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Fandom one piece love on the sea

Zoko and zoro were fighting side by side surrounded by many dragon minks and wolves who were trying to kill them...."three sword style! BLACK ROPE DRAGON TWISTER! " zoro spins to create a dragon-like tornado that both slashes and blows away the dragons and the wolves but the attack keeps going like an actual whirlwind and cuts up anyone who gets caught in it. " oh you bastard messed with wrong swordsmen " he gives them a devilish grin.
On the other zoko was also trying to get their way cLear so they can go straight to a gloomy looking palace." Nice! We should spare ones we get over with this mess" Zoko complimented zoro as he rises an eye brow" fine by me. Zoko then raises sword up high " it's time show your self akaryu!" He swings his sword with an enormous strenght and sending a firey slash ahead which killed many people in a row which soon took a shape of a long red colored dragon which roared loudly and was heard across the country. When the soldiers saw it some of them stood shocked and some retreated seeing the dragon " that's...ryutatsu sword! " zoko heard of the soldier and saw him running towards the castle to warn Conroy.

Oniyuri looked at kiri in awe " you're so cool, kiri-chan! " she then started to shift into her werewolf form before heading out where they were encountered by some guards. " oi! The prisoners are escaping. get them! " one of them swinged an axe at oni from behind but luckily she had ducked down in time " aah! Watch it! " she yelled at him childishly making them laugh. She growled and charges at the one who tried to axe her head off.
Kiri smiled humming as she made music notes healing their wounds and she was looking for a room. then she quickly grabbed oni and pulled her close covering her mouth as she glanced carefully seeing guards. "6 guards....2 5'...the others.. 6 to 7... one of them wearing a thong.." she whispers and then saw the odd look and just said "I worked as a geisha i can see and smell a gay man from here..hmm.." She saw a room filled with mirrors and then gently cuts some of her hair put it in a music note then cuts some of onis doing it in another note. thus making clones of themselves. "Okay note Me and note Oni.. time to play musical mirrors." They nod and go distract the guards and kiri signaled her to keep moving "Come on were gonna look for the special bomb room...were gonna give the king what he wants."

when they get there law was starting to get tired but his stubborness was not giving up on him or his woman.. the soldiers began scouting and then said "Sirr....your sister and lady kiri are pink...and blue..?" "Where are th-" then they heard crashing and slashing and then the 'girls' walking out of a bloody mirror room.
Another werewolf soldier came running to conroy, panting from all the running. " Majesty!.. You're Majesty!.. A war has broken down.. through the country. Lady syango and the army is headed this way. Two pirates from the worst generation has been seen... one of them is pirate hunter zoro from the strawhat pirates and the other is the captain of the heart pirates sir...a-and s-sir king ryu's hire is hea- " before he could finish conroy took his sword kageryu and killed him at the spot. " no one takes that bastards name infront of me! " he says manecingly. " capture those two and bring that little bitch infront of me " he tells yozu to bring oniyuri to him. The mute boy nodded making two illusions of himself and runs off.

Zoko meanwhile was near the palace's gate beating the crap out of the guards and tge soldiers along side takeo and zoro. Takeo looked up at the palace " where's kagero? He never got back once he left to find food " zoro knocks off the last bunch of guards which were in his way " he better not be with the other guy " zoko shook his head " he can't betray his crewmates..something might've happened..." just then a masive dragon mink swings his sword at takeo and zoko but zoro got in the way and pushed the dragon back. "you guys good ahead i'll take care of this giant lizard" he looked up at the dragon with perditor like grin.

