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Graded [Okiro City] Journey to Gala'Kraoth

INTERACTIONS: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gears Gears The Last Curse The Last Curse Develius Develius SixSense SixSense -Random_Person- -Random_Person- 1Lucker 1Lucker

  • ā€¦ā€¦.

    Griffin put down the little water lizard emotion eater thing, after taking it from Chiyoko, who just picked up another one with what he said somehow going over her head. He didnā€™t get how it did. Griffin felt like it was common sense to not go touch small elemental creatures. While sheā€™d be among those he would keep safe from an attack, he wasnā€™t going to try to fool himself. She wasnā€™t very bright. He said

    ā€œBut you should still probably put it down? What if it doesnā€™t like being held?ā€¦also, if nature isnā€™t trying to hide it I would consider it the face of evil. Yes.ā€

    He sucked at convincing othersā€¦and likely wasnā€™t very convincing with Chiyoko, who seemed to just be very stubborn. He listened to what else she had to say about the island until she mentioned Gunhild.

    ā€œYou might know where Gunhild is? Also, if we can all stick together, helping find them would be nice.ā€

    He didnā€™t like the idea of leaving the ship vulnerableā€¦but he also didnā€™t like the idea of the rest of the crew wandering around in unknown danger zones.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: The Last Curse The Last Curse TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gears Gears -Random_Person- -Random_Person-

Kota was surprised to find that the crystal monster and the spirits were separate and mundane. Couple this with the information that Miyuki had been sharing it made sense why they were also a part of this monster's diet. He would feel a bit of guilt though for picking on spirits who inherently did nothing wrong as well as putting Miyuki in danger, his ears would flop in slight embarrassment along with his tail. "Hehe sorry about roughing you guys up. Honest mistake" he would rub the back of his head as he apologized, hopefully, the spirits wouldn't be too upset with him. Miyuki would continue to explain her situation while Gunhild held the creature in place securely, it wasn't too hard to tell based on the giant's expression that the information was going in one ear and out the other. The giveaway was her face perking up, surprised once Miyuki gave her name.

"Is this a friend of yours Gunhild?" Kota held his chin as he turned back to the creature's stomach, "Well if you know our friend then certainly we wouldn't mind getting you out there. Your story seems to check out, I've confirmed that those spirits are separate from the crystal monster. If you know a way to get you out safely please do tell. Otherwise, as a last resort, I could try to slice open this beast's belly. "

Kota offered as he looked to the others, hoping he wouldn't have to choose the last option. "Feel free to speak up and give an alternative idea to anyone."

Not that he minded getting his hands dirty particularly. He just knew he wasn't the best at cutting up stuff with [Survival F] but he could do the job if it needed to be done. He glanced at Gunhild to see how well she knew this individual before turning to the others. He would reach into his pocket to grab a hunting knife in its sheath, mentally preparing in case his number would be called.

The brunt of the skepticism melted off Selani's face once she heard the voice respond, the rest fading completely when Gunhild confirmed this was the person she'd been looking for. Croaking bewilderedly, she looked at the massive beast woman, "Wait, this is the person you're lookin' for?" Selani looked at the chimeric monster and shook her head sardonically. She'd been so on edge around this thing, and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise! All the tightly wound nerves seemed almost childish now. "Ain't this one helluva reunion, huh?" Selani said, then taking a step forward to address Miyuki, her voice considerably warmer than before, "That's well good enough for us, Miyuki. Can't wait to put a face to the name as soon as we get you outta there." Selani nodded to Gunhild knowingly, "Might be a face here you recognize, too." However, as Selani took a few steps back to see the monster in full, a question dawned on her: How were they supposed to get Miyuki out?

Kota's idea resonated with what she had in mind. "Could work," Selani agreed, looking at the monster's midsection. If Miyuki was in the monster's stomach, all they needed to do was cut them out, easy-peasy. Yet, the longer she reviewed the plan, the murkier it became. "But, I doubt it'd be a good idea cuttin' it up while its still kicking and screaming. We should calm it down first. If you catch my drift," Selani continued before squinting curiously at Kota. It was clear he didn't want to get his hands dirty. And how could she blame him? Fortunately, few opportunities in her jobs required gutting something like a fish, but plenty of years living down in See had shown her the results. Messy, smelly, and especially messy. And that smell would just hang in your nose! Horrible!

