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Fandom one piece love on the sea

Law just put the head down for a moment and began sewing the wounds up showing his compassion. “Easy honey... your making the wounds worse..” he then looked at the collar upset. He saved up a lot of money for it only to realize he was conned..he finished and then pulled the head up. “Okay now that my wife Is better for now...I can deal with you..you are on a time limit..your body is wandering around like the chicken with its head cut off...well it has a head perse just not your own it has a rock for a head now and on it is with a note..and how you die is how your king feels about you. So I expect you to start talking cause for all you know your king might just kill you just to hide he’s nothing more than a yellow belly coward that stole treasure from his own...ya know what?he doesn’t even fucking deserve to be even related to my wife and her brother. So you’re gonna tell me everything about the mutt and the rat.” Sees the fear in her eyes realizing her fate “tick tick..”

Kiri finally found the illusionist and felt a pressure of power. “He’s strong...and if he uses illusions...” she then noticed..a hoof trail with a symbol. She smiled and looked up. “So you’re the man making the disgusting lies hm?If you’re gonna tell a tale tell it right.”
Oniyuri stood up besides law and glared at the women " yeah what he said! Dont mess with law-chan and my big brother! " she said angerly which sounded innocent and cute rather then a threat. The werewolve women was just stared at law with nothing but fear in her eyes...but she trusted her king even though she was aware about his foul nature " t-that's not true our king is not a coward...you just wait h-he will come after you all! "

The man was a human and not a werewolf. He was sitting on the rock half of his face was hidden with the help of his turtle neck cape, he was also carrying a staff and seem awfully quiet as he just stared at her with his intense eyes before bow his head a bit in front of her respecting her status. He then looked down and wrote on the snow wit his staff." I SEE SO YOU ARE THE PRINCESS OF THE CELESTRIAL ISLAND? "
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Kiri then went from serious to gone darned confused. Was he an ally or something like a foe? He showed no hostility in his soul soo she signaled her husband to stand down for now. “I have many questions for you and I ask that you answer them. I know that you are not hostile cause of 2 things. My husband would have attacked you by now. And I can sense your waves...and I know this is an illusion...a subpar one but an illusion none the less.. So let’s make an agreement. You tell us what we wish to know and not only will I spare your life when my brother gets to be king of The Celestial islands. I believe in passive before aggressive unlike some people."
Law just smirked "Oh really? Then why did you look underweight to the point of anemic? the moment you saw us you looked very hungry. Almost hungry enough to be a cannibal..If i were him i would find you useless and feed you to the stronger ones." sees he got her and smirked "Now you gonna start talkin...or do i have to waste my time?"
The man nodded as he agreed to her terms like naive little child and dropped his head again, he didn't got intimated by them though, which made zoro a bit annoyed. " well...speak up already we don't got much time. " he said as he had one of his sword unsheathed and was alert. If he tried to do something he would have to step in. But in return of zoro's demand the guys just shrugged and a slight sadden expression as if telling them that he can talk. Zoro had tick mark on his head as growled " are trying to anger me ? "

Meanwhile back at the village Law had been interrogatin the women and by now she was terrified...and then she broke. " okay! Okay! I'll tell you what I know! Don't kill me I have a child to look after or else he would sell him off as a slave! " Oniyuri blinked twice " hm? " the women studdered " h-he's been selling out his own people since 15 years to world government and the celestial dragons. He was also allied with the king of Dressrosa who did unspeakable things to the slave from here. " oniyuri looked looked at her " what about that bv thing " the women spoke up once again " it is an organization called black venom which creates a chemical. If injected into a werewolf it will make them go wild and rabied and makes them kill other werewolves...they created it because we don't really die untill a few hundred years and can be dangerous to human race when the red moon rises... Conroyand his crew has some connections with them in some ways but I don't know about it that much but I do know once used the chemical to kill many innocent prisoners at once... " oniyuri seemed a bit afraid after hearing her out as she stood behind law." They used one of my sons as a lab rat to conduct their damned experiment wit out even letting me know about anything and he is dead now...we can't go against him at all, if we do he will slaughter us all.. "
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Kiri walked over calmly and gave pieces of paper and a pencil. "Will this help?" earning a nod an she sits down with him. "Forgive me i didnt know you didnt know how to properly speak without your illusions.. you may use them.. or write whatever you wish we wont hurt you." kiri had the perfect mother insticts she was in a way to most people to precious for this world unless you really knew her and knew what she was like when angry..which was every strawhat or enemy.
Law smirked and did a movement getting the body back and before taking the rock off he began stripping the woman wolf down of any weapons..then he gave them to his wife and put the head back on and it sealed itself back to its normal body and he threw a bag of rations at her. "that should last you mostly a month or so with your child..now speak.."
The guy slightly smiled and wrote on the paper. The enviroment there was a bit too peaceful and silent only thing that could be heard was the scribbling of the pencil on the paper. Zoro didn't really trusted the boy and remains alert. The boy passes the paper to kiri with a gentle smile on his face, which was hidden by his turtle necked cape. " sorry I can't use my illusions to talk since it can take alot of energy to do so..anyways i am yozu. what do you people need to know? I will gladly answer your questions but i will not leak out any classified information. "

