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Graded [Okiro City] Journey to Gala'Kraoth

Sar hefted her axe over her shoulder and followed the group. "A golem huh? Those can be annoying- I say we just attack before it surprises us."

Sar had trouble trusting the two constructs among her party, but a foreign and so far silent golem was far too dangerous, like the ones master built to test her.

Sar stuck the axe in the ground as she scanned the trees for fruit- some forests had unique fruit, she remembered a time a young merchant sold her a trees bounty for fifty gold, before a crazy guy chased her away before she could eat the fruit, the guy had claimed those where the only ones on the planet, but she had seen it in most markets- the majority of the gold had been returned, left in the cave she had taken shelter in with a note- she couldn't read it so she just decided to see if it was edible.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece The Last Curse The Last Curse

The Kitsune would chuckle at the noises that Gunhild made, it was almost as though she was beginning to pout. She would spit a slurry of tongue twisters that nearly through Kota off. He managed to pick out key words in between all the floof, following by Smolhilds tiny grubby hands reaching out to swipe at Kota’s fluffy tails.

“No touch the floofa tails, or else I’ll touch the Gunhild scale tail and pat your head.” Kota wagged his finger at the much smaller Smolhild.

The ruins could could for sure, Kota had felt an unusual interest in Gunhild and Teuihua and their mission. Sticking close to them would provide a learning experience for sure. Gunhild would give the group some clues to work with when it came to finding her friend, he would make sure to keep an eye out for any openings within the jungle meeting the her criteria.

“Let’s get going then guys, we’re burning daylight.” Kota smirked, heeding Selani’s call.

Kota would turn back to face a Teuihua.

“Hey Mr.Teuihua, you mentioned that you came along to assist Gunhild and that you are apart of a barony of some sort. What is this barony exactly and what is your connection to it and Gunhild?”
He was genuinely curious, his ears even perked up at the thought. His elders warned him of his distaste for constructs but from his own findings, they seemed like genuine beings. It made Kota question if they posed actually threat or were his elders pushing their fear of the unknown onto him.

“Where I’m from we don’t have any constructs constructs and beasts getting along like you and Gunhild is not something I’ve seen. She seems to really trust you.”
Location: Unnamed Tropical Island, north of the Second Continent. On shore near the Hoplite Voyager. (For some, beginning to go and enter the jungle)
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece -Random_Person- -Random_Person- 1Lucker 1Lucker DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense Gears Gears Develius Develius The Last Curse The Last Curse

Actions: Size Change (F)
Gunhild sat patiently as those who were offering their aid to come along with her, seeing as now Sar was also opting to come along with the group. The shrunk lizard gently smiled with a little whine before looking away to avoid facing eye contact after uttering such a little sound.
"Gunhild thanksies friendses and new friendses, Gunhild make friendses with friendses and maybes do a do or thing a get a do for friendses a forward-time" Gunhild answered in thanks, looking to the direction the wild construct had went off to as Selani took a lead. Sui silently nodded as she came along, following behind the Anuran making sure to stay behind hte group who would be more combat-prepared than her.
When Kota threatened the safety of her tail and head, she snuffed at him.
"Icy-Cream Floofa try if dare, Gunhild will touch the floofa at the today-day-time or future-time today-time. Floofa see" Gunhild hummed with a small devious smirk.

"Aye, yae all 'eard the amphibian lass. Get'er move on. All'er you stayin' 'ere to do whatsit' stay outta trouble" Harkin answered as he called to Baharius and Nazza, who appeared to be staying behind more for their interest in the wildlife. Gallius sighed and grumbled when all of those who were originally interested in immediate treasure went off another way, having no interest in the creatures himself and much rather distracting himself with the shinies on the beach once more.
"I don't know why these things grow like this, but at least it's free loot" he hummed with a smile, taking his own delight in picking up the beached gems. The Captain was overseeing construction of a base-camp on the shore, of which he kept an eye on Nazza and Baharius to make sure their own business didn't stir up any trouble.

Develius Develius 1Lucker 1Lucker (and DarkKitsune DarkKitsune if Griffin is staying)
Those going on to follow the jungle path with Gunhild, Harkin and Sui would follow after the direction of the golem, leaving those who wished to not follow on the beach. The crystalline creature that took Nazza's attention curiously looked its direction as it sniffed and pushed its nose against his hand once he reached out to touch it, making soft inquisitive chirping-like sounds rather than something that would be expected to come from something of its size. When the man had suddenly hopped up onto it, its calm demeanour became rather uncomfortable as it began making small noises of complaint and shuffling around. It struggled to look at him on top of it as it began softly whining and making slightly more shaky movements overtime. Meanwhile, the Captain was watching this wondering why someone would decide to jump on the back of a wild animal that was clearly larger than them.

Baharius' own interest in the much smaller interest would prove with more immediate luck despite his appearance, the little species that were originally following Sar around had instead went to encircle and investigate the reptilian person as a collective group. Despite his potential intimidating appearance to them, they held no fear at all as they just waddled around and tapped at him with harmless intent. They didn't appear as if they could hurt a fly even if they wanted to, they were just tiny squishy little creatures that held the exact expression as if there wasn't a single thought behind their blank little eyes. One of them tried to stand on its hind legs as Baharius insisted he wasn't dangerous, the same one simply falling over backwards and just making a tiny squeak in the process as it got back up and went back to staring and prodding him. Baharius' attempts at smelling the creatures for a scent would be met quite easily with his own senses, but instead of something natural-seeming he would be hit with the blatant scent of what was akin to soap and washing liquids in a modern reality. Though, he would also come to pick up a strange smell along with it floating within the air. If given long enough, Nazza might have been able to notice it too. Something that smelled a bit like coal or gunpowder.

With said scent of gunpowder, some of the other creatures had visibly noticed it too, most of them looking like they were about to start moving away or were keeping their heads raised in attention. The creature Nazza had mounted, and the little dino-beans that Baharius were with both didn't pay any attention to this in any way, for they were much more busy with their interacting persons in specific.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense The Last Curse The Last Curse Gears Gears
Location: Entering the jungle, distant away from the shore now.

Gunhild was still being a smolhild, obviously, making her away alongside the group rather than being on the shoulder of her favourite rock for the moment. Despite the liveliness of the island's wildlife, there wasn't a whole lot of ambient noise going on. It was rather quiet. Colourful flowers and crystalline rocks decorated their path, of which they were following as Selani's hearing would give the proof that was needed they were quite behind but still on the trail of the golem construct they saw once before. The travelling group's party would for a while prove uninterrupted for the most part, for it appeared that a lot of the creatures like the larger kinds seen on the beach wouldn't bother making their ways through the cramped and close together trees like in their current area. They likely got onto the shore from another direction, or must have followed the entire path.

Sar's seeking of wild food ripe for the taking wouldn't go entirely unsuccessful, as eventually she would spot a rather bright and colourful pear-shaped fruit hanging from one of the trees. It was light-green in colour and looked very plump in size, although her desire for it probably wouldn't be satisfied so easily as eventually their calm trip was interrupted.
(Note: For this moment, it's treated as if it's a combat turn. Cooldowns + 1 Post Limit for this turn are in effect (for those present here))
Making its way out of some trees, the group would be graced with the presence of a suddenly appearing new species, which stared at them as if they were alien. Directly in front of the slimefolk's view, it had hopped upward and plucked the growing fruit from the tree as it held it in its mouth. Clearly staring right at her, it felt like it was directly mocking her as it huffed a wheezy laugh holding onto its own claim.
Those who kept an eye out for those around them, would notice that this was not a creature that roamed alone. There were noticeably six more in total other than the one in front, three lurking on both sides patiently at a distance watching. They were just under 6' in height too, so it wasn't a very comforting situation.
"This, might be troublesome, may I ask to take that you all may have this helpfully under control? Me and Harkin will be able to provide assistance where necessary, but I'd guess that this should be manageable" Sui asked, although none of the creatures had made a hostile attempt to strike back yet. Harkin shifted his gaze between them, his hand having slowly moved behind him to unsheath a weapon if it were necessary.
"They haven't moved yet, maybe they're just takin' a look" the dwarf quietly commented, looking to their group members unsure if one were to make a sudden attack. With this obstruction, it was obvious that the golem they were trailing wasn't going to be waiting for them, and the longer they took here they may lose their rocky target they were pursuing. Chances couldn't be took if they were hostile wild animals, but an answer to the situation to free themselves of it before things started taking too long were likely in need of answer.