Selani cringed at the phantom, iron-rich stench that haunted her nostrils but took a quick breath to steel herself. If Kota felt uncomfortable doing it, she'd help where she could. He was good company; forcing him to do all the dirty work was simply bad manners. "If you show me where to cut, I could help a little," Selani said assuringly, "Besides, I didn't see a speck of blood when I shot it. Reckon it won't even be messy!" She knew those words were more to prepare her than Kota, but she'd drawn her blade nonetheless. "Now, Gunhild, or anyone who's feelin' gutsy for that matter, if you could just...you know," Selani gestured to the monster's head before making a quick, brutal twisting motion. She hoped that was enough for everyone to understand.

Baharius gave a sheepish blush upon his relapsed judgement, still eying the soapasaurs cautiously. "Always best to stay on your guard..." he muttered lowly. Griffin seemed to also be cautious, even going as far as to saying it was the 'face of evil.' The saurian simply chuffed. "I think they're fine." he sighed, "If they do anything untowards, we'll make sure they'll regret it." The girl's lack of using words of certainty were indeed jarring, but she was innocent regardless. Of course he assumed that the creatures really weren't so much of a threat and that he was over-exaggerating. But best to be safe. He continued allowing them to frolic underfoot for the meantime.

The saurian listened patiently as Chiyoko talked a bit more about her mother. She seemed standard of a mother overall, albeit with some fame under her belt that made her popular with others. Nothing too particularly out of the ordinary alongside some general info about the island. Then she mentioned Gunhild as well as suggesting they find the rest of their group, in which Griffin expressed their thoughts respectfully.

Baharius nodded. "Agreed," he stated, "We're much more vulnerable divided. I believe the captain and his crew will be able to take care of the ship while we search for the rest." He stared out at what he assumed were the sandy imprints of the other venturers leading into the jungle. "They went that way." he stated, pointing in that direction, "Hopefully they've not gotten too far or ran into major trouble."
Mention: Femboy Femboy The Last Curse The Last Curse Gears Gears -Random_Person- -Random_Person- SixSense SixSense
Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"​

Teuihua was intrigued to hear that Gunhild confirmed however this was, at least based on the name was in fact the friend she was looking for.

ā€œIf that statement is accurate then your intuition to follow this path was most accurate. Now we shall do our best to free them so you may be reunited.ā€ He said with a warm tone looking his head toward Gunhild. There were then the considerations which everyone else who was present shared on the situation. Teuihua thought it was admirable that Kota decided to apologize on behalf of the non hostile spirits from the sound of things. Hopefully if cutting Miyuki and company out wasnā€™t sufficient they could be guided on a better way to go about helping to free. Teuihua was curious if anyone else would have anything to say wth Kota posing that question.

The [Sentry] continued to keep an eye out all around them during his development lest anything else dangerous from the jungle decided to make itself known.

It also didnā€™t take all too much for Teuihua to understand why Miyuki wished to be freed from their current situation, it was far from an ideal scenario. ā€œVery well then friend of Gunhild, we will try to help you then.ā€ He confirmed to Miyuki.

Then there was Selaniā€™s verbal addition, making a fair point that cutting around while it was moving around could prove to be more dangerous. With Teuihuaā€™s relatively high skills in understanding the sorts of things that Selani was hinting it, it didnā€™t take him long to understand probably.

He got as close as necessary to the thrashing around the monster. ā€œUnfortunately it is time for you to move on.ā€ "If anyone is bothered by graphic scenes, should I be successful, I suggest you look away.ā€ He said more seriously with perhaps a hint of sadness in his voice.

Teuihua then leveraged a combination of Superstrength E and Knockback E to grab hold of the thingā€™s head with his more dexterous hand in a violent twisting motion around itā€™s neck in an effort to break it, Superstrength working into the pushing motion and knockback directed in such a way itā€™d contribute to the pull needed for a proper twist and neck break. Teuihua exerting quite quite a bit of force. If the deed was successful heā€™d then move out the way back to where he was, letting go, otherwise heā€™d stay in place to try to finish up the job.