The women was on her knees as she studders " thank you so very much! i-i'll tell you everything i know about! I'm sorry... For what i did! "she looked so terrified and broken. She just want to be safe from the warth of her king and to keep her child protected.
Oniyuri goes to put away the weapons inside one of the house.
Zoko had return back as he goes over to law " what happened here? "
Kiri smiled "How about you tell me how you met the ...king here..and my father and what happened to this place.I can tall you alot about myself and my father..some of the things he did wasnt very nice.."
Law looked over seieng ammy and Zoko "We have some company.. Kiri and hot head must had looked for the other but." looks at the broken woman of a werewolf "This wone is able to spill since from what i saw as a doctor...i believe she isnt the only one anemic...the whole pack is too isnt it? and hes only feeding his soldiers..that would mean youre not an alpha or a beta..am i right?"
Yuzo looked up thoughtfully as he took the paper from her and started writting again..." Well i just used to be a cabin boy of his mejasty's crew back then, before the war broke out between him and his elder brother this placed to be like a paradise for the werewolf race. Three tribes used to live in harmony but when the war begin chaos started to spread across the country. After the defeat of the king ryutatsu...the king conroy forced me and sir kagero to kill his wife and his childern i had no choice but to obey him, i had gotten their mother but sir kagero got in the way and ran off with the two childern.. When the king find out what kagero did he punished him severly and exiled him from the country."

Zoko looked over at the lady as he tilted his head. The women's eyes widden when she looked up at zoko and she backed up when she saw the sword in zoko's hands" that's akaryu! Who are you? And why do you have that sword? " zoko looked at the sword as the gem on its hilt gives a glint " so you know about it? Then you must know who my father was " the women had her eyes widden in disbelieve, when she saw both the siblings standing infront of her " y-youre king ryutatsu's kid!? " zoko tries to calm her down " dont be too loud...no one has to know about this for now "
Kiri frowned reading this and at least the man regretted what he did cause he was forced... "Okay...you know if i bring you back...you will be punished..but i will talk to him out of making your punishment for that fatal..but if i cant change his mind...you do understand why correct?If your lucky..and i mean LUCKY...He might just sentence you to being a servant to his children." In her country a crime like this is death cause eye for an eye. she walked over to zoro and whispered "Get zoko and tell him we have a prisoner named Yozu...ill watch him.. hes as harmless as our children at the moment..."
Law smiled calmly "Now if i remembered...you were just about to tell us everything...and if you dont tell us everything..we might give you a punishment..but, since your a mother and all of us are parents here..we might spare your child of the punishment and may give him a job...Maybe a cabin boy?"
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Zoro looked at her with his eyebrows rized up a little and then looked at yozu who was just sitting there writing on the snow. Zoro sighs " what makes you think that he won't attack you? He might be just playing around ya know " yozu looked over at them as he blinks twice.

" alright I will talk...the reason why the king wants to capture princess is to publicly execute her... " oniyuri studders" b-but I didn't do a thing to him. Why does he want to do that? " the women looked down " well no one knows...maybe because of the grudge he holds against your father and his wife..well aleast that is what it seems like. He had destroyed everything which had been in your father's possession. And as for the other king no one knows what is going on between those two they both seem to be scheming something... everybody has been told to capture the lost princes and the princess of the celestial island even if it kills them. That was the reason I attacked..."
kiri smiled "Did you forget this kitty has claws? There are few things that hurt me now.." she kisses him for encouragement. "Do it for me my handsome samurai...ill make you mochi the moment we have the ingredents..." she saw him leave and she looked at Yuzo. her guard was up she just didnt show it. she smiled calmly and walked over. "So..Yuzo...you didnt answer my other question.What do you know..about my father?"

