•Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬

Autumn felt herself begin to panic, but surpressed it. she worked furiously, undressing and redressing wounds. the blood finally stopped but Autumn wasnt sure if she was too late or not. she managed to find some moss, and she soaked it in water and brought it for the young cat to drink, if she had the stregth to do so. she continued to clean up the young cat, dressing minor wounds, and still doing what she could for the bad ones. she felt herself getting tired but never stopped working. she was not about to let such a young cat die.
Kaleb read the hunger in the Queen's eyes for a moment before they settled on determination. Whether it was to leave or fend for herself he did not know but he had caught it with the intention of giving it to her any ways. His sister was like that in someways but he knew that Samie would have taken the kill anyways for her kit and thanked him later. This Queen had no kit at least that he could see and smell no other kit in the air besides the two with his sibling and the Tom. With a shrug of his shoulders, Kaleb stood up and leapt onto the forest floor.

"No matter what you say it was for you. A Queen should only hunt when she is practicing to defend herself or when she is in need to teach her kits. It should be the tom's duty to fend for any female. Though it is not common among felines, I follow my kin in the traditions. Have the kill. It is fresh and warm still. If not then bury it and save it for when you need it. I need to get back to my sister and her kit." he purred as he walked away, his steps silent and his movements steady.

With one more glance over his shoulder, Kaleb mewed, "You are welcome in our territory if you are in need of shelter or protection. Thank you." before he disappeared behind a large trunk and raced toward his kin, his tail racing behind him like a red flag.
Hazel gazed after the fiery tom as he darted away, she could hear him racing through the fallen leaves long after she lost him in the tree trunks. His words only confirmed her suspicions that every tom has some desire to control a queen. Even though he thought he was being kind and generous his statement made her gender seem weak. She did not need a tom to take care of her and she protected herself. Despite this she still had a fresh kill to deal with and she was not one to waste things. Hazel lowered herself from the root and sniffed at the mouse. It was still warm and to let it sit would be a shame; she checked to make sure no one was looking before grasping it in her jaws and leaping into the tree.

Within moments the mouse was gone and all that was left was a pile of bones scattered among the roots. The queen stood up carefully and looked down at the mossy floor. Some trees hid perfectly good dens among their roots and Hazel needed a place to stay for at least a few days. As she gazed leisurely her mind began to wander and realized she had never gathered the tom’s name, all that mewling without exchanging something so simple. Sighing she lept from the tree and investigated more closely a few hollowed trunks and finally settled on one not easily seen. The den was covered by a tangle of roots but opened up once she reached the actual base of the tree.
Kaleb practically purred as he raced toward his sibling and her kit, his heart pounding with excitement and happiness that he had met at least one queen not so snide or wanton in her demeanor. She had also been very pretty and easy on the eyes, her shortened tail cute and appealing compared to other Queens who had lavishly long furred tails. The hope that not all Queens were as bad as he had seen grew like a tiny flame in his mind and heart making him more jovial.

Scenting that the Tom and his kin were close still to the tree line, Kaleb sprang out from the foliage and nearly landed on Samie as her head whipped toward him in shock and bewilderment as his sudden appearance. He managed at the last moment to avoid colliding with her as Samie ducked her head and Kaleb stretched out to fly over her, his feet stumbling under him as he landed and making him roll clumsily behind the Queen. With a mew of laughter he sprang up once he unfolded himself and raced over to Samie who glared at him in warning, but he ignored her like usual and leapt onto her, his chest rumbling with happiness and he pushed her around and tried to nudge her to play. Samie was still in some shock though she knew he meant to play and rough her up. She could do no more than try to swipe at her brother as he batted a paw at her in playfulness, but after a few more jabs from him she snapped out of her state of surprise and pushed Kaleb off of her, her back legs digging into the Tom's stomach for leverage as she swatted with her front paws at his legs and head. Kaleb got the message and moved off of her but his purring did not stop as he sat wiggling his tail playfully still.

"What in the world is wrong with you?!" Samie hissed as she looked at the kits that had stopped and stared at Kaleb and her in wonder.

Kaleb shrugged and began to walk around her like a predator entrapping its prey. Samie hissed at him then and tried to leap away from him but Kaleb stalked her and pounced in her way. Having no choice but to wait for his attack Samie bared her fangs and hissed more, her tail flickering back and forth behind her to indicate her reluctance to submit. Kaleb's eyes never strayed from her own and soon he was in the air again, diving for her as he outstretched his paws to tackle her. Samie read his moves though and as soon as his legs left the ground, so did hers and she sprang toward the left, landing quickly and twisting to jump onto his back as he landed empty handed in the spot she had previously been. As soon as she was on his back she began to nip at him around his neck and his ear, drawing small yips and yowls of pain as she bit harder and harder each time. Kaleb finally bucked her off and backed away from her, his eyes pouting.