Location: Somewhere else on the island.
NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
Briarhild hummed a quiet grumble, gently swaying her tail as she appeared satisfied with the name she had received in response.
"Nee-rammo. Neramo. You" she blankly stated as she voiced out his name, not thinking that he could possibly have any thoughts about the silly names she had called him.
"Ok, Neramo. Can come with Briarhild to Grey-one's tribe! Briarhild does not know way, Briarhild is just looking where Briarhild knows. Come, come, Neramo. Briarhild and Neramo go find Grey-ones" the girl answered, ushering him to follow as she began walking ahead in lead. She had went on ahead and walked him out of the ruin-like location he ended up in as they began following a path through the bright and colourful jungle they were found in, grumbling small hums to herself as she went along.

"So wheres Neramo from? Briarhild was just here and Neramo was not here before. Is Neramo a magical wizard? Neramo doesn't look like normal being, what is Neramo doing here? Has Neramo been losts here for a very long time?" Briarhild asked in curiosity as their trip would eventually lead them to a small fork where the path and road became more obscure. Taking them on a right, she awaited his pretty-girl words as the path they were taking appeared to be elevating and taking them up to higher ground.
"Briarhild think Grey-ones may be strong because they do weird magics and look weird. They see weird monsters around and think they will change themselves with weird magics. Briarhild not very trust, but they strong and brave like Briarhild".​
Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Librarian took note of everyone's gatherings before swiftly moving to stay somewhat nearby Teuihua and Gunhild. He felt safest with them, having spoken to them and trusting them more than others. Trust was a strange concept for Librarian, but he still felt it. "Yes, let us depart as soon as we have the chance to." Librarian had never been one for conversation before meeting this crew, so he wasn't sure if he should verbally communicate his agreement. Should he try speaking more? Less? No matter, conversation wasn't his main goal here; knowledge was. He walked with the group silently, not attempting to speak unless spoken to, but he still listened to Kota's questions to Teuihua.

- - - -

Upon seeing the flowers, Librarian felt the need to write about them, another strange feeling—an impulse. It was something he hadn't listened to before and probably wouldn't, as he was made for logic, not instinct. He quickly shifted his attention to the beast, his visual processors opening wide in surprise. He knew that the animal could tear him to shreds if it really wanted to, so he remained quiet and very, very cautious. Librarian then looked around, seeing the other beasts. He readied himself to flee or to attempt to fight back if it resulted in a battle, but the first option was much more likely. "I do not like this," he said to himself in a much quieter voice. He tried to think of possible ways to escape, looking around while attempting to seem calm and collected.

((Sorry about not replying!))

Selani's eyes were like searchlights as they darted about the jungle. For now, nothing seemed to be of immediate danger. If anything, this trek between the trees was quite peaceful: the din of her crewmates traveling along the path, the golem's footsteps growing ever fainter in the distance, and the distinct lack of noise outside the two. But that was what was concerning. Shouldn't there be something else causing a commotion in here? Were there no birds? No critters rustling amongst the leaves? What kind of jungle was dead quiet during daylight? "The ones just waitin' to kill ya..." Selani answered subconsciously, hands slowly gliding to her bow. As freaky as this place was, it sure as hell wouldn't get to her. Plenty of arrows to prove that. Plenty of good crewmates to prove that, too.

Yet Selani still jumped when several large creatures crept out of the brush. Muttering a curse under her breath, she almost drew her bow until she got a good look at them all, blood thumping in her ears. They looked similar to the animals on the beach but far meaner—and by how they looked at her, far more dangerous. Walking around them wouldn't be an option. "Sonuvabitch..." Selani muttered exasperatedly. The golem was only getting farther, and now they had to deal with this. What could get them out of this quickly?

With the thought swimming in her head, Selani looked behind her crew, her gaze falling onto Teuihua and Gunhild. She peered between them, and the creatures ahead before her eyes went wide with consideration. A little old Anuran probably didn't look like much to those creatures, but how would they react to two of the biggest members of the team? Selani bit her lip as she considered the possibilities. They could run away. They could get violent. But they'd have decent positioning regardless. And then all she'd have to do next was get somewhere unseen—somewhere comfortable. That sounded just alright.

So, Selani raised her palms in appeasement and took a few careful steps backward until she was close enough to be within earshot of Gunhild and Teuihua, "Teuihua, you should mosey on up to the front and try to scare em' away." She whispered before looking over to Gunhild, "Same with you, Gunhild. You get all big again, I'm sure that'll send em' with their tails tweenst' their legs." She kept moving backward, spotting Librarian in the corner of her eye. They looked just as on edge. "Go on and get yourself somewhere safe, now. I'll cover you," Selani said softly, readying her bow. "I'll be around." With that said, Selani quickly nodded to Kota, "You kitsune know how to fight, I'd reckon. Don't lemme tell you nothing—do what you gotta do."

Hopefully, with a reasonable distance from the front, Selani would use [Slippery Retreat - E] to duck behind anything that could hide her from view. She clutched onto an arrow cautiously as she awaited what happened next.
  • [Slippery Retreat] - Acrobatics F + Perception F + Jumping F + Energized E + Stealth + Water Speed F + Insight F - Selani attempts to evade an oncoming attack, before re-positioning herself in a target's blindspot - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"​

Mentions: Femboy Femboy DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense The Last Curse The Last Curse Gears Gears -Random_Person- -Random_Person-

Teuihua didn't appear to particularly mind Sar mentioning that golems could be annoying, what he was however hoping to do instead of having to destroy it was to learn from it if possible. Regardless Teuihua was pretty used to all sorts saying rather unsavory things about constructs in general so if anything harsher came into the conversation he probably wouldn't be all that bothered by it, if albeit saddened instead.

To Kota's question's Teuihua responded. "I am in service of Baronness Regula Caelia in the Caelia Barony of Ryke. I stumbled upon it by happenstance after waking up from many years of being in stasis. Gunhild is someone who came to the barony and who has spent time assisting Lady Caelia as well, since then we have worked together and I have found myself enjoying her company. As for what I do in the Barony, I take part in security for Lady Caelia, I also assist her and other people in her Barony here and there when deemed appropriate. The best way to describe the Barony is a series of dwellings, assets and people for which Lady Caelia is responsible for overseeing."

"As for why I assist Gunhild it is not only because of the friendship which we have developed but also because I wish to reciprocate the assistance and care she has shown myself and those I care about."

Teuihua spoke honestly on all the matters.

"I understand the skepticism which those you speak of hold, many find constructs problematic for one reason or another because they find them different and or have understandings of troubling pasts and experiences with them, constructs must be diverse and what some would consider strange, so hearing this does not surprise me. However I have also met many great people in my time who have been very kind to me despite our differences. My trust for Gunhild is mutual should she feel this way about me, it is very pleasing if so. I hope that with time organics and inorganics can come to understand that despite our many physical differences, there are elements which can be celebrated as well."

Teuihua now diligently followed the rest of the jungley area transversing group staying near Gunhild. being as vigilant as ever as a [Sentry] like him tended to be, despite any humorous interactions and or feel good things happening around him, he needed to ensure the safety of the traveling party as he had insisted on doing. While everything had seemed safe enough, suddenly it became a lot less safe with the more formidable creatures before them. With no one seeming to jump into combat immediately, and the beasts not engaging them immediately it gave some wiggle room for strategizing.

"I fully intend on protecting all of you." Teuihua spoke softly, calmly, and collectedly, perhaps his passive resilience to fear helping some with how matter of fact he was. He too knew that time was of the essence as the golem headed away but protecting the party was his first objective.

He gave a thumbs up gesture in Sui's direction at asking them to handle it. "If that is true then perhaps direct conflict can be avoided." he followed up softly to Harkin's words.

Upon hearing Selani's suggestion, Teuhua nodded. "I think this is a most appropriate action, Everyone please keep away at least more than (canon lore relevant measuring unit that translates to more than 5 ft) away from me, I am going to attempt to make them flee."