Law then got scared...kiri was checking out the 'other attack' "SHIT! KIRI!"He looked in the direction she went.it was about 5 maybe 10 feet away..still close. "She might be in a trap and not know it...she is a passive agressive woman after all from what i saw.. Ammy snarled. "Damn it...shes stubborn to do this her way.and knowing her she wants to know if her father is here..."
Yuzo wrote on the ground "Whenever he shows up the king dismisses us all except two dragons which works as a guard for him...i have orders from the king to bring you to the palace once i found you..." he looked over at her as if he can't do anything but follow the kings order. He has been serving the king since back then without failing even thought he is nice to his enemy doesn't means that he is on their side.

" kagero told us already to keep them hidden! Why did she even go after the other guy? " zoko growled. " we want to help too ya know we both can't just sit there and watch all of you handling everything all by yourself " oniyuri defended as she goes with them leaving the women back with takeo and the pack.
kiri was silent for a moment then had a preditor like smile. "Well i dont wanna be a bitch cause im a polite lady.even my friends and husband can say that.butt.." She looked up showing not the eyes of a kitten anymore but a tigress. "Your king doesnt know jack shit cause the orders i only take are from my friends and family and even though king rui is my father...my mother disowned him after 29 and 1/2 years of living pure grade hell...he sent me to catcall tower when i wanted to marry someone who wasnt rich...i was whipped...beaten...exiled...to be made a weapon.. and i am not going unless you-" then she shook at an illusion infront of her...she knew it was an illusion but she could not look away. her mother being beaten and whipped infront of her and the child side f her and her brother being forced to be quiet. her biggest regret was not standing up to him when he started drinking.. "MAMAAAA!" then a 2ed illusion.. the illusion of the split.. "ASURAAAA!" kabe said in panic this her arm begining to turn black and she fell onto her knees shaking.

Law snarled and tried to run faster but it was to late she was on the ground shaking from the trauma of the memory and oddly black markings were appearing... ammy saw them and got scared. "No...nonono how did this man know the weakness of hers?! The fate of being a guardian is to not let our past effect us.. shes still young..."
Zoro's eyes widdens when saw kiri shaking violently on the ground. " KIRI! " He ran over to her pulled her up to sit up as he shakes her by her shoulders" i told you something would go wrong! What happened? Say something already! "

Yozu smirks which was hidden as he stood up realizing that he has company.
He had a purple glint in his eyes when he saw oniyuri. He raises his arm towards them as a pitch black mist surrounds them trapping them all in total darkness and fears .
Zoro couldnt see anything but barkeness. He kept kiri against his chest, holding her tightly when suddenly she started to disappear from her arms. " kiri!" he had a fear the only fear which took him down. And that was of losing his family and to never be able to see their faces again. Zoro's hands trembled.
Oniyuri yelped and closes her eyes. Suddenly opened her eyes when she heard a cry and saw something horrible. She saw her mother being stabbed through by a mystrous boy who wore a black cloak. ".. mom..ma...mom..ma."Oniyuri hyper ventilated seeing a lot of blood on floor and not just some blood..but her dead mother's blood! oniyuri collapsed on the ground and in a few she lost her consciousness.

