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Realistic or Modern •Johns University•

She looked up to the girl."I don't need help,it's fine" Nora just replied maybe a bit coldly.She just stuffed the pieces of paper in her folder quickly before she looked up to Harley.She then introduced herself,"Nora",then held out her hand for a hand shake.
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Serenity glanced up at Eli before continuing to watch where she was going as she walked. "Well," she began, smiling. "I love to sing, as well as play several instruments," she replied. "What about yourself?" She asked, genuinely interested. Serenity played with one of the rings on her finger, twirling it around a bit. She made a mental note to edit a few of the pictures she had taken before coming to the university. She ran her fingers along the hallway wall as she awaited patiently for his answer.

Eli nodded a little as she spoke about her interest. He couldn't help but to wonder what her voice would sound like when she sang, or what it would sound like when she'd play something. Now that he thought about it, he never really had any other hobbies than art. The only thing he actually liked to do was to paint. Sure there were some minor things like reading or listening to music, but nothing far too interesting. "As you probably realised earlier, I paint and such." Eli began with a smile on his lips. "But besides that, its not that much to talk about. But I do like to watch the night-sky."
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Serenity smiled at the last part. "I find myself doing that quite often," she said softly. The small, imperfect defects of her cheeks-what you would call dimples-reappeared in her cheeks. "I absolutely love the stars," Serenity said, looking up at Eli. They walked down the corridor, past groups of students, and others checking in to their dorm. She looked down at her vintage watch, checking the time. It wasn't yet time to eat, they still had plenty of time to spare for exploring the place. Serenity hummed the chorus of a song that she had recently written, which was quite catchy, really. She turned back to Eli. "What's your favourite colour?" Serenity asked.
"It's not just the stars that are beautiful, it's the whole picture. When you sit there, in the freezing cold, wrapped up in a blanket and you look up at the sky. The whole world feels so small." Eli said, dreaming away a little. It was true, everything he said, just a simple look at the sky could make him full out amazed. Honestly, he could be seen sitting outside for hours, not caring the slightest about sleep. After a while of dazing off, he hear her speak once again. He snapped back to reality and turned towards her, smiling a little. "You can't possibly ask me to choose just one. It's pretty much an insult." He said as a joke and placed a hand on the left side of his gest to gesture how sarcastically offended he was. "But let's just say the more natural side of the palette." He said with a slight laugh at his previous statement.
Serenity giggled softly. "Oh, that's right, I forgot for half a second that you're an artist," she said, nodding. "I hope they have few clouds over here. I'd love to sit and watch the clear sky at night. You should come too!" Serenity said, smiling widely and tugging on Eli's arm a bit. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her interesting coloured eyes put on display a bit more. Serenity let go of Eli's arm and smiled, standing on her tip toes to become taller. Of course it didn't do much. She still didn't pass his shoulder. Serenity huffed and blew air out of her cheeks.
Eli blinked a few times, a little bit surprised that she actually invited him. "Sure thing, love. The sky here really is something different." He said and scratched his neck a little. Eli looked up from the ground and out the large window that opened up to the world outside. It wasn't far too special, not the view from here. Sure it was beautiful, but it wasn't breathtaking, it was just a view over a town. But what really caught his eyes were the garden below, right outside. The garden was filled with roses and their thorns, a pond with it's lilypads and small birds that flew from tree to tree. In the middle of the freshly cut lawn stood a gazeebo. Not the kind made of oak. No, this one was made out of marble with iron decorations on the roof. "Now that's different" He mumbled as he stopped to gaze out the window.
Serenity walked over to the window, looking down. "Wow," she breathed. Serenity placed her hand on the window. "That's beautiful," she smiled, looking up at Eli and back down at the view below. "We must go down there," Serenity said, smiling widely. She rocked back and forth on her heels, watching the birds. Serenity peered down at the garden and her eyes wandered over to the beautifully made gazebo that stood in the centre of it all. "I could take some great pictures down there," Serenity thought out loud, feeling her neck again. My camera's still in my room, she reminded herself, sighing softly as she looked over the peculiar-but amazing- view of the garden and gazebo.
Harley shook it, "Well sorry for trying to help because I rarely do it" she said, than walking away. Harley began walking around she looked down at her phone making a new playlist, she than began walking around than to the Gazebo she sat on the edge her feet dangling. as she listen to some soft music, and texting.
Eli's face lit up in a grin as he turned towards her. "Well, come on then!" He said and grabbed her wrist while he ran off, not certain about where he the door was. "Hey, you mind if we stop by my dorm? I really want to get some things." Eli said and turned his head back towards Serenity as he continued to run. He really hoped that she would manage to keep up with him, his legs were longer than hers and as they realised earlier, his pace was quicker as well. And the fact that he really wanted to see that gazeebo made his pace increase a little more out of excitement.
"As long as we can pick up something from mine as well!" Serenity exclaimed, managing to keep up, loving the enthusiasm of Eli as they made their way towards their dorm rooms. The pictures, the pictures. So many beautiful ones. Visions of the gardens creating a front scene for the gazebo came into her head, which made her all the more excited to run to get her camera. She smiled, anxious to get outside.
"Allright, but be quick! We only have a little while before lunch." Eli grinned back at Serenity before he turned back to see where he was going. There was this special aura about pretty gardens, they could wipe away the breath of any living creature. Even those who seemed to have no hearts. Also, a gazeebo couldn't hurt anyone. No, they would enlighten each gloomy day. Snapping out of his thoughts, he saw a door that read 102A, his dormnumber. All too suddenly he stopped and let go of her wrist to fish up the key he had in his pocket. "If you go get your things, I'll meet you by the main entrance in five." Eli smiled gently and unlocked the door to his dorm.
Serenity smiled, nodding her head and sliding her hand in her back pocket to get her key. She slid it into the slot, turning it till it opened. Serenity ran straight over to her suitcase, taking out her handheld camera, along with her bigger one that had a tripod. She slid a bag over her shoulder that held the lenses for the cameras. Serenity smiled even more, excited for the fact she was going to take snapshots and create memories with such a beautiful place. She's been to many countries, beautiful countries, but this one garden seemed to surreal and calm, not flocked with too much of anything. It was beautiful. The garden was gorgeous, with it's pretty coloured flowers, along with the gazebo, that had a certain uniqueness to it. They were the types of things Serenity wanted for photos.

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