Teuihua then made his way over until he was 6 ft or so from the nearest creature or so and acted with a combination of Intimidation D + Electric Aura E, if successful in activation the blue electric aura would crackle around him up to 5 ft around as he'd stomp his pillar arm aggressively on the ground around "%LEAVE THE VICINITY IMMEDIATELY!%" He'd exclaim loudly in an aggressive loud analog sound picking the language because he figured it would be the most strange and concerning presuming the group of them were unfamiliar with it. Hopefully this would scare them away, and would deter them from attacking him or the others.


1. Move as many ft needed to be 6 ft away from nearest beastie
2. Intimidation D + Electric Aura E Ability (Grade D 2 post cooldown) to try to get the beasties to go away to clear the path for party.
INTERACTIONS: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gears Gears The Last Curse The Last Curse Develius Develius SixSense SixSense -Random_Person- -Random_Person- 1Lucker 1Lucker

  • another day another adventure
    Griffin had ultimately decided to go with Nazza, Baharius. They were a smaller group compared to Gunhild, Teuihua, Sar, Selani, Librarian and Kota being two on their own. He thought it was likely to keep them vulnerable. Griffin watched as the little lizard things waddled around Baharius. And his reaction to Nazza mounting the other creature.

    "Careful, the creatures may not be used to people..."

    To Griffin, it seemed surprisingly less violent and more uncomfortable, but then again, he knows little about animals, especially ones like these. Nazza seemed to know what he was doing to an extent when it came to the creatures, so he supposed he could only get involved if `the worse happened. Even still, this will seem remotely mundane compared to his past jobs. And on the beach nothing really seemed to be happening from what he could tell. He did keep his eyes open once noticing the reactions to something he couldn't detect that came from the other reptile, like creatures.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: The Last Curse The Last Curse Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Despite Teuihua not being made of flesh, his answer was still a heartfelt one. Kota simply folded his arms and nodded as he understood what the construct had been telling him.

“I see, thank you Mr.Teuihua” Kota replied, satisfied with his answer. The group would now be moving through the forest, giving the Kitsune a bit of time to digest the information fed to him. Whomever this Regula person is, she must be pretty interesting to earn Gunhilds and Teuihua’s loyalty. Even more so, Kota was pleased to hear that Teuihua and Gunhild seemed like great friends.

As the group moved further into the jungle, Kota would make sure to keep an eye out for the points of interest Gunhild mentioned before but didn’t find much success. However something was able to find the group, hastily they would be surrounded by some form of raptor. Immediately Kota raised his stance and opened his ears to cover his blind spots. Even though there were a lot of them, he doubted they’d try something with Teuihua towering over them. While they were stuck there the golem would only get further away.

Selani was quick to send out orders, a sharp Anuran for sure. Afterwards she'd disappear stating she’d be around in a mysterious way. Kota smirked as he went along with the plan. Teuihua would instruct the group to stand back as he walked forward to try and scare off the raptors. Hopefully that would do the trick and they can get back to tracking the golem. He would wince a bit at the construct shouting considering his ears were a tad bit sensitive when it came to sound. Other than some light ringing he would be fine.

If that didn’t work Kota was prepared to send the raptors packing.

  1. Attack closest raptor within range
(Fox fist fighting style F, Penetrating F) post cooldown 0
Neramo Omnipotenti Malus
"I've been waiting on another island for a while. My younger brother sent me here with an artifact he'd be experimenting with recently." He said, before sighing as he decided to dumb it down for her to understand. "Big old shiny metal, smaller Neramo poke, Me Neramo sent here." He said with a sigh, before shrugging his shoulders a moment. "I would consider myself something of a magical savant yes." He said, humming as he looked over Briarhild as she walked ahead of him, trying to decide if he liked what he saw or not.

"If you've never met these 'Grey-Tribe' Before, how do you know it's safe to go meet them?" He asked, wanting to hear from her mouth why it was a good idea, when everywhere else her intelligence had been... lacking to say the least. He wanted to make strong allies yes, but that might not be what happens here if she came here on a whim without any understanding of who they were talking about.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune The Last Curse The Last Curse SixSense SixSense -Random_Person- -Random_Person- Gears Gears
(REMINDER: Previous cooldowns should still be in effect)
Gunhild had listened to Teuihua's and Kota's conversation about the big construct's background, hearing his kind words about the recent times he had spent in Gunhild's company as she quietly snuffed to herself. She mumbled quietly about it before addressing her attention to the potential hostile threats.
"Hmph. Favourite rock... " she grumbled softly, staying on edge for the fact that those beasts which had surrounded them could prove danger to the entire party at any given moment if they were to attack. Gunhild for the moment didn't pay too much mind to the concept of defensive positioning, looking between them as eventually she watched Selani slowly back towards her and the large construct to give her own concocted orders to them.

Sui and Harkin remained quiet and steady, the dwarf shifting his grasp to take hold of a crossbow he had brought with him as the elf took a retracted position back near to Librarian to remain behind those who would have a better chance at handling conflict.
"This is sometimes the experience you must bare in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery... " Sui mumbled to Librarian, since such situations weren't very comfortable for those who couldn't safely defend themselves from the things they encountered. She wasn't overly unprepared for such instances, but she chose to reserve her magic when she found it was capable of, saving herself for supportive casts to help those who could actually stand their ground much better.

Gunhild silently listened to the plan Selani suggested as she looked to Teuihua for confirmation, seeing that he agreed to it being a good idea yet letting him take forth in order to stay out of the way for whatever it was he was gonna do. Meanwhile, Gunhil reverted back to her normal height and form which evidently wasn't something the wild creatures were expecting considering their quick gaze to the size-shifting being. Their focus on her was soon enough distracted back to the large construct however with his ability which quite frankly I didn't know that the measurement of 'ft' may or may not be canon to the Isekai Hell universe until it was suggested, but anyway with the construct's display of lightningy-sparkiness and loudness all attention was diverted onto him. And a millisecond after, the beasts' wanted their attention to be off of him from the sudden strange encounter they had discovered in him. Not immediately moving away, they hissed and made soft calls in response as they had backed off in which gave them room and at least the ability to move on for a moment. Their presence however remained, as some of them visibly sniffed at something in the air but for the moment kept their distance.

Kota was prepared to defend himself if one was to target him, luckily none had made the attempt yet. One of the raptor creatures had kept an eye on him however, although was warded back from the two larger members in the group as well as it seeming to notice his defensiveness and judging that striking at the very moment was not worth it.
"We might be able to scoot on by, but I don't know if it'll be the best idea if they follow, they ain't goin' anywhere... " Harkin quietly mentioned as he held his crossbow at the ready in defensiveness also. They had granted themself space and passage to follow on after the construct, yet the electrifying display of Teuihua and the existence of a Gunhild seemed not enough to make them give up so simply. That was until a noticeable rustle in the density of the jungle would allow all party members and wild beasts to be alerted to the presence of another approaching creature. Even though no combat had even ensued, Sui quietly contemplated if their mass presence or Teuihua's power had alerted something else.

Meanwhile, Selani's little escape into the shrubbery and behind rock cover went unnoticed by the creatures. The rest of the party members present were apparently a lot more appealing and distracting than the Anuran who had retreated to a safe position. Though from where she was, she would notice a few beady gems wet and slightly slimy, yet bright with a shiny red coloration lying in the dirt from where she was. It was very noticeably akin to the crystalline growths found on the beasts that had interrupted the group's travel, along with noticeable faint footprints embedded in the floor that looked like it would come from them. Alongside these clues, the Anuran may have proven to had bigger difficulties as her position would make her present closest to the rustling foliage approaching their location and the first to notice. The bad news was what eventually arrived to the scene was not a pretty sight at all and was right next to her. The good news was, at least from deduction, it didn't appear to even care or notice she was there.
The large monster had an extremely unnatural appearance with an upper body of some reptilian beast and a lower half of a giant arachnid, pushed forward also by two powerful hind legs. It had walked so close to Selani that its lower spider-half could very easily make contact if it took a step or two forward, but she would be able to notice that its attention was focused primarily on the other wild creatures present, but would take notice of the party soon enough.

It would eventually reveal itself from the density of the jungle, sending even further intimidation on the beasts as they diverted all attention and howled cries of aggression defensively within the monster's direction. Harkin and Sui were both a bit speechless at the sudden creature, thinking it appeared nothing like the other things they had seen and wondering how deep the rabbithole went.