Grade E ability used 1 post cooldown
Last edited:
Nazza Jakobi



"Common", "-Nomadic-"

Nazza whispered calming words to the creature he was riding, trying to calm it down. With a bit of Animal Handling E, he calmed it enough to get off of it safely. He turned to see what was spooking it and saw a gigantic creature lumbering towards the water. Nazza stopped himself from reaching for a weapon and kept his distance. He watched a girl descend from the top of the creature and initiate a conversation with Develius and Griffin. Nazza listened carefully from where he was, worried about approaching the giant monster. He turned to the crystal reptile he was next to and tried to comfort it to keep it from running. "Wait here for me, please. I'll talk to you in a moment, buddy."

Nazza walked towards the others talking along the beach. Hearing the mention of a blood cult made his eyebrows raise in surprise. "A blood cult? Sounds like the kind of people to avoid." He heard mention of Gunhild and the others' opinions on staying together. "I mean, staying together is definitely a good call, especially in unfamiliar territory like the island. I do hope that the others are doing well." Nazza glanced forlornly at the crystal dinosaur he had left behind. "It's a shame I can't take him with me. He seems pretty cool. Maybe I can talk to the Captain about keeping an eye on him?" he mused. Looking back to the others, Nazza decided to go with them. "I'm not very useful in a fight, but I'll do my best."
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune The Last Curse The Last Curse SixSense SixSense -Random_Person- -Random_Person- Gears Gears
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(REMINDER: Previous cooldowns should still be in effect)
Gunhild had listened to Teuihua's and Kota's conversation about the big construct's background, hearing his kind words about the recent times he had spent in Gunhild's company as she quietly snuffed to herself. She mumbled quietly about it before addressing her attention to the potential hostile threats.
"Hmph. Favourite rock... " she grumbled softly, staying on edge for the fact that those beasts which had surrounded them could prove danger to the entire party at any given moment if they were to attack. Gunhild for the moment didn't pay too much mind to the concept of defensive positioning, looking between them as eventually she watched Selani slowly back towards her and the large construct to give her own concocted orders to them.

Sui and Harkin remained quiet and steady, the dwarf shifting his grasp to take hold of a crossbow he had brought with him as the elf took a retracted position back near to Librarian to remain behind those who would have a better chance at handling conflict.
"This is sometimes the experience you must bare in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery... " Sui mumbled to Librarian, since such situations weren't very comfortable for those who couldn't safely defend themselves from the things they encountered. She wasn't overly unprepared for such instances, but she chose to reserve her magic when she found it was capable of, saving herself for supportive casts to help those who could actually stand their ground much better.

Gunhild silently listened to the plan Selani suggested as she looked to Teuihua for confirmation, seeing that he agreed to it being a good idea yet letting him take forth in order to stay out of the way for whatever it was he was gonna do. Meanwhile, Gunhil reverted back to her normal height and form which evidently wasn't something the wild creatures were expecting considering their quick gaze to the size-shifting being. Their focus on her was soon enough distracted back to the large construct however with his ability which quite frankly I didn't know that the measurement of 'ft' may or may not be canon to the Isekai Hell universe until it was suggested, but anyway with the construct's display of lightningy-sparkiness and loudness all attention was diverted onto him. And a millisecond after, the beasts' wanted their attention to be off of him from the sudden strange encounter they had discovered in him. Not immediately moving away, they hissed and made soft calls in response as they had backed off in which gave them room and at least the ability to move on for a moment. Their presence however remained, as some of them visibly sniffed at something in the air but for the moment kept their distance.

Kota was prepared to defend himself if one was to target him, luckily none had made the attempt yet. One of the raptor creatures had kept an eye on him however, although was warded back from the two larger members in the group as well as it seeming to notice his defensiveness and judging that striking at the very moment was not worth it.
"We might be able to scoot on by, but I don't know if it'll be the best idea if they follow, they ain't goin' anywhere... " Harkin quietly mentioned as he held his crossbow at the ready in defensiveness also. They had granted themself space and passage to follow on after the construct, yet the electrifying display of Teuihua and the existence of a Gunhild seemed not enough to make them give up so simply. That was until a noticeable rustle in the density of the jungle would allow all party members and wild beasts to be alerted to the presence of another approaching creature. Even though no combat had even ensued, Sui quietly contemplated if their mass presence or Teuihua's power had alerted something else.