Meanwhile zoko also head his eyes closed tightly and opened them when he saw nothing but darkeness when suddenly he started to feel hot and saw a fire spreading across a which seem to be a forest. Started to run towards the direction where he saw a fire. Upon reaching there he saw his own country burning to crisp, dead bodies buring and lying on the ground. Smell of the burning blood of his own people made him gag and then he saw two werewolf's sword fighting between the fire. Zoko saw his dad struggling while conroy keep attacking his father untill got stabbed throught the heart and fall back. Zoko was frozen at his place shaking violenty. He started to see blurry and hazy hearing a heart broken cries of his own little self and oniyuri.
ammy smiled with her eyes closed and she howled which was a signal for susami and she ran over using her power to break the illusions but then noticed...Kiri and oni were gone.. law was silent...and then he began heavy breathing...he began looking like a pure grade murderer “looks like more blood wil be shedded” he then noticed a herd of horses walk over and sees Ammy walk over to a tiger crying. “I’m so sorry your highness....we tried..we tried so hard...” he looked down at her and then looked at the castle. He turned to a man who was a male spitting image of Kiri if a man and began to write a message on a scroll. Then put it in a red bag. “Letters...” he said bluntly... “put letters of war in here..I shoot.”
Once zoro got to his senses, he looked down his arms to look at kiri and saw that she wasn't here." ha!? " he jolted up on to his feet and looked around when he realizes that she was no where to be found and also notices that oniyuri was missing as well. Takeo came running after when they did not return back after a while. He had the women which they were interrogating on his shoulder like a sack of potatos. " what happened? Where are both the girls? Oi! Zoko! wake up there is no time for a nap right now! " he drops the women down as he help his captain up who seem horrified and was shaking like a maraca.
the man walked over and slapped zoko to snap him into reality then handing a pen and paper to them "Write.." he said and sits down.. Ammy sighed "Jotaro never spoke much since his father...what he means is that both of you need to write a decration of war.. while war is being made...knowing Rui he wants to do the blood sun execution..so we have 24 hours." Law took a paper and wrote down his half of the letter.
'To whom it may concern,
when done he handed the note and jotaro nodded wtapping it around the arrow it beginning to spark from the rage of that letter.
Zoko had his head held in his hand as he ruffles his hair and the other was on his cheek where he slapped. " damn it...so he captured kiri-san and my sister " he growl " but we were going according to kagero's plan...all this shouldn't be happening we did what he wanted us to do. " he then snarled in a feral way like a wild animal " That conroy is going to regret ever laying a hand on my family!...give me that! " he snatched the paper and pencil from takeo and begin to write with furious look on his face
' To the bastard of a king,
Takeo snatched the paper from zoko before he could burn a hole into a paper. Poor puppy boy was steaming like a kattle.
Ammy then saw syango and the other army and quickly bowed and jotaro nodded in respect to his mother. "Fear not Zoko.. theire is one fail safe that kagero was told about from Susami..and if they demand her to use it. it will be their demise.." Susami smiled innocently "Ya seeee they wanted her to be a weapon cause of 1 attack at the time she couldnt well...control..and thought she could be a suiside bomber perse.. but she learned to control it by just simply controling her anger..they assumed the trigger was her fears makes the attack. Nonono its her anger. and i heard her scream...i heard her use THAT scream..When furious she can cause objects to explode by expanding sound waves within an object or being, increasing the amounts of pressure on the sound waves until they burst open. The sound waves are compacted within the object or being, and are released out and become free when bursting the target open."

Law was curious then realized the plan susami pitched.Giving Rui what he wants and realizing he made the reaper come to his door. She wasnt the bomb....she was the fuse..the people that make her angry are the bombs... Law began laughing. "THIS IS GREAT!" He looked at zoro. "Zoro you have some type of soulmate connection thing with your wife rright?! Try to keep her calm as possible to make this plan work."
Zoro looked over to law and nodded at his idea. Aleast he will get to know how shes doing and if she is alright or not. But he hopes that she is not suffer or anything because of her father. He was avoiding to look at kiri's mother. He was a slight ashamed had he was not able to protect and to be honest when he saw syango he thought she was going beat the crap out of him since he has recieved some good punch to his face by her mother back then for keep kiri wait all that time. But he was going to get her back no matter what comes in his way, he will cut through it and be done with it.

Zoko looked in the direction of a city as he sighs " well i guess we should prepare for the battle... so what do you say buddy" he unsheathes his swords and looked at his reflection in it.." i am doing what you told me to and will fight for my people no matter what! Just like you...and my dad." he blue colored gem on the hilt of the sword glints, that gem was known as the eye of the mighty dragon.
kiri woke up faintly in a room..it was lit but even though fourign to her it was very familliar. there were amps..almost all around.. this room was made to use her voice as a weapon.. she felt her right eye glow a tint of pink and green to her chocolate brown..he was seeing what she was seeing and yes it comforted her that the bridge was in tact but she felt shame.. she was confindant in her powers yes but she felt useless again.and this was starting to make her angry. she wanted out..she wanted this nightmare to end.

Law using his as they prepared found her and hugged her in his head "Shhh shhh easy girl...i need you to listen to my instructions. Knowing them they are gonna try to kill you any way possible and i want you to take all the lessons i taught you about poisons and medications in food to the test.If you smell it in your food..pick somthing else..see someone slip somthing in your drink...either dont drink it or say youre not hungry or thirsty.I know you... you may wear the collar i gave you but that doesnt mean youre tamed...it just means i aceptted you as my alpha wife."

