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Zoko and zoro were fighting side by side surrounded by many dragon minks and wolves who were trying to kill them...."three sword style! BLACK ROPE DRAGON TWISTER! " zoro spins to create a dragon-like tornado that both slashes and blows away the dragons and the wolves but the attack keeps going like an actual whirlwind and cuts up anyone who gets caught in it. " oh you bastard messed with wrong swordsmen " he gives them a devilish grin.
On the other zoko was also trying to get their way cLear so they can go straight to a gloomy looking palace." Nice! We should spare ones we get over with this mess" Zoko complimented zoro as he rises an eye brow" fine by me. Zoko then raises sword up high " it's time show your self akaryu!" He swings his sword with an enormous strenght and sending a firey slash ahead which killed many people in a row which soon took a shape of a long red colored dragon which roared loudly and was heard across the country. When the soldiers saw it some of them stood shocked and some retreated seeing the dragon " that's...ryutatsu sword! " zoko heard of the soldier and saw him running towards the castle to warn Conroy.
Oniyuri looked at kiri in awe " you're so cool, kiri-chan! " she then started to shift into her werewolf form before heading out where they were encountered by some guards. " oi! The prisoners are escaping. get them! " one of them swinged an axe at oni from behind but luckily she had ducked down in time " aah! Watch it! " she yelled at him childishly making them laugh. She growled and charges at the one who tried to axe her head off.
On the other zoko was also trying to get their way cLear so they can go straight to a gloomy looking palace." Nice! We should spare ones we get over with this mess" Zoko complimented zoro as he rises an eye brow" fine by me. Zoko then raises sword up high " it's time show your self akaryu!" He swings his sword with an enormous strenght and sending a firey slash ahead which killed many people in a row which soon took a shape of a long red colored dragon which roared loudly and was heard across the country. When the soldiers saw it some of them stood shocked and some retreated seeing the dragon " that's...ryutatsu sword! " zoko heard of the soldier and saw him running towards the castle to warn Conroy.
Oniyuri looked at kiri in awe " you're so cool, kiri-chan! " she then started to shift into her werewolf form before heading out where they were encountered by some guards. " oi! The prisoners are escaping. get them! " one of them swinged an axe at oni from behind but luckily she had ducked down in time " aah! Watch it! " she yelled at him childishly making them laugh. She growled and charges at the one who tried to axe her head off.