Meanwhile, Selani's little escape into the shrubbery and behind rock cover went unnoticed by the creatures. The rest of the party members present were apparently a lot more appealing and distracting than the Anuran who had retreated to a safe position. Though from where she was, she would notice a few beady gems wet and slightly slimy, yet bright with a shiny red coloration lying in the dirt from where she was. It was very noticeably akin to the crystalline growths found on the beasts that had interrupted the group's travel, along with noticeable faint footprints embedded in the floor that looked like it would come from them. Alongside these clues, the Anuran may have proven to had bigger difficulties as her position would make her present closest to the rustling foliage approaching their location and the first to notice. The bad news was what eventually arrived to the scene was not a pretty sight at all and was right next to her. The good news was, at least from deduction, it didn't appear to even care or notice she was there.
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The large monster had an extremely unnatural appearance with an upper body of some reptilian beast and a lower half of a giant arachnid, pushed forward also by two powerful hind legs. It had walked so close to Selani that its lower spider-half could very easily make contact if it took a step or two forward, but she would be able to notice that its attention was focused primarily on the other wild creatures present, but would take notice of the party soon enough.

It would eventually reveal itself from the density of the jungle, sending even further intimidation on the beasts as they diverted all attention and howled cries of aggression defensively within the monster's direction. Harkin and Sui were both a bit speechless at the sudden creature, thinking it appeared nothing like the other things they had seen and wondering how deep the rabbithole went.

During this, Kota would be able to sense a strange presence of spirits emanating from the beast as if it came from its core or inside of it. Then, with his enhanced hearing compared to the rest of the party, he would be able to notably hear a voice requesting help come from it. Selani, considering she was either under, adjacent or directly behind the monster at this point, would also be able to hear it very clearly if a little worse.
"H-hello? I hear weird noises outside and this is proving to be a little more troublesome than last time. Can I please have help being freed if someone's there? Hellooo? It's not very nice in here! I-I can help you, if you help me, right?" they had asked. The monster had paid no mind to the voice emanating from it as if it didn't exist, nor did it even flinch or react to the large amount of sounds being made by the red raptor beasts in any way.

"This, seems a little worse than before now... " Sui muttered under her breath, looking to Librarian.
"I suspect this may be your first time? It's nicer to get used to it early, I suppose. It's usually the afterwards that makes it worth it... " the elf girl commented about the predicament the group was in. At least the raptors weren't as much of a problem, but the large monster could prove troublesome. Along with that, the construct could be any much distant the longer they stuck around. Ditching the situation now that their path was clear was a potential option, though Selani was comfortably planted on the opposite side of the monster.

It wasn't entirely clear where they came from, but there were a few noticeable beady red gems around the area of the party now too, the same as the one Selani would find earlier as they were also soggy yet brightly colored. They appeared to just be present and noticeable glistening in small amounts around the path when the monster had revealed its presence.


DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Develius Develius 1Lucker 1Lucker

The Captain took eye over the camp that was coming along, it had gotten pretty set up with everything necessary in such a short time that he was quite impressed himself at how much it had come along. Looking over to watch what was happening with the three that stayed behind, he shook his head at least at the things Nazza was getting up to as it appeared like they were very much interested in the wildlife. Noticing that Griffin had stayed behind rather than going with the collective group, he thought upon something else for a moment before the sight of something having entered onto the beach caught his attention. Immediately about to call for danger, it appeared as if the creature was rather slow and nonchalant within its behaviour as it only came to drink of the ocean water.
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"You all, keep your distance from the big beast. You three out there, make sure not to muck around. Wild beasts can be unpredictable and cunning... " the Captain called to the crewmembers working on and within the camp, also announcing it to Nazza, Baharius and Griffin who were further up to the beach and closer to it. The creature was quite big and looked heavily armoured, but it was in no interest to even look their way and moved very slow. From the aroma that was in the air, it was indeed the creature letting off the burnt and smoky scent that was now very noticeable to everyone on the beach. It wasn't intoxicating or anything, just very noticeable. What took the Captain's interest though was that there was a figure who took residence upon the back of the beast having sat on it the way onto the beach. They had noticed the boat and stood up, their voice would be audibly heard.