During this, Kota would be able to sense a strange presence of spirits emanating from the beast as if it came from its core or inside of it. Then, with his enhanced hearing compared to the rest of the party, he would be able to notably hear a voice requesting help come from it. Selani, considering she was either under, adjacent or directly behind the monster at this point, would also be able to hear it very clearly if a little worse.
"H-hello? I hear weird noises outside and this is proving to be a little more troublesome than last time. Can I please have help being freed if someone's there? Hellooo? It's not very nice in here! I-I can help you, if you help me, right?" they had asked. The monster had paid no mind to the voice emanating from it as if it didn't exist, nor did it even flinch or react to the large amount of sounds being made by the red raptor beasts in any way.

"This, seems a little worse than before now... " Sui muttered under her breath, looking to Librarian.
"I suspect this may be your first time? It's nicer to get used to it early, I suppose. It's usually the afterwards that makes it worth it... " the elf girl commented about the predicament the group was in. At least the raptors weren't as much of a problem, but the large monster could prove troublesome. Along with that, the construct could be any much distant the longer they stuck around. Ditching the situation now that their path was clear was a potential option, though Selani was comfortably planted on the opposite side of the monster.

It wasn't entirely clear where they came from, but there were a few noticeable beady red gems around the area of the party now too, the same as the one Selani would find earlier as they were also soggy yet brightly colored. They appeared to just be present and noticeable glistening in small amounts around the path when the monster had revealed its presence.


DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Develius Develius 1Lucker 1Lucker

The Captain took eye over the camp that was coming along, it had gotten pretty set up with everything necessary in such a short time that he was quite impressed himself at how much it had come along. Looking over to watch what was happening with the three that stayed behind, he shook his head at least at the things Nazza was getting up to as it appeared like they were very much interested in the wildlife. Noticing that Griffin had stayed behind rather than going with the collective group, he thought upon something else for a moment before the sight of something having entered onto the beach caught his attention. Immediately about to call for danger, it appeared as if the creature was rather slow and nonchalant within its behaviour as it only came to drink of the ocean water.
"You all, keep your distance from the big beast. You three out there, make sure not to muck around. Wild beasts can be unpredictable and cunning... " the Captain called to the crewmembers working on and within the camp, also announcing it to Nazza, Baharius and Griffin who were further up to the beach and closer to it. The creature was quite big and looked heavily armoured, but it was in no interest to even look their way and moved very slow. From the aroma that was in the air, it was indeed the creature letting off the burnt and smoky scent that was now very noticeable to everyone on the beach. It wasn't intoxicating or anything, just very noticeable. What took the Captain's interest though was that there was a figure who took residence upon the back of the beast having sat on it the way onto the beach. They had noticed the boat and stood up, their voice would be audibly heard.

"Oh my gosh! A boat! People! Mr. Bulwark, you're so good at finding things! LOOOOOK, Mr. Bulwark, people!" they had announced with loud cheeriness as they pointed towards the group of three adventurers hanging around the dinosaur-esque life. The person slid off the back of the dark-scaled monster and was very brightly noticeable.
"Hellooo, other people! Wow it's been long since I've seen a lot of new people, it's usually kind of moody and stuff despite how colorful it is here- WOW, A KITTY-BIRD!" the kitsune had marvelled as they noticed Griffin, rushing over to him in almost no time at all as they visibly adored his wings and tail.
"You're like some kinda gryphon or something! You can probably fly with those big ol' wings! It'd be really cool if I could fly... who are your friends? Did you all come on a big boat? It's been foreveeeer, I was gonna very quickly think nobody was ever gonna show up and find us!! I really like this island, it's very pretty, but it's dangerous and there's only so long I can spend here being bored because Mama doesn't want me to go anywhere on it dangerous. So I stay in safe places or hang out with Mr. Bulwark or Briarhild all day. But Briarhild left on her own adventure and I'm not allowed to go look for her!" the kitsune rambled on without taking a single breath, speaking about their entire time through great overshared exposition as she gasped suddenly before looking.

"Ooh! What are your names, how did you find where we were? I'm Chiyoko, I appeared here a while ago with my Mama and my bestest friend Briarhild but my bestie is gone elsewhere and my Mama is doing important stuffs and looking for my bestie so I'm just here hanging with Mr. Bulwark!" she said with a big grin as she gestured to the large creature, which looked like it hadn't even acknowledged her existence once in its entire lifetime.


NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
"Another island? Hm, there is more islands. Briarhild thoughts so! Would make a sense amount of none if no more land than this land, Briarhild knows that. Neramo must be smart and strong to get heres, Briarhild think nobody else get to this island except some, and Briarhild is one of them. Is big deal for us, means we are bestest and strongest" Briarhild said with a smug expression, not taking any notice of Neramo's own silent judgement as she lead them along.

Briarhild looked to him when he questioned her idea on why it was good in the first place, thinking for a moment before grunting softly and shaking her head.
"Nono, Briarhild not meet Grey-Tribe yet, Briarhild meet one of Grey-Tribe though, Briarhild has watched and seen Grey-Tribe from far! Briarhild meet one of Grey-Tribe in jungle once and they say Briarhild very strong and cool, interesting and bestest beast Grey-Tribe has seen! Grey-Tribe would value Briarhild. Come, strong-friend Neramo, Neramo and Briarhild are close!" Briarhild answered, even though what she said may have not answered much at all. Taking a slow, they would be to at least a destination sooner than expected as they reached what appeared to be a circular stone doorway embedded in a rocky cliffside wall. The door was shut, and someone was sitting outside of it who took notice of their approach.
A man with a strange staff-like creation/weapon which didn't visibly look like it made any sense was crouched and hunched over at the door until he had noticed them, standing up straight with the thing propped on his shoulders. He, as Briarhild's description gave, was very pale-gray in skin colour and clad in ominous garb and colours, not appearing like a normal person whatsoever as he took intrigue in looking over the two.
"Halt, you two interlopers. I have heard vague word of you... " he spoke as he first looked to Briarhild, before looking to Neramo.
"But I have heard no such thing of you, would've remembered your description. Do tell, for why have you come out of the shadows now all of a sudden?" he asked. Briarhild immediately answered her own point.
"Briarhild come to see Grey-Tribe, Briarhild think they maybe strong like Briarhild! Better friends than soft-ones!" she answered proudly, earning his curiosity.
"Hmm, you'd make a rather interesting one to be among. Perhaps your talents or composition could prove rather interesting... what about you, other one? For what brings you here? The Bloodcast Tribe may find use of an outsider's cooperation if you can prove your interest. We are all but willing with open arms a lot of the time, we don't get to meet many outsiders" he answered, putting weird emphasises and acting weirdly strange and creepy.
"Don't be hesitant if my questioning bugs you, just answer anything you wish honestly, we mean you no ill intent or harm at all, you both arriving so suddenly, like an unexpected gift from the gods, is so interesting to see. Ask away if you will, I am your friend for the moment, while we are on good first terms... " he added, standing in front of the closed doorway.​

Enamored by their cute and dorky antics, Baharius continued to dottle over them; grumbling happily as he petted and played with them. There was a moment prior where he believed looks would be deceiving, as if these cute and harmless little creatures would immediately come out as vicious bloodthirsty monsters when he least expected it. They certainly had the power to lower your guard given how adorable they looked. Call it a hunch, or just overly cautious. So he was more relieved that this didn't appear to be the case at all. He laughed as they did their little antics, his whole attention being driven on their well-beings for this particular moment in time. Nearly forgot about the expedition too...

There was one little oddity that he noticed however. The little creatures' scent was not quite what he expected. It smelled... clean. Clean not like they didn't smell or lacked any scent to them, but it reminded him of soap. Dish washing liquid even. This was a bit odd, given it wasn't a smell you wouldn't find in nature - at least from his experience - but the creatures fit the part. Then there was another smell directly on the opposite side of the spectrum. A burning smell. Something like coal or gunpowder. Baharius' nostrils flared upon noticing this shift, raising his head up in alert. He issued a grumbly, croc-like noise, as if to demonstrate said call of alert to the other creatures; if they could determine his intent in the first place. He was ready to protect them, or usher them to hide.

The Captain would also warn about the approach of a creature, with a warning about how unpredictable wildlife can be.