Deep inside somewhere in the castle where a really bloody kagero was hanging at the wall by chains hopelessly. His dragon wings were torn from places, looks like he won't be able to sore through the skies anymore. He was Guarded by two dragons, when they heard the door openning they saw an old man walking inside his eye were darken and a suspicious look on his face. " hey, who the heck are you, old man" one of the dragon spoke and in response the old man chuckles " didnt your mother taught you how to speak to your elders? " he raises his hand up towards the dragons as some thick thorny wines comes out of the ground and wraps around the two dragons tightly even shutting their mouths with the help of the wines and hanging the two upside down " no one gets away with hurting one of our crewmates " he says menacingly. From behind luna walks out and grins at the old man " you did great uncle haru!" she chimes. " you know you'll make a splended captain, young luna " she nodded an gave him the keys to kagero's chains. " now lets help papa! " luna pumps her tiny fist up. " aye aye! " responed the skyla, bennett,takara and surprisingly shouya as well.
Kiri found the tower and her eyes beamed and looked at her. “Okay I know what this is... pull those 3 levers.. I’ll pull these three..” when they did that the elevator rose taking them to the top just in time to almost get caught but rui stopped them “let them...apparently my daughter is finally obeying.” Then he pulled out his speaker mushi

“Attention fools. You have 5 minutes to surrender. My daughter has finally been broken of all thought and has taken the pup hostage as she makes the bomb!You will all die when the song is finished.”
Kiri smirked hearing this..if only her father knew. “I need you to clap with all your rage.” She saw the confused look and nodded to her as she clapped and she made one... the multiple. “It’s not fear father thinks fuels this...”

A clone of Kiri and oni ran over “Okay this might sound crazy but we need zoko to get to the king...and to do that I need everyone rage”
When syango and Ammy heard this they began laughing then they got in position and so did susami after calming down enough to help heal her lover. They clapped 1 slow 3 fast then the army’s slowly joined seeing the notes project and protect them. Rui thinking they were just asking for suicide just laughed letting her out and Kiri walked out looking like a victim as she heard the clapping as it builds up
While everyone was busy yozu appear behind oni with his eyes glinting purple Color. When oniyuri blinked and everything around her was changed. She was the only one seeing this. " k-kiri-San " she was in an elegant throne room, With two big thrones sitting at the end of the room and two little thrones at each side of the bigger throne. There she saw her parents sitting elegantly on their place, the both looked so elegant, so fearsome and also very generous." Mama...p-papa.. " her tail went crazy seeing them, just like when the first time law kissed her... She started to run towards them just to embrace them for once...but then...the next thing she saw that her father knee kicked her right in her stomach. Her eyes wide open at the impact, blood spilling out of her mouth and goes flying into a pillar. She was curled on the floor her arms wrapped around his stomach and whimpered wit her eyes shut . When she opened her eyes again she saw a very dark room with fire torches on the wall.
Suddenly someone tried to make her stand on her knees by pulling her by her short hairs " Aaah!! LAW-CHAN!" She yelled in pain as she tried call law for help. " oi keep your mouth shut or else i'll kill everybody who came along with you two siblings... and we'll start from that human of yours. " conroy glared at her with smirk on his face as oniyuri just sat back in fear while yozu had her hands cuffed behind her back " you can't kill them...if you think you can then you're dead wrong! " he got slapped across her face as he held her face in a crushing grip " you'll do just what I tell you to " he said making an eye contact with her. His eyes glints in a deep red and hers as well. She just listened to him and nodded.

Meanwhile zoko was headed to face his uncle in his full cerberus form burning off who ever came in his way, akaryu also followed behind zoko at his full fury . " CONROY!!! "
then when rui began saying "Hah you are too late! my little bird has began to si-"

Then rui heard syango and her WHOLE ARMY sing

"We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you"
then kiri singing her part as told
Buddy you're a boy make a big noise
Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place
We will we will rock you ooh
I said we will, we will rock you"
As it grew and grew armies kept clapping aand rui knew what was happening and had to get near her but saw a man guarding her... the fuck?
Then Ammy began an her voice was enough to sent almost ANY male werewolf in heat.
"oh, yeah
Buddy you're a young man hard man
Fightin' in the street gonna take on the world some day
Blood on your face
Big disgrace
Wavin' your banner all over the place, yeah
We will, We will rock you, yeah
We will, we will rock you"
Then when it was Susamis turn.. she converted her healing to channeling it to everyone that was hteir ally..or a helpless villager and then she sang
"Oh, yeah
Buddy you're an old man poor man
Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day
You got mud on your face
Big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your place"
Then as they finished singing the bomb....DROPPED making a hole in the grouund but the castle was in tact but eveyone who was the enemy was messed up BADLY! law was honestly shocked about this and ordered his crew to check on everyone. Susami then when finished along with kiri and ammy passe dout from using so much energy
Zoro was shocked as well seeing what is kiri and the other two were capable of doing. Slowly waked over to the spot where is all happened pushing through the crowd of her army. He got there and saw kiri unconscious on the ground along with ammy. " kiri.." Zoro puts wado ichimonji back in its sheath and ran over to her. Picked her and looked over at law and zoko's crew " we need to get them somewhere safe..Now! "

