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Fantasy Of Spells and Blades


New Member
Many years have passed since the war between Heaven and Hell began.

There are those who take the side of Heaven or Hell, but we fall into neither category.

We are the Twin Academies of Staff and Sword, established to teach those with the will to learn to fight.

We do not care if you fight for Heaven, Hell, or no side at all. We want to teach.

Now. In this rp, it will be assumed you have made it into the Academy of your choice, and will be staying there to study.

Now. Before we can enroll you, we need to confirm your information.

Please fill out the enclosed form.

An example has been included to help with this process.


Species: (please pick from the list and keep it reasonable. Some species are inherently made for certain roles. Dwarves make more efficient fighters than mages, for example, while ghosts are better at magic. Human, elf, dwarf, ghost, vampire, werewolf, Kitsune. Half-breeds are allowed)



Academy of your choice: (magic or weapon)

Area of study: (what weapon or element of magic will you be using)



Weapon: (if a wizard, what is your weapon or focus item to amplify magic, such as a staff? Only one per person, please.)

Power: (something unique to your character. Only one power per person, please.)

Other: (any odd quirks or physical attributes? Anything fun about you we should know?)


Name: Zarak

Species: human

Age: 21

Gender: male

Academy: Magic

Area of study: light magic

Appearance: tall, with wavy silver hair and sharp, alert blue eyes. He always wears a cloak, pure white, that covers him from the neck down.

He is well built, not too muscly or too skinny.

Personality: outgoing. Likes to be the center of attention, and is talkative and social.

He is a bit of a flirt, and will always hit up the cutest girl at a party first.

Weapon: a simple longsword

Power: telekinesis (can move things with his mind, power weakens with object's weight and distance from him.)

Other: he has a weakness for things that are cute, soft, and fluffy.

He always carries a little kitten, named Poofers, around with him, usually in the hood of his cloak.

Magic-users are allowed ONE simple weapon on campus. This can be anything from a sword to a gun. (Low tech, though. No guns, and the weapon cannot change form or be sentient.)

Weapon users and magic users go to class together, but train, eat, and sleep separately.

Furthermore, weapon users have a counterpart to magic in the form of "Battle Energy".

Battle Energy is harnessed from the user's body, not mind, but allows weapon users to pull incredible feats, rivaling their magi counterparts.

All these feats are offensive, not defensive or support-based.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Godmodding is not appreciated. It ruins the fun for everyone. If anyone is godmodding, I will give you a warning, then your character will be removed from the roleplay. Any further insistence that your character isn't gone will result in you being ignored. My definition of godmodding is a multi part definition.

1) Not letting other players respond to your actions.

2) Making your character invulnerable by actions. You can not dodge everything, nor can you block everything. Get creative with responses to get around problems.

3) Usurping the story from the DM (me). I made this story and a world to go along with it. You having your own area you came from is fine, but you cannot create enemy encounters, control enemies I create, or create new areas of the world without asking me privately first.

ALSO NOTE: Your character does not come here strong off the bat. Your characters come here to learn and grow. You may have some limited skill with magic, or a weapon, but you cannot be overpowered when coming here. It is a four year academy, and I have a breakdown of how your character compares to the rest of the world by school year:

Entering: Stronger than about 30% of the population

After year 1: Stronger than about 50% of the population

After year 2: Stronger than about 75% of the population

After Year 3: Stronger than about 90% of the population

Graduate: Stronger than 99% of the population.

You are entering as a freshman. No exceptions.
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The Academy looms before the new students, tall and imposing, an almost castle-like structure, complete with turrets and battlements, and students roaming around, giving glances at the new arrivals, being escorted by a pale, ghostly figure. A human girl, looking to be around 20, hovering approximately 2 feet off the ground. "This way~ This way~ Follow me~" She was sounding enthusiastic, although it was in a near monotone voice that, combined with her looks, was a tad creepy. "Stay with me and I'll show you to your dorms~"
"The couldn't have someone greet us from the physical plane of existence?" The slender dark elf girl commented with a touch of indignation as she followed the ghost girl. Her stride was confident and purposeful, she showed no reaction to the grand scene of the academy or the multitude of races present. "Not sure if offended or just annoyed."
The ghost girl looks at the dissenter. "Ah~" Her voice was still disinterested and monotone. "I happen to be your tour guide for today~ There are no differences between the species here, be they living or dead~ We are all here to learn~" She looks at the dark elf and smiled. "Well, I can't help how you feel~"
"At least i can feel."She said indicating her meaning of the word feel by both forming a small grin forming and put her hands together. She actually went out of her way to show the fingers touching. "Ow well could be alot worse i suppose. Well miss tour guide do you work."
Rissien watched the two quietly as they interracted, content to remain out of the conversation. He looked over his armour mindlessly and adjusted a few nicks. Then running his long fingers over the blade of his sword, searching for any imperfections. Sighing when he finished, Rissien decided to walk closer to the two girls and listen to thier conversation.
Katie looked at the massive castle-like building with awe. It was beautiful. Katie smiled and ran up to the front of the line, brushing her short hair behind her ear.
Abel looked about quietly enjoying the view of the school's activity and liveliness, slowly following behind the others and their guide. He re-positioned his backpack on his opposite shoulder and waited for his name to come up as the ghost girl, their guide, escorted everyone to their respective dorms. Abel looked about the other new arrivals and thought nothing less of them, they all sailed a similar boat. He swished his tail about and twitched his ears, staying alert and ready to bolt out of the line and sit his but in a comfortable bed. "I only hope I don't have a roommate" he said to himself.
Rissien walked up to the tailed boy with the backpack and stood beside him. The elve's armour shining in the light and clinking at the movement of Rissien's breathing. Rissien simply made a small and near unnoticable nod to the other and Rissien sat down cross-legged. Despite his carefree look, Rissien was quite tense and alert, ready to make any sudden movements and his hand was near the hilt of his sword.
Abel gazed at the elf in armour, scanning him up and down. To Abel, he wasn't a threat but definitely a challenge if they had to cross swords. He walked a bit forward, not too far from where he stood just a moment ago and turned back towards the elf. He raised a single brow and lowered an ear asking "What's with the get-up, traditional elf wear or something?"
Rissien looked up to Abel with a frown. "Traditional frost elf armour, yes. And I might ask about yourself." Rissien looked over Abel but didn't move, he held his right arm out and used his left hand to carefully shape the armour back into place. The normally chrome and blue armour was scorched black from fire and heat. Rissien didn't try to scrape off the charred metal as it would weaken the armour more than before by thinning it out instead of a smith's skill of repair.