"Oh my gosh! A boat! People! Mr. Bulwark, you're so good at finding things! LOOOOOK, Mr. Bulwark, people!" they had announced with loud cheeriness as they pointed towards the group of three adventurers hanging around the dinosaur-esque life. The person slid off the back of the dark-scaled monster and was very brightly noticeable.
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"Hellooo, other people! Wow it's been long since I've seen a lot of new people, it's usually kind of moody and stuff despite how colorful it is here- WOW, A KITTY-BIRD!" the kitsune had marvelled as they noticed Griffin, rushing over to him in almost no time at all as they visibly adored his wings and tail.
"You're like some kinda gryphon or something! You can probably fly with those big ol' wings! It'd be really cool if I could fly... who are your friends? Did you all come on a big boat? It's been foreveeeer, I was gonna very quickly think nobody was ever gonna show up and find us!! I really like this island, it's very pretty, but it's dangerous and there's only so long I can spend here being bored because Mama doesn't want me to go anywhere on it dangerous. So I stay in safe places or hang out with Mr. Bulwark or Briarhild all day. But Briarhild left on her own adventure and I'm not allowed to go look for her!" the kitsune rambled on without taking a single breath, speaking about their entire time through great overshared exposition as she gasped suddenly before looking.

"Ooh! What are your names, how did you find where we were? I'm Chiyoko, I appeared here a while ago with my Mama and my bestest friend Briarhild but my bestie is gone elsewhere and my Mama is doing important stuffs and looking for my bestie so I'm just here hanging with Mr. Bulwark!" she said with a big grin as she gestured to the large creature, which looked like it hadn't even acknowledged her existence once in its entire lifetime.


NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
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"Another island? Hm, there is more islands. Briarhild thoughts so! Would make a sense amount of none if no more land than this land, Briarhild knows that. Neramo must be smart and strong to get heres, Briarhild think nobody else get to this island except some, and Briarhild is one of them. Is big deal for us, means we are bestest and strongest" Briarhild said with a smug expression, not taking any notice of Neramo's own silent judgement as she lead them along.

Briarhild looked to him when he questioned her idea on why it was good in the first place, thinking for a moment before grunting softly and shaking her head.
"Nono, Briarhild not meet Grey-Tribe yet, Briarhild meet one of Grey-Tribe though, Briarhild has watched and seen Grey-Tribe from far! Briarhild meet one of Grey-Tribe in jungle once and they say Briarhild very strong and cool, interesting and bestest beast Grey-Tribe has seen! Grey-Tribe would value Briarhild. Come, strong-friend Neramo, Neramo and Briarhild are close!" Briarhild answered, even though what she said may have not answered much at all. Taking a slow, they would be to at least a destination sooner than expected as they reached what appeared to be a circular stone doorway embedded in a rocky cliffside wall. The door was shut, and someone was sitting outside of it who took notice of their approach.
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A man with a strange staff-like creation/weapon which didn't visibly look like it made any sense was crouched and hunched over at the door until he had noticed them, standing up straight with the thing propped on his shoulders. He, as Briarhild's description gave, was very pale-gray in skin colour and clad in ominous garb and colours, not appearing like a normal person whatsoever as he took intrigue in looking over the two.
"Halt, you two interlopers. I have heard vague word of you... " he spoke as he first looked to Briarhild, before looking to Neramo.
"But I have heard no such thing of you, would've remembered your description. Do tell, for why have you come out of the shadows now all of a sudden?" he asked. Briarhild immediately answered her own point.
"Briarhild come to see Grey-Tribe, Briarhild think they maybe strong like Briarhild! Better friends than soft-ones!" she answered proudly, earning his curiosity.
"Hmm, you'd make a rather interesting one to be among. Perhaps your talents or composition could prove rather interesting... what about you, other one? For what brings you here? The Bloodcast Tribe may find use of an outsider's cooperation if you can prove your interest. We are all but willing with open arms a lot of the time, we don't get to meet many outsiders" he answered, putting weird emphasises and acting weirdly strange and creepy.
"Don't be hesitant if my questioning bugs you, just answer anything you wish honestly, we mean you no ill intent or harm at all, you both arriving so suddenly, like an unexpected gift from the gods, is so interesting to see. Ask away if you will, I am your friend for the moment, while we are on good first terms... " he added, standing in front of the closed doorway.​
Neramo Omnipotenti Malus
"Well, one can only bide their time for strength so long. I was brought here by an artifact my brother has been toying with. I am here to see what the other continents are like, and to begin my own... goals." He answered to the grey skinned man at the doorway, rolling his shoulders as he glanced around. This was certainly a more... monstrous area, though he couldn't place if they were just some cult group or if they were truly monsters. If they were then perhaps Briarhild was in over her head, and he might have a case to save her and get a new servant out of it. If not, then she has guided him to some that might be easier to gain aid from than others.