And in the distance the saurian would see the culprit; a hulking armored lizard, heavily resembling an ankylosaurian mixed with theropod and Permian-era fauna. Baharius could practically smell its smoky aroma just by looking at it. Perhaps it was a beast coming down from a mountain or volcanic environment... but why would it just suddenly pop up here? Was it after the young creatures? However, the creature appeared much too slow to be a pursuit predator and judging by its demeanor it wasn't here to eat (at least not to eat meat). And it wasn't alone...

A cheerful call came from the kitsune lady atop it, welcoming the folks onto the island.

Baharius took a moment to interpret his situation, looking back at the playful creatures behind him. If that woman was a native... perhaps she might tell him what these creatures are? Leaning down, the saurian gingerly grasps one of the tiny creatures and plops it on his shoulder. He then barked at the squad, cocking his head for the rest to follow. Whether or not they followed wouldn't truly matter, but alas he'd make his way towards the captain and the others. As he'd approached, he's just overhear the kitsune referring to herself as Chiyoko, introducing when she got here, and that the armored tank she rode was named "Mr. Bulwark".

"A fitting name for such a beast." Baharius announced as he stomped forth with his little "entourage", "Name's Baharius. And as you can probably see... I've ran into these cute critters following after me. Smell of soap, oddly. You seem acquainted with the wildlife here; do you know what these things are?" He motions to the creature on his shoulder, as well as the creatures that he believed had been trailing him.
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Sar had already been planning to charge the creatures for the stolen fruit, but the big gross spider thing looked much more appealing. Sar suddenly broke off from the team, slowly growing until she was double her original size.

The Axe now fit perfectly in her hands, allowing her to better maneuver the weapon as she charged the monster, preparing to swing her axe at one of the creepy spider legs.
INTERACTIONS: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gears Gears The Last Curse The Last Curse Develius Develius SixSense SixSense -Random_Person- -Random_Person- 1Lucker 1Lucker

  • another day another adventure
    When Griffin first saw the giant beast, his first reaction was to shoot it. Luckily, the crew's captain had interrupted that line of thought, so even if Griffin had managed to shoot the arrow he was preparing, his aim would have been particularly poor. He couldn't imagine what it could be, but it did remind him in a strange way of a giant armadillo. That was likely just him though, and the smell of this thing made his nose twitch. The creature also seemed to have company, very excitable company. If she really was a native, it was good to know this island had inhabitants even if he had to endure a painfully long tangent. It was weird to be gushed over...he didn't like it all that much and just stood there idle trying to keep up with how fast the fox girl was talking. After she finished, Griffin answered.

    "My name's Griffin, that's Nazza and the captain."

    He said, gesturing towards the other two.

    "We have more members of our crew, but they are investigating another area of the island. We came here on an expedition of sorts. Nice to meet you Chiyoko and Mr. Bulwark."

    He began to worry more about the crew. If the island was that dangerous, he had hoped theyhadn't come across the danger already.

    "Do you mind if you share what kind of dangers there are on this island?"

    Better to have an idea of what to expect, then nothing.


Selani cautiously peeked over the rock she'd taken behind. Back towards the main group, she saw them spread out into tight formation, a buzz of pride tickling her as Teuihua, Kota, and Gunhild moved forward, attempting to scare the creatures off. She winced at the volume of the golem's voice, but an impressed smirk eventually pushed through onto her face, "Yeah, you tell 'em'" Selani thought giddily as she looked back to the crystalline interlopers. They'd got the message alright, though they weren't quite as skittish as previously thought. Another one of those displays could send them packing. Or tick them off more. She'd have to be ready for whatever.

Just as Selani would attempt to nock an arrow, she noticed something sparkling within the peripheries of her vision. More of those small, strangely moist gems—not unlike the ones on the beach. She glowered at them irritably. Bad enough that they had to appear when she was trying to focus, but why were they wet? The animals here were already peculiar enough, but now the 'treasure' was weird, too. Intrigued, Selani let her gaze follow the gems, the prints in the dirt, and finally back to the creatures ahead. "Did y'all make these?" She shook her head in slight disgust, "Just what the hell are-"

Before she could finish the thought, her brain scooted to a stop as a rustling sounded right beside her. Instinctively, Selani's head snapped to the sound, and her heart lurched as soon as she saw it. She had to cup a hand over her mouth to keep an astonished gasp from sprinting out.

That thing was so close that she could've easily reached out and touched it. But that dreadful realization, sending a chill down Selani's spine, was only one of her many problems. Listening closely, she could vividly hear a voice pleading from within the creature, as if someone were trapped inside. Her eyes widened, and Selani grimaced from behind her hand. Or, it could've been something much worse. It could've been like those monsters in the See that stole voices and wielded them just as lethally as their thin, raking claws. With only one swipe, they could...

Selani hitched a breath, gulping down the lump in her throat, "Keep yourself together, now. Think it through. What're your options?" Her eyes darted between her bow and the monster. It seemed she wasn't in its sights—yet. She could probably still sneak away! But what then? Maybe she could draw its attention away, put it somewhere her crewmates could come and attack it. Maybe they could make quick work of it then. All she would need is an opportunity.

And Sar's rush into battle was a perfect one. "Thank goodness," Selani whispered delightedly. Rolling away with [Slippery Retreat-E] as soon as the slime-folk drew near, she positioned herself back on the open trail. Holding her breath, she quickly plucked an arrow from her quiver, nocking it into her bow and aiming at her target. "Over here!" Selani called out to the monster before releasing [Hush - F] straight towards its face.

As she quickly reached for another arrow, she couldn't fight the urge to keep quiet. "You hear all that? Someone's talkin' from inside that thing! Sayin' they're needing our help!" A dry, half-humorous chuckle escaped her, "Yeah, sounds like a load of bullshit to me!"
  • [Slippery Retreat] - Acrobatics F + Perception F + Jumping F + Energized E + Stealth + Water Speed F + Insight F - Selani attempts to evade an oncoming attack, before re-positioning herself in a target's blindspot - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Hush] - Feature [Dark vision] + Stealth F + Fighting Style F [Dead Eye] + Energized F + Steady Hands F + Concealment + Acrobatics F- Selani quickly wields her bow, covertly shooting an arrow at a target - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"

Mention: Femboy Femboy Gears Gears SixSense SixSense The Last Curse The Last Curse

Teuihua gave a nod of acknowledgement to Kota.
Gunhild’s comment was not lost on Teuihua nor was the size change of Gunhild. Unfortunately when all was said and done Teuihua’s efforts hadn’t exactly had the effect to the extent to which he was hoping for. He had really been wanting the beasts to go away, instead it looked like he had managed to surprise them, at the very least they had backed off slightly which as Harkin mentioned mean they might be able to slip by, but there was still the chance of having to engage in combat with the creatures, which if it came down to it Teuihua was not opposed to doing when all was said and done.

However their response afterward, it almost looked like they were assessing something which piqued Teuihua’s interest as well.

Teuihua was immediately alerted when the large monster made its presence known. It was a most disturbing creature, thankfully with Teuihua’s [Fear Resilience] he likely wasn’t phased by its size and most unusual appearance, instead he was focused on protecting those nearby,

What the golem especially was uncertain about now was if the voice coming from the creature was genuine or not, that could have possibly been a trick to lower one’s guard, but if it was genuine then they needed to get whatever was in there out of it. Seeing others spring into action Between Sar, and Selani’s arrow Teuihua decided he would partake. Had he known a larger threat was going to make it’s presence known he might have picked a different series of abilities before it came.

As a result of this cry for help he opted not to use his electric aura on it for concern of harming whoever might have been inside, even with Selani’s doubt thrown into the mix he couldn’t be too careful. Teuihua then announced, “Engaging hostile.” While he lumbered his way over quickly toward the monster and he slammed it with a basic strike using his Natural Weapon D more dexterious arm slugging it in the side of the head if possible, before he spun his pillar arm back and tried to smash into it with Knockback E at a trajectory in hopes to avoid hurting any of his allies.