((Ima go to bed now.. Night!))
"This" Abel asked? "Just an outfit. Not much to say about my taste in clothes" he said. Abel turned away from the elf and saw that the chat between the ghost girl and the other new arrival was still going on and the line stopped all movement. He sighed and crouched down, placing his back against the wall behind him and then turned back towards the elf in armour. "What's your name, frost elf?"
Rissien looked towards the now sitting male who asked the question. "Rissien." He spoke quietly and looked around, seeing the ghost girl speak with another new entry. "What's your name?" this time there was a slight tone of curiosity in Rissien's gentle voice.
The ghostly tour guide was showing the new students the whole campus, thoroughly disinterested in their personal squabbles and conversations. She soon arrived at the central building, a tower reaching up several dozen stories, the height putting almost all others to shame. "Now, if you would please form two lines, one for the school of magic, and one for the school of weaponry~"
Rissien nodded as the ghost girl told the students what was to be done. Walking smoothly to the line designated for weapon users, Rissien allowed a ghost of a smile as he was starting to get excited for the challenges and education to start.
Minerva gave a small smile as she noted another elf in the group. She studied him as she moved next him in line with other warriors. He was still of lower class then her but better than nothing in her opinion.
Rissien looked over the lines, observing every face equally before landing on a dark elf. It seems as though 'I am not the only elf here. Interesting..' The frost elf could still feel the restraint on the scorched piece of his armour and frowned while looking away, 'I need to get this repaired soon, especially before the classes begin.' Studying the armour plating on his arm, Rissien sighed while waiting for the lines to form completely amd for the ghost tour girl's actions and what she might do.
(Dang it, alerts have failed meeeee! I'm so sorry, let me post)

Satoshi had wandered around, following the ghostly tour guide. Interesting, he'd never seen a ghost before. Living in a desolate area in the mountain can really pull you away from the rest of the world. It was almost a miracle he'd heard of the school. Satoshi didn't say a word, or I should say, didn't write a word. The Kitsune was mute, only adding to his silent presence.

Next thing he knew, after walking about confused by the greatness of the place, they were coming to a slow. Well more curiously than confused. The buildings were truly awing, for he had knowledge of only smaller huts from his village. Satoshi nodded when the ghost lady had instructed to form two lines. The white haired male proceeded to stand in line with his fellow students. The Kitsune examined his surroundings, but mostly the students around him. His eyes landed on a halfblood, werewolf and human. Interesting, he'd never seen a halfbreed before. Next there was a female dark elf. They were proud creatures, as he had heard. A frost elf, hmm. Satoshi had see a few travel to his village once. They were interesting creatures, he didn't have much to think about them. He'd learn never to judge someone by appearances.
(Sorry I've been gone so long. Family stuff, and getting a job are my only "excuses". Again, sorry.)

The lines began to form and Abel stayed crouched against the wall waiting for it's completion. He preferred to be at the back of the line, from there he could scan the other students a lot more accurately than being in the middle and avoid unnecessary eye contact. "Hmm..." he said to himself scanning the opposite line first, those students who joined the school of magic, than his own line which were those who joined the school of weaponry. Abel showed a high lack of interest but had to admit that there were some suspicious and dangerous looking characters with him. Abel finally rose from his crouched position and joined the school of weaponry's line in the back. His ears twitched to the whispers of the many who stood in front or adjacent to him, but paid no attention to them. "At the very least" he started. "This'll either be fun or challenging considering the competition." Abel smirked and stood in line waiting for the next order of business from the ghost girl.

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