[One Piece: Eternal Quest] The Mess Room

I think most of your main characters jumped to the others One Piece RP and took their characters with them. I know any of them started his thread but doubt they will be posting here any more.
Right, I'm moving on with the scene, new post later tonight. If goblin and others return they can continue their in character conversations in a new thread later and just join in the ongoing story
um i'm going to be with out internet for a while so, i'm not going to be able to post for about a week, maybe two. see you guys later.
New story thread is up. The old one has been discontinued due to my disorganisaition and the realisation that my initial plan for the first chapter wouldn't work (Trinios dm'd a game irl and it turns out combat is more lethal than I expected when planning), so now we're starting in the Cerulean Cove. If your character is listed as a leaver, it's because you haven't responded to my messages and it will be changedback to normal when you start posting.
Hey, sorry for my absence so far, I've been having internet problems and a millions things to do, so I haven't been able to get on RPdom much.
No. I meant how everyone went in three directions for each of our three player characters without even bothering to acknowledge one another at all. That's some Gaiaonline bullshit there, sir.
First post is a setup to gt them to the location. Next post will be more interactive, but when I posted the only other player seemed to be finishing a street brawl. So I wanted to see what everyone else was up to first.
Hardly finishing. Discussing one. That's a fine point to interrupt. Some would say the best time to interrupt. <.<

Also, that player was me.
Well I set up my post so that I've done something flashy that will likely grab the attention of anyone nearby, so we can set up conversations and discuss the finer points of pirateering as a group

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