  1. Move as many ft needed to get within 5ft striking range of larger monster.
  2. Basic strike to try to slug it in the head using natural weapon D
  3. Use Knockback E as an ability to try to strike a monster at a trajectory in hopes to avoid hurting any of his allies and if possible knock it back.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: The Last Curse The Last Curse TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gears Gears Femboy Femboy

A slight feeling of relief washed over Kota once he saw the small monster's backup a bit. His mind was still set on the golem that had been getting away so he wasn’t too interested in these small fry. Though they didn’t choose to challenge the group, their behavior reminded the beast of an opportunist. He was perhaps waiting for the group to be weakened to strike and try to pick them off. Harkin would seem to be sharing a similar thought, voicing his concerns.

“I agree, they don’t seem to be afraid of conflict. They’re analyzing us closely which shows a level of intelligence. Even with Gunhild and Teuihua towering the pack and making noise they weren’t even skittish. ” Kota held his stance firmly, ensuring the creatures knew he wasn’t scared to brawl.

“Hm?” The beast would sense a sound approaching them from another direction thanks to his [Heightened senses]. The cadence of footsteps he heard was different from the smaller monsters they were face to face with currently. As the creature came closer the hairs on the Kitsune’s tail would begin to stand up, alerting him to a supernatural presence. Once the creature was in view Kota would glance at the abomination in front of him. Its reptilian upper half and spider-like lower torso were hard to look at. However, what surprised him the most would be the voice emanating from the beast's core which sounded like someone crying for help.

Kota’s first thought was that it was a trap, spirits are smart and have a plethora of ways to lure in and lower the guards of its targets. Thankfully Selani confirmed he wasn’t the only one who heard a voice.

“That monster is different from others, I sense a supernatural energy coming from its core. Perhaps we should aim our strikes for it.”

Just maybe, maybe the Crystal was the Achilles heel. A well placed strike could be enough to do some serious damage. Kota would let the others deliver their blows first, figuring it would be harder to anticipate his move if it’s too busy getting its ass handed to itself.

Sar was the first to engage the creature, as she prepared a mighty swing to cut down the creature's leg. Selani would follow up with some arrow fire while also advertising her location for the monster to follow. As Teuihua began to mobilize, Kota would follow up behind him waiting for the construct to create an opening for him to get a shot at the monster's core.

1.Wait for the others to attack first
2.Follow up with Teuihua to get in range
3. Use [Fox fist F Martial skill](Natural Weapons F)(Penetrating F)(Vorpal F)(cooldown 0) to deliver a punch and attempt to break the monster's core.

Interactions: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Librarian flinched at Teuihua’s intimidation, not expecting such a display but not surprised that Teuihua could be as intimidating as he was. Librarian watched in awe at the lightning emanating from him. He then gave a silent nod, not looking away from the beasts and Teuihua. Some steam escaped him in a sigh. "Unfortunately, you are correct. All journeys have risks. That is what makes the rewards worth it," Librarian said, shaking his head to express his dissatisfaction with this truth in life. He focused on the beasts, amazed that they were not easily scared off as the construct thought.

- - - -

Librarian almost jumped as he saw the arachnid beast, cursing it as he calmed down enough to assess the situation. Understanding that he wasn’t the best fighter, he kept a safe distance but tried to imagine ways he could assist his comrades—whether by finding weak points, seeking something to help them, or fighting alongside them. Librarian loathed being useless. “Dammit… what to do…” he thought as he retrieved his Sword-staff (Pole-arm F). While he didn’t hear any voices, he wouldn’t have cared even if he did. He sighed, “I have this for a reason; I should at least try to use it,” and ran up to the monster, attempting to attack it. Librarian didn’t possess the same expertise as the others, but he knew he had to attack the creature. He made sure to keep a retreat option open if he found it too dangerous.


- Get close to Crystal Arachnid-beast

- Attack with Polearm F
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TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune The Last Curse The Last Curse -Random_Person- -Random_Person- Gears Gears
As the monster had lifted itself high to give it the intimidating factor of height, Sar's expansion of slimy size wouldn't make it even flinch or consider that there could be three of such size within the group, it lurching forward and skittering forth before the slimefolk's axe swing had struck directly one of its legs and slightly clipped another. The weight of the axe cracked into the stony composition of the creature as it was staggered off its balance. Despite having so many legs, the weight of the upper body it lifted clearly made it difficult to stand from the hit as it fell lower to the ground using its arms to start trying to push itself up. After the impact of the strike, the size Sar had used her elasticity had rebounded back to her original size. From the hit, its own cry was a soft and strained wheezy hiss as it attempted to make any noise in respite in general. It clearly didn't possess any real vocal cords or anything akin to it to do so. The additional support from Librarian attacking with his own Sword-staff assisted with budging its legs even if only by a little to support striking at the damaged and bashed legs of the monster.

Selani's repositioning went well as she was back on the open trail where she aimed to be, luckily none of the other beasts present had opted to target her or any of the other party members for the moment as said conflict ensued. Her aim was well and hit its mark directly into the face of the monster, striking deeper than likely expected and embedding itself within the side of its face. It swiped one of the claws and snapped off a majority of the arrow with ease to clear its maw, visibly more agitated than ever as it hastily tried to push itself back onto its feet with its one shaky leg from Sar's swing in order to attack the group. It didn't even opt to pay much attention to the voice and targetting of Selani as it heeded her existence no mind, more allured by the presence of those in front of it.

Before Teuihua would swing, the creature would visibly decide on him to be the first target of its own anger, forcing itself on its feet for a moment to lurch and lunge forward at the large construct in order to attempt to swipe its claws his way only for its accuracy to be sorely impended from the large competition simply clobbering it in response. Its' flailing claws barely landed attempted scrapes and swipes at him but nothing to really leave much of a mark. The monster was half-collapsed on the floor as it had to put the strength of its upper-half into lifting its spindly lower half with its arm strength, of which put it at a weak point for Teuihua's knockback to effectively shove it over backwards as it flipped onto its own back, spider legs flailing and skittering in panic and all. The construct would likely find that the monster felt lighter than it looked especially with how easy it pushed over. It hadn't moved all that far away having fell to the ground rather fast and ran against it, but it was clearly more than simply offbalanced now as it flailed its arms around trying to grab for ground in order to steady itself and find its footing.

From the current impacted display, the red raptor-like beasts had backed up and chosen that the party they were initially encountered with wasn't worth it after grounding the monster, calling between eachother as they backed out and scattered off into the foliage of the jungle before the monster ended up going for them instead.
Kota's striking after Teuihua would follow up with an attack which would aim for the internals of the monster, which with its vulnerable state would find itself landing safe enough despite the wild out-of-control flailing of the monster, that would notably hit a target. After a brief moment, the voice would speak again.
"H-hey, I don't know what you think you're doing, but I asked you to free me from this thing, not make my situation worse! H-hey, what're you all doing? Stop that-" the voice answered in complaint, after Kota's strike it would become noticable that the purple crystals on the creature began glowing with a more vibrant colour in which the monster only grew more maddened. It would hurry back onto its feet as cracks would start beginning to appear all over the creature, a faint magical glow within their seams as it appeared for hurried than before. As it rose back upright managing to keep its balance and stance, it used its additional armpower to rush at the group in front of it. Teuihua, Librarian and Kota would appear to be the closest to it as it came forth with an open maw, the creature having been obstructed and grabbed at its upper arms by Gunhild to keep it from attacking the present smols which would only get her own arms clawed at in the process.

Gunhild, Fetch - Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (E), Superstrength (E), Large (E), Grappler (F) (Tail Superiority (F) and Prehensile Tail also appliable if using tail) - Gunhild grabs and restrains a target using any natural weapon (hands, mouth, tail ect.) in order to keep them retrained and at Gunhild's will or to continue striking them while they are restrained - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown - Takes Two Actions

Gunhild having kept the creature back for the moment, where her grasp tightened on the monster had its cracks grown visibly wider and more vibrant with a magic underlying energy. With a weird sensation emitting from it, Gunhild grumbled softly.
"Gunhild think the rock-beast broke. Gunhild not know what light-rock-beast-light in rock-beast. Is like party-candymal doll" Gunhild spoke. The voice from the monster's inside added onto it.
"I-I don't think agitating spirits was a good idea, you might want to keep yourself safe or break me out before something bad happens... y-you're not trying to kill me, r-right?" the voice added with a panicked tone aloud.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Develius Develius 1Lucker 1Lucker
Chiyoko simply stood with a blank mindless smile as her tails gently flowed about in movement, listening to Baharius' introduction as she hummed gleefully and nodded
"Nice to meet you Mr. Baharius lizardman sir, you look like the creatures around here, are you sure you're not from here?" the fox asked as she looked at him with a suspicious glare as if trying to stare deep into his soul in order to discern if he could potentially be an inhabitant pretending to be one of the boat-comers just to sneak off the island and secretly integrate into mainland society. Humming with a small smirk, she shook her head and muttered a nahhh. Looking to the cute little bean-dinos that he had as followers, she giggled and quietly clapped her hands as she picked up one of those off the floor.