Meanwhile was stopped when he felt the ground tremble because of the bomb. He transform back to his human form " what the hell just happened?... " his voice echoed through the empty hallway that when he got ambushed by Conroy who charge from behind and knee kicked him to his back making zoko go flying into a wall "I thought that you died back then but noo...you final decided to show your pathetic face infront of me once , huh!? " zoko got up as he glared at his uncle " oh shut it! This isn't even your kingdom... " conroy laughed at charges at him " do you think a pathetic lost cause like you can ever defeat me?! " at first the two started off with a hand to hand comback which eventually turned into a wild battle between two werewolves. Zoko soon got knocked to the ground and was starting to feel exhausted when conroy charged over at him zoko pulled out his sword at the final moment causing conroy to stab himself by the sword which felt like as if he was being burned from the inside.
His eye opened wide when he saw another conroy standing in the hall laughing at as he was being followed by yozu. " oh my... Look what you have done. You've killed your own sister. " zoko had had a confused look on his face which turned into a complete horror when he saw the illusion of conroy disappearing and in his place was his sister who was stabbed through by a sword which was burning her from the inside. " oniyuri!?" he pulled out the sword from her and puts it down before holding his little sister who was barely alive but he didn't know about that. He just sat there staring at his sister, his hands trembling as he as an able to compute all this. " hey! Wake up stupid! Why do you keep putting yourself in these situations? Huh? " he yelled at her as loud as possible while conroy just watched the two of the suffering. Yozu tapped on conroy's sholder as he uses his illusions to talk to him. ' Should we go for the others while he is down? ' conroy grins taking out his sword looking at zoko " let me take care of this brat first then i'll let kuroiryu devour the rest of them " a gem on conroy's sword shined as a dark colored dragon came out of the gem of the sword onces conroy sent a powerfull slash towards them. Zoko pulled his sister near in a protective manner thats when akaryu got in the way causing a big explosion blowing off a part of the castle as the two siblings were sent flying out of the castle from the shock wave.
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During the whole mess people were screaming and either being escorted to safety by the dragon pirates or being killed if found. Rui was scared cause not only did it work. She used the power against them and it sent them away sure but the blast won’t hurt allies of her but hurt people that are against her he coughed up a lot of blood and glared at the man holding her and began to run like the rat he was. Like hell hes fighting these fools!

Law snarled seeing this was now getting chaotic but knew it was up to the future king now.. he could only do so much with his surgeries on the field until he was back on the ship..
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Zoro was kiri holding her hand. Watching her in such a weak state. Made him had mixed feelings of anger, fear of loosing his lovely wife and grief...he brushes his finger tips over her hand. " oi, kiri...wake up..." he said in gentle voice. He then again calls out to her in a bit stern voice " kiri i said wake up! " he softens up a bit " don't you think about dieing on me...please..."

Oniyuri on the hand was in a critical state. Her internal organs got burnt slight because of getting stabbed through her stomach by zoko's sword which was hot as fire. Other then the stab wound she had nasty cuts and bursies and a slightly nipped right ear but most of her wounds were stitched and looked after by law.