"You didn't have to be so rough!" he mewed in a hurt voice, his eyes glaring slightly at her as he brought a paw closer to lick and flick over his abused long ears.

Samie purred with her victory and walked away from him and back toward the kits who had been staring intently. Her eyes soon found the Big Gray Tom's though and in embarrassment of having forgotten he was there, she ducked her head and laid down a ways from him, her tail curling around her to protect her from the other's stare.
Sand looked towards the sky, the pain melted away and she felt a pleasant feeling in the pit of her stomach. She bared her teeth and she felt the life slipping from her quickly, She began to purr with delight, he eyes got pale as well as her gums, she didn't closer her eyes, and let her chest stop heaving, the blood around her thickened, she stopped bleeding and her body began to stiffen.

The dog growled he jumped off of Egan, and was about to roll on the ground and crush Ash, but ash was smart, once the dog rolled Ash took his chanced and rolled the opposite way, He unsheathed his claws when doing so and the dog yowled in pain as her rolled onto his back, The dog laid on his side for a second and Egan took his chance he sunk his claws deep into the throat of the dog and ripped downwards, the other two dogs had gone and Egan was left with a strange tom in his territory and the will to fight again.
Autumn watched in horror as the young cats life slipped away. she stopped her work, exhausted and lay next to the she-cat. Autumn got a chill and felt her mood plummet. she couldnt do anything. she was helpless. she didnt know why such a young cat had to die.
(Eep! Sorry for my absence)

Patches was just as enthusiastic to meet the other kit as he was to meet her. Traveling with Gray was so boring! They never got to talk to any cats! As soon as the other kit finished speaking, she responded with her own quickfire response; "Big cats? Ha, who cares about them? I can take on any rogue!" she crouched and leapt onto a stray leaf nearby with a yowl.

Gray sat nearby, watching. He was a little amused; for a house cat, the kit was certainly enthusiastic.

He looked back up at the queen before him; but before he could do anything, his ears twitched and he turned to look back into the forest. "Did you hear something?" he asked, but, over the kits, he didn't hear anything else. What had it been? Gray hadn't been able to place the sound, but it hadn't sounded peaceful.

A little while later, Kaleb leaped out of the trees, jolting Gray to his paws as he reacted immediately. He recognized the tom, though, and his body relaxed; instead, he slowly sat again as the two siblings tussled. Patches paused as well, staring at the two cats.

Gray watched silently as they parted, with Samie as a victor. The queen suddenly seemed to notice that he was there, and looked down, embarrassed. The rogue had never known his siblings... Let alone be close enough to playfight with them. He was a solitary creature.

Patches recovered quickly. "Wow, that was cool!" she said, bounding up onto her paws. "You two are really good fighters!" When her mother had died and Gray had taken her, the kit had taken the change from kittypet to rogue in stride, eager to learn how to hunt and fight- especially after she tasted real meat for the first time. "I bet Gray could beat you, though!"

Gray looked at Samie, then broke eye contact and regarded the kits instead, making no claims one way or the other. "I wish I had a brother to play with," Patches added wistfully. She looked at Connor, and, deciding he would do, leaped towards him once more.
(As long as you do at some point its totally fine! xD )

Connor looked at the female kit with a bit of wonder before he mewed back at her with a huffed, "No one can beat my mom! She's the best in the whole feline race!", while Kaleb grunted at him making Connor hiss at him slightly before he was tackled by the other kit.

Samie shook her head at her Connor's words but smiled at the two kits appraisal and yawned as the afternoon sun warmed her fur and calmed her adrenaline rushed nerves from Kaleb's playfulness. Her long ears perked half at the kits and half at the two Toms that were off to her right, listening for anything abnormal. She detected nothing but still kept alert. Kaleb watched the kits wrestle and sat beside Gray and his sister as his tail flicked the latter in a bored teasing fashion. Samie ignored it for the most part but soon whipped her tail at him in retaliation drawing a hiss from her brother.

"Stupid Idiot...." she whispered before scooting away from him and getting closer to the kits without their notice.