"Ooh, I've seen little guys like this! Not like these ones, a lot of the thingies here don't usually come the same. It's weird, Mama says they're physical elly-mentals or something but I don't get it. I think they're supposed to be made of water spirits or something so they smell like that, Mr. Bulwark is made of lots of fire and rock and stinky spirit-elemental thingies so he smells like that. I dunno, maybe you'd have to ask my Mama, she knows a lot about it. I just think the place is very pretty and stuff... " she answered with a smile as she gently held one of the little soapy-saurs in her grasp.
"She doesn't want me to keep one as a pet because she says that I'll get attached to it and they're terrifying predators who prey on appreciation for how cute they are or something. I dunno, I just think they're squishy and adorable~!" she gleamed as she held it into her hands like that one scene from the Lion King where Simba is held up on the rock you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Turning to Griffin, she gave a joyful small wave.
"Hello Mr. Griffin and Nazza and Captain~! Oh, this island? Riight, there's a lot of weird stuffs and all that around and a bunch of weird people who do funny songs and dances in caves and do creepy blood magic and the creatures around feed on each other's energy or something, my Mama is doing all the work to putting together how everything works so she hasn't fully had the time to explain it yet, she just asks me to stay out of danger because there's some shifty people or dangerous things on the island. I'm not sure if it's all that safe for your friends to go off exploring the island but maybe they're safe enough to take care of themselves. Maybe we can catch up to them if you're not too busy standing around, I'm sure Mama wouldn't be too mad if I went around looking for her, after all it's probably safer with her than talking to a bunch of armed strangers who suddenly showed up on a boat. Mr. Bulwark probably won't follow me though, he tends to do his own thing... " Chiyoko rambled as she looked to the big behemoth who nonchalantly stood around looking everywhere else but the direction of the kitsune.

"I'm sure you don't want to be out and about in the jungles when it goes dark, I dunno why it just doesn't seem like a good idea. It's usually ike common sense that night time is the bad time in survival situations, at least that's what I feel like".​
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Baharius shook his head at Chiyoki's assumption, "Nay." he stated bluntly, "Part of the expedition group like the others." Though of course she wouldn't blame her for thinking that. And frankly, depending on what he'd see next, he probably wouldn't mind living here. Still, no doubt looks would be deceiving; for they hardly even scratched the surface of this place yet. What other horrors and threats that remain are yet to be seen.

When the girl explained what these creatures were, the Saurian's eyes perked up in recognition. "Elementals, you say?" the beast boomed, before looking at the creature she held up. "Hm... That explains the smell." A combination of fae and unusual biology. Perhaps that makes sense. It also explains Mr. Bulwark's fiery aspect, although a bio-volcanic entity itself wasn't necessarily far off. But who did she mean by mama? Who was her 'mother'? He was about to ask until...


Her second statement threw Baharius' suspicions into a loop. The Saurian's expression turned to terror as he took another look at the adorable creature in front of him. "They're WHAT now-?" Oh, he KNEW IT! He knew that they looked too good to be true. Or... or was she joking? Chiyoki was joking right? Grabbing the "soap-o-saur" on his shoulder, he carefully placed it back on the ground; his mind now tainted with conflicting information. Now he couldn't trust the cute soap-o-saurs. Even if it wasn't true, he wasn't going to risk it.

The girl's casual mentions of "weird people" who do "creepy blood magic" alongside the presence "energy-sucking" creatures being on this island only confirmed his suspicions. So too was how they shouldn't be out in the jungle at night. It was common sense, sure, but something about her tone or the way she said it felt more ominous. Clearly this island wasn't what it seemed. Something sinister is lurking within and they were heading BLINDLY into it. "This 'mama' of yours," Baharius asked Chiyoki curiously, "Who is she?"
INTERACTIONS: Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gears Gears The Last Curse The Last Curse Develius Develius SixSense SixSense -Random_Person- -Random_Person- 1Lucker 1Lucker

  • ——

    When Chiyoki explained how the little lizard elementals that prey on those that think they are cute. Which they are, but not anything worth dying over, Griffin didn’t think. So he would attempt to grab the little water dinosaur thing saying.

    “Then let’s not hold the little creatures. They sound dangerous.”

    And when she went into detail about the other dangers like the weird people who do blood magic and creatures that feed i\on the energy of other living creatures, sent alarm bells into Griffin’s mind. It also began to race as he exhaustedly thought ‘are you fucking kidding me’. He was now thrown into a crisis. Was splitting up with the others a good idea? Would it be wise to chase after them now or was it to late? Would it be better to stay with the group that still seemed the most vulnerable? Now he felt like his soul was going through a mental malfunction of some kind. Then he remembered he really had no method of tracking anything yet.


Despite the frantic thoughts racing in her head, Selani still furrowed her brows at the sight of her arrow piercing much deeper than anticipated. Strange, for something that large and imposing, it was awfully squishy. Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around? Selani shelved the observation, prepping another arrow to let fly, but something still itched in the back of her mind. When Sar had struck out at it, the damn thing made a noise as if it was trying to sound hurt. That voice definitely would have felt it; anything living that took an axe to the leg would've been caterwauling way more than that. Unless it couldn't feel pain? Or maybe the two were detached in some way?

Selani's ruminations stopped as the beast resumed its assault, only to be foiled by Teuihua's and Kota's combined might. Snapping back to reality, Selani drew another breath and pulled back her bowstring. Again, someone's voice echoed from within the creature, causing Selani to ease the draw on her arrow, a mix of concern and frustration etching onto her face. Now, this was starting to feel wrong. Whatever—or whoever—was inside that thing was pleading for them to stop while it was actively trying to kill them? As if it couldn't stop by itself? Selani scoffed at the thought, but it rebounded much more vividly. Now that she thought about it, this thing attacked clumsily, flailing around as if it didn't know its strengths. Like its body was new. Perhaps it could've been another dumb monster throwing its bulk around to fight. Or it could've been something way different.

Right on cue, purple faults appeared on the creature, a strange phenomenon Selani's body tensed at right until Gunhild came and retrained the monster. A perfect opportunity for an arrow, Selani's hands screamed, but her mind had other plans. That thing's body sure as hell wasn't friendly, but whatever was inside seemed talkative and eager to leave. She could take advantage of that. "Woah! Everyone, hold on now! Something's not quite right here!" Selani shouted, raising a hand high. She stared at the squirming monster in Gunhild's grip and stowed away her bow after a shaky sigh. If she were right, there'd be no more need for it. "Somethin' in there wants to talk. So, let's talk."

Selani carefully approached the restrained monster, not before giving Gunhild a wary nod. "You keep em' held up tight now, Gunhild," She warned as she looked at the monster. At this distance, with those purple lights emanating, it looked even more supernatural than before. That kitsune could lend a hand here; he'd a knack for these things. "Kota, was it? Back me up here?" Selani called warmly over her shoulder before refocusing on the creature with a much louder tone, "Dunno if you can listen to us, but we sure can hear you. Don't wanna fight neither; we're just trying to find someone on this island to talk to. Could be you, if we all just calm down."

Pausing, Selani looked over the creature again, crossing her arms, "You keep sayin' you're stuck inside. How'd you end up like this? And how the hell do you expect us to get you out?" She quirked her head to the side. "Said something about 'agitating' spirits, too. Did they do this to ya?"

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Femboy Femboy The Last Curse The Last Curse

The reaction the monster gave once Kota striked its weak point was strange. He expected it to be injured but cracking with a glow was entirely new to the kitsune. The voice from within would begin to panic stating that they were making the situation worse. It was safe to assume this blame was mostly placed on Kota since his strike was the one to cause a major reaction.

Now enraged, the creature would attempt to take a chunk out of Kota and the two other constructs. Instinctively, Kota would try to back step and counter with a move of his own. Thankfully Gunhild came to the rescue which earned a sigh of relief from Kota.