Meanwhile zoko was fighting against conroy. Conroy was being overpowered by the boy as the two continued to clash but conroy was some how able to knock zoko bown as the sword fell out of his grasp and fell to the ground which conroy goes to get. " you WORMS don't stand a CHANCE against me! How foolish of you to stand up against me! I am the king of this country and no-" he was reaching to pick zoko's sword up when he got scratched in face by a little girl.
Conroy turn to look at the person who dared to step in and saw luna, who held the sword in her hands ran over her father." papa i wanna help too! " zoko looked at luna and saw conroy right right behind her in his wolf form. He was about to kill his daughter thats when zoko turns into a werewolf and jumped in, bitting his neck and ripping his throat out...as silence filled the area... Luna stood behind her father with her eyes widden.
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It was over it was finally over people in the mind control snapping out of it and quickly surrendered,Law along with the other medics had their hands full but his main project was healing his wife. Like hell she was dying on him. When she was stable and stitched up and he was calm he went to the others. Ammy was in hell worse shape and needed a body cast and Kiri needed a heart monitor cause her heartbeat was a smidge odd. All and all on head count every one was fine.

“We got a call from the other strawhats they said they will meet us here..” a soldier said and law sighs in annoyance...just great.
The kids looking at their mama ps worried... and melody walking over to zoro...”papa...is mama gonna get better? She is just tired right?”
Zoro looked out at his little daughter and placed a hand over her head, petting her. " you're right...Your mama just needs rest...your mother is such a strong fighter. Do you want to be like her someday " he smiled at his daughter. He didn't wanted her to get worried about her mother. He knows that she will be alright...he trusted her enough to know that everything is going to fine...zoro picked his daughter up in his arms and looked at kuni and junior. " hey kids would you like to help papa with something. " he said thinking of a plan to distract their attention from their mother for a bit so they dont worry much since he knew law had this handled.

Zoko howled in victory and heard many other howls in return. He looked at his daughter who was holding his sword in her hands. The sword did not reacted to her because of the mark of the hire which she had on her right hand. Zoko walked over to her and transformed back before walking over to her sending her a smile. He took the sword back from her, putting it back and picked her up before heading back to see ammy. He doesn't know what happened her or kiri all he knows that they were trying to help him and if something happened then he would be devastated...

Law's kids were being held back by some of zoko's crew. When aaron got to see his mother, he was silent as he watched her mother stitched up and bandages covering her body, just laying still.
Law glanced seeing them and walked over to hug them both crying.. “mamas fine...she was just forced to be in a bad situation by a bad man..mama would never leave us..” he was tempted to break down but was staying strong for his kids.

Kuni and the other nodded wanting to play but tried to also encourage their father to play. When they saw their king running over the pack of the sun...refused him to see Ammy..or his sister.. “sir...during the fight...lady Kiri risked her life on a an attack sir rui wanted her to do..so she gave it to him...he assumed it was fueled by fear...but no..it was fueled by more..it’s whatever emotions are stronger. And she even gets more fuel by allies who join in...in that moment it was a smidge of your sister..but mostly lady susami and our future queen.. but it was too strong..she thought she had control...it did work but...” they look down and look at Ammy and Kiri in the bed rooms still stable but not waking up. “Before you get mad sir..she will get better by the 3rd full moon so that’s 3 months maybe.”
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Aaron looked traumatized at sight of her mother in such a bad condition. " but she said she was going to be fine..." his voice was broken as a few tears slip out of her eyes.

Zoro took the three of his kids far from the place to get their minds off from their mother so they wont worry to much. He had tried to hide his worries when he was with his little samurais. He took them to place where there was nothing but snow and some bushes covered in thick snow with some pink colored camillia flowers poking out of the thick snow. Once he's there he gets melody down from his arms and set her down. " hey wanna make a little present for mama? " he asks while getting down to the kids level with a smile.