Connor after scrambling out from under Patches pounced on her and tried to nip at her ears and neck, remembering that play fighting was practice for real fighting but without your fangs and claws. He was mindful of his tiny fangs on her furred skin but couldn't help a real nip here or there to get her to fight back a little rougher. His paws which were a little too big for his small kit body wrapped around the female kit and tried to keep her in one place as he playfully tried pinning her. He wasn't use to other kits besides for an alley one that had long been gone due to the infestation of more humans trying to build more houses. With his mind preoccupied and his limbs tangled in the kits Connor couldn't do anything about Samie pouncing on the two kits and nuzzling both of them in spots that would tickle, drawing a purred hiss from Connor as he tried to get away but no success. The Queen used her tail to enhance the attack of tickling on both kits and purred with satisfaction when she drew more mewing protests of laughter.

Kaleb watched with amusement and protectiveness at his small family and the new kit, his eyes shining with affection at the scene of his sister being a common motherly feline that she should be. After a while he turned his attention to the Gray next to him.

"Are you new around these parts? Not many venture into Rogue Territory with a Kit attached to their tails." he mewed in curiosity.
Patches mewed as Connor escaped and turned back on her, trying to duck away from his nips. Before she could draw back, though, he was trying to pin her with those awfully large paws of his. "Hey!" the kit called, squirming. Recalling what Gray had once told her, she pushed and rolled over, trying to get Connor to lose his foothold or at least let her get out from under him!

Gray watched curiously, observing Patches' movement, as her plans were foiled by Samie's attack. With a squeak and a mew of uncontrollable laughter, the kit tried to paw her way out. "No fair! I'm ticklish!"

The rogue looked up as the other tom spoke, examining him closely for the first time. The cat looked strange- his coloring and ears looking almost akin to a fox's, much like his sister. It wasn't anything Gray had ever seen before. "I'm just passing through," he responded. "We come from the city," he mewed, looking over to the direction he'd travelled from; "and I'm trying to find someplace safe for Patches." This place seems peaceful, he added in his head, listening to the kits' mewls of laughter.
Samie purred even more and nipped playfully both kits ears before she moved off of them, releasing her hold on the struggling little vibrating balls of fur that tried regaining their breathing. Connor panted and purred with delight as soon as his mother removed her weight from them and practically crawled further away from the two females. Laying on the ground a bit from them he curled into a ball and buried his nose into his fur, soaking up the warm sun as his mother had done just before she attacked them.

"These parts can be either or depending on which side you take. If you head back into the Forest you can only reach the Rogue's Territory or another human clan. Behind us where those run down old apartments are is where we live and thrive. Many humans decided since there was too many mice and rat infestations that it was unfit to live and left the whole place to survive a couple of miles down the road. The left furniture and blankets, clothes and even some pet things when they did leave. That's how Samie found Connor. He was left behind and scared to death. Being good with the Queen who had birthed him but not knowing him personally made things a bit tough at first but Sam always adores kits and was a natural mother as soon as she looked at him." Kaleb purred at the other Tom, his green eyes looking over at his sister and locking with a pair of sea green.

"If you continue to the left of us you only meet mutts that were left by their owners and that have formed packs. They usually stay in their own turfs but they do come sniffing up the wrong alley to look for stray cats or other prey to hunt. The right is unmarked territory and though some felines had gone that way and made small clans their is no trouble there. My brother and I came from there after leaving our humans from the much larger city past rogue territory also, but we have claimed these homes and open lots for ourselves to live and make our own families. Many that go to the unmarked territory usually have kits and are welcoming to others, though still untrusting at first of strays." Samie joined in the conversation, her tail lightly flowing behind her and swinging back and forth as she walked.

She smiled at the other tom and sat near but her eyes stayed strayed toward the two kits to make sure they were in range. Her slightly fluffy tail curled around her legs and her ears swirled back and forth between the kits and the natural noises made from the forest. The wind was starting to pick up as the day waned on but it was still a soft warm breeze carrying through the branches and leaves of the forest. As it blew into the clearing Samie and Kaleb both scented the air, their small muzzles lifting into the air to catch anything not wanted. Only the smells of rodents could be scented but a small hint of rabbit seemed to come also. Samie looked at her brother then and motioned with her tail to seek it out, knowing the Connor and Patches would be getting hungry after their play, and that they themselves would be needing food soon.

"On it!" Kaleb said as he sprang up on to his limbs and raced off toward the area said to be unmarked Territory, his large paws barely hitting the ground in his quest for the prey he sought.