"Briarhild, you never explained the soft ones you were around before. Who were they?" He asked curiously, glancing at Briarhild with a raised eyebrow since he wasn't sure if she was leaving some kind of civilized area to join the grey tribe like this.
(I'm wrapping up Gala'Kraoth's first part rather quickly due to IRL business and complications and to free stuff and other people up, also to probably plan the rest of the parts in more concise places/plots in shorter RPs than I had originally planned, plus I've been stalling on this post a lot too, I'll get to Part 2 soon/likely after Gunhild's next short RP or another character of mine)
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense The Last Curse The Last Curse Gears Gears -Random_Person- -Random_Person-
Following Kota asking if the voice was indeed a friend, Gunhild briefly nodded as she looked to the floofa who had forwarded his suggestion to assisting the found friend out of the belly of the monster. The big lizard held a moment of brief concern if his suggestion was safe, but it was the only offered suggestion at the immediate moment and would likely work if done so. Grumbling softly, she looked to the others in the group to see if there were any other ideas or agreements that went out. Since Sui and Harkin held their voice since this rather concerned Gunhild's own business to coming to the island, listening to Selani and Teuihua as they offered their own way of assistance to make the removal of the person inside the creature easier. Despite the aggressive and uncooperative nature of the monster, Teuihua's strength would very easily allow the restrained creature to be simply eliminated from life with one clean, audible snap once its neck was twisted.
"Favourite rock very strongies. Beasty-beast go snap... is not nice sound. Gunhild not like beasty-beast snap" Gunhild mumbled over the hearing of it, before looking to Kota and Selani. She released hold of the creature now that it had been killed, letting it fall back onto the floor which noticeably startled the person trapped inside.
"Smols open beasty-beast now" she answered as she looked to the two, which would be easier said than done at this point by whichever one had done so. Kota's survival knowledge proved easy enough to help safely cut through it despite the toughness of the outside exterior, the knife managed to get it done as an opening was made of the beast's upper-half's stomach. There was a questionable bursting like a large escape of air, one that could even push someone back a little, although it felt powered by inner magical energy being released as purple-tinged smog had floated its way up into the air. It didn't seem like it was a toxic pollutant as it smelled of nothing and seemed to clear up, but visibly acted like a large visible signal in the air more than anything.

"O-oh, you've done it... n-not that I'm surprised you couldn't, I had complete faith, I just wasn't expecting it so fast- and, w-well you get the idea, I didn't mean it sarcastically or anything... " Miyuki added awkwardly as the cut open stomach shuffled and moved its way around a little, the one inside struggled for a little moment to get their way out as Gunhild gently reached forth and lightly pried open the stomach of the beast to offer help doing so, the one trapped inside soon scrambling their way out as they tripped on their way out.
Scrambling to their feet after a not-so-gracious exit from the beast and flicking off strange translucent colourless slime that appeared to be a part of the inner composition of the creature, Miyuki shook her tails clean as she grasped a glance over the party who had assisted in helping her free from the creature. The surprise of how many people were present alongside the fact she wasn't expecting to see more intricately designed constructs. Silently looking towards people for a moment, she nervously smiled and fidgeted with her hands as she got together an introduction.