Once zoko heard what happened he immediately runs off to see her. Thinking that this is all his fault. " ammy? " he calls out for her once he enters the room and saw her, kiri and his sister all of them were in really bad shape. He walks over to ammy's bed and stares at her face with dispair that wasn't able to help anyone...everyone risked their lives to help him. He broke at that thought as he gently grabs her hand and creases it, feeling hurt. " why do you all have to be this reckless...i can't afford to loose any of you.."
He then ran to his sister and tears started to fall out of his eyes " stupid..why do you alway end up in these situations...you little dumbass! " yelled at her sleeping form." I'm sorry..i didn't mean to do this to you..." his voice was cracked as he sobs at the sight of his stabbing her haunts his memories.
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It was for a moment but one of the sun priestesses saw it and gasped happily. Amy’s sun locket glowed when he was nearby. She gently grabbed zoko and pulled him back to Ammy where it glowed again. Brighter. She gently took it and pops it open. Her suspicions were right. Her old photo of her lover was gone and replaced with him and her kissing and the dorky kids kissing her cheeks. “Apparently she still wants to guide you..even in her stupid stat- OW!” The priestess almost drops it when it got...hotter? And when she gives it to zoko sure it was warm but upset..like she was ready for a scolding..

Melody nods. “What can we make mommy?we know she likes flowers..and kitties...oh we can make her a cat that blooms flowers from its head! Or a flower maze for squeaky friends.”

Law sighed. “Don’t worry...when mama wakes up...she’s gonna be punished for breaking a promise...but let’s get stronger for her okay..” he feels his kids nod and he had to get stronger. He wasn’t gonna make the same mistake again.
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Zoko takes a look at the locket and just stares at it. He immune to heat because the devil fruit which he obtained. so he was able to handle the locket easily. He stares at the photo but specifically at her as He was feeling really upset and mad that he couldn't do anything to protect her...just like when his previous lover died by a horrible disease.." ya know what I forbid you to interfere in these kind of situations for now on." he says blankly.

Zoro scratches the back of his head with a nervous smile on his face " hey how about something simple " he said waving his hand. He was swordsmen so he definitely doesn't know how to make such things other then robin maybe..

Aaron looked at her mother before walking out of the room off to find bepo for some emotional support. He and lana always love to play or hang around with him, so basically he is a big teddy bear for them to cuddle around.
The locket reacted a bit Angry at first..but feeling that he didn’t want to lose her and what they did do was risky as balls and..she complied to his order. He wasn’t mad at her he just didn’t know how risky he was being.

Melody smiled. “We can make a adventure journal like mamas. Now uncle wolf new king we can scout around and find things. Like food. A place for a treehouse. Arron and Lana heard that idea and did like it and law smiled. “Maybe a treehouse village isn’t so bad for the kids.”
Zoko sighs " I'm worried about you...so don't put your life on the line like that..." he stated softly as he decides to keep the locket for a while. He then walks out and notices luna watching the rest of the kids with law and zoro. " hmm? "

Zoro seem to like the idea as he looked stood up and looked at law " if it safe. Then alright sounds like a good Idea. Kiri's going to be really mad if the kids get hurt. " he says while scratching the back of his head "
“Treehouse village!” The kids chanted and ran to the shipwrights. Law laughed “why do I only feel a smidge sorry for them...at least it will keep the kids busy.” He then calls to the kids “WE WILL CHECK ON YOU IN AN HOUR ON YOUR BLUEPRINTS...” then kids haunted and looked over. “Awwww whyyy!” Law smirked. “You kids wanna have a little kingdom of your own right?you have to get it approved by the king who owns the forests first..and me as well for health reasons.” They nods and go back to running to the shipwrights and chanting “TREE KINGDOM TREE KINGDOM!”
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Luna watches the rest of the kids running off to shipwrights and decides to become a responsible big sister. So she was now having an eye on her little brothers and sisters. She might become a bit bossy too just like zoko when he young. he used to boss oniyuri around untill she called daddy over him...and he always got his butt kicked by his father.