Connor raised his head to look at Kaleb sprint off into the woods, the Tom and Father figure silent as he ran but his vibrant color still catching the suns rays when he raced under branches that had the light peeking through them.
Gray considered the information that the two siblings had readily shared, nodding as they talked. His tailed meandered lazily over the grass. It seemed like settling down in the unmarked territory- perhaps finding a small clan- could be a good choice. However, the rogue had always survived alone, and settling down with a group would be hard for him. Gray had been a wanderer before he met Raindrops, and even after, he could never stay in one spot for long.

But now the queen was dead, and Gray needed to care for her kit. The house folk city was too perilous, and the rogues' woods equally so; he needed to find a home where Patches could be raised, safely, with friends, and food. A wanderer's life was not one for a cherished kit.

And, hearing of the abandoned houses and the lone families, Gray had the perfect options. They didn't need a whole clan; just some company. And even if Kaleb and Samie had no place for them, there were others in the unmarked territory that might.

Right now, all he needed to do was rest.

As the two siblings lifted their noses to the breeze, Grey did likewise, scenting for animals. There seemed to be an abundance of prey here, at least. He hadn't been especially hungry- he'd hunted for Patches in the woods- but now that he smelled the prey, he decided he could do with a meal. When Kaleb raced off to hunt for food, Gray rose to his paws as well. "I'll go as well," he commented to Samie, and dashed off in the direction of the long-eared tom had.

Patches had rolled away from Connor, recovering from her laughter attack. She hopped back onto her feet when she regained her breath, looking a little ragged but no worse for the wear; seeing her friend curled up, she stretched and then laid down by him, tail settling down after a little.
Samirah watched as the two males left the clearing, heading off to hunt. It had been a long time since she had met another calm Tom that did not immediately want to fight. It was nice and she relished in the feel of companionship. Letting her eyes drift over toward the two kits, she noticed them falling into a light slumber.

Connor, upon feeling the female kit laying by him, moved toward Patches and curled into her, his tail though small it was had still been long enough to wrap around the other kits back legs in a gesture most kits showed to siblings. Purring a bit in satisfaction he closed his eyes once again, rested his head against Patches on his paws and fell asleep almost instantly.

Samirah followed Connors lead and moved to lay beside them, her tail bringing both kits close against her reddish fur in a protective motherly manner as her eyes stayed open to keep watch for Predators. The sights and the sounds of the forest were calm and the breeze wafted through the clearing once again.

Kaleb slowed his steps as he neared the unsuspecting rabbit the size of a small piglet. He had taken to the shadows so the light would not give him away and he moved downwind so the prey couldn't detect his scent. Folding back his ears to stay hidden in the foliage of the brush and grass, Kaleb moved with the trained stealth of any good feline, his paws barely making any noise as he moved over fallen leaves and twigs. His tail stayed as still as possible, only the very tip twitching with anticipation of the kill. His eyes stayed glued to his victim and his body lowered closer to the ground as he crouched ready to spring on it. The presence of the Gray Tom drew his attention for an instant but he returned his focus to the rabbit as it grazed happily on the fresh green grass around it.
Patches felt the warm fur of Connor pressing into her side, and she leaned into his body as well, tail waving lazily. She had never met her littermates before; the only family she'd ever known was Raindrops, and now- to an extent- starchy old Gray. But it felt nice to be resting by another kit, and it felt natural to fall asleep in the comfort of another body.

She'd thank Gray later, for bringing them to this place- but now, she just purred and rested her head by Connor's. She vaguely felt Samie brushing her other side, but she was too far asleep to really notice, her tail finally winding down to rest curled up by her.

Off where Kaleb was hunting, the large gray tom had caught up. He admired the other's speed and stealth, and lightened his steps so that he would not scare the prey away; his keen eyesight was focused on the tom some ways forward. Kaleb was crouching to the ground, in preparation for a lunge, and Gray crept forward to observe. He stuck to the bushes, making sure to be quiet. Turning his attention to the rabbit, he sized it up as if hunting it himself; but it was the other tom's kill. Kaleb was, in fact, about ready to attack.

The large rogue's memories suddenly popped to mind, instincts immediately labeling Kaleb as a rival. The situation had happened too many times before; another cat trying to seize his kill, another cat trying to take his meals.

Gray shifted sharply as he tried to dispel the thought. He'd lived alone for far too long; not everybody was competition now. Kaleb was an acquaintance. This was his kill. But, the rogue's movement had alerted the rabbit. Lifting its head, it was trying to detect the source of the sound.

