Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}

He chuckled and let go of her, pushing her away playfully. 'Oh be quiet you. I have no such thing as 'Guitar Playing Prowess'. it's all in that mental head of yours.' He said, poking her lightly in the temple. He then took her hand and began dragging her towards the 'maze' in question. A.K.A. the mass of hallways and rooms they had found themselves lost in the previous day. He paused outside of the strange theatre type room they'd been asigned their cabin buddies in.

'Hmm.. now which way do you think will lead us to the top of the mountain?'
"If you climb, depending on which mind set you have, you normally go north, so as such, we should go north." she tapped her brain. "Could be wrong, so if there's a dead end, don't say I told you so, as I am just saying what in my mind logic dictates." she smiled, punching him lightly in the arm. "And all guitar players have guitar playing prowess, if they're good. Even if they can only play one chord, it's still prowess as they have achieved something to do with what they love. I might as well showcase something with my guitar." she shrugged. "I've only been playing a couple of month so I'm not that good, but either way." she smiled and blushed slightly.

"And I'm not mental! For the last time!" she laughed.
Jamie grimaced slightly.

'No way. i'm not performing for a bunch of pervy gods and their replacements. If they want entertainment they can go watch a movie.' He said stubbornly. he began walking straight ahead before frowning and walking back to her. 'Which way is north again?' He asked, a soft pink almost colouring his cheeks in embarrassment. He then cleared his throat and flashed her a grin. 'Come on miss know-it-all. Let's go climb a mountain.' he gently picked her up, carrying her bridal style with ease, kissing her lightly. 'So which way?' He asked again.
"I don't like to be carried, put me down before I punch you." she said in all seriousness. "And North happens to be," she licked her finger and put it up, "Let's see today was supposed to be a South Westerly wind, that means," she did some type of equation in her head. She pointed 45 degrees clock-wise. "Straight ahead." she didn't smile. She just didn't like being carried. Never has, never will, even if Jamie was carrying her. She waited to be let down, not even looking at him. "You not showcasing won't stop me from doing the show." she almost smiled. "And you punished me for being stubborn?" she scoffed, almost blushing. All these almosts were making her a bit annoyed.
He chuckled but didn't put her down. Instead he kept walking, still carrying her in his arms. 'The difference is, I have a legitimate reason to be stubborn. Zeus watches people while they sleep. That is creepy.' he said, adding emphasis on the word. He chuckled as she threatened to punch him if he didn't put her down, still not putting her down. he wanted to see how far he could get without being hit. He paused for a moment to kiss her again, not letting her think she would have a chance to escape.

'I'm not going to put you down. You must suffer.' he said teasingly.
"I'm serious. Bloody put me down before your teeth get knocked out." her eyes flaming with anger, she clenched her fists. "I'm smaller than you in size, that doesn't mean I can't knock you out with a single punch." she threatened again. "I'm stronger than I look. This is your last chance before I hit you." she snarled. She was flailing her legs, trying to get down.
Jamie shook his head holding her tighter so she couldn't move her arms to hit him. Slowly he lowered her to the ground, grabbing hold of her arms tightly and pulling her into a furious kiss. He pulled away after a moment, flashing a grin in her direction. 'Still feel like hitting me?' he asked with a gleam in his eyes. he would've liked to have jept holding her but the temptation was too much.
"A little bit, but I'll let it slide," she flicked her ivory fringe. "I'm sorry, I just really don't like being picked up," she said gloomily. "It makes me feel like I'm flying and then I feel like I'm gonna be sick. As I said, I'm afraid of heights." she looked up through her fringe and side-hugged him. She smiled. Even if she was just picked up, she still felt safe in his arm. "After North we go East." she uttered. "Then after we go North-East, then South-West then South. My train of thought kind of gets on the wrong track after that." she twitched. "Ugh, something is in my eye." she rubbed it, it just made her eyes water. She tried to blink and it made her look like she was crying. She blinked until it didn't sting anymore. "I swear if that was an eye-lash, it would be quite ironic," she smiled, holding him by his waist tighter. "They're supposed to protect your eyes, not hurt your eyes."
Jamie chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck again. 'I'm sorry, I should have been more considerate.' He said softly, regretting his actions slightly. He hadn't meant to scare her or upset her. He gently squeezed her again, just so she understood how sorry he was. He wondered just how she she could be scared of being held in the air like barely a metre above the ground. Lightly he brushed a thumb under her eye to wipe away the residue the eyelash had left behind.

'They do a bit of both sometimes.' He murmured, flashing her a gentle smile.
"Wonder if Jonah is excited about being Apollo and all." she muttered. "He's probably gonna try to challenge you or something to a music off. I'd slap him if he does." she said, feeling protective all of a sudden. "And I know how you feel about Jonah in general, so basically I think me slapping him would make you happy." she smirked. "And don't even act like it wouldn't. You'd love it if I dropped him." she rested her head against his shoulder. "Superficial jerk." she growled.

Apollo smiled at his Neo. "You're gonna try and gain Maria and use her against Jamie? Interesting. But maybe you should try to serenade her tonight. Maybe something that shows how you may actually feel for her." he explained.

([MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION], Jonah time to reply!)

"Wonder if Jonah is excited about being Apollo and all." she muttered. "He's probably gonna try to challenge you or something to a music off. I'd slap him if he does." she said, feeling protective all of a sudden. "And I know how you feel about Jonah in general, so basically I think me slapping him would make you happy." she smirked. "And don't even act like it wouldn't. You'd love it if I dropped him." she rested her head against his shoulder. "Superficial jerk." she growled.

Apollo smiled at his Neo. "You're gonna try and gain Maria and use her against Jamie? Interesting. But maybe you should try to serenade her tonight. Maybe something that shows how you may actually feel for her." he explained.

([MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION], Jonah time to reply!)
Jamie chuckled, raising an eyebrow at Maria. 'Actually I'd rather deck him myself. The bastard doesn't deserve to even have you waste a minute of your time on him.' He took hold of her hand in his and swung it gently, grinning at her. 'Yoiu know Maria, I wonder if you know just how strange you are. I try to be a caring guy and you rant about punching Jonah in the face. What even brought him into this moment? Am I not enough for you to be satisfied? If you don't want to go into this relationship with me then that's fine. you just have to say the words and I'll back off.' He said, letting go of her hand. He was only joking of course but something played at the back of his mind, like maybe he was right. Maybe she didn't care. The thought had him backing off slightly, gnawing on the inside of his lip.
(Really sorry been trying to reply to other things too Ill post once I catch up a bit)

Jonah was sitting in the corner thinking of the situation he was in the entire time. "Mother is probably the only one worrying about me" he thought remembering his own household. Now that he thought about it he wished he never had made enemies so fast but no matter how cool he had seemed he was just as surprised as everyone else. "Maybe I can try making friends" he said to himself leaning back tapping his legs as if he was playing the piano back at his house. After a few more moments of sitting alone he finally picked himself up looking for Apollo.
"Very sorry. It's just annoying me. What he said earlier is still pissing me off." she put it bluntly. She hated him. He was a severe idiot who tried to take advantage of girls he'd just met. "Anyway, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." she hung her head. "Of course you're enough for me to be satisfied." she said. "You could never be anything less." she smiled. "Again sorry. And I know I'm strange, mental and all of the other stuff that you may think I am. It's just what makes me, me. I didn't mean to ruin the moment. Also I'm still thinking of punching someone and I needed someone who deserved it." she shrugged.
Jamie shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. he couldn't shaked the nagging sensation at the back of his mind and it had brought his mood down completely. 'Mkay. I'll take your word for it.' He said, not meaning to be so cold in his words. He just didn't feel as good as he had a moment ago. It seemed to happen whenever Jonah came into the conversation. He headed in the directions she told him, not even wanting to discuss it anymore.
"Forgot to mention, I'm very apologetic." she followed Jamie. "After this we go North." she muttered. She coughed. Wow I'm stupid! she thought to herself. I completely ruined the moment! there was an awkward silence and she couldn't take it. "I don't know a lot about you. What's your family like?" she shrugged.

(Sorry I'm at school, don't wanna get in trouble!)
Jamie shrugged. 'They're alright. my dad has two jobs and is always stressed, my mum works nightshift at a hospital, so she's really tired all the time. My sisters, the twins, are always really hyper.' He didn't really feel much like talking, but he figured he'd answer her questions anyway. He followed her instructions again, hands still shoved in his pockets. 'My oldest brother is not exactly the best rolemodel, being gay and all. I tend NOT to follow his fashion advice. or his bar preferences.' He joked.
Maria laughed. "I'd imagine." she smiled. He's talking to me at least, I didn't completely ruin the moment. she thought happily. She coughed and saw the shrubbery around her. "You really think Zeus' court is up here? Not just a myth trying to con people into going through the maze?" she questioned.
Jamie shrugged. 'I dunno, i just want to see the view. this place is stifling. Too many walls, too many pervy gods watching in their creepy and pervy ways.' He informed her, frowning at the thought of them watching them. He still didn't believe they'd stopped watching them. It was too convenient. No, they wouldn't stop watching them, they were humans. They screwed up too much to stop watching them.
"I don't see why they should be watching us. If it's for the first day, yeah, fine, I get it. But on the second day or the third at the latest they should bloody lay off." she coughed. "Like they've never made mistakes, whether you're immortal or mortal everyone makes 'em. Zeus cheated on Hera around 50 times, major mistake with all of the things considering how vengeful she is." she shrugged. "His own stupid decision, though." she muttered darkly. She rubbed her eyes as they approached a slope. "North, east, north-west, North, North East then we'd almost be there I think."
He laughed slightly. 'Guess it's a good thing I don't take after Zeus then. God I think I'd kill someone if I was stuck replacing him.' He exclaimed with a horrified expression. He reached for her hand again, his thoughts brooding and slightly dark. He then flashed her a smile before following her directions. 'I hate them.'
"The Gods or the directions I'm giving?" she joked. She knew he'd meant the Gods... or did he? Anyway. She took his hand. "And don't even talk about you replacing Zeus, I'm replacing Hera remember? I wouldn't want to even know anyone who was connected with Zeus in any way shape or form." she shook her head, disgusted. "Except for people replacing his brother Poseidon." she nodded, flashing him a grin. "You're an exception and the only exception. East, West, North, North-West, East and we should be there."
Jamie chuckled, shaking his head at her. 'Unfortunately my own knowledge in the whole greek god thing is the equivalent of an egg cup. I literally only know that Poseidon is the god of the sea and created the horse or something.' He admitted. After about ten minutes they came to a break in the maze, where a strange bright light glowed through the wall. He smiled at her, squeezing her hand and led her through it. They came out of the light into a large flat area. The floor seemed to be some kind of marble and there were plants all around. A few animals rested here as well. He grinned. This was more like it.
"Well. This is more Godly than the rest of it. Wow." she said approvingly. She walked further into the light of the court and a lovely waterfall was there, a pond underneath with Koi fish. "What is their obsession with ponds?" she shook her head and smiled. "I wonder what amazing mythological things had happened here." she looked around, petting the baby animals that lounged around on the marble. "It really is beautiful though, I am happy this happened to me." she smiled and sat next to the pond, patting cygnets and feeding ducks with the sparkly bread that shimmered next to her and she smirked, hoping he'd notice.

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