Zoko was just watching his daughter walking off to the other siblings with a proud look. " what are you so proud about?" he asks himself scratching the back of his head.
that night Kiri did show movement but not much..like she knew who was near her. If it was the doctors she would make slight illusions of cat hissing. But her kids and zoro would be just her feeling guilty for using that move. Amy’s case would worry anyone.. but susami had to teach solos pack about sun wolves. “Sun wolves need solar energy to make their powers. Just like normal werewolves...or..mochi rabbits.” Law was interested but also wondered what was taking the kids so long. He looked at one of his members and ordered them to find his kids.
When one of law's crew men went out to find the kids shouya walks over to law with his head held down " hey, law...i'm really sorry about what I tried to do to your wife, i feel so guilty for my actions... I was forced in to kill oniyuri by Conroy or else he would have killed my remaining family ... but when I got here I found out that he had already slaughtered them all long time ago... and now I don't have any where else to go...so please take me in your crew. I understand if you don't trust me anymore but just give one chance only one chance to prove my loyalty or else..this guilt will kill me " the raven haired boy clenches his fist as he looked down to ashamed to look at anyone.

Zoko was standing at some distance listening to the boys reasons. Before that he was coming straight at him to strangle him to death but after hearing that he stopped himsel. He was glaring the the raven haired boy.

Meanwhile back in the observetory oniyuri was starting to come into her senses as she just layed there quietly staring at the ceiling with lazy eyes. Her vision was blurry as she whimpers in a Low voice " la..cha.. " she was feeling extremely dizzy.
law was about to answer him but quickly saw his wife was waking up and gave him a glare Ill deal with you later..this choice is between not ust me this time.. but says "Get some supplies if you want it so fucking bad." then looks at his wife. "Shh shh yes snowflake your law chan is here.." He was honestly scared. he triple checked everything. he was even doupting himself as a doctor, if she didnt make it he would quit everything. the fact he can still hear that beautiful heart beat...hear that voice...that means everything to him.He didnt even give a fuck if he was embaressing himself right now..all he cared about was his family "Law chan would never leave you without a reason and you wont leave law chan right?"

The kids were making homes and tents and little markets.they were trading markets and they traded things for other things or snacks. but by ordered by Aaron. If there is a snack trade Experation dates and snacks will be scanned and if open or expired the trade is off. Aaron nodded at the already booming trade market and looked at Luna "Lets to tell our parents the progress."
Oniyuri shook her head as in no in response as she turns her head towards a blurry figure standing near her and a weak smile appears on her face when her vision became a little clear. She saw none other then her law-chan. " law-chan..you're okay! " she says in a low voice as her tail started to swish on the bed slowly a few times.

Shouya just stood there for a moment just watching the two but soon walks off to do as he was order to. He needed to prove himself to them all and wanted to earn their trust back..he regrets everything he did when he was a part of the midnight pirates. Zoko watched the boy walking off and soon. Enters the room to find his sister awake and sighs in relief.
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Law smiledweakly hugging her. "Yes snowflake...law chan is okay.." he began kissing her over and over. he looked over at zoko "Shes stable now.. dont yell at her..she just woke up.Im gonna replace her fluid bags and get the loo ready her needs might kick in any moment." and with that he left them alone while he tried to hfind her fluids blood bag and a stand to carry them cause she might book it to the bathroom.

Meanwhile some kids were pulling a wasgon of first aid and some medicene and a medical berry called Elderberries. they just give Shou an awkward look then continue walking to the village where Aarons tiny clinic is and Aaron looked at Shouuya.. "Arent you the dummy head?" he asked
Oniyuri sat up slowly but her wounds still hurts her alot as she hisses " Ah! It hurts law-chan..owie " oniyuri whines. " oi don't cry you big baby " he teases her. Oniyuri puffed her her cheeks and turns away from him trying to ignore her. when something fell in her lap. She lookes down and saw the collar which was now ruined. She picked it up with shaky hands as big tears starts to fill up her eyes and suddenly started to cry. It freaked out zoko "o-oi o-oni what happened? Was it something i said? Okay! Okay i'm sorry!" he trembled over his own words as he freaked out by the sudden break down.

Zoro enters the room hearing the cries " is everything alright?" a sweatdrop appeared on his head when he saw oniyuri crying like a baby while zoko was flailing his arms around not knowing what to do. " ... " what kind of siblings are those two he thought.

Shouya hum when he heard the boy's voice as he turns to notice law's boy " oi, you're law's boy right? Hey do you think you can help me with some medical supplies? " he asks the boy ignoring the fake that he just called him a dummy head.

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