and pirates. Slavers had sleeping potions and steel cages to keep strong dwarves in, pirates did not. If the crew she happened upon tried to hurt her, she'd sink their ship and move on. Simple as that.
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Reyals Latrommi] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] Very unique character :) but if you could put your dream down that would be great.

Virgo June Capri


Captain Spaz, Virgy, Vigilante of the sea








To make find a pirate crew and sail the seas for one piece, hoping it leads to an answer for world peace and his orgins.


Wandering sniper, yet will be a pirate as soon as he gets a crew.

Devil Fruit/Special ability:




A slingshot he had accquired from visiting his first island. He has small pouches that hold tiny metal balls with diffrent abilities in his bag that he gained through his travels, each categorized for quick use, such as lightning balls, balls that are heavier than they appear, balls that explode into water upon contact, and much more.

Character description:


Is an african-american that is about 4'7 and a half with green eyes and has what some would call a 'baby' face. He normally wears a light blue shirt with black pants and boots, as well as a white cape with black tips and a yellow gold bracelet with the bold words HERO etched into it. He weighs about 92 pounds and has a sharp crew-cut for hair. There are various scrapes on his arms and legs due to constantly running around outside.


No one knows where the heck Virgo is from, not even Virgo himself! All he remembers is waking up in a little boat just a year ago. He's been wandering the seas ever since, helping others the best he can on diffrent islands, which is what gets him his negative reputation.


Virgo is an enthusiastic kid with a heart of gold and fiery determination. He's REALLY compassionate and kindhearted. He can't stand the sight of evil and would jump in to face it, no matter what the situation, which shows you his lack of fear. He helps everyone equally, but due to his naive nature, has a hard time telling the difference who is good and who is bad. Even a simple lie could trick the little vigilante to the point where a long detailed explanation is needed to convince him it's a lie. He's also loud and hyperactive, not being able to sit for long without the help of a good book and is always telling speeches about the power of justices or just what he's heard from his favorite books on certain heroes. It's hard for him to give up on a task and he won't tolerate any of his friends giving up. He's also...protective of his cape, cleaning it immediately if ever dirtied and not exactly fond of people touching it.

When betrayed (when he finally realizes it), he's practically depressed, becoming quiet, slow in movement, and sad for weeks. Despite this, he does believe in second chances and would even allow the greatest of all evil a shot at redemption. He likes to help anyone and everyone, even if they don't want it, which some take advantage of and makes him do crazy tasks, though most of the time they don't usually want it due to his clumsy behavior. It's hard for him to hurt good people, yet when faced with evil, is willing to go all out, even near death. He is quite confident in his own abilities, but when his cape is missing, he loses all confidence in himself. It's almost impossible to get him angry, But when he is, like if you damage his cape, ...well...it's best to figure out on your own.


Is a beast at ranges attacks, is pretty optimistic, and is extremely helpful.


Naive, sometimes TOO helpful, sucks at close combat, and can be...dark should something happen to his cape.


Name: Nanashi

Nickname: The Devil's Right Hand

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Dream: To maintain law and order in the Seas

Occupation: Marine Commodore

Devil Fruit/Special ability: Yougan-Yougan no Mi (Magma-Magma Fruit):

If he wills it, upon contact with any inorganic materials, he can transform it into magma. He can also manipulate any transformed or existing magma and alter its state from solid (igneous rock) to molten/semi-molten state (magma) to gas (hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide).

Kenbunshoku Haki (Colour of Observation)

Weapon: Sword and Dagger combo


Character description:(Appearance, strengths,weaknesses, background)

Appearance: (Except with dark amber eyes)





Nanashi is mild-mannered and a hard person to offend, waving off insults and jokes in an equally offhanded manner, as long as it is directed at him only, of course. Quick to banter with people he has been acquainted with before or anyone he is comfortable around, he is the sort of man that is easy to befriend, work alongside and open up to as long as he is not being his typical lazy self, which usually rubs some people the wrong way. He works best when sufficiently motivated and/or under pressure. If not, he is pretty lax and uninitiative until a superior gives him a command.

However, he is serious when he has an objective to work towards and will do whatever it takes to complete it. Nanashi believes that the law is right, and rules are placed there for a reason. He hates it when people try to find a way around it, twisting it so they will come off as innocent when they are clearly not. As someone working for a The World Government that acts as law keepers in the Seas, he will not hesitate to use his authority to do what he thinks is right. This attitude has made him an enemy in the eyes of pirates, criminals and even some of the Marines who disagree with his indiscriminating way of dealing with those he deems as law breakers.


Nanashi was born into a regular family, commoners who have done nothing amazing or noteworthy in their family history and simply go through a boring, repetitive and mundane life. However, his homeland, the Silver Island, located in the West Blue, is divided into a dozen different guilds, that claimed sections of the land and were constantly at war with one another. Since his parents were farmers, they were forced to live in the valley between two hills, which was the border between two allied guilds. However, when he was seven, the guilds clashed due to accusations of spies, back-stabbing and traitors. All this was over the discovery of a Devil Fruit (Yougan-yougan no Mi), which looked like a burnt pear. The conflict raged across the borders, destroying Nanashi's house in the process and killing both parents. The boy escaped with his life due to being outside sulking until he heard the commotion.