“Thanks” he nodded to the large beastkin, before walking up to the creature. With Gunhild restraining the monster, he would be able to get a good assessment of the damage done as well as speak with the voice within. Selani also seemed to feel off about the situation and called for the others to stop fighting. Kota had to admit, it did feel a bit off. His instinct was telling him to destroy this monster and not to give into chance. His gut on the other hand was to tell him not to be so hasty considering a life might be at risk. Selani made the point of letting the monster or whatever was inside to talk. She would ask for the Kitsune to back her up which Kota would agree to without hesitation.

While Selani did most of the talking while he made the attempt to gain more information from the creature. “I’m going to try something, watch my back, hold ‘em nice and steady Gunny” Kota said to Selani and Gunhild before placing a hand on the creature's lower torso and focusing on his senses.

  1. Approach the creature
  2. Place a hand on the creature and use Apprasial F + Sixth sense F(Spirits) to gain more knowledge.

Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"

Femboy Femboy The Last Curse The Last Curse SixSense SixSense -Random_Person- -Random_Person- Gears Gears

It wasn't lost on Teuihua that the chances of them figuring out where that golem had been heading wasn't great, unless maybe it left some imprint in the ground from where it had been walking, but that wouldn't be certain. Perhaps there was a new primary objective beyond protecting those in the party which he could focus in on instead. Thankfully between his strike knocking the monster like creature over and Gunhild now grappling it to hold it in place, while Teuihua kept his attention on it, particularly as it's surface shifted. He listened to what Selani had to say deciding he was okay listening for the time being, ready to act in a moment's noticed if the situation called for it with escalating force if need be.

"Thank you Gunhild." Teuihua paused before continuing,

"Very well, I will be on standby then. Teuihua said also keeping an eye on any other creature that decided it wanted to stay around it seemed with his 360 degree vision.

With his [Mediator] title Teuihua also spoke up, "If you do not wish us to do you harm, as Selani asks, could you please explain your current situation, I would also like to ask your intention and why you are where you seem to be?"

Teuihua continued to keep his focus all around, keeping the systems revved if he needed to start fighting the smaller more traditional looking ones as well.

"If we were to release you I am certain we could use some information about this place and it's people if you had any knowledge on them." He also added in.

- This character defused a situation using the power of words and steadfast conviction

Interactions: Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense The Last Curse The Last Curse

Librarian quickly backed off to avoid being caught under the beast as it fell over and was restrained, Sword-Staff still in hand, Librarian still was ready to strike, still not sure. But when Selani yelled at everyone to “Hold on now”, Librarian nodded and lowered his weapon. He watched the party try to talk to the voice, but Librarian didn’t want to talk to the voice. He doesn’t like talking to things he can’t see. He only spoke a simple “Interesting…” before putting away his Sword-Staff and finally approaching the monster. He awaited a response to the other’s questions for the voice before asking his own inquiry after deciding that his refusal to speak to the voice was illogical. “What can we address you by, do you have a name?” Librarian asked, wondering if the voice was just the monster, or something else.
Short post because irl busy. Reminder for those who aren't posting to do so. NeramoDJI NeramoDJI 1Lucker 1Lucker Gears Gears

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gears Gears -Random_Person- -Random_Person- SixSense SixSense The Last Curse The Last Curse
The monster who Gunhild was currently holding back didn't hold any hesitance or pause in its wanted desire to continue attacking, held back from doing so from the moment as those in the group chose to make a conversation with said voice.
Gunhild wasn't at all happy with the present of the monster, raising an eyebrow and snuffing at the suggestion that they should talk it out with the thing as she looked to Selani. Hearing her interest in taking said approach, she took a quick look to see the other members of the group were willing to take the same route as they forwarded their own questions or interests, grumbling quietly not having to want to deal with such a monster in their presence.
"Fine. Make do fast words... " Gunhild mumbled as she waited for people to get their questions asked by the inner voice of the strange creature. This wasn't how she was expecting the day to go at all.

"Oh, well uh, you know, getting out of this thing seems simple enough as an ask right? I'm sure anybody would like to be out of a wild creature they're eaten by, right? Oh, I was kinda minding my own business and wandering around and this weird rock snatched me up and I've been stuck in here for a while. It's not the first time, i-it's just not usually this difficult to get out... " the voice answered to Selani, clearly able to hear her and the others outside by now as the voice continued.

"Aggravated spirits? W-well spirits tend to follow me around a lot, right? Ghosts and spookies, I guess I have a weird tendency to be followed by weird supernatural and mythical stuffs. W-well some of those little spirity friends, they're not harmful or anything at all, but they get a little upset if they're harassed and stuff like any spookies and I guess they're just in here with me and something riled them all up all of a sudden, you can feel a cold breeze and sharp tingles and stuff when it happens... " the voice added. Kota's own spirit sensing on such a close level would at most let them tell that the strength of the spirit(s) present weren't very powerful, and were most obviously not part of the rock monster thing. The voice would next address the two constructs.

"U-uh, my intent is to... not be in here, if you can get me out any way possible. I haven't been in one of these too long and I get the feeling it's probably not a good idea when they feed off, like mana and energy-stuffs like that, I think... if you need a guide or anything, I could probably help, i-if you're not going to hurt me that is. Some of the creatures like this are aware everything in the ecosystem kinda just feeds back into itself, so they capture high value prey and food just to lure and bait lesser creatures to it. I know about the creatures and locations and inhabitants and all the old ruins and stuff on this island, a-at least quite a few of them and stuff, I've been studying a little, haven't had much else to do but try to live since I appeared here, you know? Maybe you don't, right, just... pretend, o-or something... " they answered to Teuihua before hearing Librarian's question if the voice had a name.

"O-oh right, I should've lead with that. I'm Miyuki, this monster thing is n-not my friend, I just showed up here kinda accidentally one day with some family, i-is that enough of an answer?... " the voice asked in questioning that the things they said were enough of what was wanted out of answering by the group, Gunhild not paying much concern or answer until the voice confirmed their name and immediately appearing more interested.

"Miyuki! Gunhild found floofa. Metalmans, this Gunhild friend!" Gunhild answered with a smile to her favourite rock, nonchalantly holding the aggravated monster still.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Develius Develius 1Lucker 1Lucker
Chiyoko simply giggled quietly at Baharius' reaction of what she spoke about the little dinosaurs, gently swaying from side to side as she continued to hold one which would eventually be taken by Griffin. Shaking her head and thinking nothing of it, she instead just picked up another one.
"Oh they're harmless, I'm like a lot percent sure! Mama thinks that I'm not... that word when you notice or figure things out, but I'm preeetty sure she just doesn't want me to keep one as a pet right now. I saw some little guys like these and I asked and begged her many times and she just kept coming up with excuses on why we can't! Does this look like the face of evil to you?" Chiyoko asked as she held up one of the little 'soapasaurs' to show Baharius and Griffin, it simply not even reacting or moving much at all as she did.

"My mama isn't someone whose very like, rough or scary or anything, she's like the nicest and kindest person I know! I don't really remember much how we got here but I do know that mama was this really popular celebrity person that a lot of people loved because she was very pretty and genuine. Though she's trying to pretend to be really brave and cool now that she's here because she doesn't have anyone cool or strong to help protect us so she's trying to act brave herself but I don't think she's very good at it, though she cares though. Usually she just has smart family or business peoples or an army of fans or this big grammatically challenged lizard to help them but they're not around. I feel like we should've seen that big lizard by now but it doesn't seem like they showed up anywhere on this island, or that we just haven't found them yet. There's a whole bunch of cool caves underneath the island but mama doesn't want to go down there at all, which is weird since it feels like that's where Gunhild would probably be, the big lizard. They really like eachother, I don't know why though. Probably because they're both really old like grandmas but look really good for their age, I hope I maintain myself like that when I get as old as them" Chiyoko rambled on aimlessly rather distracted before coming back to her senses, looking at the soapasaur in her hands and eventually putting it back down on the floor.

"I'm sure we can find your friendies no problem if you wanted to go look for them, as long as you probably saw what way they walked off, I'm sure we can find them no biggie. Besides, it's not like the weird blood cult like meeting new people or talking or making friends or anything, they're too busy with... blood cult stuff, as one does".​

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