"A-ah, hello there, wasn't expecting to see all of you today. Um... been a while since I talked to a lot of people actually. Well, hi, I'm Miyuki if you didn't hear. I kinda ended up here a long while ago when... some weird thing happened with a machine and weird world travel stuff... I don't remember a whole lot of the details... " Miyuku mumbled as she was looking between everyone, crossing over their glance until they reached Gunhild. A bit silent for a moment having not expected to encounter them today at all, her face lit up in joy as she smiled.
"Gunhild! I recognise you of course, I couldn't forget you. I was wondering where you've been for so long, I guess you just didn't show up here. But at least you're here now, things will be a lot better now that I have you here too, and a lot less lonely" Miyuki chimed with a smile, Gunhild grumbling quietly as she twiddled her claws together, grumbling quietly for a moment before raising a point.

"Gunhild take Floofa off water-place-land to home. Floofa-Miyuki no stay here. Is stinky" Gunhild answered, Miyuki hesitating for a moment.
"Ah, you're not from this island. I wouldn't mind taking a trip off of it, it's been a bit weird being out of society for a little while... wherever or whatever society is exactly... " the kitsune spoke as Harkin held his hand up slightly to offer a suggestion.

"While I'd like tae pick yer' mind over what you know 'bout this island lass, but I think that could wait 'till we're in a safer place than 'ere. From the looks of it, the golem we 'ere were followin' has lost us... might be best'tae take ya back to camp and get what you know" Harkin answered as Miyuki nodded to the sounds of it, she didn't know they had any sort of camp set up or anything but it seemed the best idea to say what she knew.

NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
Briarhild looked to Neramo as he questioned about the soft ones, snuffing as she thought about it.
"Soft ones are fox peoples. Magical and floofy, but soft and scared. Briarhild protect them a lots, theys scared of everything" Briar answered, with a small proud smile. Before the grey-one could say something, their attention was distracted by the sight of a strange smoke signal in the distance. Scratching their chin for a moment, they considered if it was of their own people before shaking his head.

"Smoke signals only mean bad things, and I doubt that's of any of ours nor would anyone in hiding be inconsiderate enough to start one. It could be of the wild, but things like that don't happen on their own volition... " the grey-one mumbled as he looked to them both.
"And all when you two happen to so pleasantly visit, and I don't know where you came from so.. " he said, eyeing Neramo and coming to the conclusion that the peace of their home had been interrupted by outsiders.
"It seems like a bad time, especially since some things have... reared up that our people may need to consider and discuss before making significant deals. But we'll keep you in mind... " he answered as he kept an eye on the smoke signal, before giving them one last look and leaving them outside as he allowed himself into the entrance and closing it up behind him without a further word. He looked visibly in a slight hurry to go.

"Stinky... bad times for Briarhild and Neramo. Briarhild haves wait.... " the girl grumbled, disappointed that it didn't seem like she was going to make any progress.
"Neramo should go homes for now, Briarhild need check on smokies and soft-ones for no troubles. Briarhild no get in trouble... " Briarhild answered, giving Neramo a nod before looking to the direction of the smoke and scampering off, which would leave Neramo on his own to where he would likely soon leave to return back with what his brother had originally had given him. At least he had an idea where the machine ended him up, which would give a little insight to how the transportation device worked, but for now Neramo would have not the time to make a mark on Briarhild or the people of the island.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Develius Develius 1Lucker 1Lucker TheTimePiece TheTimePiece The Last Curse The Last Curse -Random_Person- -Random_Person- SixSense SixSense Gears Gears
"But it's completely harmleeess~, what's wrong with holding it a little?" Chiyoko grinned as she held the squishy little creature, not taking Griffin's concerns seriously until all three of them had spoken on the potential dangers of the rest of the island and that they should help their friends. Humming softly, she looked at the creature that had peaked Nazza's interest.
"I don't know who your Captain is but he probably could as long as he has eyes, Mama knows a lot about making friends with people and creatures, she could probably tell you a lot about it when we find her" Chiyoko answered, humming softly as she stepped around a little. She rambled on a bit longer before addressing the matter of their companions.

"Well, let's go set off, it shouldn't be any trouble-" Chiyoko began before getting interrupted by a voice she recognised, her ears flattening to her head.
"Chiyoko, put that down. I didn't say you were allowed to have one, you're neglectful of pets and I'm left taking care of them for you because you forget to take care of them. Put that back where you got it" Miyuki answered, calling to her as the other group had returned back to the shore where a set up camp was completed by the crewmembers of the ship. With the collective of them returned, it would give them an opportunity to talk things over and plan. The fact that they had Miyuki's knowledge would give them a better chance to learn and plan out about the island.