The cat hardly dared breath. He may have messed it up for the other rogue- a stupid mistake. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Kaleb had heard the Tom and seen the rabbit move, his own body freezing in the grass as he waited for the prey to rush off into the wooded area.

The rabbit merely stood still and scanned the well flushed forest, its beady eyes trying to find the source of the suddenly loud intrusion. A fluttering movement caught its gaze and its head quickly snapped to it, as its legs began to ready its launch off into protection. It calmed though once it had seen what it was, hopped a few paces closer to Kaleb's awaiting body and scanned the area once more before lowering it's head very slowly back down to eat its meal, its long ears flinching at every single noise now.

Kaleb was glad for the butterflies distraction and obvious reaction the rabbit had summed up for it. He would have been disappointed if it would have been so spooked by the small insect to flee before he had a chance to make his own attack, but with the relaxing form of the rabbit came the renewed chance to spring. Without hesitation, Kaleb swiftly re-evaluated his position, the location of the rabbit and distance as his paws stood on the balls of his pads and he leapt from his hidden position. His deadly claws unsheathed and his eyes locked on its target, the rabbit barely had time to look up and move an inch before Kaleb pounced on it and with practiced experience, locked his jaw around the preys neck and finished the hunt. With a quick jerk to make sure it was indeed ready, Kaleb dropped his kill and looked at the Gray as his tail twitched in both irritation and humor.

"Well that was almost a devastation my sister would have stuck her claws in me for. She loves rabbit." he mewed with a bit of laughter before he shifted his green gaze at a bird flying over head away from them.

When it was out of sight Kaleb looked back at Gray and with a few last words picked up his kill and began to trot back toward his sibling and the kits.

"Hopefully next time the prey will be less spooked by a "butterfly" and will stay content on eating its fill."
Ash panted his tail fluffed up and his paws covered in blood, Egan growled loudly, He had a few cuts, but most of the blood was the dogs, He swallowed hard and tried making his pelt lay flat, but it was so knotted with blood and his nervous were rattled, He didn't sheathed his claws, but let them sink into the soft earth below him.
Autumn sat solemnly. she pressed her nose into the she cats cold sandy fur. "im sorry" she murmered. she knew it would be difficult to bury her on her own, and she didnt know if the young she cat had been alone or not.
Fire watched from the woods, why was his sister not moving? Why wasn't she talking with the other she-cat? he pinned his ears back and took one step out of the woods, Quietly he mewed and stared at the she-cat and his sister.

Egan then remembered Autumn. He leaped over the tom and ran back to where he had left the she-cat, He sniffed where he had left her, then looked out into the field, he spotted her, with the wounded she-cat, And a young tom peeking out of the woods, He then knew the worse of the wounded she-cat.
Autumn looked from the young tom cat to Egan and back to the lifeless she-cat. she was trembling, she was still in shock of what just happened. she couldnt move she was upset.
Egan went over to her and stood over Autumn "You did good." he meowed and pressed his nose against Autumn's cheek "Only the good die young." and he let his tail lay over hers.

i made a new rp, you should check it out(:
Autumn was still trembling. Egans tail was comforting, but she was still shaken up. and what of the young tomcat?

((could you send me a link?))
Autumn shool her head at the tom. "im sorry" she mewed. her eyes clouded with greif for the dead cat and her living companion.
After constructing a small moss nest within her tree hollow den Hazel began to explore the depths of the territory. She stayed in the tree tops launching from branch to branch only touching the ground when it became necessary. She wanted to remain unseen for most of her journey and keep her scent away from the wandering noses of those rogues who were not always friendly. It wasn't that she couldn't hold her own in a fight it was more that she did not want a rogue stealing her den. If she was going to fight Hazel wanted it to actually mean something.
Jinx shook her head at Scourge as she mewed, "Did you really just come over here to scare me?" She sat up and was actually annoyed with him especially since he just walked away from her last time they were talking and now he scares her when she's going home, she feels like all he's doing is getting her attention to put her in a bad mood.
Scourge got off of her "No." He purred and licked his paw and dragged it over his right ear "Where are you going?" He meowed and turned and started to lick the fur on his back.

Fire cocked his head to the side, Not understanding what the she-cat was saying. He looked at his sister and then understood, His tail began to lash with fear, "No." he meowed quietly, taking a step back. His ears pinned against his head, his eyes locked on his lifeless litter mate.

Egan curled his tail around Autumn affectionately and defensively, encase the tom lashed out, Egan could spring into action.

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