[One Piece: Eternal Quest] The Mess Room

I just don't think I'm gonna be able to keep up with this group. Too many characters. Shame, really, because I enjoy rping with you and was looking forward to doing so with Goblin. I'd say count me out, but it seems like you've already done that in-thread, so there's no real adjustment to make. Just sucks. I love the concept of the game, but if I can't keep up, I can't keep up.
I'm honestly feeling a sort of similar thing, to be honest. While the concept is really awesome, and I love my character, I'm just not exactly feeling it. I feel like the group is too big, and had it been smaller...Well, I dunno, down the "coulda, woulda, shoulda" road lies madness.

Sorry, Shep, I'm gonna bow out as well. It's just too big, and I don't really feel like the happy fishman cook fits with the zombifying brain-eater or the like.
I wasn't leaving per se. I'm giving it one more shot. I just...I just worry I can't keep up. And yeah, the crew feels a little crowded. Plus, with so many brawlers and others with exactly what Hammer has but better, I just fret that there'll be no chance for her to stand out.
*Shrugs* I feel bad about leaving, but the more I stick around, the more I feel that the tone doesn't really fit what I was looking for in joining this game.
sorry for weirding you out Unbridled Originality. that was not my intention. Victor's culture is supposed to come off as kindoff creepy. which i really should note as a disadvantage. there is a reason that it is quite isolated.

Thief of Words

i was not trying to ignore you. Rob has the perverted flaw and Azalea has the sexually tantalizing flaw. the reason i did not mention your character was that mine had not noticed your's yet.
Okay, Jel. Can I please ask you a favor? Put the level of detail (at least) that you put into your explanations into your posts. I feel like you've got things a little backwards, with posting in great detail in ooc threads but only providing sparse verbiage for others to make use of when in-character.
I kind of figured. Your posts seemed to be about as rapid and to the point as the sort of thing you'd say in tabletop. Play-by-post takes some adjustment, to be sure. Do you mind if I give you a few other bits of advice (just from someone who's rp'd in text formats for a few years now)? One is that it's generally bad etiquette to push the thread three or more rounds of posts past what another player has posted without at least waiting for a few days to pass without them posting. Another is that there's no guarantee in pbp that others will be able to figure out what you mean, so you should try to give them detail where possible. A general guideline for posts is to try to get about a paragraph by a post's end. Admittedly, I have trouble with the length sometimes, but it's generally considered good manners to at least try to put that much into your post.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]I kind of figured. Your posts seemed to be about as rapid and to the point as the sort of thing you'd say in tabletop. Play-by-post takes some adjustment, to be sure. Do you mind if I give you a few other bits of advice (just from someone who's rp'd in text formats for a few years now)? One is that it's generally bad etiquette to push the thread three or more rounds of posts past what another player has posted without at least waiting for a few days to pass without them posting. Another is that there's no guarantee in pbp that others will be able to figure out what you mean, so you should try to give them detail where possible. A general guideline for posts is to try to get about a paragraph by a post's end. Admittedly, I have trouble with the length sometimes, but it's generally considered good manners to at least try to put that much into your post.

thanks i'll try to keep that in mind.
Ouch. This is what I get for trying to sleep at a normal time then. Are you definitely out Unbridled? Because even if you are I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on what you expected and why its different.

And Thief you have a point. Jel you do need to work on post length and general detail, but I do as well. And I meant what I said about waiting. I don't want to move on until Mei gets a chance to post, and that could take another day or two
Jel, one of the easiest rules of post-based RPs is to do three things with each post. React to the actions that came before yours, state how your character feels or what he thinks, then post what you are doing, leaving things open-ended so others can build on that. If you spend a sentence or two on each part, you can easily get 2-3 paragraphs per post and the RP moves pretty easily.
i mostly submitted my doctor because we did not have one. my other guy could act as a healer if he needed to but, he would not be all that good at it.
Its okay to have an NPC doctor when needed. Maybe not on the crew, but someone at the point that is our home base.
i was under the impression that the games goal was going to be reaching one piece and that our home base was going to be a pirate ship. The Royal Nix, if Drakil has his way, from the looks of things. so a NPC doctor in our home base would be a crew member. a secondary crew member really but still a crew member.

EDIT: which you said "not necessarily a crewmember"

eh if the gm wants to take the guy over he can feel free to.
It's just that even without them, the game feels like it has a lot of people and is moving faster than some would be able to keep pace with. Having some of the folks with the highest post rate play multiple characters only pushes that even faster.
Yeah, I mostly agreed to multiple characters because I panicked. So Jel and Trinios, if you could decide which character to stick with, and I'll npc the other. Especially since Articus is going to be joining us for sure. I'll ask him if he doesn't mind avoiding the positions that we have well and truly covered (brawler, specialist, pirate, chef)
Rob. i'll stick with Victor. and i'll admit i mostly made a second because i was panicing a bit about not having a healer. and i remembered that you had made a comment about us being allowed to have two characters.
Yeah, I think that was a joke the first time. Heh. Hope you don't mind if I rewrite Rob a bit to make sure I can rp him easily

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