The Fruit flew across the battlefield, changing hands rapidly, being knocked back and forth. Nanashi, in all the righteous fury, grief and anger that a seven year old had, charged into the midst of battle to hit anyone he could get his hands on for killing his family and destroying his home. Maybe it was luck, coincidence or the play of the universe, the Fruit flew into his mouth and he chewed and swallowed it without thought. The weapons at his feet that touched his skin melted into magma, which he used to maim and kill those within his reach until he fell unconscious from the strain.

When he next woke, he was in one of the guild's headquarters. He hated the guilds for what they did, and the idea of making sure nothing like this happened to anyone else began to take root. He dreamt of a world where law and order reigned supreme, where the weak need not bow to the strength of the powerful. Thus, he resolved to joining the Marines, who, under the World Government, had been able to bring peace back to the Seas after crushing the Revolutionaries and their intense hunting down of pirates, whom Nanshi saw as lawbreakers. Taking the first opportunity to escape, he wandered around town and stowed away on a Marine's ship stationed at Port. Of course, he was discovered, but his determination to become a Marine together with his Devil Fruit abilities made them unable to turn him away. Nanashi quickly found his calling in dual blade wielding after wandering into a training ground and seeing the mesmerising way the duelers flicked their daggers out in strikes, parrying with their longer blades in quick succession and astounding precision. His skills in swordsmanship was greater than his other talents (namely marksmanship and long-distance aiming) by far, and many an accomplished dual-wielder took him under their wings, refining his techniques and building his skills both with the blade and his powers, not giving up even when they found out about his tendency to laze around instead of training, because he more than made up for it whenever he set his sights on learning all he could from them.

At sixteen, his various victories in skirmishes against rebels and pirates brought him recognition, and he rose to become a Commander. At twenty, after subjugating a pirate-ruled town in the West Blue near his homeland, with swords and his magma, he melted the town to the ground and was thus nicknamed "The Devil's Right Hand". This feat had him promoted to Captain, a position he held for ten years, having declined any further promotion in order to stay with his crew and sail the waters. Nanashi did not care for rank, only that he was able to fulfil his dream of keeping order and peace. At the age of thirty, the Fleet Admiral all but forced the position of Commodore upon him due to a seat opening when a former-Commodore retired. Promoting his second-in-command to Captain, Nanashi chose to return to Headquarters, where he was able to laze around but is able to respond immediately to any emergency calls made to Headquarters. Now stationed in Headquarters, Nanashi travels alone to places whenever the Marines stationed there cannot handle the situation.

Strengths: Calm and collected in the face of danger/under pressure, easy-going and hard to offend, focused when on a mission and ruthless if need be

Weakness: He cannot navigate to save his life, thus, his reliance on hitching a ride with another Marine ship or walking there if possible. He is also atrocious with long-ranged weapons and precision aiming. He knows the basics of hand-to-hand combat, but can be overpowered rather easily in that area. And the most obvious...water.

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Name: Lucy Lucatiel

Nickname: Feathers, Lucky, ruffles

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Dream: to become world renowned and liked by all

Occupation: Pirate

Devil Fruit/Special ability: replaced arms and legs with those of bird limbs (like monet)

Weapon: wields long-bladed spears with her feet

Character description:


Potential position: scout/navigator

Bio: (couldn't think of a backstory for her... Sorry, i think i might come up with it later in the rp if that's okay?)

Personality: kind and considerate, quick to laugh but has a bit of a temper, smarter than she looks, likes being a bit flirty, skilled liar, becomes sad as easily as she becomes angry, has a bit of an obsession with new people when they arrive in her hopes of making them like her, like animals, especially birds and spends any free time staring up at the sky trying to see one, despite her flirtiness she becomes embarrassed quite easily, even small comments can make her blush from embarrassment

Strengths: can move especially fast and is incredibly manoeuvrable thanks to her wings, legs are strong enough to lift a fully-grown man, can travel while carrying people but only for short flights, surprisingly strong

Weaknesses: has a fear of lightning, isn't very good in the dark, occasionally mistaken for Monet
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Trust said:
Bio: (couldn't think of a backstory for her... Sorry, i think i might come up with it later in the rp if that's okay?)
It's okay. Your character sheet seems fine as well. Welcome to the roleplay.
Reyals Latrommi] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35328-loki-odinson/ said:
@Loki Odinson[/URL] Nice, we have a Marine character now. By the way Nice set up for your character.
Thank you. So...any recommendations on how I can drop in?
[QUOTE="Loki Odinson]Thank you. So...any recommendations on how I can drop in?

Well we are being chased by 40 or so Marines right now, but we made it to a ship and are about to set sail for a different island. so you can either do the classic jump out of the crowd and chase us off or wait till next island. You could also do a scene by yourself where you receive a call via transponder snail about a group of pirates leaving Hinge Town. hope this helped :)

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