Rui smiled calmly seieng the girls on the screens. but then he frowned.. "Somthing is off about my daughter..her markings were supposed to be black.." He looked at one of the guards.. "You! check on my daughter and report to me her eye color...If the papers are true...i wil have to punish her first.."
Zoro was connect to her though the haki he calms down a bit seeing that she was fine for now but for how long ?... "oi, kiri are you alright?..." he said while observing her surrounding and he felt anger but he tried to stay calm. He wanted her to keep faith him that he will protect her. " all right i'll come straight to the point. kiri I am on my way to get you. So Can you do me a favor ? Will you Stay calm and not to worry about anything..okay?... always remember you are the wife of the future greatest swordsmen and that I will not allow anyone to lay a single finger on you..not even over my dead body. "

Oniyuri in her head look up at law while holding his hand gently " but law-chan... i'm scared..what if they decided to execute me like the women said earlier....I don't want to die now..I want to be with you and the kids.. i just want to make you happy.." she sniffles but then shakes her head." No!..I will not die just yet. I will fight just like you did law-chan. I wanna be strong just like you. " she smiled brightly while holding his hand close to herself.

Conroy walks on to him with yozu following behind him " what's the matter rui ? Arn't you satisfied even after capturing your daughter, Hmm? " he asks in a taunting manner." Oh my look how much has my little niece has grown up " he chuckles " we have finally captured both the princesses thanks to the cabin boy" . Yozu was silent with his arms crossed and just stared at the screen with blank expression on his face.
rui glared back "Remember our agreement Conroy..if the papers led about her making that ritural...we bind our lands through our children..and you can finally get some foods on your damn plates and we share an army... however i lost contact with them assholes and my son went missing...ill call him dead to me if hes with her." a guard looked him and he nodded and went to the room.

Kiri took a few breaths calming down.hearing their song in her mind calmed her even more to where she hummed bits and pieces. When she felt better she smiled and looking at him in her mind "I know you wont let them touch me..im blessed with you as my husband and we gave life to 3 sweet angels.But the only thing i have to worry about is howmuch food i have to make for my greatest swordsmen of a husband when we fix this mess! hes gonna be so hungry when all his rage is gone!" she made a light giggle

law chuckled "thats my wife..now remember everything i taught you...trust no one unless i say so or we already trust them. You know the poison and medicene in the food and drinks tricks.. just be a good girl and bide time and tell me when their gonna hurt you okay snowflake?" when he snapped out of it he looked at zoko "Snowflakes fine.. a bit shook but fine." Syango looked at zoro with worry in her eyes hoping kiri was okay.
Conroy rolled his eye " well I don't think that'd work..you see I don't have any children..besides who needs them they just grow up to hate you anyways. I just want to destroy everything which that bastard possessed be it an object or a being, I don't care. " he said out of pure hatred for his dead brother and his father. " and if some tries to stop me then OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! " he said while glancing at a horribly injured kagero, with chains wrapped all around his body hanging on the wall. Who was being guarded by two huge dragons.

Zoro smiled at kiri calmly " youre an idiot " he whispers to her jokingly" just wait for me..I will reach you in no time untill then be careful and be safe." he assures her that everything will be fine before canceling out his Haki and turned toward the rest of them" kiri's alright for now but I don't think we have much. We should hurry.." zoko nodded at him.

Oniyuri looked at kiri " kiri-chan what should we do now? Do you think we're in danger? law-chan says not to trust anyone unless we already know some one." she asked innocently while sitting on the floor.
susami began snarling and people began dying randomly and guards began running away from vines trees and plants..Syango sighs "Fun fact..dragons...hate...feeling their mate hurt...and this highly drives mostly white ones...utterly insane..." "Will she stop?" Law asked curiously seeing her kill things and her plants creepishly eating the bodies. "Well yes but in 2 ways...if kagero stops her...or she dies.In her state of rage....im leaning for kagero healing quickly to calm her down..." Susami stopped for the moment and is trying to sent healing flowers to him. Ammy howls signaling the 1st wave of her army attacking and she was killing some left and right and then when the patch was clear she howled again for the 2ed wave which was their wave. Law smirked and began killing people getting in his way he only wanted his wife..

When the girls were offered food kiri looked at it then looked away.. "Stubborn bitches... do you wanna die that fast?"the man said and kiri smirked and hums and just when he slapped her a music note blade slashed his hand cut the chains and she got out and got the keys. "Step one complete." she shot a music note dagger cutting the camera off. and then unlocked the collar chains on oni. "On to step two the men will be here soon so lets have some fun."

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