With time, the Captain agreed to keep an eye on the beast Nazza was interested in as talk occurred among camp. Briarhild would eventually interrupt and surprise Gunhild by her presence as it appeared there were a lot more recognisable faces than Gunhild was expecting to find, having only expected Miyuki to be present somewhere. Briarhild would have quite quickly forgotten to mention anything about meeting Neramo, as not getting to know or spend much time around him. Perhaps if she did, she might have been more swayed to address more of her attention and concern to him rather than returning to the people she already knew yet called weak. Smaller scouting and investigation was partaken for the rest of the day and the day afterwards, but it was come to conclusion that with the information they had, returning back to the main land for further expedition gearing would prove practical.

That, and it gave a chance for everyone to return back home to not be trapped on the island, obviously. Gunhild convinced Miyuki and the other two surprise companions to come back to the main land with her, at least for a little while to make sure they didn't go all deranged from not being around other people, planning to perhaps take them on just a little trip for the sake of catching up or potentially back to the Barony. Teuihua would likely go back their after all as well, although she couldn't exactly foretell as to where the other members of the scouting trip would go. There would inevitably be another trip to the island of Gala'Kraoth to delve deeper with what Miyuki had exposed of it, but it would be another day.

The End
(a bit rushed due to irl concerns and constraints, Until I do another part, I wanted to end this rather than stalling the last posts due to IRL stuff, thank you for joining :3 . Another part sometime in the future, I will do a continuation. Gunhild will have a smaller slice-of-life rp off of the island involving her newly found close acquaintances soon)
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Isekai Hell Grade
Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gears Gears DarkKitsune DarkKitsune 1Lucker 1Lucker -Random_Person- -Random_Person- SixSense SixSense Develius Develius The Last Curse The Last Curse NeramoDJI NeramoDJI

Fun little island adventure. Kinda like one of those Jurassic park movies. Nothing regarding dark continent will be considered canon though. May be misremembering, but I hope the mystery island is in the northern sea and not the lake. Gives more credence to the idea its unclaimed and uncharted, however, I hope any future rps to the island make note of how dangerous the sea is (big monsters lurk). It may also make sense to depart from a northern port rather than Okiro which is currently lake side. Honestly a miracle the ship made it without seeing much more dangerous stuff from the water. Noticed Sar was apparently eating poisoned food somehow without a skill to survive it. Likely would have hurt them a lot worse than what transpired in the rp.




Gunhild - 52pts (narrator)
optional title acquired [Speech-Delayed] - character has shown signs of a cognitive speech delay that prevents them from speaking normally. Some therapy and maturing may help them catch up with normal people. Will have difficulty being taken seriously in any leading role.

Teuihua - 35pts
optional title acquired [Curious Cat] - character is especially curious

Sar - 17pts
optional title acquired [Dangerous Eater] - character loves trying new foods and drinks, even at their own health risk.

Griffin - 32pts
optional title acquired [Soft Hearted] - Despite character's race and circumstances, they are still able to find and quick to display compassion and sympathy to those in need, even at risk to self.

Nazza - 10pts
optional title acquired [.....]
Certain words and whispers from certain parties have prevented Nazza from receiving any additional acknowledgement for this job.

Librarian - 16pts
optional title acquired [Scholar] - character likes to learn and seeks out new things to learn. They will find more knowledge.

Kota - 70pts (attentive student)
(this is separate from the ryke adventurer title)
optional title acquired [Republic Adventurer [E] ]- Character has shown promise in the adventuring life. Most Republic Adventurers excel in martial combat. Jobs are notoriously low paying.

Baharius - 35pts
optional title acquired [Dino Lover] - anything resembling a dinosaur has this character's attention. for better or worse and at potential threat to the character, dino's are their type.

Selani - 35pts
optional title acquired [Trailblazer] - character has a nack and desire for taking the path less trodden and seeing the part of the world less known. Tends to have a higher chance of success in the effort.

Neramo - 62pts (attentive student)
optional title acquired [Tourist] - character is far from home on an excursion to see the sights and meet the people. Stands out pretty much anywhere by his behavior and mannerisms.

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